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The woman sighs, the weight of the burden is obviously a great one.
"More than I am willing to let another take on for me. Please let me be. The Talon is not cruel. I will fulfill my oath. I just needed a little more time to prepare things. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do that."
Ran-Hajad pulls her towards the inn, and the woman grudgingly follows.

Y'rjar'n |

Satisfied with the answers they got with the woman, Y'rjar'n steps away from the downed sibbecai.
"Adrian is right, let the woman conquer her own enemies. Perhaps this isn't our fight."
Not able, or even willing, to hide the saber on his person, Y'rjar'n tries to find some place out of view to stash the weapon. The dracha doesn't want it to be used against him again.

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The woman sees the confused look on the giant's face and her own face is also confused, if a little frightened. Her remaining assaulter is beginning to recover from whatever knocked him unconscious.
"Please let me go. I am grateful for your help, but I must do this on my own." The woman looks around desperately, frightened by Gargerath's agressive questions.
"If-if you will let me go, I can give you something of value. Its not much, but it might help you more than it has helped me."

Ran-Hajad |

Ran-Hajad gives Gargarath a helpless look and shrugs. He turns to the woman, and with a crooked smile, pats her on the arm and makes a gentle shooing gesture, as if to encourage her to depart the alley.
When he touches the woman the power of the Green seems to rise up momentarily, even through the hardpacked earth of the alley. She will feel the warm sensation of positive energy flowing through her, and when she moves away, a few green shoots have broken through the surface where she was standing.
Use Infuse with Life on her - 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

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The woman smiles gratefully to Ran-Hajad.
"Thank you, Sir... I-I will be going now."
She departs quickly, with only one fearful glance back at Gargerath, then never looking back.
Each member of the party has earned 150 xp from the encounter.
The sibeccai stands up, slowly and carefully, realizing that the Gargerath and Y have the upper hand.

Y'rjar'n |

Y'rjar'n sighs slightly, a bit bored by the whole situation. "Very well, don't betray that slaver you call master. Run back to him and tell him of your failure. Or don't, I don't really care. Just don't try to extract some kind of revenge ... I won't be so merciful if I ever see you again."

Adrian Selliene |

Adrian watches with some concern as the sibeccai runs off.
"Well, I suppose you are right. He probably won't be bothering anyone for some time again. Shall we continue? I, for one, an interested in getting to the Liar's Club. I'm not certain what kind of welcome has been prepared for the dracha, but I've never been able to get in the tavern as of yet. You have to be invited, usually."

Y'rjar'n |

Adrian watches with some concern as the sibeccai runs off.
"Well, I suppose you are right. He probably won't be bothering anyone for some time again. Shall we continue? I, for one, an interested in getting to the Liar's Club. I'm not certain what kind of welcome has been prepared for the dracha, but I've never been able to get in the tavern as of yet. You have to be invited, usually."
"Yes, let us go. I know not what these liars want of me but it should be interesting."

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Sorry everyone, Friday is busy day for me, usually.
The center of Lothis is a large square reserved almost exclusively for the marketplace. Various stalls, tents, and tables fill the central area. Agricultural wares and farmers produce are in high supply.
Surrounding this noisy view is the Trade Guild headquarters; Mithellin & Mithellin Mercantile; a large Town Guard barracks; a moneychanger; and the large establishment known as the Liar's Club.
At the sight of the dracha, most of the marketplace falls silent and many locals stare openly at the dracha for a few seconds. A loud clearing of the throat can be heard from somewhere behind the crowd, and the marketplace returns to its normal business, if a little louder than necessary.

Ran-Hajad |

Ran-Hajad's eyes widen at the variety of stalls in the marketplace. He hobbles over to the traders selling fruits and stares at the assortment of bright colours, breathing in the multitude of sweet fragrances with a happy smile.
He looks round after a while and a panicked expression crosses his face when he realises he can't see Gargarath and the others. Hurrying quickly across the square, he is relieved to see the group about to enter a large building. He falls in behind them, staring at the grand architecture of the Liar's Club.

