[ACG] Season of Tapestry's Tides (Zalarian) (Inactive)

Game Master Zalarian

5-6 Clashing Tides |

Turn Order
Mother Myrtle/Redgar Alchemist+UM - (ADT) GMT-3
Flenta/eddiephlash Smash AP/UM - (CDT) GMT-5
Zova/Greenclaw Hunter + UW - (AEDT) GMT+11

Rules, Loot:

S&S Rules

Placing Token Cards
If your ship is anchored to a specific location, all characters start at the ship’s location.

Structural Damage
Structural damage is a special type of damage; it does not affect characters, and it is the only type of damage that affects ships. Cards that reduce damage only to characters do not affect Structural damage. If you fail a check to defeat a ship, it deals an amount of Structural damage to your ship equal to the difference between the difficulty to defeat the ship and your check result.
When your ship is dealt Structural damage, first apply any powers on the ship card or other cards in play that reduce or increase that damage. Then characters may play cards or use powers that affect Structural damage. Finally, any character may discard any number of cards from his hand to reduce Structural damage by 1 for each such discarded card. If the Structural damage is reduced to 0, the ship is unaffected.
If a ship that is not already wrecked is successfully dealt any Structural damage, it is wrecked (see Wrecked Ships below); you do not need to discard cards equal to the amount of damage—the effect is the same regardless of the amount of damage that is dealt.
If a ship that is already wrecked is successfully dealt any Structural damage, discard a number of cards from the blessings deck equal to the amount of damage successfully dealt to the ship.

Wrecked Ships
When your ship is wrecked, flip it facedown to indicate its wrecked state. When commanding a wrecked ship, at the start of your move step, you may attempt the check to repair the ship listed on the ship card; if you succeed, the ship is no longer wrecked, so you turn the ship card faceup. If you move while commanding a wrecked ship, other characters cannot choose to move with you. When a ship is wrecked, you can never stash more plunder cards under it (see Plunder Cards below). At the end of any turn, if your ship is wrecked, banish 1 random plunder card from under the ship.

Plunder Cards
Plunder cards commonly represent potential rewards carried on your ship. When you stash a plunder card, roll 1d6 on the table below, draw 1 card of the corresponding type from the box without looking at the card, and unless otherwise instructed, put the plunder card facedown under your ship.
If you win the scenario, treat any plunder cards under your ship as you do loot; if you lose the scenario, put them back in the box. You don’t get to use plunder cards while they’re under your ship card, so do your best to keep them safe until the end of the scenario.
You stash 1 plunder card when you set up a scenario. You also stash 1 plunder card if you defeat a ship while your ship is not wrecked (see Encountering Ships).
If you are instructed to add a plunder card to your hand or to a deck, roll on the Plunder Table, draw the corresponding card from the box, and add it as you would any other card. (This does not count as stashing a plunder card.)

Plunder Chart: [spoiler]

    1) Weapon
    2) Spell
    3) Armor
    4) Item
    5) Ally
    6) Player's choice


  • 5-1A: For the rest of the Adventure Path, when setting up each scenario, each character may temporarily replace 1 blessing in his deck with the blessing Blessing of Besmara. At the end of each scenario, return that card to the game box.
  • 5-2A: For the rest of the Adventure Path, 1 character may temporarily replace 1 item in her deck with the loot Totem Necklace and 1 character may temporarily replace 1 armor in his deck with the armor Shark Skin Armor. At the end of each scenario, return these cards to the game box.
  • 5-2B: For the rest of the Adventure Path, 1 character may temporarily replace 1 ally in his deck with the loot Rekkish and 1 character may temporarily replace 1 ally with the loot Rickety Hake. At the end of each scenario, return these cards to the game box.
  • 5-2C: For the rest of the Adventure Path, 1 character may temporarily replace 1 weapon in her deck with the loot Brine’s Sting, and 1 character may temporarily replace 1 item in his deck with the loot Farglass.
  • 5-2D: For the rest of the Adventure Path, 1 character may temporarily replace 1 armor in her deck with the lootBu ccaneer’s Breastplate, and 1 character may temporarily replace 1 item in his deck with the loot Svingli’s Eye.


