Arianna Moonwood |
Months away. I think the GM said we're late summer to early fall at the moment.
Gunnar Thorstein |
Gunnar wants to use the downtime while people are being healed to make some scrolls. How much time can he devote to it, and what is the gp value of the arcane supplies he found?
Scramsax |
Ooh, the fabled downtime. I'd like some downtime stuff, too. :)
At some point getting Sending into my ring from Invictusol and making a call back to Narg.
Then refilling spell ring with:
1: Find Familiar (Gunnar) (and paying for it)
2: Silence (Invictusol)
2: Enhance Ability (Invictusol)
Gunnar Thorstein |
3 days is enough for a single 2nd level spell scroll or 3 first level spell scrolls.
Gunnar already has several magic missile scrolls, so he was thinking of doing 3 Burning Hands scrolls. These are mostly backups on those long days when he is out of spells and we still have enemies on the board.
Any other suggestions?
Luthael Invictusol |
![Local Celebrity](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-Celebrity_90.jpeg)
Any way Luthael can find some 5th level spell material components? Diamond dust, scrying mirror, etc.
Luthael could scribe healing scrolls too with enough components...
Scramsax |
No suggestions for Gunnar here.
I was thinking maybe Divination or Augury to confirm we interpreted the lyrical clues correctly. Would suck to get all this stuff and then find we don't have the right things.
Luthael Invictusol |
![Local Celebrity](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-Celebrity_90.jpeg)
No suggestions for Gunnar here.
I was thinking maybe Divination or Augury to confirm we interpreted the lyrical clues correctly. Would suck to get all this stuff and then find we don't have the right things.
I think there's Legend Lore too
Scramsax |
Oh yeah. Shame that one costs 450 gp, otherwise we could get 'on demand' Tareth awesome writing whenever we wanted for every little person, place or object. ;)
Arianna Moonwood |
Methinks that Tareth would likely TPK the party if we started doing that, 450 gp a pop or no. :D
So, I'm at a bit of an impasse. I can get one new spell. I can cast 5th level spells, and I can't decide which one I want.
Here's what I'm thinking:
- Animate Objects
- Hold Monster
- Mass Cure Wounds
- Mislead
- Seeming
- Synaptic Static
- Teleportation Circle
Any thoughts?
Gunnar Thorstein |
I like Mass Cure Wounds as a last-ditch backup to get the party going in a tough battle, but if you can find an orchestra of instruments to accompany your performance as Animated Objects that would be pretty cool.
Arianna Moonwood |
Instruments? Oh, yeah, instruments. Right. I didn't have something else in mind for the spell. Nope, not me. :P
If I had to narrow it to two, Mass Cure and Animate objects would be the top two.
Scramsax |
Animate Objects/Synaptic Static are pretty strong, combat-wise...I personally think we are powerful enough already lol. Hold Monster is not as great as previous editions with the never ending saves imo. Mislead could be occasionally useful. Teleportation Circle very useful, but I don't think we've found any yet in game?
There might be a quirky one in the Midgard player book, I lost all my pdfs with a computer upgrade recently. They had some pretty colorful wizard spells as I remember, of dubious value.
Arianna Moonwood |
I do have Deep Magic Vols. 1 and 2. Would both of those be allowed, GM?
Arianna Moonwood |
Gunnar Thorstein |
Gunnar is happy to fill up Scramsax’s ring with whatever spells she wants—just check his spell list and grab what you want.
Arianna Moonwood |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Arianna does have invisibility if Scram wants it.
GM, thinking about the down time, would Arianna have enough time to reconnoiter the village and see what the aftermath was? She'd be extremely cautious and stay invisible for as long as she was anywhere near the village. I don't want to go into the village, just see what the aftermath was like and if there is anything still going on.
Scramsax |
Ok sure, I'll probably burn it instantly being so useful but its a fantastic spell of course. I was tending to prefer situational spells since I can only cast them once between downtimes. Even when its not downtime though, you could throw leftover spells into it if there's space. It holds 5 total spells levels.
So I'll steal:
Gunnar - Find Familiar (giving me blindsight to compensate for no darkvision, and Coin RP)
Invictusol - Silence (shenanigans)
Arianna - Invisibility (shenanigans redux)
I was thinking about it and down the line it might be a good item for more tactical use. Long buffs on multiple people I think would be pretty nice, and some other spells that normally you wouldn't choose to upcast. For example, we could get stuff like the following without any slot cost that day:
5th slot Enhance Ability could give 4 PCs advantage on Con saves and 2d6 temp hp for necro-ish fights that target con or just to help protect Concentration. edit: forgot thats checks not saves :/
5th slot Invisibility to get 4 PC invisibility free.
