Masks: A New Generation of Heroes

Game Master Cwethan

Character Bible

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M Human NPC

For the first time since stepping foot in St. Ambrose, Jack genuinely laughs. ”A’ight, deal. We can “vote” if ya so wish.” He claps the shorter man on the shoulder, grinning broadly. ”Though I have a sneaking suspicion I know who’ll win that ballot.”

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

This is for now a low-stakes scene, so feel free to add some debris if you want it, Hex :-)

"Wingblade, the remaining raw materials that Bronwyn requires can apparently be easily acquired from any... Primary Amazon? If I recall her words correctly. She did not seem concerned that you would know where to find one of those, however, and then she should be able to accomplish the repairs swiftly." He seems to fidget uncomfortably at the unfamiliar words.

"Kaoru, is there something we should call you? Even at safe remove from the fray, your name might be overheard as we speak and plan."

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

Oh, right. thanks mercy, you just remined me my 14 on C&S means I get to clear a condition. getting rid of insecure, she feels on fire after getting all that info.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

Kaoru is startled to suddenly be addressed by the walking Tin Can. She briefly loses her footing, resulting in banging her chin painfully against a metal rod jutting out. She winced and shook her head trying to wipe away the unpleasant taste of blood from her split lip. Seriously though, wtf was wrong with the caveman? Did he honestly think all robots were the same? That learning how to take out this one instance would somehow teach them to take out all robots? Hell, they'd be lucky if beating this one even gave them an edge on any other model built by the same person.

She gave a half-shrug at Wingblade's question, preferring to focus on that over the pointless one. "Pretty functional. I mean, the AI system is toast along with some of the sensor arrays, which is what took it out of commission originally. If we want to use it for practice, I'll have to hook up a remote control system, so it can be piloted manually. That shouldn't be too hard though; looks like it's already set up for that kind of thing."

She flinches slightly when Wingblade calls her 'Kay'. It was...disconcerting to have the affectionate nickname wreathed in red instead of the comforting green hues she was used to. Even if it was now more of a pink/rose than its original crimson. She remained quiet about it though and went to grab her bag to begin setting up a remote control system.

It was as she was working on that that Alexis approached her. Her head and upper body were still inside the automata as she worked on hooking up a wireless receiver to the control system inside. It prevented her from seeing the other girl and Alexis from seeing her wince at the apology. What was it with people apologizing to her when she was the one who kept screwing up? Her hands slow as she thinks. Eventually, she responds, her voice echoing oddly from the metal container, "Don't apologize. I'm the one who should be doing that. I should have been more considerate and not hurt you on Friday."

There a long pause as she both finishes up her work inside and tries to work out what she wants from the other girl. Eventually, she slowly emerges, not making eye contact and slowly gathering her things together. "I feel like you respect me. Like I'm not some pet to be coddled. And more importantly like I can make decisions you disagree with and you won't make me feel bad for making them or try to get me to change my mind." I will go with potential

With a quick press of a button on her computer, the giant robot slowly began powering up, and she started heading for a spot further away as Wingblade had instructed. She paused just long enough to narrow her eyes at Bran's query before flatly responding, "Whatever. Just make it clear who you're talking to," and then continuing on her way.

My plan, unless someone disagrees (which you can, it was just a thought), is to control the robot to attack the rest of you. :-P Or attack whichever group is going first if we're breaking up the fighting. Though if Wingblade was mostly planning on yelling encouragement, I don't want to exclude her if she wants to be the controller instead. But also, roughly how big is this robot? Like, building sized? Smaller?

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

"I don't understand why I feel the way that I feel some of the time." She does seem a bit confused by what he tells her he wants from Alexis. "I want to know you better. I guess I know that it's important that you feel respected then. I don't want you to feel bad either, but I don't understand what decisions you might make that I don't like. Can you give me an example so I understand better? Please don't be vague, that's how I get confused. I want to avoid misunderstandings."

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

"Not being a hero." Kaoru immediately responds. Given the current setting, it was the first thing that popped into her head. "I'm only here because I have to be. I have no choice in the matter. But I'm not a hero and never will be and don't need people trying to turn me into someone I'm not."

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Giganto is the size of a large piece of construction equipment, and just as sturdy. When standing straight, it's about 25 feet tall.

Wingblade sounds encouraging when she replies to Kaoru at some point when she's not talking to Alexis. "That's great! Is it's automated protocols still intact? I'd like it to be an enemy against all of us, rather than you piloting it and trying to beat us. Though I'll bet you'd do better than it on its own, I want us unified against a threat. Can you pull that off?"

For the rest of the session, Wingblade tries to impart lessons and work on developing teamwork while everyone fights drones of varying states of repair.

As I said earlier, I don't think this needs to be played out in any sort of detail. But feel free to write up things that happen during the training. However, I'm going to call for an end of session move at the close of the training:

Masks wrote:

At the end of every session, choose one:

• Grow closer to the team. Explain
who made you feel welcome; give
Influence to that character and clear
a condition or mark potential.
• Grow into your own image of yourself.
Explain how you see yourself and why;
shift one Label up and another down.
• Grow away from the team. Explain why
you feel detached. Take Influence over
you away from another character.

