tbug |

Have any of you done anything with the aquatic elf community that's near the PCs' base? We know that Mase Darimar has acted as a spy on their behalf, and I'm guessing my PCs will want to raid that village.
I don't think I have an aquatic elf settlement in any of my Pathfinder or d20 resources. I'd happily purchase such a pdf, and welcome recommendations.

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Have any of you done anything with the aquatic elf community that's near the PCs' base? We know that Mase Darimar has acted as a spy on their behalf, and I'm guessing my PCs will want to raid that village.
I don't think I have an aquatic elf settlement in any of my Pathfinder or d20 resources. I'd happily purchase such a pdf, and welcome recommendations.
Sorry, I don't quite understand why your PCs would want to raid the village of the aquatic elves. I thought that if Captain Mase Darimar was impressed by the PCs he would present them with the gift of the horn of tritons. He would also tell his father, Deverel, about the PCs and that his father would visit the PCs later. What makes the PCs believe that the aquatic elves have hostile intent? Aren't the aquatic elves and Captain Mase Darimar potential allies of the PCs?

tbug |

Yes, but my PCs are hobgoblins, and they absolutely hate elves. Basically they don't have a good reason for wanting to raid that village but I think they're going to want to do so anyway. That being so, I figured I'd better at least prep for them to go on a scouting mission, but I don't actually know how to create an underwater elf town.

jimbob5555 |

I know this might be asking a lot but is there any chance anyone can make up the stats for the monsters with templates on them? I will probably end up doing it myself but seeing as it's hard to say which way the PC's will go at the start you don't really know which ones to prepare and so on..
But yeah I'm seriously looking forward to running this. It seems like a lot of fun.

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Well, I ran my guys through. They had a party of 7 characters and one NPC. We are doing the slow experience path, so mine are between 6th to 9th and they lost two characters and had one almost permanently lost. So, it is not only brutal, but a death trap at times.
The Greater Cyclops and the other Cyclops with the SA alone killed two.
And, I am adding another additional cyclops and Skinsaw cult section in a different location on the Island.

Dragonriderje |

My group just finished Book 3, and are ready to head over to their new island.
Does anyone have any kind of map or drawing of the Island of Empty Eyes that would be PC-friendly? I dont want to give them a copy of the map in the book because it notes every important spot on the island, but I know they'll probably have their druid do a high-altitude fly-over to get a lay of the land and spot the ruins/fort.
I am a terrible artist and don't currently have access to Photoshop, so if anyone has something like this it would be greatly appreciated.

Cassandra_e |
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My group is getting ready to start this part of the AP. I've read through the entire adventure, but have some issues with parts surrounding the party at the end. In particular, I don't understand how the Eel is able to in effect poison the food for the dinner without anyone noticing he is around. The text says he gets to the island aboard a ship bringing supplies. Unless he's lucky enough to be aboard a ship carrying food, it seems to me the only place to be sure of contaminating the meal is in the kitchen, probably during the dinner preparations.
Unless he's willing to make a guess and assume that certain common ingredients are probably going to be used, the Eel would need to wait until preparations have started to be sure he affects the right stuff. Most of his prepared extracts are designated for use when he is later setting bombs on the ships, or in case he needs to go into combat, so he won't just be able to use "greater invisibility" to waltz in and out undetected. Even if the Eel finds an excuse to be present (he supposedly came with one of the captains and offers to help) it seems unlikely to me that he would be able to mess with the food in a kitchen full of courtesans (and possibly other people) preparing food, and not have anyone notice. It also feels very much like railroading the players, to not even give anyone a chance to discover the Eel until much later. How have others handled this?

jimbob5555 |

I think it is assumed that he boards a ship with food on it intentionally to poison the food. Much like how he intentionally went to such lengths to poison the rum. After all The Eel is known for his elaborate and thought out plots to ruin people.
While this certainly isn't a steadfast solution and alternative to this is that you could run it so Sefina suggests more people to poison the food and they simply don't realise this at all unlike the other server.

Memento_Mori |

Does anyone else think it's odd that Paeta reports back to Haetanga, but Haetanga never shows up in the adventure? My players have set up a base in the fort without having killed(or even discovered) Paeta. I just think it would make sense after killing several Phase Spiders and allowing one to report to Paeta that Paeta would call in more Animate Dreams and Phase Spiders from Haetanga (or even Haetanga herself, which is mentioned in Paeta's stat block). Has anyone used Haetanga as an additional encounter?

