Slumbering Tsar: Forward - The Camp (Inactive)

Game Master Lord Manticore

A long trek to a short beach.

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Male Fetchling Ninja

Macavity is somewhere in the vicinity of the castle walls. He might be able to hear the guards calling out and orders being given.
Perception 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28 +2 vs. Human

Shadow Lodge

Male Half-Orc Ftr1/Ranger lvl7 | HP 68 | AC 22 FF 16 T17 | Saves +11/+13/+6 | Init + 7 (+9 in Favored Terrain) | Per. +12

Do not rush ahead until we can gauge what awaits us. Do not overexpose yourself comes the half-Orc telepathic response.

Shadow Lodge

Female Changeling Witch / 5 || Init: +3 / HP: 45/45 / AC: 13, Touch: 13, FF: 11 (+4 wMA)

Lavinia shrugs at Ruul's question and looks about the main room of the inn for the innkeeper or his daughter or even any town regulars and asks: "What does the sound of the bell mean?"

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Ruul picks up his quarterstaff in one hand and offers the other to help Lavinia up.

What are Maulf, his daughter, and any other locals inside the Dragon doing?

The Exchange

Human Bard 1/Paladin 4;
HP 62/62; AC 17/13/14; CMD 22; Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +10; Init +3; Perc -1
Lord Manticore wrote:
Digory's next CON check for his condition is 4 days away. Also, are you allowing him to keep his regular possessions (minus the weapons of course) that he had on him when he went on the boat? If you want, I can post the list of items here as a spoiler.

Yeah, I'd really like the list of what was his. IIRC he had a +1 dagger and a set of +1 studded leather. Not sure which of the other items were his. I have no problem returning his studded leather to him (and having it count as my expense on the loot tracker), but the dagger was already claimed by Elen.

Evening in the Tavern

Numair looks up from his converstation with Digory at the sound of the bell ringing in the distance.

It appears there is some trouble transpiring in the north. Digory, this is a test Sarenrae has sent. You are still weak and pale, and are not yet fully recovered. Do you choose to come with me, and see what you can do to help, or do you choose to return to our room and retire for the evening? Decide quickly, for time is of the essence.

He stands and draws forth a battle flag, unfurling it with a snap, and locking it in his shoulder-mount with a metallic click. He checks that Sandstorm is loose in its scabbard and that his wand is secure on his belt. As Calendir and Imbakur bolt out the door, he does a quick stretch, preparing to run.

Relplying to Ruul, "sometimes, bells call people to ceremony, or church. Sometimes they announce news. This one sounds like it's sounding an alarm."

Female Elf Witch (Winter Witch) 3 / Cleric VMC | HP 21/21 | AC:14, T:13, F:11 | CMD:13, CMB:0 | Save (F+2, R+4, W+4) | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 (-2 without familiar)

Elen perks her head up, dropping her sewing, and runs to her room. She will put her haversack on so that all her combat gear is at hand. Ally will join her as they return to the common room of the Inn. She will cast Message targeting all team members present, which ought to be everyone except for Macavity, so that everyone can relay their words through the spell as needed. She will follow Numair as soon as he heads out, and draws her dagger with one hand.

Female Azata Lyrakien HP 26/26 | AC 20 T 16 FF 16 | Ft +3 Rf +7 Wl +9 | Init +8 | Per. +11

Ally removes her wands from the holsters on her thighs, ready to use them if needed.

Male Drow Noble Accountant 12/Monk 10
Calendir Elberen wrote:

Here we GO!! Guys just to let you know, in about 30 mins or so I'll stop my posting for a couple of hours - feel free do DMPC me if my absence is slowing the flow.

Calendir stands up from the common table as Lagash perks up his ears - It can't be... Can it?

He dashes out the door, to the front of the inn, trying to understand what may be the cause of the ruckus, staring off into the distance, his trained eyes and ears trying to pierce the veil of night.

Perception +11 (+13 vs. EvilOutsiders, +15 vs. Undead, +13 while in Desert terrain): 1d20+11

KINDA trained...

