PFS Game Day #3: GM Viskous 3-01: The Frostfur Captives (Tier 1-2) Table 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Viskous

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Octavio I considered that automatic, it is a trained companion after all!

Working together, you've managed to convince the goblins to not fear the horse, but the one in Sumane's grapple is still crying and whimpering and getting Sumane's hands and clothing covered in goblin slime(tears, mucus, and plenty of drool).


You feel like this might have backfired slightly and you are starting to fear for Fortune's life... if they aren't afraid of it, they may try and eat it...

Grand Lodge

Half-orc Kineticist (telekineticist) 1 | hp 2/12 [1 NL] | Burn 6/7 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | Fort +6, Ref +5, Will -1 | Init +3 | Intimidate +5, Perception +5

Sumane drops the little creature unceremoniously. "That's enough. And if you bite me again, you will need to be carried by your little friends on this journey, because your legs won't work. Now, march."

Intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

She can't help but try to scare the little b@$tard.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Lamashtu 1

Relieved that the situation was solved thanks to him, Malkvian quickly recovers his good mood and forgets the nightmarish images he just saw.

Not sure that the goblins will behaviour well, he positions himself beetween the goblins and the horse and says to the goblins: Like I said, it is our mission to get you all and this horse to safety. I will possition myself right here so I can blast anything that menaces either of you. Be good and do not try harm our cuadruped friend, or else I´ll eat all your food.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Chelaxian) Cleric Iomedae L1

Greldon try to convice them to stay put and go with us.
As the think they are agents i will try that approach.

Don´t worry Young agents. You just have to come with us to the lodge and receive your great mission from the venture captain as you are Pathfinders working under the society.
Have you received "the confirmation"?

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19 And i use touch of glory for a +1.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Slayer 1

Constantine looked stunned for the moment as the goblins rush about. He tries his best to help corral the goblins into a calm state. Seeing Greldon managing to calm them down. He does his best to help.

"The lodge is a great place to stay too between adventures. Food, warm, your own private place where no one will bother you. Even a bed!"

Diplomacy Aiding Greldon: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Cavalier 1 (Gendarme) HP 11/11 | AC 17 | T 11 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 | Ref +1 | Will +0 | Init +3| Perc + 4| Sense Motive +4

"Do we have them all corralled then? If so, let us be on our way. I fear I have little patience for our 'diginitaries' and should like to see this assignment completed as soon as possible."

Octavio double-checks all of his equipment making sure that it is secured tightly to his horse. "Goblins" he mutters silently.


You travel through the snows and forests of southern Irrisen for several hours, with the goblins behaving well, for the most part. You only had to chase one or two of them down as they ran off into the snow and woods after something to eat, snow hares and other small furry animals. You come across a narrow southern pass that winds its way through steep, icy hills, the frigid wind periodically dusting all in its path with a layer of snow. Two ancient stone watchtowers stand on either side of the path between two nearly vertical bluffs rising thirty feet to either side, just as Lightfoot’s map indicated they would. The eighty-foot-wide path narrows to a mere twenty-five feet in width between the two fifty-foot towers.

Perception DC12:

Snow has been knocked off the tops of the 50 foot tall towers.

Grand Lodge

Half-orc Kineticist (telekineticist) 1 | hp 2/12 [1 NL] | Burn 6/7 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | Fort +6, Ref +5, Will -1 | Init +3 | Intimidate +5, Perception +5

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

"Those towers there were taken down by the sheer weight of the snow. There must be a lot of it. Be careful not to fall into a snowbank."

Grand Lodge

Human Bard (Celebrity) 1

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3"Look! Towers!"

Dooley quickly realizes everyone saw the towers.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Chelaxian) Cleric Iomedae L1

"Where the hell are we?, If this goes on we will arrive at hell in our own ice coffin!

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Grand Lodge

Half-orc Kineticist (telekineticist) 1 | hp 2/12 [1 NL] | Burn 6/7 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | Fort +6, Ref +5, Will -1 | Init +3 | Intimidate +5, Perception +5

Sumane is happy to lead the party forward toward the towers.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Lamashtu 1

I don´t see anything guys. Are you really sure? I´ll better watch out for the goblins on the rearguard.