I'm going to grow closer, giving Influence to Kilt (who's already got it, so he can shift my labels) and clearing Afraid, since his enthusiasm for the team and general acceptance of Wingblade as leader is giving her a confidence boost.

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

"Oh. Okay then. I would rather be normal and go to school without worrying too. I've never gotten that before. I guess that I can't have that though if I don't try to earn it first by using my abilities to protect others." She nods to Kaoru, then goes over to Shayera.

"Kaoru doesn't want to be here. Can he go home? Or would that make Whippoorwill mad?" Alexis asks. "I think he just wants to be a normal boy. Like I enjoy being a normal girl. He shouldn't be here if he doesn't want to be. I don't want him to be here if it makes him upset and sad."

She was pleased with herself. She listened, and she understood. And this would also give Kaoru the needed space that he was supposed to have from her. She was sure she did good here. Next of course was Alexandra, cornering her and telling her Kaoru's feelings.

"He doesn't want to be a hero. So we shouldn't try to bring him out on hero stuff anymore. He'll be happier if we don't get him involved in any of this," Alexis stated to her. "But we can still be friends, like how Shayera has friends who aren't heroes. We just have to respect him enough to not try and change his mind. That's what he told me."

Grow Closer to the Team: Growing Closer to Shayera. She's been a lifesaver for Alexis, as she now no longer lives on the streets. She's still learning and Shayera's her guide. I'll clear Insecure for her.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

Kaoru shrugs, doing her best to come up with some kind of automated protocol for the robot to follow, throwing in an extra command before she disconnects. As their new foe surges to life and begins attacking, very loud music begins to play from its head.

"Heard of a van that is loaded with weapons..."

Unfortunately, that was about the highlight of the 'training' for the day for her. While Giganto was slow, the other drones kept fritzing out on her, ultimately getting in the way more than they were helping. At one point Sparky sprayed several ounces of motor oil directly into Bran's face. Which actually would have been great except she was pretty sure someone caught her look of amusement (even if her snort of laughter was drowned out by the music) and now thought that it had been intentional when it definitely hadn't been. Even if similar things had crossed her mind several times already.

Eventually, she just gave up and set all but one drones on a similar automated program to Giganto. The last drone she called over to her, so she could begin repairing it. Though she wished it was large enough that she could crawl inside again. That had been worth the busted lip. Though she wished she could have had time to climb up to the top of the robot.

As soon as Wingblade calls an end to practice, she grabs her already packed bag and begins heading out at a fast walk.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

After Practice

As everyone starts to head their separate ways, Shayera gets Bran's attention really quick. "Tell Bronwyn I'll come by Mary Beth's later if you see her before I do. I want to know how this morning went." She then heads topside and takes flight after a series of rushed "good jobs".

She climbs into the air and sets her earbud to ping the location if everyone, and she separates them out with her augmented hearing. Noticing that Kaoru's was off, she takes a different tactic. She flies low until she picks up the scent of grease and oil from the drones he worked on and lands in an alley. Once there, she uses her charm to replace her action outfit with the simple cutoff jeans and t-shirt with some emojis on the front she picked out today.

Trying a slightly different tact than she did with Alexis (though she doubts Kaoru would slam her through a building), she steps out into the street and jogs a little to catch up to him rather than stepping out in front of his path.

"Hey! Could I walk with you for a moment?" she asks as she nears.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0
Wingblade wrote:
sets her earbud to ping the location if everyone

Pretty sure Kaoru tried to disable that on her earbud. But I guess she's going to have to revisit the software. :-P

Kaoru was still walking quickly, staring at the ground in front of her. Her stomach still churned and jumped uncomfortably as she desperately tried to stop her brain from talking to her. Her footsteps faltered slightly at the familiar voice, and she resisted the urge to break out into an all-out sprint (it was 100% irrational as the girl could easily outmaneuver her by flying, so running wouldn't help). This couldn't be a good sign. Maybe she should have just pretended to continue to help out instead of completely ignoring everything. Sh*t, she was in trouble.

She swallowed a couple of times until she felt reasonably certain her voice wouldn't crack. Without looking up from the pavement she muttered, "It's a free country," and braced herself for the worst.

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

Alexandra is a little taken aback at Alexis's comments, and more by her body language... the girl was cornering her.

There are... other circumstances, Alexis. Alexandra says to the younger girl. And he doesn't have a choice, for a month at least. but, I think maybe it's good if you back off. Not that any of this is new to me. what does she thing, Kaoru not wanting to be a hero is some great insight.

most of the training is spent with Alexandra analyzing their mechanical opponent for weaknesses, and directing her teammates to take advantage of. or exacerbating them herself.

after that, she is careful to stay behind a moment, and wait for Bran to be relatively alone.

Hey, bran. I've... well, I worked some stuff out, about your powers, and a few other things. figured I should share. I know that this form. she gestures at his 8 foot tall, armoured form Is a... projection, or ethereal construct or.... you're a Henshin cape. and you have a human form. Suppose that makes sense, you'd kinda stick out otherwise. I know that when you change, this form is stored is an ethereal space.

I know you aren't the only Celtic spirit to escape, or be unleashed. Balor comes to mind. And... I was pretty convinced your sister as well. I figured Branwen was too coincidental a name. she looks down. I'm not 100% any more. you acolyte might be just that.