Neil Spicer RPG Superstar 2009, Contributor |
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Even if Paeta reports back to Haetanga, there's no telling what else might be occupying the hag's attention which might prevent her from responding right away. I basically included Haetanga as a potential threat a GM could bring against the PCs at any point during the campaign, not just this chapter of the AP. For example, even if they clear out all the creatures currently occupying the fort and claim the island for their own, there's still the chance of an extraplanar visitor showing up to give them another bad day. And, whether or not a GM chooses to exercise that opportunity is really dependent on how their individual campaign plays out.
For instance, in your case, Paeta survived and has the ability to report back. In other campaigns, she might have been cut down very quickly, and the rest of the animate dreams may scatter rather than risk Haetanga's wrath. So, she's really more of an "option." But, if there'd been a way to include bonus material for the "Island of Empty Eyes," I definitely would have statted her up for everyone. By leaving her undefined, though, the cool thing about Haetanga is you can stat her up at whatever CR you need in order to put some fear into your PCs at whatever level they encounter her. So, the way she's presented in the actual text gives her an air of mystery and a mechanical openendedness which you can exploit however you see fit.
My two cents,

Memento_Mori |

By leaving her undefined, though, the cool thing about Haetanga is you can stat her up at whatever CR you need in order to put some fear into your PCs at whatever level they encounter her. So, the way she's presented in the actual text gives her an air of mystery and a mechanical openendedness which you can exploit however you see fit.
Perfect, that's exactly what I was thinking of doing! Thanks!

ikki3520 |

oh yeah, did someone else cross-reference the buildings with kingmaker?
I mean repair a castle (1/2 cost), 54/2=27 BP. This was 10 Plunder.
Also dock, 16 BP = 5 Plunder.
Thus leading to a approximation of 1 Plunder equals 3 BP.
Thing just is, BPs cost 4000 to buy or 2000 to sell. This would indicate one plunder to be worth around 12000gp utility-vise.
So if you are looking for an end product, like say building a golem or a belt of strength, you would get 12000gp of value from 1 plunder. In other words, wizards really should travel to the shackles to purchase enchanting stuff before crafting magic. 1000gp of gold for 12000gp of stuff! That is, if you don't have moral qualms about supporting murder and theft..

LadyIrithyl |

So my PCs just cleared out the Fort and found area B33. They are in the process of hiring some stone masons to help rebuild the fort. I assume that they are going to fix the hallway leading up to B33.
My question really is where would the Eel hide if B33 is not as secure for him as it is meant to be in the adventure?
Would he still use it? Perhaps just trap/lock the doors leading into the room? Although my PCs are notorious for being suspicious and will have patrols going through the fort.
I was thinking area Q5 but is the sunken shrine too far away for him to continue with his plans?

LadyIrithyl |

Well, the PCs just encountered the Marid after defeating the cyclops. They ended drawing them towards their fort after killing the chief and running. Then used the crew and a trap of Ballista to take them out.
They talked to the Marid finding out what happened to her and offered to find a way to free her. So she offered them the deal with the wishes. 4 PCs, four wishes, with one used to free her.
They liked the idea but decided to leave her in the well while they cleared out the cyclops village. (The great mother was still hanging around)
So now the PCs want to return with other members of the crew to gain more wishes! Which means they could end up trying to bargain for 20+ wishes!
Clearly the encounter is only meant for the PCs to get the wishes. So how am I going to have the Marid when faced with the option of freedom turn down giving away all those wishes?
I was thinking of having the crew start claiming to want to wish for extravagant things, like a pair of solid gold dancers, or becoming pirate lord.
Plus if the more unsavory members of the crew learn about the Marid and then they don't get their wish, I think they might turn on the PCs.
But I don't want it to come to that. I would rather a reasonable explanation from the Marid as to why she can't grant all those wishes.
Thanks for any help.

Memento_Mori |

So my PCs just cleared out the Fort and found area B33. They are in the process of hiring some stone masons to help rebuild the fort. I assume that they are going to fix the hallway leading up to B33.
My question really is where would the Eel hide if B33 is not as secure for him as it is meant to be in the adventure?
The Eel hides in a dell in the forest near the base. That's mentioned in the sabotage section on page 45.

