Rise of the Runelords (Inactive)

Game Master jimibones83

If you feel I've played something wrong according to the rules please point it out. I am a by the book kind of guy but no one is perfect and I appreciate the opportunity to correct myself:)


We all got into this game because we wanted a fast paced pbp game. I do understand, however, that from time to time even a dedicated player can experience life obstacles that cause him to miss a couple posts. As long as its infrequent, it's no problem. Your character will auto-pilot through whatever the group's currently doing.

If your posts become too infrequent you may return at some point to find yourself swimming with the fishes. I've left room for some slack, but the whole purpose of this game is to be fast paced, so I think handling it how I've outlined is fair.


- 20 point buy
- 2 traits, 1 must be a campaign trait. Additional trait with a drawback's fine
- No evil
- Hero points
- 200gp to start
- All paizo material approved (emerging guns if someone wants to play a gunslinger, otherwise I'll stick to the typical no guns in Golarion)
- Core and featured races, but beware, I typically only like 1 obscure race per party. A party consisting of a catfolk, tengus, a ratfolk, and a kobold is unlikely, so I'm unlikely to group them. I have no problem including one of them in a group that consists of more traditionally humanoid creatures though.
- I don't really care to use 3p material, but I love psionics, so if you want to use DSP's psionics that's fine. Psionics will be taught in select monasteries. If no one wants to play psionics, then much as my decision on firearms, they simply wont exist.

Character Sheet:

Please format your sheet as close to this example as possible. It's very helpful when everyone's sheet is formatted the same, and this format is the easiest for my brain to scan through.

Take special notice of the Classes/Levels field. The most commonly referenced info is contained here because it allows me to see it without leaving the game thread.


Gameplay Format:

Player speak
"Character speak"
"Inner dialog"
@Name "Telepathy"


If I have information that I want you to see by yourself, I'll PM you rather than use a spoiler, you can decide what to do with the info from there. Likewise, feel free to PM me if you have something to ask or say that you're not ready to share yet.

Dice Rolls:

Stick your dice roll right in your text where you feel it is appropriate. I may hide mine in spoilers but that's because I'll often be making large numbers of rolls at once, but there's no need for players to use them.

When you make an attack roll, always make a damage roll as well. If your attack succeeds I'll apply damage, if it fails I'll ignore the damage roll. Since I know what your AC is I will likely skip rolling damage if I missed.

Combat Initiative:

After initiative is rolled I'll post groupings. Members of a grouping can act in any order. A group will have 6 hours for all of its members to complete their actions, at which point any who haven't acted will be considered to be taking the full defense action and the initiative count will move to the next group. Initiative count also immediately moves to the next group when all members of the current group have used their turns. Initiative may never move past the pathmasters turn without him acting. This is not to favor the pathmaster, but instead to allow him to pause the game at night.

Play will look something like this:

Initiative Count 1 (Bold may act)
Player 1
Player 2

Player 3
Player 4
Orc Boss
Player 5

Initiative Count 2 (Bold may act)
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Orc Boss
Player 5

Initiative Count 3 (Bold may act)
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4

Orc Boss
Player 5

Initiative Count 4 (Bold may act)
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Orc Boss
Player 5

Initiative Count 5/1 (Bold may act)
Player 1
Player 2

Player 3
Player 4
Orc Boss
Player 5

NOTE* Someone who misses their turn may still take it after their 6 hour window closes as long as no one from the next group has acted yet. The 6 hour timer still starts counting down for the new group when it was scheduled.


We will be using ditzie. I'm new to this program but it's extremely simple to use and is on a whole different level of awesomeness compared to google docs.

The idea is pretty simple. At the start of an encounter I'll post a map which will have movable tokens atop it. You click the link and move your token to where you want to go. The next step is important, click ENTER and copy the new web address, paste the new web address in a link included in your post. The next person will always use the person before them's link. Make sure to use the copy of the map that the player before you posted.

Its also very important that you click the Preview button before you post, especially when you moved in combat. We've had some trouble with people posting without noticing someone else got a post in as they wrote their own. This can cause a huge mess when it comes to maps. Clicking the Preview button before you post refreshes the feed without posting, so you can make sure your post is still relevant before you commit to it. Please preview every post before you submit it, editing if somethings has changed.

Unfortunately Ditzie doesn't work well on touch devices. You can view the map but can't interact with it. In the case you need to post from your phone or tablet, just describe your movement with your post and I'll move your token before my next action if no one else has gotten to it.


This is the alias containing group loot. Splitting of loot is up to the group, but here are a couple suggestions that Iv'e found help things run smoothly-

* If more than one person desires the same loot, roll off takes it
* Valuable loot should be paid for at a price equal to what it would bring when sold, coin split as normal