But, if she is... I'm worried about her. I'm not 100% sure who's in the drivers seat here. and that feels like a "don't ask, it's rude" kid of question, but my guess is a mix. you have exceptional skill at arms, and knowledge of ancient Welsh, which makes me thing you are definitely a contributor. but you know modern English, and understand common objects, even if you use archaic terminology. so that tells me it's more an amalgam than 1 person driving. and i think, if Bronwyn is hosting your sister, they are... meshing less well than you do with your host...

Bron has... well, she has moved out of her home, and away from her family. she is more publicly affectionate with her new girlfriend, in the days since she left her family, than she was with a boyfriend she had for longer. If I'm right, and she's host to one of your spirits, I think that her spirit is affecting her personality. a lot. I don't know what we should do, if anything. but I thought, if anyone knew, you would. You don't have to tell me. she's been adamant about her not having powers, and you telling me would probably piss her off. but if you can help, do.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

My bad. Edited so I had to use another method of finding K.

Shayera catches up and matches Kaoru's pace. She doesn't begin right away, but walks with him for a block. "So, uh, you know I've got super hearing? I kinda heard what you said to Alexis. About not being a hero, and feeling trapped? Well, I was wondering if that was true. 'Cause if it is, I'll talk with Whippoorwill and get her to let you off the hook.

"I mean, I get it. Well, I think I do. If you don't have powers, you'd have to be crazy to do this hero stuff. I think. I don't really know, since I've always been like this, but anyway. I don't have the right to force you into doing something you don't want to. I'm sure Whip will figure out a way so you're not in trouble. So I just wanted to say I'm sorry for pulling you into this." She stops and sticks out a hand to shake. "I'll get you out."

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

For an entire block, Kaoru's anxiety climbed as she started to picture worse and worse scenarios about what was about to take place. She shoved her hands into her pockets to stop them from fidgeting. It was a smart tactic: letting your enemy stew and squirm until they would do whatever you wanted. Though she really wasn't expecting what Wingblade said next (which itself made it a rather ingenious move). She still couldn't tell if Wingblade just didn't know about Delphi's part or if this was some ploy to make her think she actually had a choice. "Doesn't matter. I'll just be pawned off on some other team."

She took a moment to look at the outstretched hand. Slowly she withdrew one hand from her pocket. She briefly grasped Wingblade's hand, but instead of shaking it, used the gesture as an opportunity to deposit 3 crisp one-hundred dollar bills into it before quickly retrieving her limb. "I didn't bring a checkbook or whatever, but let me know what my share of the limo and movie expenses were, and I'll get you the rest."

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

"I don't know what that means," Shayera says after Kaoru tells her she'd just go to some other team.

Then she looks down at the bills deposited into her hand with a frown. She immediately tries to return them. "You don't owe me anything. The limo was my dad's, and I don't care what the movie cost. I have plenty of money. It's like, not even a concern."

Pierce the Mask: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5
Well, not getting a read today. Time to make things worse. :P

She takes a step back after she gives back the cash, giving him space. "I'd like to talk to you. You almost sound in trouble. Who else is making you do this? If I can get Whippoorwill to back off, who's left? Can I help?"

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

After the regular training session, Mercy took Shaun off to the side, motioning for Cassie to come with her as well. There was something she felt she needed to check with him.

"Cassie, we might need you for healing. Shaun, come at me with your sword," Mercy says as she holds her own sheathed blade in one hand. "I want to see how you use your weapon against a living opponent."

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

Kaoru resists taking the money back, frowning. "My family's not poor. Technical consultants make good money." They'd have to in order to offset the fact they have no free time and are almost constantly traveling.

She stifled a snort and sarcastic comment. Why did people who apparently needed her for technical assistance simultaneously think they could help with a hacker whose skills far surpassed hers? What exactly did Wingblade think she was going to do? Smash a computer and have that somehow magically transfer to the hacker whose code it was running? It was more empty words. "Someone you've probably never heard of and unlikely."

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I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Shayera almost makes more of an issue about the money, but decides to pick her battle. She jams the bills into her back pocket of her shorts.

She thinks a bit on what she knows about Kaoru, which wasn't a lot. Whip gave her the code word "Apocalypse" and told her that this... boy... could help with technical matters. He just about panicked when Shayera approached him, and then went overly formal and Japanese when she dropped the code word. Defense mechanism, perhaps? Sh- he did the same thing when Whip showed up at the theater -- and I get the sense it wasn't because he was impressed with her.

Then there's the boy disguise. Is she in hiding? Might be the reason she's so standoffish. Shayera shakes her head, chewing her lip in thought. After a moment, she decides. "All right. Here's the deal. You got secrets. I won't pry. You feel that you're stuck. If you really are, and I can't help get you unstuck, can I help in some other way? Can I make you feel more comfortable? Safer? I know it's not ideal, but I really do want to help." She smiles through her serious expression. "We're teammates, after all."

Comfort: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

Haha, the dice have decreed that I should definitely warp how Kaoru hears your words.