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Anyone who wants to try to gather information about the Liar's Club can do so.
The Liar's Club is a large, well-built tavern that requires a little more than just eating and drinking from its patrons. Built ten years ago by a retiring adventurer, this tavern has gained a reputation for tall tales, rough customers and great food and drink. Indeed the food is very good and Bean serves a fine selection of ales and brews. The patrons all have fought for their lives at one time or another and all are ready for any fight offered.
The Liar's Club is hard to miss. It is the largest building in Lothis, aside from the Mith and Mith Mercantile warehouse. Though no more than two stories high, it covers a large area. Storerooms are below ground as are the living quarters of the owner and staff. The interior is one large room with the upper floor and ceiling supported by numerous solid columns of ironwood. Private rooms are available upstairs for dinner parties, poker, meetings or whatever.
The tale is the thing, here at the Liars’ Club. Any who enter must tell their tale or leave. Newcomers are welcomed gladly if they have a tale to share. If not the patrons gather and show the silent one out. He can always return so long as he bears a tale. The Liars’ Club keeps track of famous adventurers and welcomes any news of heroic deeds. One long, windowless wall is reserved for paintings, drawings, and trophies of fallen adventurers. This is the Wall of Fame and only someone who has told his tale will be honored at his death with a place here. There is plenty of room for additions and Bean figures on eventually covering every spot on every wall.

Y'rjar'n |

As he makes his way to the club itself, Y'rjar'n stares in turn at people in the crowd. He nods in recognition at those who sustain his stare but frowns at those who shy away from it. With the square crossed, the dracha boldly enters the private club, eager to see what awaits him inside.

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The cavernous room is filled with patrons, and a loud but not unfamiliar scene of raucous laughter and good natured drunkenness greets those who enter the building. A large litorian and a tall giant stand guard near the entrance, keeping a careful eye on the patrons.
The crowd goes silent at the sight of Y'rjar'n, until finally a loresong faen with windswept dark hair stands at the far side of the room. She slowly begins to clap her hands, chanting in a positive voice "Dracha...... Dracha......" The room soon joins her, until the whole interior is filled with loud and boisterous applause and chanting.

Ran-Hajad |

Ran-Hajad finds the Liar's Club building awe-inspiring, and he nervously follows the others inside. Once there, the claustrophobic atmosphere begins to make him nervous and once the noise and chanting starts, he starts to whimper. He clutches at Gargarath's arm, obviously terrified by all the goings on.

Y'rjar'n |

Surprised by the chanting, Y'rjar'n makes a slight snarl and rises his wings high. "Settle down!" He says loudly. "I know not what you've heard of my kin but I'm not here to save yours. I'm not even an envoy of the Dragons, if that's what you're looking for. I'm a simple warrior, one unworthy of such honor."

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A mysterious but provocative loresong faen woman steps out of the crowd, ascending a small stage at the end of the room.
"You misunderstand our enthusiasm, Sir Dracha."
She gestures with her hands towards the crowd, who had indeed grown silent at Y'rjar'n 's request.
"You see before you some of the bravest adventurers this side of Gahanis. Many of them have seen your kind before, if only in passing. What we are excited about is the expansion of your race into the lesser known cities of the Lands of the Diamond Throne."
"I am called Bean Silvertongue. And I also am pleased that you have graced this town with your presence. Your presence alone is an inspiration to challenge closed minds and the old ways of doing things. You represent the major changes that may yet come to the Lands of the Diamond Throne... so people look at you in both awe and wonder. Whether this is what you would have or not, is another story."
At the mention of the word 'story', the crowd grows even more silent, giving close attention to Bean and the new visitors. Bean looks over the crowd, a slight look of irritation crosses her features, and she waves her hand towards the bar.
"A pitcher of ale for every table! In honor of the dracha; in honor of the changing of the guard; in honor of true change, which affects us all."
The crowd shouts (or perhaps chants) "Huzzah!"
Bean herself heads towards a lone table, looking back over her shoulder at Y'rjar'n and the others with him.