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Paeta's poison save is wrong (page 23). Since she has Ability Focus, it should be 21 instead of the 19.
Ability save DCs are calculated using the monster's racial HD; class HD are not included. So the save DC for her poison is base 10 + 3 (1/2 racial HD) + 4 Con +2 Ability Focus = 19. The printed stat block is correct.

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The gholdako have struck again. My group is made up of very experienced players, and they stealthily killed their way through most of the city. By the time they reached the Chamber of the Eye, however, they were beginning to run low on bombs, spells, etc. The two gholdako drained them to the dregs of their combat resources. It was the only fight in this module to date where the party fought a rearguard action, distracting the undead with Level 1 and 2 summoned creatures while backing down the corridor toward the teleport circles.
In case anyone is still looking for details on a sea elf community, I do know of one source. It's a book called Otherlands. It was intended for use with the continent of Taladas in the Dragonlance world. It includes a pretty good description of a tense regional standoff between several underwater factions, including a group of sea elves.
The PCs in my group asked Pasta to convey a message to Haetanga, offering to assist her in avenging her sister's death. One night a week or so later they awoke to the sound of blood-curdling screams from Captain Sandara's cabin, followed by "Your guest has arrived" (delivered with as much sarcasm as I could muster). Negotiations went well, and Haetanga was quite helpful in dealing with the ghost and his haunt.

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Rob, I'm glad to see that you're still following this thread, because I have a question about Part Four, Event 8: Assuming that the distinguished guests' ships are moored near the middle of the Bay of No Hospitality (location A on the island map), how long is it intended to take for the PCs to get from Sefina's Grotto (N) to the Blood Moon, the Wavecrest, or the Come What May? Based on the scale of the map, it appears to be about a mile from (N) to (A). Assuming the PCs have a 60 foot swim or fly speed, that's 88 rounds of travel. By that time, all three bombs would have detonated.
On the other hand, the Eel has a 60 foot swim speed, and he supposedly makes the trip from the fort at (B) to the ships moored at (A) in 18 seconds. Did the map undergo a drastic change in scale after the description of Event 8 was written?

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The assumption is that the PCs have built a dock near the Chelish fort (area B), as explained in "The Pirate's Feast" on page 44, and that the visiting ships are moored at the docks or close by. This puts them much closer to area B than the "A" tag on the map. That still puts Sefina's grotto a fair distance away, however.
Unfortunately, there is no assumption for how long it should take to get from the grotto to the ships, as there are too many variables for individual groups to take into account: maybe the PCs built their own fort away from the Chelish fort, maybe the PCs leave some of their number behind at the fort while the rest go to the grotto,
maybe Sefina isn't in her grotto, maybe the ships are anchored somewhere else, etc., etc. Furthermore, by 10th level, the PCs are assumed to have some means of high speed travel: fly, overland flight, teleport, water walk, etc.
What this means is you may need to make adjustments for your group. If they have no way to get back from the grotto in time, then you might want to move the grotto, move the ships, move Sefina, or something else.
Keep in mind that stopping the sabotage is not strictly necessary (at most, they'll only lose 3 Respect); depending on the PCs' actions, they might get to the ships only in time to help put out the fires and rescue crewmembers. Afterward, they can still go after the Eel in retribution for the sabotage they were unable to prevent.

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Thank you for the information and suggestions. Having the players catch up with Sefina closer to the fort, before she gets back home, should help a lot. I think if the party can at least disarm the last bomb before it goes off, they'll be satisfied.
In our case, the party deliberately left the giant octopus in the southern bay as a trap for uninvited guests, and rebuilt the ancient cyclops dock on the northern bay, at location K. The visiting ships will be moored there, and the Council members will be transported overland to the old Chelish fort via triceratops howdahs. (Since he first saw the triceratops, our goblin pirate has been absolutely giddy about the prospect of riding a dinosaur.)

tbug |

In case anyone is still looking for details on a sea elf community, I do know of one source. It's a book called Otherlands. It was intended for use with the continent of Taladas in the Dragonlance world. It includes a pretty good description of a tense regional standoff between several underwater factions, including a group of sea elves.
Thank-you! I shall quest for this.