Wingblade was good. So good in fact that Kaoru had almost missed the implied threat. She was 'safe' so long as they were 'teammates'. Once that was done, all bets were off and any secrets Delphi had passed on would be laid bare. And given who she was talking to, there'd probably be some amount of physical violence as well. "Thank you for your consideration, Wi-" she quickly corrected herself since most likely Wingblade didn't want her to use that name when she was in her 'civilian' guise. "-jōshi. You need not concern yourself with my comfort. Was there anything further you wished to discuss with me or any other way I could be of assistance?"
Jōshi: 'boss' or 'superior authority'

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

Growing closer for end of “session,” naming Bronwyn as person who made me feel welcome. Now, I’m choosing mark potential, but I’m unclear if she also gets to shift my labels?

Speaking of shifting labels, thanks for the honor Wingblade! I will shift your Danger down, Savior up, because Shaun sees you way more as a hero than as a hazard.

Overall, Kilt had a fun time at practice. Turned out Alexandra wasn’t half-bad at detecting weak points in metal monsters, Kaoru had stayed out of the way, and Bran even got a face-full of oil, which had Kilt rolling on the ground from laughter. It also assuaged some of his concerns about using the claymore against robots; he had been worried that the sword would break fighting them, but surprisingly he found it was cutting through bots like butter. He was still bummed that Bronwyn hadn’t shown. He was looking forward to what kind of costume she had. Plus...he was still curious about whether or not she had powers. Maybe he could have just asked Shayera, but Bron had (seemingly) kept his secret. The least he could do was keep hers...if she had one...

He was in the middle of filling a 100-page legal pad with gadget requests when Alexis pulls him aside. At first he’s a little mad, but when she asks for a sparing match, he grins broadly. ”Oh-hoho! A’ight, aight, I’m down f’a little bit of a scrum!” He draws his claymore (Wish I had a moment to sharpen her...) and takes a lose combat stance. ”Y’just want ta’ flat, or are ya’ good if I use ta’ edge?” He twists the blade to display the relevant parts of the sword. ”I don’t wanna tax your healin’ if ye’ don’t want me ta’. Oh, an’ what’s ta’ limit on knives?”

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[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

Cassie felt like she had little to contribute directly for much of the training. She had managed to cast a few spells that had helped the others though - tangling the robot's legs in cables had worked well, and she'd even been able to dart in close enough to levitate the huge construct, although only for a few moments, it had been enough for some of the others to land a few telling blows. She'd been slowed down, however, by her need to rummage in her satchel for the various items she'd needed.

At the conclusion of the training she'd been tired and sore, unaccustomed as she was to the level of physical exertion the fight had required and had been breathing heavily when the group had gathered to go over the fight.

"I definitely need something with some pockets,... and I should probably start doing a bit more training if that's what these fights are going to be like." she said. "I used to be pretty good at gymnastics, but that was a while ago - I need to practice." she glanced over at Shaun. "You do a fair bit of weight training and stuff, yeah? Do you think you could give me some pointers if we went to the gym some time?"

When Alexis and Shaun set themselves up to spar, Cassie took a seat leaning against the arena wall and watched carefully. Curious to see how well Shaun would acquit himself against Alexis.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

At first Shayera felt that she was getting through to Kaoru, but then the formality returned. It was just as good as slamming shut a door in her face, and it was all she could do to not scowl obviously.

Instead, she shakes her head slowly. "I guess that's it. I'll, um, talk to Whip for you, though. I don't like the thought of anyone being someplace they don't want to be." She stuffs her hands in her pockets -- well, fingers considering how tight these stupid shorts are -- and turns around to walk back to Defenders HQ.

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

"If you don't come at me with the intent to kill me, you'll lose," Mercy warned him as she stood completely still. Shaun wasn't terrible. He'd certainly trained himself all right.

She estimated he was at the same level as her ten years ago.

"A claymore might work against slow, dumb opponents," Mercy told him as she considered the avenues of attack. "It might also work against me. You'll have to aim for my neck or collarbone. It would hurt me. I might die from blood loss before my healing allowed me to recover in time," She admits.

Directly Engage: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 3) + 2 = 11

Resisting blows, and surprising/Frightening/Impressing the opposition.

She didn't draw her sword. She didn't need to do so, as she was within his guard before he could get in a swing. The hilt was pressed against his solar plexus, the glassy surface of the mask reflecting his war painted face. "I don't want you to die. But many of the people we'll fight probably won't feel the same way. You shouldn't be in close combat. You should stick with the middle range. You'll die if you don't," She urged him, pulling back and taking a few paces away.

"If you don't agree, then try and kill me. That's what a sword is made to do," She tells him. It's really the sword that she dislikes. Not because of its size, but because she can understand the difference in their swordsmanship.

Go ahead and roll Directly Engage against Alexis if he wants to try and impress her enough to take back what she said.

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

Shaun was cherry red by the time he remembered he could verbalize a reply to Cassie. ”P-Pointers? Y-Yea’, aha, yea’, we can uh, we can have a gym day, sure!” That WAS a good smile! ”I warn ya’ though, I’m pretty intense. Y’better come ready. I’m talkin’ dressed right n’ with plenty of wa’er.” He flashes her a genuinely happy smile as he returns his attention to Alexis.