Lagash Perception: 1d20+5

Yep, Lagash will step up to become the main character :D

You and Lagash step outside and at first see nothing. It is dark and only a few lanterns are burning in the street. Then, as if out of the black, you see first one, then a few of what you guess (or hope) are town guards, making for the trenches just to the north of the village, stretching from perhaps 100 yards short of the castle in the west, almost a full mile eastward from that point. This much you know from the amount of time that you and the others spent outdoors in the last few days.

Macavity the black wrote:

Macavity is somewhere in the vicinity of the castle walls. He might be able to hear the guards calling out and orders being given.

Perception 1d20 +15 +2 vs. Human

You see and hear what is going on before anyone else in the party. When the warning bell starts to ring, it is from a sentry standing up on a parapet along the castle walls. A moment later, you see him pointing to the North. You look and can make out nearly two dozen creatures, slowly heading towards the village. You look to your right and can see that some of the guards are running towards the trench line that extends across the village. As this happens, you can hear guard captains bellowing orders to man the ballistas and ready the pitch. Then you hear a lower pitched voice cry out "You will not lay us low, Malerix. We are ready for you and your bastard kin and we will drive you away as we did before."

You look up and see a much older man standing atop the castle wall. He is decked in full plate armor, with a few rust spots but still quite serviceable. You see a crest on his armor and shield, although you are not in a position to make out what it stands for. He pulls his sword out of its sheath at his side and point it towards the creatures. You look in that direction and notice more details now as the flying creatures are a little closer. Most of them are gargoyles, of that you have no doubt, although one or two seems to stand out in some way that you can't make out from this distance. The last creature, far larger than the others, is clearly NOT a gargoyle. The way it flies tells you one thing for certain. The dragon, and your new adversary, has been named. It is also quite early to the party.

Ruul Spiritskin wrote:

Ruul picks up his quarterstaff in one hand and offers the other to help Lavinia up.

What are Maulf, his daughter, and any other locals inside the Dragon doing?

At first, Maulf hears nothing. Him and his daughter, Molly are tending to the patrons, most of whom are farmers in the village, drinking small beer and listening to the 'bard' play his tunes. At least, the gentleman calls himself a 'bard.' You're not sure what he is in real life, but a 'bard' he is not. There are about 20 or so people in the inn, including yourselves. You hear the bell first, primarily because you are close to the door when it goes off. You happen to look over at Maulf as he is sitting some tankards down a table, when you see him turn, as if listening.

You then see his face go visibly pale. He screams at the top of his lungs for everybody to shut up. Within seconds it is dead still in the room. Everyone can hear the bell now and the look on everyone's face is stunned silence. Before anyone can do or say anything, Maulf screams out "Everyone into the cellar! It's Malerix!

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Ruul tries to keep the farmers from trampling each other as they rush to the Dragon's cellar.

"Who is Malerix?" the bull shouts over the growing din.

Fighter 3/Rogue 5//AC: 19/14/19 Fort:6/Ref: 9(evasion, 10 traps)/Will: 1(2 traps)//HP 47
Numair Nejem wrote:
Lord Manticore wrote:
Digory's next CON check for his condition is 4 days away. Also, are you allowing him to keep his regular possessions (minus the weapons of course) that he had on him when he went on the boat? If you want, I can post the list of items here as a spoiler.


Evening in the Tavern

He stands and draws forth a battle flag, unfurling it with a snap, and locking it in his shoulder-mount with a metallic click. He checks that Sandstorm is loose in its scabbard and that his wand is secure on his belt. As Calendir and Imbakur bolt out the door, he does a quick stretch, preparing to run.

Relplying to Ruul, "sometimes, bells call people to ceremony, or church. Sometimes they announce news. This one sounds like it's sounding an alarm."

Digory's Gear List (all):
Digory had the following items when he walked on the boat: +1 studded leather, +1 ring of protection, +1 dagger, a MW dagger, a MW set of thieves tools, potions of protection from evil, CSW, and fly, a backpack, fine clothes, some food (caviar, bread, and cheese mostly), and a belt pouch, which contained 10gp and 10sp.