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KarlBob wrote:In case anyone is still looking for details on a sea elf community, I do know of one source. It's a book called Otherlands. It was intended for use with the continent of Taladas in the Dragonlance world. It includes a pretty good description of a tense regional standoff between several underwater factions, including a group of sea elves.Thank-you! I shall quest for this.
You're welcome.

Fallyrion Dunegrién |

Fallyrion Dunegrién wrote:Ability save DCs are calculated using the monster's racial HD; class HD are not included. So the save DC for her poison is base 10 + 3 (1/2 racial HD) + 4 Con +2 Ability Focus = 19. The printed stat block is correct.Paeta's poison save is wrong (page 23). Since she has Ability Focus, it should be 21 instead of the 19.
Well, actually my mistake was different. I got the original phase spider (whose DC is 18), added +1 for Advanced Template and +2 for Ability Focus. But I just check and phase spider already has Ability Focus.
Thanks for the answer =)

Fallyrion Dunegrién |

Ok, let me report what happend in my game so far.
We've just finished Part 3 and finished the Ruins of Sumitha. The players are an aquatic elf arcanist, a catfolk swashbuckler, a half-orc (reincanated as an elf) warpriest, a human "thug" rogue/figher and human gunslinger. Owlbear, from the first AP, is a cohort. There is also a "non-offical" player who is playing a human Kineticist form Occult Adventures.
The adventure has been tought. Probably the toughtest of this AP so far (which is good, since last one was kinda easy). Daughters of Imerta almost killed the gunslinger with the captive song, and cyclops eye's habilitiy is doing a lot of damage.
In the phase spider first encounter, I've almost killed the arcanist and Owlbear with poison (arcanist's Con droped to 1!).
Bikendi fight was tough, but he couldn't control the warpreist, so he was put to rest with positive energy.
In Ruins of Sumitha, Great Mother grappled to death the swashbuckler and almost killed the gunslinger and the rogue/fighter. Players retired to a safe shore to reincarnate the catfolk swashbuckler as an elf and invest against Sumitha again.
Shaija killed the swashbuckler (again!) with a single hit because of a critical her scored using flash of insight. This time he came back as a half-elf.
Ishtoreth hadn't much lucky. Players were extra cautious after the 2nd dead and were not surprised by him. He also rolls bad his initiative and got time to make only one greave cleave. It did a lot of damage but didn't kill anyone.
The gholdakos' fight was very hard as well. Only the Kineticist and the arcanist (who surprisily roll a natural 20 on his Fort save) were not blind. I've almost killed the rogue/fighter with negative levels from the Immortal Dreamstone.

Fallyrion Dunegrién |

On page 65, in the side quest Juju Cults, there is a reference to Qelhetat, one of the three oracles of Mgange Cove. But, according to Isles of the Shackles page 25, the three oracles are Mosi One-Knife, Xabasu and Ajuoga Baas.
Since both Qelhetat and Xabasu are cultists of the Night Lord, I believe they're the same person. am I right? If this is the case, which one is the correct name?

pavaan |

My groups shaman has just found out he can cast awaken. and now always keeps 2 castings of mats on hand. they also have kept the ring of animal friendship. i feared what would happen when the giant octopus attacked. So just to confirm i asked them at the end of the third book,
"you get to the island, a giant octopus attacks what do you do?" me
"it rolls will, ring of animal friendship" shaman
now that part is set up the true question. how would you handle "the eel" when he slips off a ship and a giant awakened octopus is guarding the bay.
i can see a few things, 1 they fight, 2 octopus does not see him. 3 octopus wins because the eel is not buffed and who sees a giant awakened octopus guarding a bay coming. the last part of the adventure changed greatly.
over all it does not matter for the xp, i advance based on where they are in the story.
and as a side note, they plan on getting raptors and making them the island guide after awakening them. so yes they plan on going to raptor island some time.