Alexis wrote:
"If you don't come at me with the intent to kill me, you'll lose,"

Kilt freezes in shock. ”Wait, what!? Lex, I-I’m not gonna-! You’re my team mate! I don’t care how good your healin’ is I’m not f!*+in’ KILLIN’ ya’!”

He sits stupefied as she dissects the best way for him to kill her and tries to intimidate him by getting in close. As he watches her take a few steps away, he suddenly remembers that, for as much as Alexis has been growing on him, she’s still not quite right in the head. F#+@. What do I do...?

His brow furrows as he grinds his teeth and takes a proper combat stance.

Engage Alexis: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 1) - 1 = 1
...WOW. Okay then. More potential I guess...

”” He slips out of the stance and plants his sword into the ground. ”I’m not doin’ this.”

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

"...Do you understand?" Alexis asked him, as she walked over and grabbed the claymore by its blade. It sunk into her skin and leaked blood down its blade.

"This is made to hurt and kill people. This is a soldier's weapon. We're not soldiers," She told him. "Trade it in for something that won't kill someone, even on accident. Or you'll regret it the day you finally have to cut someone down," She said to him sadly, leaving Shaun to that thought, flicking her blood away.

You could swear you could taste power in Alexis' blood. It seems powerful enough to grant boons to a mage who knew how to properly use it as a reagent.

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

Shaun’s stomach churns as the worms writhe once more. An old memory surfaces in his mind like a weed breaking soil. He sighs. ”I...I can’t do that Lex. I know blades. Like it or not, if ya’ want me ta’ be worth a s+*@ in a fight, I need my sword.” He pulls a rag from the kilt and wipes the blood off the blade. ”...I don’t kill Lex. I break bones, I might take a limb off if ta’ a&%$$&+ is askin’ f’it, but I don’t kill. Especially not a friend.” He isn’t certain if she even hears him, but in some way he doesn’t care. It wasn’t just an affirmation for her. ”I don’t kill...I don’t...”

He re-couples the blade to its carrier and sits with his legs extend in front of him. She’s not wrong though. Swords were made to kill. least it’s not a gun... Bile pools in the back of his throat as he remembers. Remembers the first of many fights. Remembers his bitter determination to not carry firearms. Remembers what it cost him...he curls his legs up to his chest, trying to hide his face from Cassie. Damnit. Get yourself together soldier...

Marking Sad Insecure for reasons.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

Bran had been more in the thick of things than Wingblade during practice, but had been far more focused on learning the skills of his teammates than in honing his own. With something that big, I don't really need to test to see if I can move it, it'd be all a matter of leverage in a real fight, and right now it's more important to make sure the ones who can't take a hit from something like that get in their practice... These robots were also single power source, which meant a well placed throw with Gae-Dearg would probably be enough to shut them down anyways.

The oil spray had been really funny too.


Alexandra E. Walker wrote:

"I think, if Bronwyn is hosting your sister, they are... meshing less well than you do with your host...

Bron has... well, she has moved out of her home, and away from her family. she is more publicly affectionate with her new girlfriend, in the days since she left her family, than she was with a boyfriend she had for longer. If I'm right, and she's host to one of your spirits, I think that her spirit is affecting her personality. A lot. I don't know what we should do, if anything, but I thought, if anyone knew, you would. You don't have to tell me. she's been adamant about her not having powers, and you telling me would probably piss her off. but if you can help, do."

Bran's response wasn't quite curt, but as he continued, that small touch of irritation left his voice. "You comprehend rather less than you think. Bronwyn is simply in love; before, she was not. I do not believe that my sister's soul lives within her, but you have my word. I will watch for signs that all is not as it seems."

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

Okay. I trust you. but please be careful., She says, And, don't be such a damned stranger. The clubhouse is pretty well enclosed, so show up sometime! SHe says, as she leaves

Growing closer to the team. giving Bran influence (So, he gets to shift her labels) and marking potential

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

Kaoru watched Wingblade leave. That had actually gone better than she had expected. Ish. Subtle threats were better than explicit ones, right? Still, would it be better for her to be stuck on a different team? She wouldn't have to watch- But then she couldn't-

She rubbed her temples tiredly. She wasn't even sure why they wanted her on this team. Or, she supposed more accurately, why Delphi wanted her on this team. Or on any team really. Was it just some power play aimed at expressing control over her? To remind me that they had all the cards? Was this just the first team that said 'why not?' to having her? It's not like they needed her. They had fighters. She was no fighter. They had tactics. She was no tactician. She was literally useless in a fight. And they hadn't asked her to do anything tech-y for them. Hell, they were apparently in tight with the Defenders, so they probably already had Matrix doing all their tech work. So why the hell was she even here? Was she supposed to go find some skirt and be their cheerleader or something?

She sighed and continued her journey back to her house. Maybe she could take the scenic route through the park. If she were lucky, maybe it would be less terrible than the day before. Or maybe she should just give up and find a different park to lurk in.

Just going to go ahead and go with grow further from the team and remove influence from the arbitrary 3rd person I never gave it to.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

I'll shift Alexandra's Superior up and Freak down.
I think I'm going to have Bron/Bran grow into herself and shift Savior down and Freak up too.

"My presence is not always a simple matter," he rumbled, "but I will try."

He set off at a good clip, and a few minutes and a couple miles later, ducked down an alley near a grocery store...