Digory was eating a weak soup with a few root vegetables in it, while attempting to ignore the person attempting to sing, that is, when he wasn't trying to speak. Dear gods in heaven, I've heard cattle make better sounds than this yokel, Digory thinks. His stomach is still sore but at least is keeping food down again. The warm milk that Maulf had given him the last few nights had helped as well.

Numair Nejem wrote:
It appears there is some trouble transpiring in the north. Digory, this is a test Sarenrae has sent. You are still weak and pale, and are not yet fully recovered. Do you choose to come with me, and see what you can do to help, or do you choose to return to our room and retire for the evening? Decide quickly, for time is of the essence.

Digory had to ask him to repeat himself over the yodeling going on by the fireplace. He had slept there the last two nights, the warmth of the fire soothing his bones in a way that would have never mattered to him before that poison...

His thoughts stopped as the place went quiet. When the dwarf shouted a retreat to the cellar, wondering who "Malerix" was. He turns to Numair and says, "Do I have time to cinch my leathers on? I've seemed to have lost a little weight in the last week. Vegetable diet and all." He tries to smile at this, making a joke of it. His rumbling stomach says its opinion on the matter.

Ruul Spiritskin wrote:

Ruul tries to keep the farmers from trampling each other as they rush to the Dragon's cellar.

"Who is Malerix?" the bull shouts over the growing din.

Maulf can barely hear you over the din. The 'bard,' completely oblivious as to what is going on, is till wailing on his stringed instrument. Maulf puts his hands to his mouth and shouts, "It's the dragon!

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Ruul's bovine features harden in understanding.

"Everyone get below. Take your time and help each other. Move. Now."

Diplomacy to Maintain Order: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (16) + 18 = 34

After the bulk of the crowd is headed down, the minotaur makes his way to the exit and looks to Lavinia (and anyone else still inside).

"Let's get outside. The Clanliege and the others may need our help."

Male Fetchling Ninja

telepathy to Imbukar:
Devil, if you're listening, please relay what I see and know to the team.

When the warning bell starts to ring, it is from a sentry standing up on a parapet along the castle walls. A moment later, I see him pointing to the North. I look and can make out nearly two dozen creatures, slowly heading towards the village. I look to my right and can see that some of the guards are running towards the trench line that extends across the village. As this happens, I can hear guard captains bellowing orders to man the ballistas and ready the pitch. Then I hear a lower pitched voice cry out "You will not lay us low, Malerix. We are ready for you and your bastard kin and we will drive you away as we did before."

I look up and see a much older man standing atop the castle wall. He is decked in full plate armor, with a few rust spots but still quite serviceable. I see a crest on his armor and shield, although I am not in a position to make out what it stands for. He pulls his sword out of its sheath at his side and point it towards the creatures. I look in that direction and notice more details now as the flying creatures are a little closer. Most of them are gargoyles, of that I have no doubt, although one or two seems to stand out in some way that I can't make out from this distance. The last creature, far larger than the others, is clearly NOT a gargoyle. The way it flies tells me one thing for certain. The dragon, and our new adversary, has been named. It is also quite early to the party.

Macavity fast stealths (double move) toward the inn to connect with the team. Good thing the clanliege is well-rested.

The Exchange

Human Bard 1/Paladin 4;
HP 62/62; AC 17/13/14; CMD 22; Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +10; Init +3; Perc -1
Digory Odgers wrote:

Digory had the following items when he walked on the boat: +1 studded leather, +1 ring of protection, +1 dagger, a MW dagger, a MW set of thieves tools, potions of protection from evil, CSW, and fly, a backpack, fine clothes, some food (caviar, bread, and cheese mostly), and a belt pouch, which contained 10gp and 10sp. I'm ok with those items being counted against my share of the loot on the spreadsheet.

