GM RePete's ~ The Hellknight's Feast

Game Master RePete


Discovery Options:

Senator Augustyn Naran of Andoran - Discovery: Knowledge Local or Sense Motive
Lady Vaelia of House Wintermark - Discovery: Knowledge History or Nobility
Lady Dyrianna of House Avenstar - Discovery: Diplomacy or Knowledge Local
Lord Rothos of House Vastille - Discovery: Knowledge Local or History
Scion Lord Kerkis of House Damaq - Discovery: Knowledge Nobility or Sense Motive
Lady Darchana of House Madinani - Discovery: Knowledge Planes or Spellcraft
Grand Ambassador Dremdhet Salhar - Discovery: Knowledge Local or Sense Motive

Current Influence Status:

Senator Augustyn Naran of Andoran
Lady Vaelia of House Wintermark
Lady Dyrianna of House Avenstar: 2 Success: Influenced
Lord Rothos of House Vastille: 1 Success: Influenced
Scion Lord Kerkis of House Damaq: 2 Success: Influenced
Lady Darchana of House Madinani: 2 Success: Influenced
Grand Ambassador Dremdhet Salhar: 2 Success: Influenced

A Pathfinder Society Scenario for characters of 5th to 9th level (Tier 5–9).

War between demons and the civilized peoples of the Inner Sea region has broken out in the Worldwound far to the north of Absalom, but despite the regional implications of an Abyssal victory, many nations are ambivalent toward the cause. The Pathfinder Society, at the urging of Silver Crusade leader Ollysta Zadrian, arranges a formal banquet to be hosted by newlyweds Michellia and Damian Blakros, at which the society's agents can attempt to sway the political opinions of Absalom's movers and shakers. Will the Pathfinders succeed in securing the much-needed military support of Absalom and other nations bordering the Inner Sea, or will the crusaders and Pathfinders fighting on the front lines in Mendev find themselves standing alone before the demonic hordes?

Written by Tom Phillips.