Grumpy Behemoth |
![Ogre Brute](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Ogre_90.jpeg)
I know I'm late to the party but i'll try to have something done. I haven't played Pbp in a while but I think I still know how everything works.
1 3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 2) = 7
2 3d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5) = 8
3 3d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 3) = 7
4 3d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 5) = 9
5 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 2) = 8
6 3d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 3) = 9
re-roll 1 1d6 ⇒ 3
re-roll 2 1d6 ⇒ 1
re-roll 3 1d6 ⇒ 1
re-roll 4 1d6 ⇒ 2
re-roll 6 1d6 ⇒ 5
re-re-roll 2 1d6 ⇒ 6
re-re roll 3 1d6 ⇒ 6
ill post with my altered dwarf and a concept soon.
cuatroespada |
LG Brawler/Cleric (Devout Pilgrim)
It's a typical night at the Bearded Lady, favored watering hole for the dwarves of Brunderton. Durham Battlebrew is enjoying a mug of fine scotch-ale in his customary seat at the bar. The usual suspects are getting a bit rowdy, but the bartender Brodik doesn't look worried yet, so Durham pays them no mind.
The evening wears on without incident until one of the human guards enters. He gives a polite nod to Brodik before walking over to the notice board to post something and leaving just as suddenly. A few dwarves go over to read it, but most are unconcerned until one of them shouts, "Oi, Lads! Yer gonna wanna see this!"
Suddenly, there was a stampede. More than half the tavern rushs over to find out what is so interesting. Durham remains in his stool and sips his ale, watching the crowd, ready. Here it comes, he thinks. By Grundinnar, I'd shave me beard off if we could make it through an entire night without a fight. Well, maybe not me bea— And that's when it happens.
In the confusion and chaos of 15+ dwarves attempting to push, climb, and crawl their way through to read the missive, somebody accidentally rips off the left side of another dwarf's mustache. The unfortunate dwarf, both a regular patron and one regularly removed, roars furiously and begins throwing punches wildly. Durham lets out an exasperated sigh, downs the rest of his mug, and hops off his stool. "I'll be wantin' a nice heavy stout when I'm done," he informs Brodik.
Durham wades into the brawl as most of the dwarves quickly attempt to establish themselves as mere spectators. He calmly places his hand on the shoulder of the nearest combatant who immediately swings his fist around going for Durham's face. He tilts his head a bit to avoid it, removes the dwarf's feet from below him, and promptly knocks him out with a strong right to the jaw. And one. He nods with satisfaction and is standing up to deal with the others when a stool smashes across his back. His face turns suddenly serious, as he strikes the offender in the gut so hard the poor dwarf drops the parts of the stool he still clutched and can do nothing to avoid the left hook that lays him out flat.
He turns to regard the remaining three dwarves and the intensity of his gaze cows them into submission. "If you three don't want to end up like yer buddies here, I suggest you pay your tabs and leave... NOW!" he roars. The three dwarves hastily toss bags of coin onto the bar (surely, more than they owed for their drinks) and scramble for the door. A couple of bystanders help the two unconscious dwarves get home and activity in the tavern settles back down.
Durham goes to the bar to retrieve the mug of stout Brodik had prepared him and then finally heads over to the notice board.
"All ye brave of heart and strong in desire, harken!
To the south lies those lands long bereft of order and Lordship.
The Swordlords call out for those of stout character
to journey to the south and tame the wildlands
for the glory of first themselves and then The Ruby Throne!
All interested parties please see your nearest clerk's office."
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
G-unit: I know you said you're low on time but you seemed kind of bummed about not getting a bear so I thought I'd take one more stab at helping with that... Beast Rider cavalier (which I mentioned before) has a class feature where animals that are naturally large/huge but only become medium as companions (like the bear) become large for them and can be mounts. At 7th level you can take a bear and its size increases to large so you can ride it. Your main objection to the beast rider I suggested before was that you lost casting... If you pair it with bard, though, you end up with full BAB, all good saves, 6+ skills, and 6 level casting. Obviously your stats would have to be tweaked (you could drop some skill stuff and spend the RPs on flexible stats to avoid any penalty to Cha), but bardic performance will buff the bear along with everyone else. Sorry if this is too late but I thought I'd mention it just in case.