Shaun |

Charm Animal has a duration of 1 hour/level. A Ring of Animal Friendship is CL 3, so it wears off after 3 hours. They must get within 30 feet to charm it, which is within its attack range. Since they may already be fighting it when this happens, it may be getting a +5 to its will save.
If they cast Awaken on another animal after the octopus, the octopus is no longer beholden to them and may decide it's too smart to sit in a bay performing guard duty and swim off to pursue its own goals. That's the best case scenario. They must touch it to cast the Awaken spell on it in the first place... for 24 hours! If the charm failed, that's going to be tough without a fight. If the octopus hits its save against Awaken, that's 2000 GP wasted. They probably won't try it more than once if that happens. Even then it's going to require 8 castings of Charm Animal to keep it friendly while Awaken is cast. That would probably at least make it a two man job: One PC casting Awaken for 24 hours while another PC periodically casts Charm Animal. If any of the 8 castings of Charm Animal fails, the octopus may fight or flee, which could ruin the Awaken spell.
Even if they pull off the Awakening and don't subsequently Awaken more animals, the Eel should be fine. Turning invisible is in his wheelhouse. Assuming your players don't have it set up so that ships dock at a pier, he could just turn invisible and stow away on a ship's boat as it ferries guests to the island. The octopus, assuming it's guarding the bay, would have no reason to attack a boat full of the PC's guests, I'd hope. If the ships are docked at a pier, he just turns invisible and walks down the pier without getting in the water and risking detection.
Even if you decide to have him swim for it, keep in mind that there are limits to how far something can see underwater, set in the Environment Rules in the CRB. Furthermore, it's a -1 to the check for every 10 feet of distance. The bay is over two miles wide. It's completely believable that the octopus would simply miss a small creature, especially if he has magic to enhance his water movement.

tbug |

According to p. 81 there are at least twelve cannibals on the island. That's not enough to be a community, though I suppose that there could be multiple groups of twelve. It strikes me as more likely that that this is some sort of raiding party, though why they'd want to be raiding an island of giants (whose corpses would be harder to transport than Medium or Small people) is a bit of a mystery. Maybe some of the people from the Cannibal Isles just maintain outposts on a lot of different islands throughout the Shackles, visiting whenever their fancy dictates?
If my PCs fight cannibals, they're going to want to track them back to their place of origin after the fight. I need to figure out if this is a settlement, or a seasonal outpost, or some tents, or some canoes, or what. Anyone done anything with this already I can steal?

tbug |

Thanks. I'm not looking for any deep author's intent or anything; I just know that my players will be curious.
The crew of a catamaran blown off course will have different motivations than a hunting party working out of a semi-permanent camp, too. Either way it leads to "Roll initiative" but it can add flavour.

pipedreamsam |

I've added to Avimar Sorrinash's background the following text:
Shortly after mutinying against his former captain and claiming the Blood Moon for himself, Sorrinash found himself in a tavern in Port Peril bragging about the superiority of his lycantropic heritage. A few drinks later a heated and boisterous argument sprang up between Sorrinash and another lycanthrope captain in the Shackles, Horrus Riptooth (a were-shark captain featured in book 6) over the superiority of their various strains of lycanthropy. Soon after this this argument erupted into a full blown tavern brawl with each of the men fighting in their hybrid forms. Sorrinash, still a green captian in his own right, was quickly overwhelmed by Riptooth's brutal attacks; but despite Sorrinash's defeat at the hands of Riptooth, he allowed him to live, satisfied that his point had been proven. On the next full moon Sorrinash was horrified to learn that from this skirmish he had become an afflicted Were-shark himself. However, due to a mixing of this affliction with his own natural lycanthropy, Sorrinash quickly gained control of his new form and while he is unable to pass his were-shark affliction to his crew, he commands its as naturally as the lycantrhopy he was born with.
It is this form, coupled with Sorrinash's savage strength and bloodthirsty style of leadership that has allowed him to seize control of shark island, intimidating (and effectively placating) the native sahuagins. The Sahuagins of shark island see Sorrinash in equal parts of fear and respect and look at him not as a man afflicted with were-shark lycantrhopy, but rather as a shark who can take a humanoid form.
Despite the respect it has earned him Sorrinash keeps his were-shark affliction hidden, with only a handful of those most loyal to him (as well as more than a few sahuagins) informed of his dual lycanthopy. In the years since their brawl, Horrus Riptooth has become quite close to the current Hurricane King Kerdak Bonefist and Sorrinash would be quick to throw his lot in with any who he thinks capable of opposing the Hurricane King, provided he gets the chance to confront Riptooth and settle the score.
I figured that by writing it this way I could have the best of both worlds.

tbug |

The occult ritual "Breach the Veil of Dreams" seems created specifically to be inserted into this adventure. Anyone else sliding it into the basement of the abandoned fort?