Aananda |

Aananda walks with Ryo looking for someplace to eat when she suddenly stops.
"Wait. I need...I need to clear my mind. There's something....but I'm not sure what. Some disturbance somewhere." She sighed. "And this is what Master Quo was always trying to tell me. If you go rushing around everywhere, you can't focus your thoughts properly and you miss things."
She shrugged. "I'm stumped. Short of searching the city for some sort of disturbance, I'm stuck. I'm still technically speaking just an apprentice. I don't suppose your Seer's magic could...?"

Agartha |
"Lady - these people don't look very civilized to me," as he waves his hand around the jeering crowd crying out for his death. "If you don't get somebody here right now to give them some answers, you're going to have a riot on your hands as they try to get their hands on me. That blood is on your conscience if you don't start thinking outside the box, stop judging me like I'm already guilty despite only circumstantial evidence at best, and do the right thing. Or I will."
"You are the focus of their anger. Removing you from the area will allow us to restore order."
The guard goes to place the shackles on Tamrin. He speaks softly, "You're lucky she showed up. I'd be inclined to let the crowd deal with a child murderer. Accident or on purpose, those were children!"

Cardcaster Ryo |

Drawing his cards from his cloak, Ryo's eyes cloud over as he begins.
"The Traveler. Tam's near the disturbance. The Child. But its not Jiminy this time. Death. The children are dead... The Prison. I think Tamrin's being arrested."
"Ruji! Show me where you saw Tamrin last!"
Ruji spreads his wings and Tamrin is shown between them... along with a street sign.
"Good enough. I really hate this part."
He throws a card out in front of him and it expands to show the stree corner the sign was on. The begins of what could be a riot can be heard.
"Ruji, distract people until we can get there."

Agartha |
The crowd screams as the roar drowns out their cries for justice. The priestess and the guards turn to see the demonic shape of a large hunting cat approaching.
"He's called his familiar!"
One guard tries to strike the back of Tam's head with the blunt end of his polearm
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Your call if it caught you flat-footed. Subdual attempt.
The crowd flees in panic. The cleric casts a Protection from Evil, and tries to shelter the bodies of the two dead children.
A full squad of guards is 3 rounds away. The sounds of the panic push them to run to the disturbance.
And a couple more visitors...

Tamrin Sunwake |

The crowd screams as the roar drowns out their cries for justice. The priestess and the guards turn to see the demonic shape of a large hunting cat approaching.
"He's called his familiar!"
One guard tries to strike the back of Tam's head with the blunt end of his polearm
Your call if it caught you flat-footed. Subdual attempt.
The crowd flees in panic. The cleric casts a Protection from Evil, and tries to shelter the bodies of the two dead children.
A full squad of guards is 3 rounds away. The sounds of the panic push them to run to the disturbance.
And a couple more visitors...
I think I can fairly say that the guard's last comment would'v e put him on edge for some 'vigilante justice' style behavior. :)
"Aww for crying out.....!" Tam shouts out as he ducks down at the last second, the guard behind him slamming the butt of his polearm into the face of the one trying to shackle him. He springs to the side and slips out of the manacles, thankfully still unlocked due to the sudden commotion. Nice souvenir to hold onto, he thinks to himself sarcastically as he starts to put some distance between himself and the guards so he can cast without further harassment.
And now it's traffic time for me. I'll see if I can hop on briefly when I get home.

Sherrlyn Ostius |

The mage, and the beast sharing her body, looks on, thru her scrying bowl. At first she is pleased. The appearance of the illusionary cat has redirected the crowd away from their anger. It was a good plan. The messengers well worth the cost, but still it looks to be a failure. But...maybe not yet. Perhaps the others will show their faces, and therefore make themselves easier to find later. At least she has one of the bloodline now, and the problematic little cat. Yes, the game of cat and mouse has begun. Sometimes the mouse wins, sometimes the cat, but in time both fail.
She traces the cat's aura back to the Gate. A Seer. My son links himself to strong, strange magic. Its taste is intoxicating. Good work, little one. Though you did not know it, your actions shall increase my power beyond the need for this facade.
She smiles and watches.

Agartha |
Torn between chasing Tamrin and defending the priestess the two remaining guards opt for the latter. One guard holds his broken nose with one hand and drops his polearm. He draws a cudgel. The guard that missed chases Tamrin, the business end of the polearm leading the way.
A horn sounds, signalling the near arrival of reinforcements.
The streets are in chaos as people try to flee, some unintentionally in the same direction Tamrin chose. One gets cut by the pursuing guard's blade. The woman that first identified Tamrin calls out as she flees.
"Demon mage! Child Killer! Murderer!" She disappears into the crowd.
The priestess looks at Tamrin as he tries to escape, memorizing as much as she can about him but not pursuing.