Vinsomner |
![Magma Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-MagmaDragon.jpg)
And I'm back :)
Updated Submission List
Player -> Name - Class / Class
Jereru -> Thomen Rhogdharslagsun - Fighter / Warpriest
Marko -> Montis Ironhide - Barbarian / Druid
Harken Outseeker -> Harken Outseeker - Hunter / ?
Gerald -> Agna Tarnhammer - Deep Earth Sorcerer / Monk
Tharasiph -> Furnok Stoneshoulder - Fighter / Inquisitor of Torag
Tanner Nielsen -> Savarend Whiteroot - Monk / Rogue
Olaf the Holy -> Regdar Greenshield - Magus / Arsenal Chaplain Warpriest
TheOrcnextdoor -> Ivan Bronzebeard - Cleric / Fighter OR Thorin Ironbreaker - Gunslinger / Inquisitor
drbuzzard -> Angweld the Scout - Fighter / Slayer
Mark.Twain007 -> Markus Lifender - Fighter / Unchained Rogue
Gunther Tark -> Gunther Tark - Unbreakable Fighter / Cleric
BC4Realz -> Falaich Atharrachadh - Synthesist / Fighter
nate lange -> Ulfgar Helmhammer - Unchained Monk / Crusader Cleric OR Morgrim Ironbeard - Fighter Warrior / Investigator OR The Warrior of the Old Way - Wild Stalker Ranger / Druid OR Charismatic Dwarf - Paladin / Arcande Duelist Bard
cuatroespada -> Flint Foehammer - Fighter Foehammer / Ranger OR Durham Battlebrew - Brawler / Devout Pilgrim Cleric
G-unit -> Grimdël Kærroksun - Slayer / Sacred Huntsman Inquisitor
Ouachitonian -> Tormak Book-Fiend - Aldori Swordlord Fighter / Magus OR Tormak - Stonelord Paladin / Warpriest of Trudd
Oterisk -> Broden - Whitehaired Witch / Unchained Monk
Gnomezrule -> Cantankerous Ike - Ranger / Skald
G-unit |
![Space Gnome](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO7101-SpaceGnome_500.jpeg)
@nate lange: thanks for trying to solve this conundrum for me!
No worries, I am very happy with Grimdël. I may still go with a bear as an animal companion as my build is more of a teamwork build and not a charging build so the bear can work. That's why I was looking at hunter or sacred huntmaster as the chassis for this build as they get to share teamwork feats with their Animal Companion all the time. I think this ability will help with the Animal Companions effectiveness at higher levels when they start to lag.
Being able to be considered flanking while riding (or adjacent) with the Pack Flanking teamwork feat is the big selling point for this build. will help make it easier to get sneak attacks with the slayer. I like to keep one AnComp for the AP so I am leaning toward a bear again and will just wait til 5th level to be able to ride with the undersized mount feat. Plus the slayer adds a lot to build with slayer talents.
Thanks again!
edit: just got called into work so probably won't change.
Grumpy Behemoth |
![Ogre Brute](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Ogre_90.jpeg)
Here are the stats for my dwarf subspecies
Pit dwarf
Humanoid (dwarf) 0
medium 0
slow -1
specialized 1 +2 str, +2 con, -2 Cha
xenophobic 0
defensive training greater 4
hardy 3
stability 1
natural armor 2
relentless 1
weapon familiarity 2
darkvision 120 ft 3
light sensitivity -1
15 rp
Pit dwarves are dwarves raised in the bowels of deep catacombs. Trained from birth as pit fighters and warriors they lack the intuition and artistry of there kin but are unmatched in savagery and strength. Their culture is based around small tribes led by chiefs chosen by strength and honor. Pit dwarves value physical power, honor, and community. They are feared by many of the “higher” dwarves as savages, but are also widely respected for their devotion and honor.
Ouachitonian |
And I'm back :)
Updated Submission List
Player -> Name - Class / Class
Jereru -> Thomen Rhogdharslagsun - Fighter / Warpriest
Marko -> Montis Ironhide - Barbarian / Druid
Harken Outseeker -> Harken Outseeker - Hunter / ?