Malkvian in a very insecure fashion, aproaches the goblins and says:

Globs, Just in case, please take your hands tight with those both in your back and in front of you.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9


As the party moves closer to the tower, suddenly a bunch of goblins pop up on the tops of the towers and begin to howl and chitter. A few seconds later a small wisp of smoke begins on top of the tower to the right.

Go ahead and give me a response to this news, but any real actions need to wait for initiative. I plan to have that up this afternoon, after the power is working here.

Grand Lodge

Half-orc Kineticist (telekineticist) 1 | hp 2/12 [1 NL] | Burn 6/7 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | Fort +6, Ref +5, Will -1 | Init +3 | Intimidate +5, Perception +5

"Hey gobbos, are those friends of yours?" Sumane warily draws her falchion, as no goblin is a good goblin.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Lamashtu 1

Stay down and don´t move guys. Says to the captive goblins.

Finally something to offer to Lamashtu, he thinks. I was starting to think this was only a babyssiting job. Lamashtu asks for blood and respect, and he was going to demand it. His blood was boiling, not because of excitement, but for the need to give her goddess something to offer.

I would normally try to call you out of this stupid goblins, but it just happens that Lamashtu ask for your fear and suffering, little bastards. Now with a grimm face Come at me if you dare, you´ll know what means to face a messenger of the mother of monsters.

Malkvian draws his falchion and points at the baddest of the bunch. You, come and fight like a man. I´ve killed uglier than you.


"Aaaaaaggghhhh!!!! Longshanks!!! Kill them all!"screams a high pitch voice from the top of the tower to the right of the path. The smoke rising from the tower is getting much thicker.

Malkvian you need to make a Diplomacy check. Just you.

Iniative Order

Block iniative - Everyone make an action except Dooley, he will go after the tower goblins. Also map at top of screen is updated with current positions.


G: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
GS: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Malkvian: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Sumane: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Greldon: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Dooley: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Octavio: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Constantine: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
OG: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Lamashtu 1

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Grand Lodge

Half-orc Kineticist (telekineticist) 1 | hp 2/12 [1 NL] | Burn 6/7 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | Fort +6, Ref +5, Will -1 | Init +3 | Intimidate +5, Perception +5

Sumane will get within 30 ft. of the nearest bad goblin, but will not attack quite yet, hoping that Malkvian can convince them to let us through.


The towers are about 50 feet tall.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Chelaxian) Cleric Iomedae L1

Greldon will get his weapon and wait for the goblins

-Posted with Wayfinder


I might have misunderstood Malkvian's intentions. He has convinced your goblins to not charge into battle.

The goblins on top of the tower make rude noises in response to Malkvian's challenge and then shoot at the party with short bows.

Shortbow Attack at Sumane: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Shortbow Attack at Malkvian: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Shortbow Attack at Octavio: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Shortbow Attack at Fortune: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3

I've delayed Octavio and Constantine, post asap. Dooley feel free to post and action. I'll give you all to tomorrow til I Post Round 1 summary.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Lamashtu 1

I interpreted it the right way. I never tried to negociate with the enemy goblins. I flat out told them I was going to kill them. If I was gonna negociate, I think I would have rolled intimidation.

One question. Do I have to wait until Sumane does her turn to tell Malkvian actions?

Grand Lodge

Human Bard (Celebrity) 1

"You have made a grave mistake, cowards! Surrender now and suffer less!" Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10


Doing a block iniatiave, generally the people before badguys go, I post badguys, then the after badguys. I will write up a summary post, then begin round 2.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Cavalier 1 (Gendarme) HP 11/11 | AC 17 | T 11 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 | Ref +1 | Will +0 | Init +3| Perc + 4| Sense Motive +4

Octavio draws his flail and shield while wheeling his mount in front of his group of allies.

"Away with you cretins!"

Grand Lodge

Male Human Slayer 1

Drawing an arrow to his bow. Constantine picks the closest goblin and fires. "I think we're past the point of talking."