When encountering a random ship, roll and encounter the appropriate ship referenced below. If you are currently commanding that ship, re-roll until you get a result for a ship you are not commanding.

    1) Merchantman - Class 0
    Ship B
    Class 0

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Wisdom/Survival 5
    Perception 7
    If defeated, when you stash a plunder card, roll on the Plunder Table twice and choose 1 of the results.

    When Commanding
    When you would roll for plunder, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to choose the type of plunder card instead.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 6
    If you fail to defeat a bane that has the Pirate trait, bury a card.

    2) Shackles Pirate Ship - Class 0
    Ship B
    Class 0

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Dexterity/Disable 8
    Wisdom/Survival 6
    If your check to defeat has the Swashbuckling trait, add 1 to it.

    When Commanding
    If your check to defeat a ship has the Swashbuckling trait, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to that check.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 5
    When your ship is dealt damage, add 1 to the amount of damage dealt.

    3) Feathered Devil - Class 1
    Ship 1
    Class 1

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Charisma/Diplomacy 5
    Wisdom/Survival 7
    You may reveal any number of allies; add 1 to your check to defeat for each revealed ally.

    When Commanding
    When you would discard cards as Structural damage, you may recharge 1 or more allies instead of discarding that number of cards.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 4
    When you would discard an ally for its power, bury it instead.

    4) Man's Promise - Class 1
    Ship 1
    Class 1

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Wisdom/Survival 6
    Charisma/Diplomacy 8
    If any check to defeat the Man's Promise has the Swashbuckling trait, add 2 to it.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to explore your location.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 6
    Other characters may not move with this ship.

    5) Truewind - Class 1
    Ship B
    Class 1

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Intelligence/Knowledge 8
    Wisdom/Survival 6
    You may discard an ally that has the Pirate trait to add 2 to your check to defeat.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to recharge a random card from your discard pile.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 7
    The difficulty of your check to acquire an ally that has the Pirate trait is increased by 2.

    6) Sea Chanty - Class 3
    Ship B
    Class 3

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Wisdom/Survival 6
    Charisma/Diplomacy 8
    You may reveal any number of allies; for each ally revealed, add 3 to your check to defeat the Sea Chanty.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to acquire a boon.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 5
    The difficulty of your check to acquire a boon is increased by 1.

    7) Wormwood - Class 5
    Ship B
    Class 5

    When Encountered
    To Defeat:
    Dexterity/Acrobatics 9
    Wisdom/Survival 7
    The difficulty of your check to defeat the Wormwood is increased by twice the adventure deck number, if any.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to defeat a bane or a ship.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 8
    At the start of your turn, banish this card and exchange it for the ship Merchantman.

    8) Dominator - Class 6
    Ship B
    Class 6

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Wisdom/Survival 8
    Dexterity/Ranged 11
    If the Dominator was summoned by a card that has the Captain trait, the difficulty of your check to defeat the Dominator is increased by 2.
    This ship cannot be seized.

    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to automatically succeed at your check to defeat a barrier that has the Task trait.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair:
    Craft 7
    Remove the Swashbuckling trait from all of your checks.

    9) Goblin Weidling - Class 0

    Ship P
    Class 0

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Dexterity Stealth 5 OR Wisdom Survival 4
    Before you act, summon and encounter the henchman Riptide Grindylow.

    When Commanding
    Instead of your first exploration each turn, you may choose another character at your location and add 1 random card from his discard pile to your hand.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair: Strength 4
    When you encounter a card, all other characters at this location move to a random closed location.

    10) Mistmourn - Class 5

    Ship P
    Class 5

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Dexterity Acrobatics 11 OR Wisdom Survival 9

    When Encountering This Ship: If any character would discard cards during the check to defeat the Mistmourn, bury those cards instead.
    When Commanding
    Reduce Structural damage to this ship by 2.
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to evade a bane.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair: Craft 7
    Whenever you banish cards, banish 1 additional card from your hand.

    11) Magpie Princess - Class 6

    Ship P
    Class 6

    When Encountering
    To Defeat:
    Dexterity Disable 10 OR Wisdom Survival 8
    When Encountering This Ship: Before you act, each character at this location must bury a card.