Y'rjar'n |

If the dracha had eyebrows, Y'rjar'n would raise one. While he is somewhat unnerved by the faen's speech, he's still curious to see if she wants anything else of him. He moves forward and sits at Bean's table. He refuses any alcohol offered but looks to order some food if possible. Meat of some kind would be is choice.
Y'rjar'n also questions to Bean Silvertongue. "So you desire change for change's sake alone? While one must adapt to new situations, ignoring the wisdom of the elders and the old ways is foolish."

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Bean looks at the dracha and anyone else who accompanied him.
"There are times when change is welcome. And times for stability. But usually it is a strange and marvelous combination of both that we deal with. The dramojh were defeated, after ruling this land for a great history. The giants have ruled, after the initial shock, for a time with wisdom and stability. But perhaps too much stability is what inspires governmental change. When our rulers become complacent, ineffective, and obviously self-centered, we grow eager to embrace change, even if that change will ultimately return us to a form of stability."
Bean pours the ale into tankards set at the table, and gestures for a large tray of skewered meat and vegetables to be brought forward.

Adrian Selliene |

Adrian follows Y'rjar'n, curious about the turn of events. He sits down at the table also and gladly accepts a tankard of ale.
"I sense truth in your words, Silvertongue, but a wisdom that escapes most. What you are describing is the way of a great many things, including magic. Magic flows in statements of change and stability. It is the basis for its existence. But other things besides magic and politics bend to the rules of transformation."

Ran-Hajad |

Gargarath's remark goes right over Ran-Hajad's head. He is too busy gawping at the tiny woman who has appeared and is addressing the dragon man and his friend. Every time he thinks she isn't looking he stares at her, slack-jawed in wonder; when he sees her looking in his direction, he pretends to be looking somewhere else, occasionally sneaking another peek at her from behind his large hands.

Y'rjar'n |

Y'rjar'n nods slowly. "Wiser words." He says simply. As he grabs a piece of pork, he also adds: "Miss Silvertongue, I'm guessing you're the one who invited me here, to this club. I wonder whatever you have anything to propose me or you simply wanted to exhibit me as a symbol of change?"

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"Not exhibit you... Introduce you."
Bean Silvertongue picks delicately at the vegetables that had been placed in front of her, a strange wind seems to animate her hair.
"Unless it was your intention to remain obscure and mysterious to the residents of Lothis."
She reaches into a pouch at her side and picks out a few coins. She places a large gold coin in the center of the table.
"Lothis is a town that is growing, exponentially some might say, because of its market. Other than paying taxes to the Diamond Throne, we have not yet enjoyed the company of their beauracracy. No Speaker rules here, and that is the way the Council prefers it."
Bean pauses for a moment to eat some yellow squash and red peppers.
She sips at the tankard she had poured for herself.
"Even so, we sometimes yearn for the stability that the Speakers sometimes provide. The Giantish military presence could help keep farms stable as the town guard are not numerous enough to protect them outside the walls. Farming around these parts is a dangerous business due to the rhodin that roam these southern plains."
"Iriana Truthspeaker has sent word to a Giantish commander. Colonel Nye-Fedoran. And it is she I speak for, though I am not certain I agree with her decision. Northwest of here lies Ebonring Keep, a small fortress which until recently had been held by rhodin scum, preventing the lands in the area from being settled by farmers. Now that the presence has been removed, our farming industry is expanding, and claims are opening again."
"What I am proposing, friends, is that you aid Iriana at the keep. She has sent word that she needs adventurers to seek out the rhodin, who have stolen something of importance from Ebonring Keep. That is all that she has told me."
"I heartily encourage you to do so. If the region can be made more stable, the town will continue to grow. I only hope that this military presence will not dampen our industry."
Bean reaches under her chair and pulls out a medium-sized pouch.
"The Council has agreed to pay 500 gold pieces to those who agree to assist Iriana."
She tosses the pouch on the table, and a few gold coins spill out of it.
"I was not sure you would be the ones for this job. It is a delicate and yet provocative matter that must be attended in one way or another. The Council was loathe to send just anyone, and even here in the Liar's Club I determined no adventurers were the right ones."