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

... and she emerged, no longer in that morning's borrowed suit, but in faded cut offs and an old tank top that was a couple inches shorter than she'd realized when it went into her bugout bag.

If I'm staying with the Brownes they're getting some genuine Pascal cooking in return. Why haven't I cooked for Shayera yet?

...Because she always wants to treat you to nice things once she left the lab she went straight to a freezer full of tv meals, and then a personal chef, so she doesn't think about cooking...

I should teach her how to cook something; that'd be a fun date sometime.

She hopped on the private channel on her earbud. "Hey Shayera, was I being too cute about the quartz? I seriously need like $15 of the stuff, but I can't order things right now.

Church was okay, I guess. Nice homily about being welcoming to those in need, made me think a lot about what you're doing for Alexis. Oh! I met Shaun's dad! That was weird...

I am still staying at Mary-Beth's, just grabbing some things to cook up dinner for them tonight. You could come, if you wanted. Though uh, probably wingless..."

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

After checking to see if Whippoorwill was around Defender HQ and coming up empty, Shayera adjusted her t-shirt and pulled off her pendant. With her wings revealed but staying in the shorts-and-tee outfit, she takes flight and spends some time soaring to clear her head over the stress of leading and dealing with Kaoru.

When Bronwyn calls her, she's catching the updrafts a few hundred feet above the tops of the skyscrapers, flitting through the clouds and trying not to get soaked. "Hey, Bron. Yeah, I kind of picked up on that, but I'm not sure what you need. Is that like, crystals? Or something?

"Shaun's dad? Huh. Oh, about Alexis, she's now all excited about coming to your church. I talked her down for today, but just be aware that that might be a thing."

"Sure, I'll come. What time, do you think?"


After Bronwyn tells her when dinner will be ready leaving her with a bit of time to kill, Wingblade climbs and plummets into a few lazy freefalls to make sure she was fully dried off. She's thinking about doing a little patrol around some of the neighborhoods between her and the Browne residence when her phone buzzes. It's her father.

Finally! I saw him last night; I don't know why he didn't have any time for me then, she thinks as she answers. <Hello, Father. Now? But I've got a-- Okay, then. I'll be right there.>

* * *

This time, Xiu Ying had to enter the office the usual way. She liked last night's method better.

<Hello, Xiu Ying,> her father says when she arrives and stands in front of his desk. <What did you want to talk about?>

She folds her arms. <I'm not moving to China! You didn't mention that two weeks ago! If I knew-->

<Are you going to China? No. I'm taking steps, Xiu Ying. I'll make sure you stay here for as long as you wish. You have my word.>

Xiu Ying relaxes visibly, moving her hands from folded in front of her to her hips. <Okay. Thank you.>

<So, how was it?>

A smile spreads across her face. <It was pretty awesome. Okay, really awesome. The way we moved, the way we fought, we were linked! It was like we were one; or I had three other bodies I could control like my own except they were my sisters--> She cut herself off abruptly. She hadn't meant to call the other three Daughters as her sisters, but it just slipped out.

Her father smiles. <I knew the Daughters of the Tiger would be right for you.>

<Yeah, I just wish we could have stopped that drug operation in the basement,> she says with a shrug.

With a shake of his head and a satisfied smile, her father alleviates that concern. <The data you provided has given me the ability to dismantle it from within. If you'd have acted like the heroes of this town, you'd have stopped that operation but another would be operational within hours. This is the true means toward change, Xiu Ying.>

<I guess,> she says, looking unsure.

<Do not guess with me, Daughter. You are my child, a hero of Halcyon, Daughter of the Tiger, and now the leader of your own team? You are realizing your potential wonderfully.>

She blushes, a smile touching the corners of her face. <Yes. Thank you, Father. I should go, I'm having dinner with Bronwyn.>

He nods, dismissing her. <Enjoy, then. Maybe one of these days she will come to accept our close bond.>

Xiu Ying shrugs. <She's got her own parental issues to deal with. I'm sure she'll come around.>


A little before dinner time, a slightly out-of-breath Shayera sans wings knocks on the door of the Browne residence.

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

Cassie watched the 'fight' with interest. Alexis' frighteningly fast and she'd slipped past Shaun's defences easily. The other girl had made a fair point about swords, and their purpose, but Shaun had not taken her advice well, Alexis could've handled things better. Much better. When a spot of the strange girl's blood had landed on her, Cassie had fliched - even the small amount had positively emanated sanguine energy.

As Alexis had walked away, Cassie's eyes followed her, before she turned her attention back to Shaun. Standing, she moved over to him and put her hand on his shoulder. "Are you OK?" she asked, "Do you want to talk about it or anything?"

M Human NPC

Earlier Sunday (as written by me and Bronwyn)

Jack quietly enters the confessional, taking a seat and chewing on the inside of his cheek out of nervous habit. He crosses himself, and begins. ”Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been...a month since my last confession...”

"Very well my son. I am listening. What sins do you have to confess?"

He takes a steadying breath. ”I have taken the Lord’s name in vain. I have been wrathful in my workplace. I have...I have failed my son in his walk towards God. I have been a poor head of my house. An’...I have lied. Lied to friends, members of the clergy...I have come to confessional, an’ lied to a good friend...” As best he can he chokes back a sob.