5th slot Aid to get 3 PC +15 maximum (not temporary) hp for 8 hours.
Animate Objects for twice the army (20 objects).
5th slot Command, basically an AoE Command for free.
Dual-wield Holy Weapons.
7d10 Inflict Wounds.
Really any save-or-suck you want two chances with instead of one.
Create Spelljamming Helm so we go to outer space.
Put your investments in Scram. ;)
Arianna Moonwood |
Oh, I was thinking it could only hold 3 spell levels. If it can hold 5, how about Dimension Door?
Scramsax |
Thanks, I might snag that one next time. Certainly a lot of bang for buck on that one, in the right conditions.
Arianna Moonwood |
There's a part of me that would love to play Raseri again. I think she and Ingryd would get along well, if for no other reason than they both have a pretty straightforward way of dealing with problems. ;)
Scramsax |
@Ingryd, yeah none of that really matters to me, I just know some people have a lot of fun with more tactical play. I would rather have a spell with some funny/obscure RP purpose than some 16d10 ringadong.
I dug up a copy of the Midgard Heroes Handbook, heres some of the zany RP spells I remember with that strange wizard subclass. Zove had, but sadly never used:
2nd-level divination (ritual; high elven)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
If the target fails a Charisma saving throw, you cause
the target’s shadow to come to life and reveal one of the
creature’s most scandalous secrets: some fact that the
target would not want widely known (GM's choice). When
casting the spell, you choose whether everyone present will
hear the secret, in which case the shadow speaks loudly in
a twisted version of the target’s voice, or if the secret is only
whispered to you. The shadow speaks Common, unless
the target does not speak Common, in which case it speaks
in the target's native language.
If the target creature does not have a scandalous secret
or does not have a spoken language, the spell fails as if the
creature's saving throw had succeeded.
If the secret was spoken aloud, the target takes a −2
penalty to Charisma checks with anyone who was present
when it was revealed, for the remainder of the day, in
addition to any information you obtain or any scandal it
It had further interactions with the Elven High Magic wizard subclass also in that book. Basically with one more save fail, the rumors would spread widely in the community and the target would permanently lose charisma points.
One day she might have had:
4th-level necromancy (ritual; high elven)
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a silver goblet filled with the
caster's blood)
Duration: 12 hours
You fill a silver cup with your own blood (taking 1d4
piercing damage) while chanting vile curses in the dark.
Once the chant is completed, you consume the blood and
swear an oath of vengeance against any who harm you.
If you are reduced to 0 hit points, your curse is invoked;
blood pours from your mouth and steams away into a red
mist that transforms into a shadow. The shadow attacks
the creature that reduced you to 0 hit points, ignoring all
other targets, until it or the target is slain, at which point
the shadow dissipates into nothing.
Just the text of that is hilarious. XD Then again the special subclass made that banshees instead of shadows. From your mouth blood, I mean.
DM - Tareth |
Arianna: You'd have enough time to make the day and a half hike to the village and back while Luthael is conducting the healing rituals. But it will take up the entire three days between the hike there and giving things a complete, cautious look.
I think the only thing of note would be that if you are gone over that time, then Scram won't have access to your spell list for the ring. Not that there aren't plenty of alternatives to choose from. :)
OR if Scram goes with you (which I think was mentioned somewhere above) , then he wouldn't have access to Gunnar and Luthael's lists.
Assuming whoever goes to the village is invisible, each PC participating give me a DEX(Stealth) check for each area you wish to enter and reconnoiter.
1. Remains of the Ghoul Camp (DC5)
2. Temple to Marena (DC15)
3. Artificial ponds (DC5)
4. Main Village (DC5)
5. Quarry and Gnome Camp (DC10)
If you just wish to observe more from a short distance away and not actually enter any of the main areas, then no checks are required. Of course, information may be more limited.
Arianna Moonwood |
I think this is valuable enough that Arianna would go investigate. If for no other reason than to confirm that her ploy worked and they aren't going to be chasing the villagers and us.
Anyone else want to chime in before I potentially get my character killed?
Gunnar Thorstein |
Gunnar is happy to lend you the Horn Of Valhalla you can sound if you get in deep trouble.