I think that digory can have back: +1 studded leather, mw dagger(which I'll hold for him), his backpack, fine clothes, food, belt pouch, and coin. The ring, magic dagger, thieve's tools, and potions are forfeit.

Numair grins broadly. "That's what I wanted to hear!" He hurries with Digory to the room, helps him secure his armor, and hands hum his masterwork dagger. "Now, I don't want you getting yourself killed, unless it's trying to save someone. Going to Pharasma now with all those black spots on your soul won't do a thing for you. So, keep your head down and follow me!" Then he runs back through the common room to outside, with Digory in tow.

Ruul, let's catch up to Calendir. If it's a dragon, we better spread out. Wouldn't do to all get roasted at once. Bet that's why they dug all these trenches. Clanliege is a smart man.

Once outside, Numair will draw Sandstorm and his wand and peer into the darkness. "It's as black as Asmodeous's Ass out here." He goes to activate the glowstone on his Wayfinder, then pauses. "I can bring some light to bear, but I will be a beacon for whatever nasty things are out there. You all may want to stay a good pace away." He waits for a response before activating the Light.

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

I updated the loot sheet to have the armor and dagger going to Numair.

After making sure Lavinia is in her armor and ready, Ruul follows the paladin outdoors. Knowing battle may be near (but not certain how near), he prays to Nethys for a longer duration blessing. A moment later, his already thick furry hide hardens.

Barkskin for 70 minutes.

"We should contact the Clanliege. He's fought this beast before. He will have a better sense of what works", the bull minotaur says.

Shadow Lodge

Female Changeling Witch / 5 || Init: +3 / HP: 45/45 / AC: 13, Touch: 13, FF: 11 (+4 wMA)

Lavinia gathers up her belongings and follows after Ruul. "I must admit, it is quite exciting to know that we may be facing a real dragon soon."

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Ruul nods and clutches his holy symbol.

Two forms. One heart. Guard her and let her pain be my pain.

Shield Other on Lavinia for 7 hours.

"It will make for a good entry in our Chronicle, no doubt", the bull minotaur offered with a subdued growl at the approaching danger.

"Stay close. The spell that binds us will break if we're too far apart."

Fighter 3/Rogue 5//AC: 19/14/19 Fort:6/Ref: 9(evasion, 10 traps)/Will: 1(2 traps)//HP 47
Numair Nejem wrote:
Digory Odgers wrote:

Digory had the following items when he walked on the boat: +1 studded leather, +1 ring of protection, +1 dagger, a MW dagger, a MW set of thieves tools, potions of protection from evil, CSW, and fly, a backpack, fine clothes, some food (caviar, bread, and cheese mostly), and a belt pouch, which contained 10gp and 10sp. I'm ok with those items being counted against my share of the loot on the spreadsheet.

I think that digory can have back: +1 studded leather, mw dagger(which I'll hold for him), his backpack, fine clothes, food, belt pouch, and coin. The ring, magic dagger, thieve's tools, and potions are forfeit.

Numair grins broadly. "That's what I wanted to hear!" He hurries with Digory to the room, helps him secure his armor, and hands hum his masterwork dagger. "Now, I don't want you getting yourself killed, unless it's trying to save someone. Going to Pharasma now with all those black spots on your soul won't do a thing for you. So, keep your head down and follow me!" Then he runs back through the common room to outside, with Digory in tow.

Ruul, let's catch up to Calendir. If it's a dragon, we better spread out. Wouldn't do to all get roasted at once. Bet that's why they dug all these trenches. Clanliege is a smart man.

Once outside, Numair will draw Sandstorm and his wand and peer into the darkness. "It's as black as Asmodeous's Ass out here." He goes to activate the glowstone on his Wayfinder, then pauses. "I can bring some light to bear, but I will be a beacon for whatever nasty things are out there. You all may want to stay a good pace away." He waits for a response before activating the Light.

Digory places his old dagger back into its sheath and thanks you. "I'm not sure how much good I'll be for you out there. I've never fought a dragon before, even when I was feeling good.'

