The Beast & the Harlot: Dragoncat's Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master Dragoncat

Current Date: Oathday, 30th of Pharast, 4711 AR

Current Chapter: Escape from Old Korvosa

One would think that having ended the Urgathoan threat to the city, our heroes would be granted more time to rest. But alas, that is not the case. For Queen Ileosa herself has condemned Old Korvosa to a slow death, and is forcing the Korvosan Guard and Sable Company out in favour of a military force loyal to her alone--her Grey Maidens.

She must be removed from the throne, and the man who has the authority to unite the Peerage in doing so is trapped somewhere in Old Korvosa.

Map of Korvosa

Arkona Manor

The Vivified Labyrinth

Perception Macros:
[dice=Perception (Karri)]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Perception (Demitri)]1d20+9[/dice]
[dice=Perception (Lyla)]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=Perception (Ortik)]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=Perception (Nalun)]1d20+7[/dice]

Initiative Macros:
[dice=Initiative (Karri w/Familiar)]1d20+10[/dice]
[dice=Initiative (Demitri)]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Initiative (Lyla)]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Initiative (Ortik)]1d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Initiative (Nalun)]1d20+3[/dice]

Language Matrix:

Shoanti: Mongol
Aklo: Telugu
Orc: Khmer

Harrow Points Uses: Escape from Old Korvosa

Harrow Points can be used with an Immediate Action.

Arcane Wrath: A PC with levels in a class that grants bonus spells based on his Intelligence score can spend a Harrow Point to increase the power of a spell from that
class’s spell list as he casts it. He increases the DC of that spell (or in the case of an alchemist, bomb) by 2 and gains both a +4 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance and a +2 bonus on any attack rolls for that spell.

Flash of Insight: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to attempt a check for a skill that requires training and in which he has no ranks. He gains a one-time +5 insight bonus on this check.

Intelligence Rerolls: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to reroll an Intelligence-based check. He must abide by the new result (although if he has additional Harrow Points remaining, he can use them to attempt additional rerolls).

Harrow Points by PC:

Demitri: 3/3 remaining
Lyla: 3/3 remaining
Karri: 3/3 remaining
Ortik: 3/3 remaining
Nalun: 3/3 remaining

Important NPCs (In Progress):
Gaedren Lamm: Once an elderly crime lord, now a bunch of bloody chunks on a fishery floor. Used to kidnap innocent children to turn them into his private pickpocket army.

Madame Zellara: A Varisian fortuneteller turned ghost bound to a Harrow deck. Brought most of the PCs together to take down Lamm.

Queen Ileosa Arabasti I: The new Queen of Korvosa. Nobody likes her. Has taken steps to combat the plague affecting Korvosa by hiring an organization of doctors that she calls the Queen's Physicians, and has charged her bodyguard with leading a fighting force composed entirely of women, the Grey Maidens.

Sabina Merrin: The Hand of the Queen, entrusted with being her bodyguard. Has a history with Vencarlo Orisini & Grau Soldado. Currently the commanding officer of the Grey Maidens.

Field Marshal Cressida Kroft: Korvosa's overworked leader of the guards. Currently has Verik Vancaskerkin & Parns Storm incarcerated in Citadel Volshyenek along with Devargo Barvasi. Now also has Vendra Loaggri and her crew locked up for conning innocent, diseased people out of their money. Ileosa seems to go out of her way to undercut her authority.

Judge Zenobia Zenderholm: Known as 'the Hanging Judge'. Pals with Kroft and serves as a voice of reason.

Acolyte Ishani Dhatri: Abadar's liaison to the Korvosan Guard. Serves as Kroft's assistant. Also holds a bit too closely to Abadar's doctrine.

Nowhere was his dedication to Abadar's teachings more evident than during the Blood Veil Plague: his sense of morality came into sharp conflict with his beliefs when Sergeant Soldado's family didn't have enough money to pay for a spell to cure Brienna Soldado of her illness. The party footed the bill and resolved the matter, but the affair shook him greatly.

Vencarlo Orisini: A local swordmaster. Likes to think of himself as a dashing figure. Whether or not he's successful in being so is up in the air.

Sergeant Grau Soldado: Varisian sergeant in the Korvosan Guard. Ortik found him raving drunkenly in an alley. He's sobered up and working to keep order in the city once more.

His niece took ill with the Blood Veil plague, but thanks to the party's intervention, managed to save her life with Acolyte Dhatri's help.

Corporal Griggs: Varisian corporal and sleuth. Raised in the Forgottenfolk commune under Old Man Hartleby. Tracked down Althea when she was kidnapped by Devargo Barvasi. Has a history with Ortik.