"It is good that you recognize these sins, and right that you have come to confess them and be freed of their weight. Let me ask you, my son, why lie to your priest? We do not sit in judgment, and to lie to us does no more to conceal your guilt to Him than fig leaves concealed the sin of Adam.

"If you spoke these lies in confession, you may still be absolved of them, and of the sins you sought to conceal. Tell me about them. What did you fear so?"

Behind the screen, Jack blinks in confusion. ”Why...? Why I-?...because...because my son has been through enough. He’s lost his brother, his mother, his grandfather, his friends, an’...I didn’t want to add some baseless accusation to the pile.

”Ye must understand Father, where my son an’ I come from is a very tightly knit community. An’ my friend, Father Jacob, he’s a good man but...prone to action before thought. Especially in matters of the Lord. If...if I had told him about Shaun...about that night...about what I saw...he could have rallied a right mob to hunt my boy down...!” There’s a soft *plip* as a tear splatters on the floor of the booth. ”An’...I don’t even know if I’m right...! What if I was wrong, an’ I sent them after him...!? I’d...I’d never be able to live with myself...!” He swallows hard. ”S-So I lied. He asked me if there was anything wrong with Shaun, an’ I lied to his face...” The middle-aged Scotsman buries his face in his hands. Chuidich Dia mi...! I feel like I’m losing my mind...!”

"My son, nothing you told your priest should have been revealed to anyone else, no matter what you or your son had done. If you wish absolution you must be willing to speak freely.

"What gave you such fear that you tried to lie to God?"

There is silence for a minute, broken by the grinding of wood on wood as Jack slides the privacy screen back. His face is flush, tears leaking from his eyes as he struggles to form the words.

”...a demon.”

His eyes lock with the Father’s. ”...I think my son is possessed.”

...end scene. >:3

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

Even the slightest touch reveals that Shaun is shaking with emotion. What emotion that is remains hidden behind his knees. ”...bòidheach, I haven’t been okay f’a long time...” The topsoil of his mind breaks again and again as the worms find the surface for the first time in months. Old memories, bad feelings, horrible thoughts, all dancing in acidic dirt.

He swallows, and takes a breath. Na cuir eagal air bàs, agus bidh eagal air bàs ort... Begrudingly, the slimy things slip back under, their trails of grime a horrid promise of their return. With a shuddering sigh, he stops shaking and finally exposes his face, red and lined with tear tracks. ”Honestly Cass...I don’t wanna talk ‘bout it. I don’t even wanna think ‘bout it. I’ve spent so long buryin’ my past, it’d be a shame ta’ dig it up now...” He tries to sound humorous, but his voice can’t find the right tone.

He stands. ”I’m...sorry. Y’shouldn’t...y’shouldn’t see me like this. Nobody should. I just...remembered too much...” He rubs his eyes wearily. ”God I need a drink...”

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

The park had been disappointing. Now Kaoru was all geared up in her room, ready to execute another daring break-in to the school to practice guitar. She was hoping it would take her mind off of how useless she felt. As well as...other things. As she quietly closed the door to her room, she looked down the hallway to the darkness that was her mother's room. She looked down at her partially-formal outfit. And then back to her mother's room. She grabbed a couple of extra pieces of clothing and started padding down the hallway towards it. It was a terrible idea, but she couldn't help it. She put on the tie, switched out her vest, and added a few other accessories.

Soon she was standing in front of her mother's full-length mirror. The only one in the entire house. She could have had her own if she really wanted. But she didn't. She had never really liked mirrors. Nevertheless, she stood there, examining herself. The shirt was of good quality and like most of her dress shirts, delightfully soft. It felt good against her skin. The dark fabric really made the red color of the tie she had grabbed pop. As she straightened it, she enjoyed the smooth, cool contrast of the material. The vest was gorgeous; an interesting blend of black and gold that made it look dark at first glance, but seemed to gleam when the light hit it just so. It meant that it didn't draw the attention away from the tie, but where the two were close together it gave the impression that the tie was a living flame revealing the gold hidden in the darkness. The matching red pocket square then drew the eye down to the gold chain connected to a pocket watch hanging between her two vest pockets. The gold and red cufflinks then further emphasized the color scheme. It was a beautiful outfit.

No, that's not why you're here. Look *properly*. Notice the details.

She grimaced and forced herself to look with a more analytical eye. The shirt didn't fit quite right. The seam where the torso met the arms was too far down, highlighting that her shoulders were too narrow. That plus the original length of the sleeves meant there were bunches where the extra fabric hung limply, pushed up so the cuffs of the shirt were correctly around her wrists. Which then also meant it was only the bulge of her wrist preventing the sleeve from extending its full length. It wasn't obvious -- she wasn't drowning in fabric or anything -- but a discerning eye would see it. She tried rolling the sleeves up, which meant she had to sacrifice the cufflinks, but that only highlighted the lack of definition in her biceps. The issues continued with the torso of the shirt. It was relatively well-fitted where it fell around her hips, loosened around her waist and remained loose around the chest. Which on the bright side meant neither the taper of her waist nor the slight bulge of her bound chest were noticeable. But it also highlighted how, for a 'guy', she was more stick-like than inverted triangle.