Running Check: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6

Digory runs outside with you, but finds that he is quickly winded, his heart thudding mercilessly in his chest. Could it be that more than my stomach was seriously damaged by the poison, he thinks (not for the first time) as he tries to catch up with you.

The Exchange

Human Bard 1/Paladin 4;
HP 62/62; AC 17/13/14; CMD 22; Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +10; Init +3; Perc -1

@Digory Neither have I. I simply pray Sarenrae will grant me the grace to lay it low.

Outside the inn (haha, the Tarry Dragon has been staring us in the face this whole time), he looks around for the dragon, then thumbs the glowstone on the wayfinder and soon its glowing with its familiar yellow light. He then takes off running towards the castle, maintaining a brisk pace. He slows once Digory starts to pant. "Breathe deep. It will help." He sets off again, at a more moderate pace, but it's clear he is impatient to get to the castle.

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Seeing that Digory is having trouble keeping up, Ruul slows his stride and falls back with the ailing man. He wraps a massive arm around his shoulders supporting him (and almost carrying him).

"Keep moving - can't have you slowing us down", the minotaur says with a nod.

Ruul points to the castle and meets Numair's gaze.

"Go! Get to the front lines. We won't be far behind."

Female Elf Witch (Winter Witch) 3 / Cleric VMC | HP 21/21 | AC:14, T:13, F:11 | CMD:13, CMB:0 | Save (F+2, R+4, W+4) | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 (-2 without familiar)

"Azaraunt, should we cast fly on the mêlée fighters?"

Shadow Lodge

Male Half-Orc Ftr1/Ranger lvl7 | HP 68 | AC 22 FF 16 T17 | Saves +11/+13/+6 | Init + 7 (+9 in Favored Terrain) | Per. +12

If Calendir hears Maulf's shout about the dragon, he steps inside to gather his gear and fit Lagash's armor. If not, when the others dash out, they cross paths with Calendir - he stands there, unmoving, trying to make out details in the distance.

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Worst-case, the party would explain things to Cal as they're preparing to leave themselves.

"That alarm was a warning. It looks like the dragon we've been hearing about is on the move. Get your things. We're headed to the castle."

Shadow Lodge

Male Half-Orc Ftr1/Ranger lvl7 | HP 68 | AC 22 FF 16 T17 | Saves +11/+13/+6 | Init + 7 (+9 in Favored Terrain) | Per. +12

A Dragon... Things are definitely getting ugly FAST.

Calendir fits Lagash and quickly dashes after the others with a snarl to Digory, which only worsens as he begins to lag behind.

"He should have stayed back there" - he comments as Ruul assists the man - "If for no better reason, then simply because he is completely unfit to fight right now."

Quickly turning to the rest of the group, he questions - "What do we know of this Dragon - how can we best prepare?"

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

"Not much. It's attacked Gundrun a few times and been driven off each time but never slain. Based on what we've heard, it spits acidic slime of some kind", Ruul explains as he continues to help Digory along.

"And it's large... very large."

Shadow Lodge

Female Changeling Witch / 5 || Init: +3 / HP: 45/45 / AC: 13, Touch: 13, FF: 11 (+4 wMA)

"Ruul dear, can you cast any protection spells against acid upon yourself?"

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

"I can but it would take time, time I'm afraid we don't have. Once we get to the front and see how bad the situation is, I may try."

Ruul has an open 3rd level spell slot he could use for Communal Resist Energy (which would cover the whole party) but it takes 15 minutes to fill an unfilled cleric spell slot.

The Exchange

Human Bard 1/Paladin 4;
HP 62/62; AC 17/13/14; CMD 22; Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +10; Init +3; Perc -1

Numair snaps Ruul a salute in thanks, and calls to Digory, "Stay in earshot." Then he powers into a sprint and goes tearing off towards the castle, looking like a streaking comet in the night with his glowing stone and trailing banner.

Female Elf Witch (Winter Witch) 3 / Cleric VMC | HP 21/21 | AC:14, T:13, F:11 | CMD:13, CMB:0 | Save (F+2, R+4, W+4) | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 (-2 without familiar)

Remember LM's house rule about spells? You can use the slot to cast a spell you don't have prepared as a full-round action.