Gerald -> Agna Tarnhammer - Deep Earth Sorcerer / Monk
Tharasiph -> Furnok Stoneshoulder - Fighter / Inquisitor of Torag
Tanner Nielsen -> Savarend Whiteroot - Monk / Rogue
Olaf the Holy -> Regdar Greenshield - Magus / Arsenal Chaplain Warpriest
TheOrcnextdoor -> Ivan Bronzebeard - Cleric / Fighter OR Thorin Ironbreaker - Gunslinger / Inquisitor
drbuzzard -> Angweld the Scout - Fighter / Slayer
Mark.Twain007 -> Markus Lifender - Fighter / Unchained Rogue
Gunther Tark -> Gunther Tark - Unbreakable Fighter / Cleric
BC4Realz -> Falaich Atharrachadh - Synthesist / Fighter
nate lange -> Ulfgar Helmhammer - Unchained Monk / Crusader Cleric...
Minor corrections: Book-Friend, not Fiend, and the Stonelord/Warpriest is named Ivar Stonewrought, I just posted him using the Tormak alias. Ivar would actually be my first choice, I think he fits better with the theme of the campaign.
cuatroespada |
here are those Lucky Charms® i promised. sorry it took so long. i sleep now.
Dwarven Brawler / Cleric (Devout Pilgrim) 1
LG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +3; Senses Perception +9
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +2 dodge)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +6 (1d6+4/x3)
Ranged light hammer +4 (1d4+4/x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 18 (21 vs. bull rush or trip)
Traits Strong Arm, Supple Wrist
Feats Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)
Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +8, Diplomacy +5, Knowledge (religion) +6, Perception +9, Sense Motive +9
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ defensive training (+2 dodge bonus to AC); hardy (+2 to saves vs poison, spells, and spell-like abilities); hatred (+1 attack against humanoid (goblin, orc); slow and steady (speed never modified by armor or encumbrance); sociable (may attempt second diplomacy check within 24 hours after failing by 5 or more); stability (+4 to combat maneuver defense vs. bull rush or trip when standing on ground); stonecunning (+2 perception to notice unusual stonework. auto-check within 10 ft.); weapon familiarity (proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word "dwarven" in its name as a martial weapon)
Gear chain shirt, (2) light hammer [29 lbs.]
Wealth 498 gp
also, racial adjustments were minor. switched defensive training to greater, dropped greed, added sociable.
Vinsomner |
![Magma Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9434-MagmaDragon.jpg)
Nate Lange: It wouldn't hurt actually, giving a brief description of the combat style and their use in and out of combat. Go ahead and contain it to a single post for all your submissions (just spoiler the characters). Sorry I just realized you've asked that before and I didn't catch it!
We are no longer accepting applications.
Grumpy Behemoth: You can still submit your application as long as it's received by the end of day today.
- Please review the submission list and point out any mistakes in the list!
- Please post a 1-2 sentence summary for your character applications about their fighting style and their use in and out of combat. Refer to G-Unit's Submission of Grimdël Kærroksun. IF you have submitted multiple applications, please spoiler them in the same post.
All applicants, please do the following!
Updated Submission List
Player -> Name - Class / Class
Jereru -> Thomen Rhogdharslagsun - Fighter / Warpriest
Gerald -> Agna Tarnhammer - Deep Earth Sorcerer / Monk
Tharasiph -> Furnok Stoneshoulder - Fighter / Inquisitor of Torag
Tanner Nielsen -> Savarend Whiteroot - Monk / Rogue
Olaf the Holy -> Regdar Greenshield - Magus / Arsenal Chaplain Warpriest
TheOrcnextdoor -> Ivan Bronzebeard - Cleric / Fighter OR Thorin Ironbreaker - Gunslinger / Inquisitor
drbuzzard -> Angweld the Scout - Fighter / Slayer
Mark.Twain007 -> Markus Lifender - Fighter / Unchained Rogue
Gunther Tark -> Gunther Tark - Unbreakable Fighter / Cleric
BC4Realz -> Falaich Atharrachadh - Synthesist / Fighter
nate lange -> Ulfgar Helmhammer - Unchained Monk / Crusader Cleric OR Morgrim Ironbeard - Mutations Warrior / Investigator OR The Warrior of the Old Way - Wild Stalker Ranger / Druid OR Charismatic Dwarf - Paladin / Arcande Duelist Bard
cuatroespada -> Flint Foehammer - Fighter Foehammer / Ranger OR Durham Battlebrew - Brawler / Devout Pilgrim Cleric
G-unit -> Grimdël Kærroksun - Slayer / Sacred Huntsman Inquisitor
Ouachitonian -> Tormak Book-Friend - Aldori Swordlord Fighter / Magus OR Ivar Stonewrought - Stonelord Paladin / Warpriest of Trudd
Oterisk -> Broden - Whitehaired Witch / Unchained Monk
Gnomezrule -> Cantankerous Ike - Ranger / Skald
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Leadership roles: high priest, councilor, marshal
Leadership roles: magister, treasurer, spymaster
Leadership roles: general, marshal, warden
Leadership role: ruler, grand diplomat
Any idea when you'll announce the picks?