    When Commanding
    Reduce Structural damage to this ship by 1d4; if you roll a 1, bury a card.
    If you would fail a combat check by 2 or less, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to succeed.

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    To Repair: Craft 6
    At the start of your turn, roll 1d4; on a 1, bury a card.

    12) Thresher - Class 2
    Ship 2
    Class 2

    Check to Defeat

    When Encountered
    Before you act, bury a random card from your discard pile.
    When Commanding
    Reduce Structural damage to this ship by 1.
    At the start of your turn, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to recharge any number of cards and draw that number of cards.

    Check to Repair

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    At the start of your turn, summon and encounter the henchman Hammerhead Shark.

    13) Devil's Pallor - Class 2

    Devil's Pallor
    Ship 2
    Class 2

    Check to Defeat

    When Encountered
    If defeated, discard a card. Do not roll for the plunder card type; stash a random weapon instead.
    When Commanding
    Reduce Structural damage to this ship by 1.
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to acquire a boon, or 2d12 if the boon is a spell that has the Attack trait or a weapon.

    Check to Repair

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    At the start of your turn, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 6 check or bury 1 card.

    14) Deathknell - Class 7
    Ship 2
    Class 7

    Check to Defeat

    When Encountered
    You may discard a card that has the Divine trait to add 3 to your check to defeat the Deathknell.
    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check against a monster.
    If your character would die, draw a number of cards from your discard pile equal to your hand size and bury all your other cards.

    Check to Repair

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    At the start of your turn, succeed at a Wisdom or Divine 7 check or bury 1 card.

    15) Dowager Queen - Class 3

    Dowager Queen
    Ship 3
    Class 3

    Check to Defeat

    When Encountered
    You may recharge a card that has the Aristocrat or Captain trait to add 3 to your check to defeat the Dowager Queen.
    When Commanding
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check if anyone plays an ally on that check.

    Check to Repair

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    The difficulty of your check to acquire an ally is increased by 2.

    16) Kraken - Class 3
    Ship 3
    Class 3

    Check to Defeat

    When Encountered
    On your check to defeat the Kraken, replace each die larger than your Strength die with your Strength die; the skill used for the check is unaffected.
    When Commanding
    Reduce Structural damage to this ship by 2.
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your Strength check.

    Check to Repair

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    At the start of your turn, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 6 check or bury 1d4 cards.

    17) Sanbalot - Class 3
    Ship 3
    Class 3

    Check to Defeat

    When Encountered
    Before you act, each character at this location is dealt 1d4-1 Ranged Combat damage.
    When Commanding
    This ship may have no more than 3 plunder cards under it. If you would stash more, ignore them.
    At the start of your turn, you may discard 1d4 cards from the blessings deck to add a random plunder card from this ship to your hand.

    Check to Repair

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    At the start of your turn, you are dealt 1d4-1 Ranged Combat damage.

    18) Blood Moon - Class 4
    Blood Moon
    Ship 4
    Class 4
    Check to Defeat
    Wisdom/Survival 9 OR Arcane/Divine 11
    When Encountered
    Before you act, if the top card of the blessings discard pile is Blessing of the Gods, the difficulty to defeat the Blood Moon is increased by 3.
    When Commanding
    Reduce Structural damage to this ship by 1.
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to defeat a monster. If the discarded card was Blessing of the Gods, add 1d12+3 instead.

    Check to Repair
    Craft 7

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    When you encounter a bane, if the top card of the blessings discard pile is Blessing of the Gods, the difficulty to defeat that bane is increased by 3.

    19) Come What May - Class 4
    Come What May
    Ship 4
    Class 4
    Check to Defeat
    Wisdom/Survival 10 OR Charisma/Diplomacy 11
    When Encountered
    You may recharge any number of cards that have the Aristocrat or Captain trait; for each such card recharged, add 3 to your check to defeat the Come What May. Reduce Structural damage to this ship by 1.
    When Commanding
    At the end of your turn, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to examine your plunder cards, banish 1 plunder card, and stash 1 plunder card of the same type.