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6

Grand Lodge

Half-orc Kineticist (telekineticist) 1 | hp 2/12 [1 NL] | Burn 6/7 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | Fort +6, Ref +5, Will -1 | Init +3 | Intimidate +5, Perception +5

Sumane growls at the goblin who just shot her in the shoulder. "You'll pay for that, you little bastard! I already got bitten by one of your kind today, and since I can't punish him for it, I'm taking it out on you!"

Given how far away the stupid goblins are, Sumane will start moving into the towers, hoping to get within range to actually shoot one. She should be able to double-move and get just inside the entrance of the north tower.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Lamashtu 1

Malkvian follows Sumane´s lead as best as he can closing distance with the goblins hoping to flat out murder them.

That´s the best you could do? I´ll tear you all apart!!

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Chelaxian) Cleric Iomedae L1

I keep watch of our guest, protect them with the shield.


Round 1 Summary
Malkvian threatens the goblins in the tower and they shoot at him for his troubles, Sumane also takes a hit from a shortbow. The goblins on the tower are cheering and whooping as Sumane runs forward and Constantine looses and arrow in return. Greldon prepares to defend the goblin captives.


Round 2

On top of the towers there are 2 goblins with bows on each tower. On the lower tower (on the map) is a wisp of smoke getting thicker. The base of the tower that Sumane rushed to has a door made of broken boards, branches and torn cloth, clearly of goblin design.

With the way actions played out in Round 1 we have a new order as if people had delayed. The goblin actions will happen first, then the parties.
Initiative order

A goblin drops an alchemist fire on Sumane from above. The other three goblins attempt to shoot the party with their shortbows.
Alchemist Fire Touch Attack: 1d20 + 4 - 8 ⇒ (20) + 4 - 8 = 16damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Confirmation Roll: 1d20 + 4 - 8 ⇒ (16) + 4 - 8 = 12Extra damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2Doesn't confirm

Shortbow Attack on Malkvian: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Shortbow Attack on Fortune: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Shortbow Attack on Octavio: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Map has been updated, declare your round 2 actions.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Taldan) Cavalier 1 (Gendarme) HP 11/11 | AC 17 | T 11 | FF 16 | CMD 15 | Fort +3 | Ref +1 | Will +0 | Init +3| Perc + 4| Sense Motive +4

Octavio sees that there are no opponents within reach of his flail, and stows it along with his shield. He spurs his horse forward, and draws his sling.

Move me in a straight line until I am even with Malkvian please.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Chelaxian) Cleric Iomedae L1

I keep guarding them, If they try anything funny I will try to interfere.

Grand Lodge

Half-orc Kineticist (telekineticist) 1 | hp 2/12 [1 NL] | Burn 6/7 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | Fort +6, Ref +5, Will -1 | Init +3 | Intimidate +5, Perception +5

Sumane will open the door and enter the tower. If there are stairs, she will start climbing up toward the goblins. As soon as she gets within 30 feet of one of them, she will start using her kinetic blast.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Lamashtu 1

I follow Sumane and if I can use my Channel Negative Energy against at least two goblins, I use it.

I use selective channel to not harm Sumane.

If I cant attack at all and im only able to do one action, I use for my second action Copycat.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Slayer 1

Drawing another arrow to his bow Constantine fires while repeating a calming mantra "Breathe. Pull. Aim. Release. Exhale."

Longbow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6

Grand Lodge

Human Bard (Celebrity) 1

Dooley follows, drawing his shortbow.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Chelaxian) Cleric Iomedae L1

I look around me to see what are the goblins doing as they are too quiet.


Round 2 Summary
The goblins shoot from the tower tops hitting Fortune and Octavio, while another dropsdrops an alchemist right on top of Sumane. Sumane quickly moves inside the tower and begins climbing up the stairs to the top, she makes it about 3/4s of the way to the top.(It will take the move action to be on top of the tower and able to target.)Malkvian moves up to the tower doorway and casts Copycat, and suddenly there are two of him in that area. Constantine missed again with his ranged attack. Ocatavio carefully stowes his weapons and draws a sling as Fortune moves closer to the towers.