Also, Mogrim's link isn't working in your last post.
Grimdël Kærroksun |
![Ajbal Kimon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9246-Ajbal_90.jpeg)
Thought I'd re-post so others didn't have to search for it:
Roles: Front-liner (waraxe and shield), After 5th level he can function as a Skirmisher if need be. He is a secondary healer, face (conversion inquisition gives wisdom for Cha), buffing (limited by spells), Skill Monkey, & tracking (& scout as he wears light armor) (at second level can go in several different directions depending on party makeup. Slayer talents will allow him to focus on stealth/traps, ranged or melee, ranger favored terrains, or even get a gun!).He has full bab, all good saves, 6+skills/level, and 6 levels of divine spell casting.
Finally, I went with a bear as an animal companion and plan maximizing teamwork feats and using the bear as a mount at fifth level with the undersized mount feat. (carries a keg of beer under its chin like a St. Bernard, so I get beer & bear the best of both worlds!)
Also, I rebuilt the dwarf race, details are in his alias as well as the spoiler below:
Summary: Dwarves of House Medvyed have lived in the Gronzi Forest for centuries. Dwarves of the forests have the focused aptitude for their new lands that dwarves use to have for caves, tunnels, and the forge. Medvyed Dwarves have embodied the Medvyed family Motto: "Endurance Overcomes All."
Humanoid (Dwarf) 0 rp
Medium 0 rp
Base Speed
Slow -1 rp
Ability Score Modifiers
Weakness (Con +2, Wis +2, Cha -4) -1 rp
Dwarven Languages
Standard (Dwarves begin play speaking Common and Dwarven. Dwarves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and sylvan.) 0 rpreplaced undercommon with sylvan
Defense Racial Traits
Natural Armor (+1 natural armor bonus) 2 rp
Bond to the Land (+2 dodge bonus to Ac in forests)2rp
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Static Bonus Feat (Toughness) 2 rp
Static Bonus Feat (Endurance) 2 rp
Skill training (Knowledge Nature and Handle Animal are class skills) 1 rp
Skill Bonus (+1 to Knowledge Nature and Handle Animal) 2 rp
Camouflage (+4 to stealth in forests) 1 rp
Terrain Stride (nonmagical difficult terrain doesn’t affect movement in forests) 1rp
Offensive Racial Traits
Weapon Familiarity ( Axes and dwarven weapons) 1rp
Weapon Familiarity (Hammers and crossbows) 1rp took away picks
Senses Racial Traits
Darkvision (60 ft) 2 rp
Total 15rp
cuatroespada |
Fighting Style: Hammer specialist. Preference for TWF with warhammer and light hammer (though at level 1 he'll just power attack two-handed with the warhammer). AC Marl is flanking partner and trips foes so Flint may full-attack.
Potential Leadership Roles: General or Warden
Agna Tarnhammer |
![Matrena Goldthorpe](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9232-Matrena.jpg)
Agna is planned as able to help on several fronts. She is a full arcane caster, so she can handle any role the party needs from buffing, ranged damage, debuffing, etc.
She is also quite an able front liner, as currently plotted. She's got great strength, will have a good AC and with her monk abilities and fight boosting spells, can be a strong front liner easily.