Sherrlyn Ostius |

Cardcaster Ryo wrote:Kannic puts down the fresh plate of roast lizard and hurries to the Gate, turning invisible as he does. He steps thru.
"Ruji, distract people until we can get there."
Seeing thru Kannic's Invisibility, "Ahh, the Shadow. I'm surprised you aren't at my door already. Your masters should have sent you here days ago. What? The Warping. Ah, I see. Your Fate has been turned. My son has touched you, hasn't he? No worry, I shall set it aright soon enough. Where are the others?"

Agartha |
Nice souvenir to hold onto,
not usual guard gear...
Ignoring the chaos, two non-descript men watch. Mirroring them on the other side of the street, two more appear. Hearing the horn of the approaching reinforcements one moves off. As the squad approaches the last man is touched on the shoulder. He touches the shoulder of the man in front of him, and so on, until the sergeant is touched. The sergeant shouts to his men.
"The one we seek is a mage. He wears a long traveling coat. Do not give him time to talk. Cut him down. He has attacked our men and murdered two children. He has a hunting cat familiar that is currently terrorizing the civilians, though it is covered by an illusion. Cut it down as well."
The squad shouts in agreement and charges around the corner.

Tamrin Sunwake |

Tamrin Sunwake wrote:Nice souvenir to hold onto,
not usual guard gear...
Ignoring the chaos, two non-descript men watch. Mirroring them on the other side of the street, two more appear. Hearing the horn of the approaching reinforcements one moves off. As the squad approaches the last man is touched on the shoulder. He touches the shoulder of the man in front of him, and so on, until the sergeant is touched. The sergeant shouts to his men.
"The one we seek is a mage. He wears a long traveling coat. Do not give him time to talk. Cut him down. He has attacked our men and murdered two children. He has a hunting cat familiar."
The squad shouts in agreement and charges around the corner.
The squad stops dead in their tracks as something unseen stops them all before they can move forward into the square where everyone else is.
Knowing that the wall of force he just sent downrange is only going to slow them down, Tam keeps moving. He spins around at the sound of the crying civilian the guard cut down trying to get to him. Quickly casting, he points at the guard and casts hold monster on him. Will DC 19

Agartha |
Not cut down, only cut...
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Blocked by the Wall of Force the squad disperses and finds its way around it. Seeing Tam cast a spell at the guardsman the priestess tries one of her own
Hold Person, DC 15
EDIT: Oh yeah! Tough guard
Shrugging off the spell, the guard swings at Tam as he tries to escape. "See! He is a mage!"
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Tamrin Sunwake |

Not cut down, only cut...
Blocked by the Wall of Force the squad disperses and finds its way around it. Seeing Tam cast a spell at the guardsman the priestess tries one of her own
Hold Person, DC 15
EDIT: Oh yeah! Tough guard
Shrugging off the spell, the guard swings at Tam as he tries to escape. "See! He is a mage!"
Will Save for Hold Person: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22
"Oh will you just quit it already!!" as Tam slams a shell home as ha puts some more distance between him and the guard and fires at the priestess.
Resilient Sphere, Reflex DC 18.
He then turns his attention back to the guard, firing another shell right at him.
Rainbow Pattern, Will DC 19. Hopefully that will shut up quite a few of the folks around here for a few rounds.
Gotta punch out - g'night all. :)

Agartha |
Agartha wrote:Not cut down, only cut...
Blocked by the Wall of Force the squad disperses and finds its way around it. Seeing Tam cast a spell at the guardsman the priestess tries one of her own
Hold Person, DC 15
EDIT: Oh yeah! Tough guard
Shrugging off the spell, the guard swings at Tam as he tries to escape. "See! He is a mage!"
"Oh will you just quit it already!!" as Tam slams a shell home as ha puts some more distance between him and the guard and fires at the priestess.
Resilient Sphere, Reflex DC 18.
He then turns his attention back to the guard, firing another shell right at him.
Rainbow Pattern, Will DC 19. Hopefully that will shut up quite a few of the folks around here for a few rounds.
Gotta punch out - g'night all. :)
Hey! You could fumble against her Hold Person!
Priestess: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Guard: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Townsman, thrown rock:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Sherrlyn Ostius |

The crowd thinned, the patrol finds their way around the obstacle, a few of the townsfolk gather their courage enough to attack the renegade mage
The mage watches the dancing before the battle with a bored expression on her face. The only thing of note is the technology. What new world has fallen into Agartha? And is the doorway still open? Where is the mother? That fool of a half-breed? Perhaps I should reset this? No. It's too minor to worry over. The Traveler and the Shadow have revealed themselves, and the Seer has opened a Gate. The Serpent must be on the other side of that Gate. Press her, and the mother will show herself. She would make a fine host, both the mage and her demonic parasite agree at the same time.