    Check to Repair
    Craft 8

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    After you reset your hand, discard any cards that have the Aristocrat or Captain trait.

    20) Wavecrest - Class 4
    Ship 4
    Class 4
    Check to Defeat
    Wisdom/Survival 10 OR Constitution/Fortitude 11
    When Encountered
    If your check to defeat the Wavecrest has the Swashbuckling trait, add 2 to it.
    When Commanding
    Reduce Structural damage to this ship by 1 for each character on the ship.
    If your check to defeat a bane has the Swashbuckling trait, you may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to it.
    Check to Repair
    Craft 7

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    At the start of your turn, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 8 check or bury 1 card.

    21) Wanton Wastrel - Class 5
    Wanton Wastrel
    Ship 5
    Class 5
    Check to Defeat
    Wisdom/Survival 10 OR Charisma/Diplomacy 12
    When Encountered
    Before you act, roll 1d4; you may bury that number of cards to automatically defeat the Wanton Wastrel.
    When Commanding
    You may discard any number of cars from the blessings deck to reduce Structural damage dealt to your ship by that number.
    Check to Repair
    Craft 6

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    When you bury any cards from your hand, bury 1 additional card.

    22) Abrograil's Fury Class 6

    Abrogail's Fury
    Ship 6
    Class 6
    Check to Defeat
    Dexterity/Ranged 13 OR Wisdom/Survival 11
    When Encountered
    Before you act, recharge 1d4 random cards from your hand.
    When Commanding
    Reduce Structural damage to this ship by 3.
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to add 1d12 to your check to defeat a bane or ship.
    Check to Repair
    Craft 8

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    Reduce structural damage to this ship by 1.
    Remove the Swashbuckling trait from all of your checks.

    23) Filthy Lucre Class 7

    Filthy Lucre
    Ship 6
    Class 7
    Check to Defeat
    Wisdom/Perception/Survival 13
    Survival/Charisma/Diplomacy 13
    When Encountered
    If any check to defeat has the Swashbuckling trait, add 2 to it.
    When Commanding
    Reduce structural damage to this ship by 3.
    You may discard a card from the blessings deck to automatically succeed at your check to acquire a boon.
    Check to Repair
    Craft 9

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    At the start of your turn, summon and encounter the henchman Wereshark Pirate.
    Reduce Structural damage to this ship by 2.

    24) Apparatus of the Octopus - Class 5

    Apparatus of the Octopus
    Ship 5
    Class 5
    Check to Defeat
    Intelligence/Arcane/Craft 6 OR Wisdom/Survival 12
    When Encountered
    Before you act, succeed at a Dexterity, Acrobatics, or
    Fortitude 9 check or discard a weapon, an armor, or
    an ally.When Commanding
    When you encounter a bane that has the weather trait you may recharge a card to evade it.
    Check to Repair
    Arcane/Craft 6

    When Commanding (Wrecked)
    When you discard cards as structural damage, they must be either spells or discarded at random.

Outpost II Season of Tapestry's Tides (Season 5)

  • 5-1 Threads Unravel
  • 5-2 The Patchwork Prison
  • 5-3 Escape from the Titan’s Jungle
  • 5-4 Rise from the Wreckage
  • 5-5 Arms of the Deep
  • 5-6 Clashing Tides

    5-1A: Tide of Bones
    -Mother Myrtle/Redgar Joined Party
    5-1B: Grindylow Grifters
    5-1C: The Devil and the Storm
    5-1D: In Thieves’ Wake
    5-1A: Tide of Bones Part Deux
    -Zvarbel/LucianC Departed party
    5-1E: To Seal the Dead

    5-2A: The Devils and the Dragon
    5-2B: Secrets in Driftwood
    5-2C: The Devils’ Sea
    -Harsk/Baerlie Departed party
    5-2C: The Devils’ Sea Part Deux
    5-2D: Iadut
    5-2E: Island of Whispers
    -Flenta changed from Fighter Deck to Smash Pack

    5-3A: The Jigsaw Ship
    5-3B: Meeting the Locals
    5-3C: The Lure of Artifacts
    -Started Outpost III
    5-3D: Reunion in the Ruins
    5-3E: Outsmarting the Flora