She will have quite a few skill points due to her Intelligence, so she can help with whatever out of combat challenges necessary, from taking face skills to use her high Charisma, to whatever role the party needs covered most.
She truly is a jack of all trades type, and can fill whatever the group needs, imho.
Savarend Whiteroot |
Combat Roles: Skirmisher, single-target lockdown, and assassin. My fighting style will focus on getting to the most important targets (Monk speed, Acrobatics, and Stealth) and shutting them down with a grapple, pin, and sneak attack (Strangler). Great for negating spellcasters. By 5th level I will be able to ghost enemies with completely silent kills (Chokehold), which is great for taking out guards and sentries. My tetori archetype will ensure that I can grapple hard, fast, and consistently.
RP Roles: Skillmonkey (Disable Device, Perception, Climb, Swim) and Builder (stonemasonry, engineering, architect). Savarend wants to build a kingdom that is dwarven, so he plans on having half the kingdom above ground and half the kingdom below. Why have fortified tunnels connecting our settlements? Why have underground fungal farms? Why have ridiculously complicated defenses. Because we're dwarves! My Stronghold Builder's Guidebook is ready.
Ouachitonian |
Tormak is primarily a front-liner, though he largely focuses on defense, relying on spellstrike (from 2nd level on) for damage bursts. He can reserve some spells for other uses of the party needs, especially once we get to 4th level and spell recall will allow him to prep fewer damage spells and recall them with pool points. Out of combat, he knows pretty much everything, with the Breadth of Experience plus high intelligence giving him +8 on all knowledges (up to +12 in some) and the ability to make knowledge checks untrained.
Kingdom roles: Magister, Spymaster, Marshal, Enforcer
Ivar is also a front-liner, but he fights differently, using high AC and a reach weapon (eventually adding the Lunge feat and perhaps enlarge person or longarm), he can control wide swathes of the battlefield, especially once he gets to a higher level and can take Dorn-Dergar Mastery(allowing him to one-hand it with a shield in the other hand) and Stalwart Defender's Defensive Powers; he's a rock that can't be moved, stick him in front of the casters, or in a bottleneck, and he can hold off just about anyone. Out of combat, he has the same Breadth of Experience as Tormak, but with lower INT it won't be quite as effective, and he can also be a very useful healer, with Fervor, Channel Energy, spontaneous Cure spells, and Lay on Hands, though he may be using quite a bit of LoH(for Fatigued Mercy after 6th level) and Fervor(to swift-cast) on himself. Also, 6 levels of cleric spells.
Kingdom roles: Warden, Marshal, Councilor, High Priest
Furnok Stoneshoulder |
Front line fighter (waraxe and shield), skirmisher, trap finder and disarmer, secondary healer/buffer.
Due to fighter his armour and weapon skills are just going to get better and better. Studied target, sneak attacks, bane, weapon training will all combine together to make him a very damaging attacker. He will also make a great face due to conversation inquisition ( wis instead of cha for Diplomacy, bluff and intimidate)
He will alsonhave a large number of knowledge skills.
Kingdom roles- high priest, warden, genrral.
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Wow, you guys are writing so much... I tried to be concise but now I feel like I should have written more... I guess I'll have to trust in my characters' obvious awesomeness to get one through ;)
@ouachitonian- didn't it say somewhere that there wouldn't be any prestige classes? How are you going to get stalwart defender abilities?
drbuzzard |
True, wit is moot here, but I tend to follow instructions and making him read through less is a mercy with so many selections.
When I recruit for a game, I am a touch on the brutal side when it comes to instructions. One time I recruited for people for a beer and pretzel game, and said minimal background was needed. Of course I got several people giving me little novellas of their wonderful character's background. They got nuked immediately and not considered.
Ouachitonian |
Wow, you guys are writing so much... I tried to be concise but now I feel like I should have written more... I guess I'll have to trust in my characters' obvious awesomeness to get one through ;)
@ouachitonian- didn't it say somewhere that there wouldn't be any prestige classes? How are you going to get stalwart defender abilities?
Stonelord is a Dwarf racial Paladin archetype (from the ARG) that basically takes Stalwart Defender and turns it into a base class; you lose most of your Paladin features (except LoH and one Mercy) but gain Defensive Stance at 4th and a Defensive Power every 4 levels after that, plus some other neat feature like an Earth Elemental instead of a mount/weapon bond.
