Power Rangers on Golarion (Inactive)

Game Master SirGeshko

Encounter 2: Defend the People's Council!

4 Zellos Zelgadis
19 Turok Bloodharvest
16 Group Blue
11 Group Green
8 Zurizar
5 Super Dondarrion Brothers
5 Garen Crownguard
5 Kinzoar
5 Group Yellow

Six adventurers are chosen to defend Golarion from the evil witch Bandora!
Blue Roc Ranger, Luichon Dondarrion, Fighter, played by Opuk0
Red Dragon Ranger, Garen Crownguard, Bloodrager, played by Daxter
White Winter Wolf Ranger, Faethor Dondarrion, Cavalier, played by TheWidget
Purple Golem Ranger, Zellos Zelgadis, Oracle, played by ZSwordsman
Black Linnorm Ranger, Turok Bloodharvest, Skald, played by TarkXT
Silver Gorgon Ranger, Zurizar, Monk, played by Theorythymus

Map of Almas source

Important NPCs:
Dihya Tala