Once More into the Breach - GMF's Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Fanguar

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Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 3

Sorry for the delay. I am finally done with the sergeant process that I have been working on for months. I finished the final step on Saturday and should find out about the results in a few weeks.

Male Human Cleric 3 - HP 24/24 - AC 16/T: 12/FF: 14 - Perception +5 - F: +5/ R: +3/ W: +6 - CMB: +5 - CMD: 17, Speed: 20, Init. +6

Good luck!

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Joao goes after the demons act. That last post was a tad early, is all.

HP:23/23; 1st -2/2; Alter Self 1/1; judgement 1/1
AC 21(23)/13/18(20) / F +6 R +5 W +3 / Init. +3/ Perc. +6 / Sense Motive +7

Guys, I'm going to withdraw from this game. I've been feeling stretched thinly between all my various PBP commitments lately, and I'm finding I enjoy DMing more than playing lately. Sorry to pull out, but with the two new guys I think you should be okay. Feel free to run Ruarc for as long/short as you want, Fanguar. Thanks for the fun, and I hope to see you guys around the boards again at some point.

Male Human Cleric 3 - HP 24/24 - AC 16/T: 12/FF: 14 - Perception +5 - F: +5/ R: +3/ W: +6 - CMB: +5 - CMD: 17, Speed: 20, Init. +6

Sorry to see you go. I enjoyed Ruarc.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Awww... I liked him too. Our paths will cross again, certainly.

Hp 22/22 AC 21 / 11 / 20 (+1 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +6)

Indeed good luck with youre own games

Happy trails.

FYI all, I don't intend to replace him, I think 5 is fine for this AP. With Ruarc's departure, the Champion path becomes available if someone is interested.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Joao is entirely comfortable with the fight happening without him.

Male Human Cavalier (Constable) | Bard (Chronicler of Worlds, Speaker of the Palatine Eye) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC:18 T:11 FF:17 CMD:16 | F+4 R+4 W+2 | Init+1 | Perc+6 |

I'm about to take a rather long vacation of sorts, until November 10. May be reduced to posting on a phone at times. Please bot me when needed, though I will do my best to keep posting.

Hp 22/22 AC 21 / 11 / 20 (+1 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +6)

Posting this to all My Games:

I will be traveling this weekend to my vacation destination. There will be no post from me until Monday.

Please Bot me as needed.

From Sept 29 th to October 4th Expect little posting

From October 5th to October 15th Expect Next to no posting

(dunno the internet availability so i am assuming the worst case)

Thank you for your patience

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Joao would want to know which cult was encountered at Topaz Solutions, and whether or not anyone claimed an (un)holy symbol they'd be willing to part with.

Additionally: We have money? Did we get paid?

I haven't been keeping track of the loot you've found, but you have at least the 1000gp from Horgus.

As fror cultists, all of them have been either of Deskari or Baphomet. As for unholy symbols, you have crossed paths with enough that we can just handwave you having one if you want.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Then Joao will go shopping to acquire:

• (2)Acid
• (2)Alchemist's Fire
• (2)Oil
• CLW Potion
• Flint & Tinder

To the tune of 60g1s1c, leaving ~939g out of his 1k

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 3

Sorry for the lack of posting. I have been preparing to leave Homicide with my impending promotion, which has taken a lot of my time and mental energy. My desk is now packed up and my documentation is finished, so I'm back on track.

Hp 22/22 AC 21 / 11 / 20 (+1 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +6)

Well i am back form my vacations and slowly catching up to things both here and IRL :)

Sorry for the radio silence folks.

I hate to say it, but I am going to have to shut this game down.

I started a new job in September that has limited my ability to post during work hours and familial obligations have been eating much of the rest of my time. As such, I have been getting pretty flaky lately. To prevent a complete flame out, I have decided to cut down the number of games I am running/playing in and this in one of the games that is being cut.

I have had a ton of fun GMing you guys and think that you are a great group of players. This is definitely one of those i's not you, it's me moments.

If my situation changes, I would be amenable to trying to reactive things and in that event, I will try to do so before I recruit for a new game. So this could be considered an indefinite hiatus if you would prefer.

Sorry again and I hope to game with you again sometime.


Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3


It was a pleasure. Well wishes with your work and family.

Male Human Cavalier (Constable) | Bard (Chronicler of Worlds, Speaker of the Palatine Eye) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC:18 T:11 FF:17 CMD:16 | F+4 R+4 W+2 | Init+1 | Perc+6 |

Sorry to hear that, but life comes first. Best of luck!

Male Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 3

Thank you for the time and effort placed into the game. I definitely know how time can be a factor. Good luck!

Hp 22/22 AC 21 / 11 / 20 (+1 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +6)

Good Luck with the new Job Fanguar

(don't forget to close the game thread)

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

*pokes at* Hmm.. This hasn't gone inactive yet.. *grin* don't forget to check the box to make it inactive, please?

Male Human Cleric 3 - HP 24/24 - AC 16/T: 12/FF: 14 - Perception +5 - F: +5/ R: +3/ W: +6 - CMB: +5 - CMD: 17, Speed: 20, Init. +6

Given the recent turmoil in my own life, I COMPLETELY understand, GMF. Good luck and thanks for the game.

It's far, far better to bow out intentionally than to fade away, so thanks for that, too!

That said, I'm really going to miss the chance to confront the bad guys!

So long, folks!

Scott / Tarondor / Aglamore the Crusader

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