Retcon with Numair before he runs off

"Numair, do you want to be able to fly up and engage the enemy? I or Azaurant could make that happen."

Elen will run out (taking one move action to move 30 feet) and retrieve her spyglass from the haversack. She will peer at the dragon through it, trying to identify if there is anything unique or identifiable about this creature.

perception with penalties due to distance halved with Ally's Aid below: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 12 + 2 = 32
knowledge(arcana) with Ally's Aid below: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 14 + 2 = 20

Any other appropriate knowledges?

Also, where is everything and everyone? How far is the Inn from the castle and how far away do the dragon and gargoyles appear to be?

Female Azata Lyrakien HP 26/26 | AC 20 T 16 FF 16 | Ft +3 Rf +7 Wl +9 | Init +8 | Per. +11

Ally will use her wand of shield to cast a shield 1 minute duration on Elen and on herself. She will also try to help Elen determine what, if any, can be determined about the creature.
knowledge(arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

Minute and minute/level duration spells might be a bad idea at this point. We don't know how far off the enemies are.

We don't even know how long it takes to get to the castle. That alone might be a few minutes.

The Exchange

Human Bard 1/Paladin 4;
HP 62/62; AC 17/13/14; CMD 22; Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +10; Init +3; Perc -1


Elen, I would love to be able to engage Malerix on even terms!

Female Elf Witch (Winter Witch) 3 / Cleric VMC | HP 21/21 | AC:14, T:13, F:11 | CMD:13, CMB:0 | Save (F+2, R+4, W+4) | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 (-2 without familiar)

I'll wait to find out whether the foes are a few seconds or a few minutes away from LM

M Imp Familiar 6 hd
Macavity the black wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Macavity fast stealths (double move) toward the inn to connect with the team. Good thing the clanliege is well-rested.

There is no reply from Imbukar. Telepathy has a range of 50. Nice post though. :)

Dark Archive

M Elven Wizard 6/Diabolist 2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/24 FF 15/22 T16 | Saves +6/+11/+7 | Init + 11 | Per. +14
Elen Emerwen wrote:
"Azaraunt, should we cast fly on the mêlée fighters?"

Maybe to fight the gargoyles. To fly up to meet the dragon would be death, if what we heard about this wyrm is true. But every telling of a drake seems to enlarge it. Perhaps it is not truly as large as the stories we have heard. If the tales are true out best hope is to help the down as they have a proven way to drive it away.

Dark Archive

M Elven Wizard 6/Diabolist 2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/24 FF 15/22 T16 | Saves +6/+11/+7 | Init + 11 | Per. +14
Ruul Spiritskin wrote:

"Not much. It's attacked Gundrun a few times and been driven off each time but never slain. Based on what we've heard, it spits acidic slime of some kind", Ruul explains as he continues to help Digory along.

"And it's large... very large."

Spit was not the way it was described friend Ruul. The stories seemed to say it shed an acidic slime. I want to see this thing with my own eyes.

Silver Crusade

M Aasimar Paladin 5

Telepathy to all but Ally:

Azaraunt bids me tell you all that he has spells prepared to haste and protect you from energy attacks, but if we continue to spread apart they will be for naught. We will be stronger fighting as a team. It is folly to split up. Numair, choose a rally point and I will broadcast it.

The Exchange

Human Bard 1/Paladin 4;
HP 62/62; AC 17/13/14; CMD 22; Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +10; Init +3; Perc -1

@Imbukar Meet at the Castle! I will rally there. My concern is for Macavity, if what Elen says about Dragons' sight is true.

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:
Azaraunt wrote:
Spit was not the way it was described friend Ruul. The stories seemed to say it shed an acidic slime. I want to see this thing with my own eyes.

Ruul thinks about it and then shakes his shaggy bovine head.

"Yes, that's right. Quite unlike any dragon I've ever heard of."