Arianna Moonwood |
Happy New year!
DM - Tareth |
Okay. So it looks like you all are heading back north. For those interested in an approximate location of Blandezig on the Midgard Map, it is in the empty region south of Lengrove, north of the River Brocken and a little bit east of the letter 'S' in Cloudwall Mountains. Too bad the interactive map doesn't have a lat/long feature. :)
Anyway, it is about 450 - 550 miles back north to Nargenstal. So about a month's time.
If there is anything else you wish to do during this downtime period go ahead and post it. Otherwise, I hope to get the journey north underway with a post tomorrow. Also if there are any specific stopping/resting/exploring places you'd like to stop at on the way, now is a good time to note them. That way I don't just blow past them in the narrative.
Scramsax |
Not sure really to be honest. I suppose she'd use Sending at least once more and let them know we were heading that way. She would probably snicker in Lingenau that, even though Scramsax is a wanted man for stealing the silver scalpel from the widow...Scramsax isn't a wanted woman. Still, she would probably lie low or completely avoid entering with the others to avoid suspicion...if we even go there.
Looking forward to a reset/new story arc in the north wherever.
Luthael Invictusol |
![Local Celebrity](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-Celebrity_90.jpeg)
I’d like Luthael to soft proselytize and collect any 5th level spell components.
Gunnar Thorstein |
Looks like there is a town on the way the survivors may want to get to -- Lengrove.
Gunnar would like to research enchanting that rug back to full flying capability, and he has 1600 gp of magical supplies to help him. He will also keep an eye out for ley lines that might speed their journey if it can be done with relative safety.
Making sure we have everything for the evil sword ritual also seems like a good idea. Are we lacking any ingredients we need to be looking for somewhere other than Nargenstal? If so, he would counsel we head towards those supplies first.
Arianna Moonwood |
Didn't the rug unravel?
Scramsax |
I'd be fine bypassing Narg and continuing direct to next sword location as Gunnar was saying.
DM - Tareth |
Gunnar: Looking at the DMG the Carpet of Flying is a Very Rare wonderous item. So to craft one, it looks like it would require a minimum 11th level PC plus 50,000gp worth of materials.
On another note, I was looking back through things and you all did find a couple of vials of Fire Giant Blood. It was on one of the batches of ghouls you defeated a while back. So you do have all of the basic components for the ritual.
Of course, if you still want to adventure up into the Northlands, that is totally fine, but you don't have to.
Luthael Invictusol |
![Local Celebrity](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-Celebrity_90.jpeg)
If we have the components for the ritual, wasn’t there a time and a place? Luthael’s personal mission is to destroy the sword asap.
Arianna Moonwood |
Time was midsummer, so we've got 8-10 months, I think. I don't think there was a place, perse.
DM - Tareth |
Luthael: The place was less specific, it just needs to be an altar dedicated to Khors. You all know of two for sure. The one at Katrina's temple near Nargenstal and the one in Luthael's parents hometown, the name of which is escaping me at the moment.
The time was more specific, the Summer Solstice, longest day of the year, when Khors influence is at its highest point of the year. So you've got some time to burn because it is now early winter. So about seven months.
Now, to make things a little more interesting, you could try doing it before the Solstice. You asked the spirit how to destroy the sword. What it said will work for sure. However, that doesn't mean that there might not be other ways the spirit didn't know or share. Or that the ritual wouldn't work if you tried on another day of the year.
Scramsax |
What other plot threads do we have besides the sword at the moment?
Arianna Moonwood |
There's the issue at Nargastal that y'all were looking into before I joined with Kalisuel. There's also the young godling, Katrina. There might be more, but those are the two points I remember.
Main question for me is whether I swap Arianna for Kali. I had intended for Arianna to move on when Kali had a chance to rejoin, but at the moment, I'm not sure what I'll do.
GM? Any thoughts?
Luthael Invictusol |
![Local Celebrity](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-Celebrity_90.jpeg)
Googling "Lingenau Midgard" gets this game...
@Arianna Play who you want. Both your characters are great and enjoyable
Scramsax |
I don't remember much from Narg, except that Ice Hyena cave with the ectoplasmic blobs and giants with the illusory pins outside we never fully explored. Whatever we had tracked there is probably long gone now.
Arianna Moonwood |
I do hope the GM will forgive me if I am being too over the top. I thought with a 20, she would have heard some of the more fanciful tales. I did have fun writing that part of the post.