- Toilday, 23nd of Rova - Sandpoint's Swallowtail Festival to celebrate Autumn equinox. Goblins raid Sandpoint. Group helps stop the goblin raid and saves Aldern Foxglove. Meet with Sheriff Hemlock and interrogate goblin prisoners. Discover the goblins are from a place called Thistletop.
- Wealday, 24th of Rova - Ameiko offers the heroes free room and board at the Rusty Dragon. Meet with Aldern again and agree to go on a boar hunt with him, Aldern also rewards them for saving his life. Sheriff asks the group to help him investigate a disturbance at the cemetery. The group goes to see Father Zantus who tells them of the disturbance at Father Tobyns tomb. Investigating the tomb the find several skeletons and tracks leading outside of town but loose the trail in the woods. Group returns to town and goes to meet with the Mayor. Mayor deputizes the group and sheriff asks them to stay in town while he goes to get aid from Magnimar. Group meets Shalelu, a local elven ranger and learn more about the goblins in the area. That afternoon they meet up with Aldern again to go on the boar hunt. Bart and Kharlbar put the creature down in short order. They all head back to the Rusty Dragon to celebrate. Near the end of the festivities a local noble, and Ameiko's father bursts into the Rusty Dragon and causes a scene.
- Oathday, 25th of Rova - The group is woken early as Bethana explains that Ameiko has gone missing. The group decides to go investigate the Glassworks where a mysterious note indicated Ameiko was supposed to go. Heading to the Glassworks the party quickly finds that the place is a mess as goblin have taken over with a half-elf leading them. As they dispatch the goblins the half-elf manages to escape. Searching after him the group finds a set of tunnels that eventually lead to a cave near the beach. The cave was obviously a staging point for goblins. Heading back trough the tunnels they check out another branch to discover an underground complex and a bizarre creature. They find an old statue of an angry woman and an alter with unholy water. Delving deeper they run across a mutated goblin, pits of trapped undead and a bizarre spherical room with floating objects inside as well as a horrible flying head. Have searched most of this lower level and dealth with its threats, but not finding Ameiko the group turns back to search the rest of the Glassworks. Checking the rest of the basement they eventually find Ameiko bound and beaten. After healing her they help her back to the Rusty Dragon and take the evening to rest, but first update the mayor and get her to station guards.
- Toilday, 26th of Rova - With a good nights rest the group returns back to the catacombs to deal with the last remaining room. Inside is some sort of evil temple and a demon lording over it. Using their skills and magic the group manage to dispatch the demon and fully clear all the threats of the catacombs. Knowing the Sheriff will be returning soon they sort through their loot and prepare for whats to come.
- Wealday, 27th of Rova - CURRENT DAY
NG small town
Corruption +0; Crime +0; Economy +1; Law +0; Lore +2; Society +0
Qualities prosperous, rumormongering citizens
Danger +0
DEMOGRAPHICS Government autocracy (mayor)
Population 1,240 (1,116 humans, 37 halflings, 25 elves, 24 dwarves, 13 gnomes, 13 half-elves, 12 half-orcs)
Notable NPCs
Kendra Deverin, mayor (NG female human aristocrat 4/expert 3)
Belor Hemlock, sheriff (CG human male fighter 4)
Abstalar Zantus, town priest (CG male human cleric of Desna 4)
Titus Scarnetti, noble (LN male human aristocrat 6)
Ethram Valdemar, noble (NG male human aristocrat 5/expert 2)
Ameiko Kaijitsu, owner of Rusty Dragon (CG female human aristocrat 1/bard 3/rogue 1)
Shalelu Andosana, local ranger (CG female elf fighter 2/ ranger 4)
Brodert Quink, Thassilonian expert (NG male human expert 7)
MARKETPLACE Base Value 1,300 gp; Purchase Limit 7,500 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items 3d4*; Medium Items 1d6*; Major Items —
* Additional specific magic items for sale in Sandpoint are detailed in the pages that follow. Every month, roll 3d4 to see how many new minor items are for sale, and 1d6 to see how many new medium items are for sale. Healing items that might be offered by the Sandpoint Cathedral or other individuals do not count against these limits.
=Style guidelines for posting= Out of Character [ooc ] [/ooc ]
"Spoken outloud" [b ] [/b ]
"Telepathically communicated" [b ][i ][/i ][/b ]
Thoughts [i ] [/i ]
[dice ] [/dice ]
[spoiler ] [/spoiler ]
Other information [no tag]
=GM Rolls=
Any rolls that are automatic, or pseudo automatic, such as Initiative, or if you say something like "every time we enter a room, I give it a quick scan", I make the rolls, so we don't have to wait. Likewise, I may make save rolls. I may also roll Perception, Sense Motive, and Knowledge checks as appropriate. All the rolls are above board, in spoilers to keep clutter to a minimum. I roll in either: (1) Alphabetic Order or (2) Initiative Order, as appropriate for the situation. If the Rolls are in a spoiler for GM they are meant for me. If they are spoilered with anything else like Initiative or Perception feel free to take a peek.
Any save whose result may result in very bad things for your character, I leave to you whenever possible. If you face a Save or Suck for instance, I don't like to roll the save for you. Your character, your karma, your luck . . .