    5-P1 Titan's Rampage
    -Ended Outpost III

    5-4A: Sengati’s Revenge
    5-4B: To Woo a Crew
    5-4C: Inahiyi’s Nightmare
    5-4D: The City of Ships
    5-4E: Vitterande’s Revenge

    -Begin PbP Gameday IX
    5-5A: Air and Water
    5-5B: Battle at Sea
    5-5C: Beneath the Waves
    -End PbP Gameday IX
    5-5D: A Royal Request
    5-5E: Get Kraken!

    5-P2 Heaven's Call
    -Started Outpost IV - Roll Them Bones
    5-6A: Battle of the Sapphire Strait
    5-6B: Withering Heist
    -Ended Outpost IV - Roll Them Bones
    5-6C: Paths in the Sky
    5-6D: The Siege of Ushiojou
    5-6E: Akinaru’s Last Chance
    5-6F: Dream Duel

    Centuries ago, the legendary sorcerer Hao Jin collected landmarks from across Golarion, ripping them from the Material Plane and transporting them to her own personal demiplane, the Hao Jin Tapestry. The tapestry became a museum of sorts, an eclectic collection of ancient temples and other sites of historical interest, as well as the native people, flora, and fauna. Hao Jin’s magic carefully sustained the demiplane, creating artificial water cycles and allowing scorching desert to exist next to frigid tundra. One day, however, Hao Jin disappeared without a trace. Since then, the demiplane’s structure has been gradually fraying, causing the artificial ecosystems to meld and degrade.
    In her will, Hao Jin awarded her greatest treasures as prizes for an annual contest of martial arts held in her honor every decade, the famous Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Seven years ago, a guild of explorers, scholars, and archeologists known as the Pathfinder Society won this tournament, and with it the right to select a single item from Hao Jin’s collection. Stunning onlookers, they passed over gilded treasures and imposing artifacts, instead choosing a small and ugly tapestry covered in clashing patterns. What the onlookers did not realize was that this weathered fabric was the gateway to Hao Jin’s fantastical realm.
    With the tapestry in hand, Pathfinder agents eagerly explored and catalogued the wonders of the demiplane within. They discovered a method to use the tapestry to open gateways to places across Golarion, allowing them to send groups of agents across the world in record time. Yet this discovery came at a cost. In using these portals, the Pathfinders were unknowingly accelerating the tapestry’s natural decline. Some portions of the tapestry now face crippling droughts, while others are plagued with flooding and erratic tides.
    And the worst has just begun. The Society’s foremost scholar of the tapestry, Venture-Captain Aram Zey, has just learned that it is collapsing. If the Pathfinder Society does not intervene quickly and decisively, the demiplane and everyone within will be lost forever. As the waterways are the source of some of the most dramatic changes, the first Pathfinders to investigate the collapse should be those who know their way around a ship. Zey has called upon you to launch the investigation. Your mission is to sail into these uncharted waters and uncover the extent of the tapestry’s decline. With luck, you will return home safely... though luck is not necessarily on your side.