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Lol- I tend to more merciful when I run recruitments, but I do always appreciate when people read and follow my guidelines/instructions. I do agree that less is often a mercy though (which is why i tried to keep my background and description down to reasonable 1 and 2 paragraph affairs). I recruited a while back for a mythic 11th level gestalt game and got 20-something applications, some of which were very long and it was a lot to read through.
@ouach- thanks but we ninja'd you
Thomen "The Omen" |
Combat wise, Thomen is capable of an acceptable self-buffing dps, though if needed he can switch to heal and/or buff. Maybe some tanking if the right spells are memorised.
Out of combat, he's a not-so-bad stealther and scout (for being heavy armoured), and capable of some healing and skill buffing.
His aim is to excel at melee combat to prove himself better than the Aldori swordmen.
Bruden |
Bruden is a defensively and offensively strong melee beast and a full caster, fighting with his beard, he'll be able to use three of his stats in the future for damage (Kraken style plus white hair via Feral Combat Training), as well as incredible reach and physical and mental debuff capabilities as well as a back-up healer.
Outside of combat, he is a jeweler, a shipwright, and a fairly able scout (without that whole squishy quality) who is an advocate of the old ways of dwarfdom, looking into a supportive role to whomever wasn't smart enough to be pushed into leadership.
Thorin Ironbreaker |
Thorin is a ranged combatant of course focusing on killing things before they kill you he comes with slight healing potential but not alot until he can purchase a wand of CLW. Potentially may pick up craft Feats.
Out of combat Thorin is rather intelligent, and can bring good discipline to things capable of scouting and working as a source of knowledge on some subjects and decent exploration skills.
I hadn't intended to submit both, bit I suppose it won't hurt.
In combat Ivan is a front line damage dealer with excellent support and healing abilities with a wide range of options through his spells.
Out of combat Ivan has a nice pool of knowledge skills and will likely even pick up some crafting feats/skills. He also has the advantage of spells and decent exploration.
Splurge: for background purposes, Ivan is an older dwarf, honorable, proud, strong and steadfast. He has a very calm demeanor for a dwarf and functions as a voice of reason in many heated situations. He if kind, if tough to people he cares for and will often seem at once harsh but overprotective involving them.
Shady_Motives |
![Beltias Kreun](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/c_beltais_final.jpg)
FYI we are looking over some of these applications and aren't seeing anything besides crunch. Check over your sheets and make sure you have everything we requested. Failure to do so results in automatic DQ.
Edit: If you have created a character sheet here on the boards please include your history and description in them, don't just leave them on the recruitment thread. It's quite annoying when we have to track them both down because they are separated.
RECRUITMENT ENDS AT 6/27/2016, 2359 PST.
cuatroespada |
hmm... it occurs to me that my physical descriptions might be a bit lacking, so
Cantankerous Ike |
Ike is headed toward switch hitter crossbow at range two hander up close. His angry war chants a spells would be buffing.
Out of combat Ike is a solid survivalist keeping allies on trail and feed.
As far as fluff. Ike has a long way to go to rise. At this point he is pulling himself out of the gutter literally and emotionally. He has little left to lose though recovering some sense of honor will be an exciting character change.
G-unit |
![Space Gnome](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO7101-SpaceGnome_500.jpeg)
Went through all the posts to make sure I didn't miss any instructions. I don't think I did. However, I adjusted the Medvyed Dwarf to be more dwarfy got ride of AC, movement, and stealth bonuses in forests and took back stability and hardy. Also, made minor tweaks to Grimdël's background.
Thanks and good luck to all.
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
i have one or two posts in the thread that might look like incomplete applications but any of the aliases/posts/etc that I've linked contain completed characters (including background and appearance).
it looks like there's 3-4 more hours to the final deadline, so I'm going to try to stop compulsive checking the thread until morning. Good luck all!
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I feel your pain, cuatro...
The worst part is that my messed up brain is going 'you know what would kill those hours pretty easily? One more application...' and most of me is like "absolutely not" but then there's this one part that's like "a dwarven mounted combat guy flying on the back of a roc would be pretty sweet..."