Y'rjar'n |

Y'rjar'n gulps down one last piece of pork before leaning forward, now more interested by what Bean has to say. "An honorable task, and well paid, I'll participate. It might even help my creator's plans for this region. You said you weren't sure we would be the ones for this job, are you sure now? I personally have my doubts about the giant ... Do you have anymore instructions for us? I'm guessing you're hoping that we can solve this Iriana's problems before Colonel Nye-Fedoran can. It could help you convince others that you don't need the giants to defend yourselves."

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Bean Silvertongue nods her head, letting her wind-streaked hair curl a little about her shoulders.
"Nye-Fedoran has already arrived with his forces. He holds the Keep. Many of the town's residents who had been interested in setting up farms of their own have departed for the area. I do not know specifically what Iriana wishes of you, other than what she has told me."
She pauses before she continues.
"As to whether I am sure you are the ones to complete this task, I would be more certain if you would swear an oath to seeing it done."

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"I had hoped your powers of observation would have already cleared up who I am, and whether or not you can trust me. I am Bean Silvertongue, owner of the Liar's Den, an Adept Witch of the Wind Circle, also a member of the Trade Council of Lothis. What more do you need to know?"
She picks up the coins that had fallen out of the pouch.
"Do you think that the Trade Council would so easily part with this? It is a hefty sum which can go a far way should the trade fairs prove less resourceful."

Adrian Selliene |

Adrian leans forward, taking another sip of ale from his tankard.
"I, for one, would be interested in seeing this Ebonring Keep. I have heard tale that it once protected an item of strange magic, or that the fortress itself is magical in nature."
He ponders this for a moment, as though attempting to remember more about it.
"Iriana? Isn't she a magister?"

Ran-Hajad |

Ran-Hajad had been watching the exchange between the faen, the dragon-man and Gargarath very closely. Not so he could engage in a meaningful discussion, though. Oh no, his interests lay elsewhere: to be precise, in the plate of tasty food stuffs which lay in the centre of the table. Whenever he thought he might get away unnoticed, he stretched his hand out, all the while trying to keep his face from giving away what he was up to, and snaffle up something, which he duly popped in his mouth - when nobody was looking - and attempted to chew surreptitiously.
When Garagarath spoke, he nodded sagely, then leaned close to Adrian and whispered 'oafs', before giving him his best conspiratorial wink. Satisfied, he went back to eyeing up the plate.

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Bean is taken aback by Adrian's hatred.
"The Rhodin are a major threat to the stability of Lothis. Without their Ebonring Keep, raiders have been threatening our existence on a daily basis. The military presence and the guard do what they can of course, but the attacks still occur."
Bean Silvertongue stands up.
"Are you up for it then? Are you willing to swear before all and sundry that you'll do your best to help Iriana and her people at Ebonring Keep?"

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Bean nods her head in respect to the dracha, even as Adrian stands up.
"I also will swear to help Iriana to the best of my abiity. But if we should fail, and still live, I will go my own path if the situation deem it ncessary."
Bean smiles secretively but also nods her head in respect to the young human. "A true oath, even if unconventional, is always meant from he heart."

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Bean nods her head in respect to the dracha, even as Adrian stands up.
"I also will swear to help Iriana to the best of my abiity. But if we should fail, and still live, I will go my own path if the situation deem it necessary."
Bean smiles secretively but also nods her head in respect to the young human. "A true oath, even if unconventional, is always meant from the heart."
While awaiting a response from the other two members, Bean slides the pouch of coins over, along with a rolled up map of the region.