    With a hint of exhaustion in his voice, Venture- Captain Aram Zey calls you into a stone chamber deep in the Grand Lodge. Piles of maps and tomes are sprawled on his makeshift desk, each bearing notes and markings. A stack of dirty plates and empty coffee cups litters the floor next to him. Behind the desk is a garish and frayed piece of fabric: the Hao Jin Tapestry. Despite its unassuming appearance, this tattered piece of cloth serves as a gateway to a wondrous demiplane.
    Please, sit,” Zey insists as you make your way inside. “Ignore my mess. I’ve been spending a fair bit of time researching... well, a number of different things. ” He closes a tome and sets it on a nearby stack, allowing just enough space to see his face. He glances at the tapestry before looking back at you. “I trust I don’t need to explain to you what this piece of fabric is? I’ve been studying this tapestry ever since the society acquired it seven years ago. When I last looked into the tapestry’s structure, I noticed something concerning: the Hao Jin Tapestry is unraveling, and our chances to explore the demiplane within may be running out.” His expression turns solemn.
    I need you to see if you can slow the demiplane’s unmaking. I’ve done what I can from here, but the heavy lifting, if you will, must be done from within. I’ve already begun arrangements to send as many Pathfinders as I can to investigate, but an advance party would be invaluable to this process.
    He explains your task: enter the demiplane, investigate any possible causes to the demiplane’s deterioration, and put an end to anything that could threaten its stability, then report back with your findings. “Your entry will place you near a dock,” Zey explains. “From there, you will find a ship that you will use to traverse an uncharted ocean. This ocean appears to be a hotbed for the destructive activity within the demiplane.” He provides you with equipment and makes his way to the tapestry. As he begins to open the portal, Zey turns to you. “When you enter, you’ll leave an astral eddy in your wake. It will look like a floating globe of blue light. If there’s any trouble, just step into the eddy and you’ll return to the Grand Lodge.
    The portal opens, and you step through to a weathered wooden dock. Seaweed, rocks, and sticks litter the sandy shoreline. Seagulls caw overhead, soaring through the cool and salty air. A lone ship rests at the end of the dock, floating like a listless piece of flotsam on the Hao Jin seas. The Feathered Devil awaits you. You step on board and prepare to sail.
    A chill wind pushes the ship forward into unfamiliar waters.


    The whirlpool grabbed your ship like a toy in a child’s hand, spinning it around before submerging it beneath the waves. It took all of your strength to marshal the crew, secure the sails, and keep loose cargo from knocking everyone overboard. You worried that it would all be for nothing if your ship smashed to splinters against the rocks at the bottom of the sea. But the whirlpool weakened, and you permitted yourself a glimmer of hope. Then exhaustion overtook you.
    Now, you’re once again sailing on placid waters. Your sturdy ship remains seaworthy, although it lists to starboard in a worrisome way. The sun shines upon you, but its color is wrong; the world is bathed in a strange, orange light. A few scrubby islands protrude from the sea ahead, their dry grasses glowing as if they were aflame. Examining the horizon, you see a vast curtain of shimmering light—like an aurora borealis in the daytime—reflecting the orange hue. This curtain must be miles across, and high enough to tint the rising sun.
    Shikra, a tengu rigger who ably performed the most dangerous work to keep the ship from floundering in the whirlpool, mutters,
    “That’s three, all told.” The tengu points a feathered arm aft and starboard as well. Just as distant are two other enormous curtains of light: an emerald green one aft and a pale red one starboard. Near the emerald one, miles distant, several shipwrecks jut from the waves. The emerald light seems ominous in a way you can’t wholly describe.
    Rekkish, a level-headed surgeon and Shikra’s sister, approaches with a few bandages under one arm. She’s been tending to the crew, most of whom remain collapsed on the deck out of exhaustion. Rekkish looks you up and down, and you can practically see her assessment written on her face.
    “No permanent harm done to them,” Rekkish says, her voice clipped and accented in the tengu’s cawing tones. She bends over to examine her brother’s leg. “You’ve got a sprain at least, Shikra, and maybe a break.”
    “Never mind that now,” Shikra says, leaning awkwardly on the other leg and holding onto the railing of the ship. “Look at the horizon around us. I’ve never seen its like. Where in the world could we be?”
    You know better: you aren’t anywhere in the world. The whirlpool in the Hao Jin Tapestry didn’t eject you, it just took you to another part of the vast, patchwork realm. The better question is: how will you get out?