Female Elf Witch (Winter Witch) 3 / Cleric VMC | HP 21/21 | AC:14, T:13, F:11 | CMD:13, CMB:0 | Save (F+2, R+4, W+4) | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 (-2 without familiar)

After studying the dragon through the spyglass as a standard action, Elen will resume running to the castle along with everyone else, joining Numair and anyone else forming up on him.

Numair, what affect does your banner have again? We need a summary of buffs.

Shadow Lodge

Female Changeling Witch / 5 || Init: +3 / HP: 45/45 / AC: 13, Touch: 13, FF: 11 (+4 wMA)

"Perhaps the dragon's lair is close to the WorldWound? Who know what close proximity could do such a magical beast. Perhaps we will be looking at a one of a kind creature, some kind of new demonic dragon breed. This could quite a fascinating encounter and one that we should be sure to document completely." Lavinia looks quite excited at 'discovering' a new dragon breed.

Female Elf Witch (Winter Witch) 3 / Cleric VMC | HP 21/21 | AC:14, T:13, F:11 | CMD:13, CMB:0 | Save (F+2, R+4, W+4) | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 (-2 without familiar)

"As long as we survive to document it!"

knowledge(planes) in case the dragon has been altered by the Abyssal energy of the Worldwound or is from the Abyss itself: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18
knowledge(planes) aid another from Ally: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Or I guess Elen is aiding Ally instead! LOL!

The Exchange

Human Bard 1/Paladin 4;
HP 62/62; AC 17/13/14; CMD 22; Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +10; Init +3; Perc -1

I typically keep a status block at the top of my combat posts with my running buffs. We hadn't gotten to initiative yet, so I hadn't included it.

Round X, Init +4
Hands Sandstorm & Wand of Shield AC 21 HP 65/65
Spells 1st: 3/3 Smite Evil 2/2 Battle Dance 13/13 Lay On Hands 10/10
Conditions (Effects; Target(s); Duration)
* Battle Flag (+1 morale attack, weapon damage, saves vs fear & charm; Pathfinders within 30 ft.; for as long as banner is not destroyed)

male minotaur cleric of Baphomet 6 | HP64/64 | AC19/18/11 | Init:+1 | Perception:+3 | Lowlight/Darkvision | Fort:+9 Ref+4 Will+9
Channel 4/4 | Fury 6/6 | Ferocious Strike 6/6
Active Buffs:

"Cataloging such a creature would be a great achievement for us as Pathfinders but my first concern is all of you. I will not let any of you be sacrificed in the name of academics", the bull minotaur declares aloud while focusing his attention on Lavinia.

"Some things are simply more important."

Female Elf Magus 1 | HP 9/9 {effects: none} | AC 15 (T15 FF10) | F+3 R+4 W+1 | Init +4 | low-light vision, perception +1

Kallistiel moves to the castle with the others. She shakes her head upon seeing Digory being brought along, practically carried, with them. What are they thinking bringing him along? In his condition, he's going to be more of a hindrance than a help.

Female Elf Witch (Winter Witch) 3 / Cleric VMC | HP 21/21 | AC:14, T:13, F:11 | CMD:13, CMB:0 | Save (F+2, R+4, W+4) | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 (-2 without familiar)

When Diggory stops to catch his breath, Elen will cast Mage Armor on him (+4 AC, 7 hrs duration), and continue on. She notices Kallistiel shaking her head at Digory's inclusion, and privately agrees, but doesn't say anything.

Dark Archive

M Elven Wizard 6/Diabolist 2 | HP 46/46 | AC 20/24 FF 15/22 T16 | Saves +6/+11/+7 | Init + 11 | Per. +14

I believe he is wearing his +1 studded leather armor.

Female Elf Witch (Winter Witch) 3 / Cleric VMC | HP 21/21 | AC:14, T:13, F:11 | CMD:13, CMB:0 | Save (F+2, R+4, W+4) | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 (-2 without familiar)

I thought he had padded? If that's the case, nevermind, it wouldn't help him anyway.

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