Agarthian Storyteller |

What new world has fallen into Agartha?
"Fall." lol.
Ryo searches for hidden dangers beyond the Gate, and covers his eyes with his hands.
"Aanada.. somethings wrong, I think Tamrin's been set up. Something about a serpent.. a half-breed.."
"He's being chased by guards and common folk. If you can stun the guards, I know exactly how to distract the others."
He hands her a card, The Traveler. A tiny light appears on it's edge, and keeps moving.
"That little light is Tamrin. It will show you the way to him if we get sperated. Please don't lose it, it's a pain getting them back."
He steps through the portal and calls out to the anyone not a guard, saying there is a misunderstanding and that htey have all been fooled. He even moves his cloak and reveals his metallic arm, rolling up the sleeve as he walks.

Sherrlyn Ostius |

A bead of fire flies from behind Ryo as he walks thru the Gate, just narrowly missing Kannic's invisible form. It hits the area where there was a large group of people just moments before. The bead expands into a Fireball, blasting the few people still in the area. The cries of fear turn into full panic, as the bodies of those unlucky souls are flung into the air. Storefronts are blasted by the concussion, fires begin to catch, destruction spreads.

Sherrlyn Ostius |

Sorry, got cut off
Cries of pain and fear can be heard from within the households, where a few souls had dared take a peek at the confrontation. The priestess turns her eyes to the new threat, but is unable to do anything within Tam's sphere. Cries of the mage with the metal hand are riased as people run for cover, trampling their neighbors in their blind panic. A horn sounds nearby, followed by 3 short blasts. The oncoming squad of soldiers split their attention from Tamrin to the newcomer. It is their duty to throw themselves in front of the threat, whilst they pray for the timely arrival of the Mage Guard. Seconds seem like minutes as the guard fight their way thru the panicked mob.
Mere seconds later a series of portals begin to form in the area. Quicker response than they should expect. From within their silvery sheen robed mages and priests slowly pour forth. No call for surrender is made, no offer for parley. Tamrin is hidden from their view for now, so they turn to Ryo and the path he takes toward them. Streaks of Lightning shoot forth from one staff racing down the street, causing Kannic to evade and tumble out of the way, Magic Missiles from another, four striking Ryo, and a priest of some warrior diety Dispels the Gate behind Ryo. His eyes strain at the difficulty in doing so. Horns continue to sound, as if the town were under siege. The sound of war drowns out the cries of pain.
4 shadows disappear within the crowd. The demon smiles at the destruction. Time is worked against the heroes.

Kannic Orefinder |

"Who? What? Where? What in Freda's Forge have we walked into? And you nearly beaned me with that Fireball. There were villagers down there! We need to vacate. NOW!"
A small wisp of smoke trails Kannic's invisible form as he retreats down an alley, testimony as to how close that Lightning Bolt came.
"We'll never get Tam out of this mess!"

Tamrin Sunwake |

As even more things start blowing up, Tam decides he needs to actually see what is going on in order to figure out why everyone here has lost their freaking minds. He quickly casts Greater Invisibility, Fly and Sending. He takes to the air, using the rooftops for cover so he can survey the scene (especially since there are other spellcasters around now), and sends the following message to Kannic:
"Don't know why, but half this city wants me dead. Get yourselves out of the city unseen now. I'll send again so we can meet."
Kannic has 25 words to reply with.

Aananda |

Aananda runs through the mess that the situation has become, following the glowing dot on the card that Ryo gave her, looking for Tam. This was bad. This looked an awful lot like the destruction that had been reported from the group that Chan had joined. She had seen two villages destroyed by these tactics. She frowned. Something very, very evil was at work here. She sighed. The dot was directly overhead, but she couldn't see an anything. Great. Invisible and flying.