    After sailing through the gateway out of the Hao Jin Tapestry, it takes you a moment to notice that your ship is no longer sailing horizontally. You’re falling! You have no time to get your bearings. You are overwhelmed by the blur of greens and browns rushing past you as your ship plunges into the canopy of a vast jungle. The thundering sound of trees ripping apart, the squawk of a flock panicked birds, and the screams of your terrified crew blend into a cacophony of terror. Finally, with a deafening thud, the Feathered Devil smashes into the ground.
    The scant rays of light that pierce through the dense ceiling of greenery above do little to brighten the murky green gloom. Branches, vines, splintered wood, and ripped canvas all litter the deck. You and your companions stagger to your feet and assess the damage. You spot Rekkish, your tengu surgeon, helping a dazed and bloodied deckhand to her feet.
    Akinaru, the elf you rescued from the Patchwork Prison, casually brushes himself off and flicks a few splinters of wood from his sleeve. Though his clothes have torn in places and his hair is a bit disheveled, his face shows not a scratch from the ship’s plummet through the trees. His eyes take in the jungle hungrily, and he seems to decide something.
    “Yes, this must be it. I know this place. We have found ourselves in the Valashmai Jungle,” his expression darkens. “We must be careful. This jungle is as ancient as it is dangerous, and it does not take kindly to visitors.”
    As you investigate and secure the perimeter of the crash site, Akinaru continues to explain what he knows of the jungle. It is home to countless varieties of bloodthirsty creatures of all sizes.
    The very plants themselves seem to pick off unwelcome visitors with ease. An ancient race of giant lizard creatures dwelled here long ago, ruling with a cruel hand over slave legions forced to construct their towering cities.
    “Oh, the cities are all in ruins now,” he says. “The jungle has swallowed them up. It’s a pity that such industrious leaders as the Valashmaians were chased off by slave revolts. This place was once a seat of such incredible power.” He trails off, but then seems to snap out of his daydream. “Ah well, we are much more likely to have a run-in with those horrible heart-eating beetles than the Valashmaians.”
    The Feathered Devil is in shambles. Your crew is battered and bruised. As much as you’d love to take time to recuperate, the less time you spend in this sprawling mess of trees, the more likely you are to survive.


    At long last, you can breathe and take stock of your situation.
    No longer are you running for your lives in the middle of a collapsing demiplane. No longer are you running for your lives in the middle of a jungle where even the plants are trying to kill you.
    Unsurprisingly, you are not in the best of shape. Your crew is significantly smaller than before, and those who remain are tired and ragged. Your stocks are dwindling, as it was nearly impossible to gather supplies from the deadly Valashmai Jungle. Your trusty ship, the Feathered Devil, is gone, stolen by your guide Akinaru after he tried to bury you beneath a collapsing ruin. The makeshift vessel you’ve cobbled together is sturdy enough to carry you and your remaining allies for a few weeks, but it won’t last forever.
    Akinaru… you had a feeling something was off about the elf, but you never imagined he would reveal himself to be among the most powerful of evil spirits, a void yai oni. He sought to take over the Hao Jin Tapestry and unleash an army of oni upon the world, and there’s no way he would do so alone. A void yai always aims to gather loyal minions, augmenting his strength in ability with strength in numbers. The only way to fight against him is to gather numbers of your own. And if you want any chance of challenging him, you’ll first have to figure out where he went. Fortunately, you have a lead: when he stole the Feathered Devil, the ship was still in need of significant repairs. He would have been forced to dock at a nearby port, and there are few choices in this remote region of Tian Xia.
    The nearest port lies to the west, in the archipelago of Minata. Your sea charts tell you its name is Waunomani. When you announce your destination, one of your crewmembers shudders. He warns that pirates abound within the Minatan Isles. You can’t help but laugh. Any pirate that would take you for an easy mark would be sorely mistaken. And pirates may have just the right mix of determination and gumption to make valuable allies in your quest. A pirate armada controlled by the Pathfinder Society—now there would be a story for the Pathfinder Chronicles! All you have to do is convince any pirates that the great dangers of your cause are worth a share of Akinaru’s riches. It’ll be hard, to be sure, but nothing has been easy since you first set foot in the Hao Jin Tapestry.