He snooped around the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden, where the Queen's Physicians made their base, but was captured and subjected to experiments regarding their plague. He turned out to be immune to it--and that made him a person of interest to the cult of Urgathoa.

Private Simon Clay: Taldan private. Pissed off Kroft by letting Old Man Hartleby keep spell components in his cell. Reassigned to sewer patrol. Used to be fat, now gaunt and grumpy. Now recruited by Queen Ileosa after he sank an incoming ship bearing a quarantine light, against Kroft's orders.

Later, he was revealed to be a wererat, having been infected long before the plague began. The party was forced to put him down.

Old Man Hartleby: Leader of the Forgottenfolk commune. Had a run-in with Gaedren Lamm, but Ortik was able to clear his name. Fond of speaking cryptically. Quite distressed by the plague amongst Korvosa's smallfolk.

Marius Ornelos: Mouthy, bigoted noble who tried to use the civil unrest in Korvosa to incite a riot against the Forgottenfolk. Got eaten by an otyugh for his trouble. His subsequent recovery in the Forgottenfolk commune knocked him down a peg or three.

Brother Heimskr: Redheaded Ulfen priest of Shelyn. Lost his holy symbol to Gaedren Lamm's pickpockets and contracted leprosy. Got better thanks to Demitri & Jakob.

Trinia Sabor: Blonde Varisian artist. Hired for a painting gig at Castle Korvosa, ended up as the scapegoat for King Eodred's death. Nalun's girlfriend. Currently in Absalom, courtesy of the halfling ship The Lovely Wanderer.

Majenko: Pseudodragon imprisoned by Devargo Barvasi. Was freed in the raid on Eel's End. Promised to serve party for a year. Currently the party's messenger and Nadia's 'pet'.

Nadia Severin: Demitri's 6-year old daughter. Captured by Gaedren Lamm. Currently looks up to Karri.

Althea: Lyla's mentor in alchemy, having rescued her after Lamm beat her senseless and left her to die as a child. Old lady with a sharp wit. Kidnapped by Devargo Barvasi in the hopes of curing his shiver addiction. Subsequently released, and helped the party stitch the dead Gaekhen back together before delivering his corpse to the Shoanti ambassador.

Devargo Barvasi: The 'King of Spiders'. Kidnapped Althea in the hopes of curing his shiver addiction. Used to be Lamm's chemist for shiver. Currently incarcerated in Citadel Volshyenek, trying to reform under Kroft's eye. Has a prior history with Kroft.

Thousand-Bones: Shoanti shaman of the Skoan-Quah. His grandson, Gaekhen, was murdered. Has charged PCs with retrieving the body.

He's also the father of Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills.

Zeke the Otyugh: An otyugh the party found happily munching away on a corpse in the Dead Warrens. After a small altercation, he was scared into submission by Demitri and subsequently befriended by Lyla.

Befriending him came back to help the party later, when he was captured by wererats and kept as a trophy/punishment for ratfolk failures. Was fed again and freed by the party, scaring off the ratfolk in the warrens and letting the party confront Simon & his wererat crew.

Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills: Gaekhen's father, and leader of the Shoanti party sent to retrieve his remains. A mountain of a man. Has a fondness for breaking the kneecaps of those who cross him personally.

Blackjack: A local vigilante & legendary figure. Showed up in time to stop Karralo from escaping again. Has a grudge against Queen Ileosa.

Raksi: Ratfolk druidess of Korvosa's sewers. Pleaded for the party's aid in stopping a wererat known to her people as the 'One-Who-Walks'. In return, she provided the party with potions of water breathing and took Zeke the Otyugh in as her charge.

Dr. Cardin Davaulus: The leader of the Queen's Physicians, and the architect of the plague affecting Korvosa. Turned out to be a wererat. Condescending, with a false air of affability.

Met his end when the party confronted him in his hospice, where he was experimenting on the locals.

Rolth: A necromancer of no small power, who was hired by the cult of Urgathoa to help develop the Blood Veil Plague. His competence with his magic is matched only by his sheer sociopathy. How Jolistina fell in love with him is anyone's guess.

Jolistina Susperio: An elven jester who's madly in love with Rolth. She was sent to Carowyn Manor with the objective of killing everyone there and reanimating them as plague-riddled zombies. Her addiction to pesh is quite noticeable.

Ramoska Arkminos: A nosferatu vampire sent to aid the cult of Urgathoa in refining the Blood Veil Plague.