Kannic Orefinder |

As even more things start blowing up, Tam decides he needs to actually see what is going on in order to figure out why everyone here has lost their freaking minds. He quickly casts Greater Invisibility, Fly and Sending. He takes to the air, using the rooftops for cover so he can survey the scene (especially since there are other spellcasters around now), and sends the following message to Kannic:
"Don't know why, but half this city wants me dead. Get yourselves out of the city unseen now. I'll send again so we can meet."
Kannic has 25 words to reply with.
Well, you coulda just surrendered to the 2 dominated guardsmen, but no, you had to resist...MWAHAHA
:"Already in progress. Trying to convince the others to do the same. Rendezvous at Ryo's and we'll try to sort this setup out. Very powerful....":

Tamrin Sunwake |

Aananda runs through the mess that the situation has become, following the glowing dot on the card that Ryo gave her, looking for Tam. This was bad. This looked an awful lot like the destruction that had been reported from the group that Chan had joined. She had seen two villages destroyed by these tactics. She frowned. Something very, very evil was at work here. She sighed. The dot was directly overhead, but she couldn't see an anything. Great. Invisible and flying.
C'mon Perception check to spot Aananda in the crowd....
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21[EDIT:] Good enough for me!
Tam is getting ready to fly off when he notices Aananda down below, looking around like she has some idea where she is. He quickly casts a message spell to her:
"I'm okay Aananda - Kannic's getting Ryo out and we're heading back to his place. I'll shadow you from up here so you don't draw anymore suspicion, so let's get out of here before things get even worse."
This spell will last a while, so they can stay in communication until they get clear of the area.

Cardcaster Ryo |

By "they," do you mean Ryo and Aananda? 'Cause, Ryo's got a mage problem he needs to take care of.
"Dammit, fires and mages, never good combinations."
Drawing a card from his cloak, he holds it up and shouts "Heaven's Rain, quench the fire and end the pain!"
Though there are no clouds in the sky, rain begins to pour down, putting out the fires and soothing away burns. Ryo turns to look at the mages.
"I don't know exactly what's happening here, but I know we're being set up by someone else. Understand that and help witht he fires and wounded, or I'll be forced to defend myself and others."
Ryo's just revealed himself as a Cardcaster btw, so they probably won't be too worried about Kannic, Aananda, and Tamrin that much anymore.

Agartha |
The sight of a Cardcaster gives the Mage Guard pause, but they have a job to do. Apprehending mages. Two of them disappear. The priest is trying to stabilize the wounded, letting the mages do their work. Two more enter via their portals, one mage and one cleric. The 1st priest on the scene directs them.
"There's one mage that killed two little children flying off, invisible. There's a renegade cardcaster that just lobbed a fireball into the crowd. I'll help the wounded. You and the guard take them down, by any means necessary."
The new mage takes to the sky, whilst the 2nd cleric casts a True Seeing. The guards, unable to follow Tamrin, form up and head for Ryo.
As Ryo's rain begins to fall, the demon whispers words thru the mouth of the mage he shares a body with. Thru the scrying bowl, the rain falling on the townspeople begins to turn to acid.

Cardcaster Ryo |

As the first drops of rain turn to acid, his eyes widen and he smiles grimly.
"So that's the reason..."
"Someone's messing with my magic, now if only you fools could see that!"
The rain vanishes, and the Rain card reappears in Ryo's hand. He draws another one, and falls back as he seems to seperate into several Ryo's. They scatter, running out of the range of the mage's true seeing and away from the guards.

Agartha |
The guards and mages do their best to track down the attackers, only to find themselves chasing illusions. Behind the veil of her scring bowl the demoness smiles. Those guards are well known for their memories, and now the hunted have become the prey for more hunters. Their images will be spread far and wide. Her grasp has just widened. Her eyes shift to the destruction 'they' have wrought. She smiles as she focuses on the bodies of the two children. Perhap she should raise them and take them as her own? Jiminy might like siblings. She sighs. No, one of Jiminy is more than enough.

Jiminy Sunwake |

Jiminy sits in the garden of Ryo's house, playing with dirt. He shivers at the touch of his faux mother's mind as she tries to catch the others. Oh well, they don't want me around, he tells himself. He grows, aging on the way, and finally becoming an old man with the wings of a dragon. The wards around Ryo's house fail to react, slowed as he speeds up. He sighs. At least she didn't catch Mother. She's be one step closer in the bloodline if she did. They'll have to deal with this the hard way I guess. He looks around, then he is gone.

Agarthian Storyteller |

As multiple Ryo's run through the city, confusing the guards, one slips into an alley long enough to draw the Gemini card and follow the little dot he calls to the card's edge. It isn't long before the real Ryo has caught up with Aananda(and the invisible flying gunmen formerly know as Tamrin).
"We need to get out of here. The guards are busy chasing me around, so you should be able to escape easily. Head to the 'Garden' and meet up with Fang, Leaf, they know what to do in situations like this."
He holds up his arm up, and Ruji alights on it, a little pouch around his neck. Ryo pulls all of his card out of his cloak, takes the Traveler back from Aananda, and places them all in Ruji's little bag.
"Get back to the Garden and strengthen the wards, use the crystals if you have too. I know you can do more, but don't unless you have to, okay?"
Instead of flying off, Ruji simply fades away. He's not invisible, he's just.. gone. Ryo nods to Aananda, and heads back into the chaos.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I can do more than use cards afterall!"
Aananda's form shimmers, and she now looks like a halfling dressed in simple(but functional) clothes.