=Game Flow=
I would like to see one post per day minimum, excluding weekends. If you can post more often that is great. I generally check for posts around 7am Eastern and 2pm Eastern. However, I can often check multiple times between 7am eastern and 10pm Eastern. During roleplay/story points I will advanced the game if I have at least one person posting, unless there is a response needed from a specific character. For combat, I will wait 1 day before advancing the combat, unless you tell me ahead of time that you will be away and want me to play your character for you. In the event I skip your character, he/she will simply go on the defensive while he/she considers their next action.
I completely understand that RL events happen and can pull you away. The same will likely occur with me. In these cases, if you know in advance you will be away please let us know ahead of time so that we can set our expectations accordingly. If you do not post in over a week without prior notice I will PM you. If I do not receive a response to the PM in a weeks’ time I will consider you to have left the game and we may find a replacement for you.
I will provide maps for combat situations via Roll20. There will be a link at the top of the page to the appropriate Roll20 campaign. You will need to login so I can create a token for you and give you access to move it around the board. I also, generally track HP on Roll20. All rolls however, are done here on the boards using the [ dice ] mechanics. When combat starts I will provide a listing of Init order. All players can go in any order within their block.
For example the Init order might look like this:
Round 1
>Player 1, Player5, Enemy 1, Enemy3, Player 4, Player 2, Player 3, Enemy 2
Player 1 & 5 can post their actions in any order and I will resolve them as appropriate. Then after Enemy 1 & 3 go Players 2-4 can post their actions in any order. If you post and someone’s earlier action effects your action I will take creative liberties. For example, if you magic missile a baddie that the Rogue just eviscerated, I’ll redirect your spell to a still-living target. This isn’t how I run things in a live game, but in a PbP, block initiative saves time and speeds up combat significantly.
=Player Discussion=
For any questions and concerns - I prefer to address these in the Discussion thread. That way everyone has the advantage of learning the answer to a specific question or ruling and we keep the gameplay thread less cluttered. When I post a ruling or what have you, I try to post a link to the PRD.
Note: I can be wrong, I'm not a perfect GM. When I am wrong, tell me and provide references to the PRD. It is how we all learn.
Taking 10 (T10) works differently in Pathfinder than in 3.5. For instance, you can T10 on knowledge’s and perception.
=House Rules=
Fumble: If you roll a natural 1 on your attack roll, make a dexterity check. If you get less than 10 you fumble. If you get more than 10 your attack simply misses very badly. If you roll double ones you damage yourself. If you roll a natural 20 you regain control, roll another attack roll!
Super Crits: If you roll a natural 20 on a critical and then roll another 20 to confirm this is a super crit, increase your weapons modifier by 1. (ex: X2 becomes X3)
Actions: I'm a GM that does not punish the character for trying something new or cool, or even strange. Visual appealing actions are encouraged, the dc will of course depend on what are you trying, but you can try! I still try and follow the rules as appropriate, but I enjoy creative solutions.
Level up: I don’t level up based on XP. I level up based on your progression in the overarching story.
Sandbox: This is not ment to be a sandbox game per say, however I am willing to go with the flow if players have reasonable reasons to be doing some sandboxy things. While there will be some track to ride on, I won't stop you from chasing a lead before you are suppsed to. With that said, if you do go someplace beyond your skill I will attempt to warn you of the dangers, but I will not outright stop you.
=About Me=:
I have been RPG tabletop roleplaying on and off for the last 15 years, starting in D&D 3rd edition and moving to Pathfinder around 2007. So I've got a pretty good comprehension of the Pathfinder side of things. I live in northern Georgia, I'm in my early 30s and I am married and have two kids. Aside from PbP games, I have a regular VTT game I play in. Otherwise my time is spent with the family, doing house or school work (working on a dual MBA/MSIS), or playing a video game.
As to my style I enjoy in-depth roleplay but I am not the kind of guy to write a 1000 word description about the scene or a 500 word monologue about the NPCs thoughts on your actions of killing some goblins. In other words, if you expect all my posts to be a novella I’m probably not the right GM for you. On the contrary, I welcome my players to write walls of text, I enjoy reading them. Just remember depending on the pacing, you might get ninjaed by other players or myself while you are writing the wall of text. Good times for wall of texts are over the weekend. On the other side of things if you only like to post during combat or your post only ever consist of a one sentence action followed by a dice roll then I am also probably not the right GM for you. I like to see roleplay in between combat and more details about your action then “I move and attack with a 18”.
I've been playing/GMing PbP games on and off for the last 3-4 years. I've GMed a number of successful modules, and tried running some AP's that have collapsed from player attrition and major life changes (2 kids, moving 3 times, changing jobs, bla bla), luckily I am pretty settled in for the next, probably 15 years or so. As such, not expecting any major upheavals. I work in IT in the local school district so I have a decent amount of flexibility to post, since I am often in front of a computer. As such, I can often get in several posts a day if the pace allows for it. Weekends can be more difficult for me. I am not a rules lawyer per say and there may be times I even consult the group on rulings if it is something extremely technical. Conversely, if it is something trivial I may simply gloss over the RAW and make my own ruling. I generally will not do this in situations where it gives either party a serious advantage over the other. With all that said Pathfinder’s supposed to be fun, and I’ll do my best to keep it that way.