    The cool sea breeze and the salty ocean taste it carries are a welcome and relaxing change of pace, but there’s still a lot on your mind. You’re chasing after a formidable evil spirit, the oni Akinaru. With the lead he has, it’s likely that he has already reached the oni nation of Chu Ye and started to execute his plot to unleash untold numbers of new oni on the world. Looking around at your crew and out at the ships you lead, you realize that while it is a mighty force, it wouldn’t hurt to gather more support along the way before invading a hostile country.
    And what better place to seek support than from the sea itself? According to your maps, you’re sailing near the outskirts of the underwater nation Xidao. And you know the amphibious fishfolk who rule this nation are willing to trade with outsiders. To help air breathers meet with their representatives, the fishfolk have built stone spires on reefs and atolls that reach into the sky. The spires work well enough for simple exchanges, but you’re going to need to talk to the people in charge, which means traveling into the depths.
    You discuss the possibilities with your officers. Sengati, the pirate captain whose ship you helped recover, speaks up in a low voice, “What about the wai-gaa?” The wai-gaa are floating islands, among Xidao’s most famous landmarks. They are also the reason you know where Akinaru was headed. When you scried upon the ship the oni stole to figure out where he was headed, you saw him sailing through these features. Seeing the puzzled looks all around her, Sengati elaborates, “There’s got to be some kind of waterbreathing magic available there, right?” It’s certainly worth a look.
    You pass through several smaller islands. They look like large blobs of sunbaked mud, with bits of plant life clinging to their surfaces. At last, a promising island appears on the horizon. Its large mass manages to hold an entire stone building above the sea. Chunks of floating mud surrounding the island make the approach too treacherous for your sailing vessel, so you set off in your rowboat toward the mysterious site. The ground of this wai-gaa is surprisingly solid, but the whole place looks wet, as if it just rose from the sea a short while ago, and the air is thick with humidity. The structure atop it is shaped like a cube set into the side of a large mud mound. Along one side of the cube is a large entryway decorated with motifs that look like they represent water and air. In your time with the Pathfinder Society, you’ve become familiar with many cultures and languages, but these symbols don’t match any group you are familiar with. Beyond the entrance, a set of stairs disappears into darkness. You station a guard here to make sure nothing follows you down, and you head into the black.



    Chhu Ye: the oni shogunate, and the bane of eastern Tian Xia. When you began your adventures so many months ago in the Hao Jin Tapestry, you’d heard of Tian Xia, but you would never have imagined you’d be leading a fleet of warships to invade it. And yet, with the delusional oni Akinaru threatening to unleash an unstoppable force of oni from their insubstantial purgatories, that’s exactly what you need to do. You’ve chased him across Tian Xia, built up a fleet of ships, and recruited an underwater fishfolk army from Xidao to assist you. Now it’s time to strike.
    Akinaru is somewhere in Chu Ye, but you have no idea where. You gather your officers to run over the information you’ve gained from your fishfolk allies. The river border between Chu Ye and Wanshou to the south is a non-starter, as much of your fleet are seafaring vessels. Besides that, the river passes between the lands of Wanshou’s kraken overlord and the haunted Chuyokai forest that apparently even oni are hesitant to trespass. That leaves you one option, unpalatable though it may seem. You’ll have to sail into the Sapphire Sound, past Chu Ye’s capital of Jyito and a court of incredibly powerful oni you’d hoped to avoid. You never doubted Chu Ye’s navy would protect the sound, given their proximity to the aquatic threats of Xidao and Wanshou, and you confirmed your assumptions with the fishfolk.
    Your main asset is the sea itself: while individual oni may be stronger than your crew, their brawn is minimalized in naval combat, and your underwater allies will serve as a secret weapon.
    Since the element of surprise is essential to your success, you and your officers use magic to alter the weather. Nothing too suspicious, just a thick fog to mask your approach. You cloak your stealthiest fishfolk scout in invisibility magic and send her to assess Chu Ye’s forces and their positions. When she returns, she confirms your worst fears.
    Whether because of Akinaru, or by routine, Chu Ye has blockaded the entrance to the Sapphire Sound—the Sapphire Strait—with an entrenched fleet. Small buildings on the coast support the naval blockade with supplies and an opportunity to dock and repair their ships. Worse yet, the Chu Ye forces include an aquatic contingent of their own, though not savvy enough to notice your invisible scout. Fortunately, there didn’t appear to be that many oni on Chu Ye’s ships, just mostly human and giant servants.
    The longer you wait, the more likely Chu Ye’s navy will suspect that the weather is unnatural. You’ll just have to strike now and hope for the best. May all the gods of the sea smile upon your gambit!