Greldon is keeping a close eye on the goblins, and they are whining that they want to help. He's had to stop 2 of them from running off to join the fight in as many seconds.
Greldon with your next post also roll me a diplomacy or intimidate check to keep the goblins following your orders


Round 3

On top of the towers there are 2 goblins with bows on each tower. On the lower tower (on the map) is a wisp of smoke getting even thicker. Sumane is most of the way to the top of the tower(25 feet to go)

Initiative order

A goblin drops an alchemist fire on Malkvian from above. The other three goblins attempt to shoot the party with their shortbows.
Alchemist Fire Touch Attack: 1d20 + 4 - 12 ⇒ (12) + 4 - 12 = 4damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4 Take 1 splash damage
The 2nd round of Alchemist fire burn damage on Sumane
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Shortbow Attack on Dooley: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Shortbow Attack on Fortune: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Shortbow Attack on Octavio: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Map has been updated, declare your round 3 actions.

Grand Lodge

Male Human (Chelaxian) Cleric Iomedae L1

I use touch of glory (6/day) to gain +1, included, on the skill check
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Grand Lodge

Half-orc Kineticist (telekineticist) 1 | hp 2/12 [1 NL] | Burn 6/7 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | Fort +6, Ref +5, Will -1 | Init +3 | Intimidate +5, Perception +5

Sumane growls angrily at the goblins, but now that she's finally on top of the tower she can put a world of hurt to them.

She will five-foot step back away from the goblins and then use her kinetic blast, taking a point of burn (and taking 1 nonlethal damage) to use pushing infusion to deal damage to the nearest goblin and try to push him off the tower as well.

Kinetic blast: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 plus bullrush: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Unfortunately, she misses and screams at the goblins in frustration.

Grand Lodge

Human Bard (Celebrity) 1

"Ow! You little bastards!" Dooley jumps into the tower for cover.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Lamashtu 1

You are all dead, I swear you will not get out of here alive you foul beasts!!!!

Malkvian gets as close as he can to the enemy goblins and uses his channel negative ennergy keeping Sumane safe with selective channeling.

negative energy: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Grand Lodge

Male Human Slayer 1

Beginning to get frustrated on his lack of success. Constantine fires another arrow at the goblin.

Longbow Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 4

Yay! Potential Critical!
Longbow Attack Critical Confirm: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Critical Damage: 3d8 ⇒ (1, 4, 8) = 13


Round 3 Summary
Greldon's glory and smooth tongue keep the goblins in line while the rest of the party begins the assault on the goblin towers. Sumane on top of the tower now, hurls a kinetic blast at the goblin near the tower edge and misses. Dooley not enjoying the arrow from the opposite tower hops into the tower that Malkvian and Sumane have entered. Malkvian moves up behind Sumane and blasts a negative channel at the goblins. Neither drop from the channel, but suddenly an arrow sprouts from a goblin and it falls dead from Constantine's shot.

Goblin will save for channel:

Will Save: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4
Will Save: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18


Round 4
There is one rather hurt goblin on the top of the tower with Sumane and Malkvian. The other tower has at least 2 goblins and a quickly growing column of smoke.

Initiative order

The goblins on the lower tower shoot at Octavio and the horse again. While the other goblin drops its bow and draws its doglsicer as it charges at Malkvian in the opening of the tower. Malkvian is slightly hurt by the goblins attack, and both arrows miss Octavio and Fortune.

Charge Attack on Malkvian: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 + 2 = 18Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Shortbow Attack on Fortune: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Shortbow Attack on Octavio: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Go ahead with your actions.

Grand Lodge

Half-orc Kineticist (telekineticist) 1 | hp 2/12 [1 NL] | Burn 6/7 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | Fort +6, Ref +5, Will -1 | Init +3 | Intimidate +5, Perception +5

Sumane will draw her falchion and try to finish off the goblin on the same tower as her.

falchion: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
damage: 2d4 + 1 ⇒ (4, 4) + 1 = 9

Unfortunately she swings extremely wide. GAH!!!

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Lamashtu 1

Malkvian offended by the goblin charge, moves 5 feet if needed to to flank the goblin with Sumane and then attemps to slice the foul beast in half with his falchion.
Ugh, ¿is that the best you have? that was pathetic. Now, ¡DIE!

attack with Falchion: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

confirm critical attack with Falchion: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

damage: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (3, 2) + 2 = 7

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