Tamrin Sunwake |

Behind the veil of her scring bowl the demoness smiles. Those guards are well known for their memories, and now the hunted have become the prey for more hunters. Their images will be spread far and wide.
[Opus]Well this is a fine 'how do you do'...[/Opus]
"And we're fleeing, we're fleeing..." O.o

Sherrlyn Ostius |

Agartha wrote:Behind the veil of her scring bowl the demoness smiles. Those guards are well known for their memories, and now the hunted have become the prey for more hunters. Their images will be spread far and wide.[Opus]Well this is a fine 'how do you do'...[/Opus]
"And we're fleeing, we're fleeing..." O.o
Flea, little fleas. Flea.
Savoring the moment, Sherrlyn shuffles a small deck of cards at her table, drawing one. The Searcher. Hmmm... She draws another. The Hourglass. Well, this should be fun...

Agartha |
As Ryo heads back into the chaos, he finds a much different scene. Where the priestess knelt over the bodies of the 2 children, he finds a young mother planting flowers with her 2 childen. Instead of flames licking the walls of the buildings, flower vines in full bloom draw him in with their aroma. A group of men cheer on as two men wrestle, and shopkeepers hawk their wares for passersby. 4 dogs growl over scraps in an alley. A cat sits on a windowsill, ignoring the dogs completely. The scene is idyllic, intoxicating, and totally out of place with his recent memory. Doubt begins to fill his mind as he continues forward. What is illusion and what is real? What is history and what is make believe? A young girl peddles mugs of cider. He takes a cup. She has a sweet smile. He looks down at the cup. It's filled with blood. He starts in surprise, and looks at the smiling young face. He looks again at the mug. It's normal cider.
No matter how hard he looks Ryo can't find evidence of the battle they fought, no smells of scorched earth or flesh, no ozone from lightning, nothing. But he can't fight the feeling he's being watched. measured.

Tamrin Sunwake |

Assuming Aananda agrees with Tam's suggestion, after Ryo disguises her they make their way out of the area and back to the vehicles. They then casually leave town and head out into the countryside. Tam throws up some nondetection spells to try and throw off the city casters just to be safe.

Aananda |

Sorry for the delay in response. I'm experiencing the joy of refinishing furniture. And packing. It's gonna be a busy week.
Aananda has a bad feeling about all of this, but she heads out of the town towards Ryo's house. They can talk about it more there. The whole thing felt very similar to James's abilities, except there was an aura very similar to Chan's. And considering some of the comments that James had made....this was bad, very, very bad.

Kannic Orefinder |

Assuming Aananda agrees with Tam's suggestion, after Ryo disguises her they make their way out of the area and back to the vehicles. They then casually leave town and head out into the countryside. Tam throws up some nondetection spells to try and throw off the city casters just to be safe.
Kannic sits astride his magical mount, both of them wrapped in invisibility, watching to be sure that the others make it out of the town. He spies Tam and Aananda leaving, but there is no sign of pursuit, not even calls of alarm. The town isn't quiet, it's just...normal. He shivers as he watches for Ryo. Something isn't right. A lot of things about this place aren't right.

Tamrin Sunwake |

Sorry for the delay in response. I'm experiencing the joy of refinishing furniture. And packing. It's gonna be a busy week.
Fun. I hope all goes smoothly for you this week :)
Tam shook his head as he sped over the countryside on the hoverbike. He just couldn't make sense of somebody essentially blowing up part of a city for absolutely no reason. Unless it was...
No. They couldn't be here - not this soon. They wouldn't be that sloppy either, and they wouldn't have had time to properly infiltrate the local government to the level that would influence this kind of event in the first place. No, this had to be some home-grown or settled-in lunatic, not the IPSD...
This was just not turning out to be a good day....

Sherrlyn Ostius |

Good - finish taking your viciousness out on them instead of us then! ;P
It's driving time for me. A fair night to all (and I hope your back gets better Kannic) :)
Sheesh! They cry for a villain then moan when they get one. ;)
Heading to the chiropractor! Yippee! In the snow. Boo!

Cardcaster Ryo |

Ryo knows somethings wrong, and being unable to find out what right now, begins to make his way to the city's border and keeps going in the direction of his house. His eyes are open and clouded, proof that his guard is still up. He looks ahead in time to see if anything is going to happen to him on his way to the Garden.
"At least Ruji will have warded the house against everything by now..."