She did her best to hide these small defects that ruined the way the otherwise gorgeous outfit fit her. She compensated for her hips by wearing her pants a little lower and using the vest to hide the fact that the top of her pants were at a slightly narrow section. But really, the solution was to get her clothes tailored properly. Except that there was no way she'd be able to justify that to her mother. So she did her best to hide it (luckily, this was easier in what she typically wore than this more formal setup). And she hid it well, but it was still noticeable if you looked carefully, as Alexandra had. It was no wonder she had immediately pegged her as a girl. But then...why had she kissed her when she was so clearly not her type? Was she bi? Or did all Kaoru's efforts blunt things just enough that she longer offensive? Though even if that were the case, she was hardly some big, hulking, muscle-y guy. Should she start working out? It might at the very least make the clothes fit better.

She made a frustrated growling noise in the back of her throat. Why was she even thinking about this? What did it matter if Alexandra saw her as a guy or a girl if Kaoru didn't know what she wanted with the other girl in the first place? If she wanted to date Alexandra, these were all important questions. And if she didn't, what did it matter if she wasn't her type? Or if Alexandra wanted to spend time with the person who was more her type? And since she had made no progress figuring that out, it made this debate pointless. That decided, she quickly turned off the light and beat a hasty retreat from the room.

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

Cassie pulled back a little at Shaun's words and cast a look after Alexis' departing form, unsure of what to do. Ummm,.. Well. If you don't want to talk about it no-one's going to make you." she said, "I'm not sure drinking to forget thing's a good idea though - How about we just chill for a bit?...." For a while she sat in silence next to the scotsman..... "So,.... any thoughts about what kind've training'd be a good idea? I really should try to get back into shape."

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

Shaun looks down at the dark-haired girl, his expression strange and inscrutable. He slowly sits back down next to her. ”Yea’...a’ight...we can...we can chill...” A sad smile works it’s way over his face. ”...thank ya’ Cass.”

He clears his throat. ”Right, trainin’ f’ya’...well, lemme ask ya’ this: are ye’wantin’ta’ be stronger, be faster, or be more flexible? ‘Cause ya’ can balance the three, but it’s a lot easier ta’ focus on one. Also, how much attention are ya’willin’ta’ put inta’ your diet?” As he speaks, the tension releases from his face and his posture. ”As f’specific exercises, my big thin’s are upper-body and stamina stuff like liftin’, crunches, runnin’, that sorta stuff. F’ye’...runnin’s always a good option f’just about anythin’. A good mile or five in ta’mornin’s a good start. But like I said, what I recommend is more dependent on what ye’re after from yourself.” This...this is better. I know this. I can do this. I can teach this. Help her, and forget about the s@*%. Just focus on her...

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

Good. Focus on something else, something he knows about - boost his confidence.

"I guess mostly it'd be good if I was a bit quicker so I can get out of the way if I need to and, you know, just sort of general fitness I suppose." Cassie replied. "and I've been dieting for years,... my mom always made sure of that so I don't think that'll be a problem. Running's no problem, I already do that, but I was thinking maybe a bit of flexibility, acrobatics or whatever.

Comfort and Support: 2d6 + 0 + 1 ⇒ (2, 2) + 0 + 1 = 5

Happy to move on whenever.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Wingblade's apartment remains open to whoever wishes to stay, though on Sunday night after she returns from the Brownes' house she claims her own bed.

The next morning, Tiffany shows up and helps get both Shayera and Alexis ready. She dresses Shayera in a red-and-pink patterned culottes and a matching white mini-hoodie. Initially, she wasn't sure. "We're officially a couple! Shouldn't I be, you know, in a dress for this?"

Tiffany shakes her head. "It's all about the statement. It's special, so you don't want your fashion to overshadow the moment. So this is comfortable and easy-wearing. Red for celebration, white for symbolism, and the hoodie says you're already relaxed about it. See?"

"Okay, I guess."


Reginald drives everyone at Shayera's apartment to school, opting for the Bel Air if there's too many for the sports car. Excitement floods Shayera's mind and fills her stomach with butterflies as she steps out and heads to the entrance where she expects to see Bronwyn coming in from early morning track practice.


In the hallways between classes, Shayera finds Kaoru and flags him down. She's in a light, breezy sundress on account of the unseasonably warm day. "I need to talk to you real quick," she says, not really accepting an excuse to be avoided.

When they find a spot where they're not being jostled about by the students moving back and forth, Shayera pulls a notepad from her bag. It's covered in writing and quite a few drawings. "So, I talked to, uh, you-know-who, and she helped me realize I haven't been playing to your strengths. So here." She hands the notepad to him. "It's Shaun's wish-list for gadgets and upgrades and such. You've got a talent for that, right? I mean, you cut off the homing beacon feature in the earbuds, so, maybe you'd like to take a look at his ideas? See if there's anything to them?"


While Shayera and Bronwyn are together in the early morning before classes, they're approached by Mrs. Wood, the vice-principal. "Hello, Bronwyn? I >ahem< hate to interrupt, but I was hoping to have you help welcome some new exchange students? Oh! Xiu Ying! You could help too! They're all the way from China!"

Shayera looks uneasy. "Uh, yeah. Sure. Happy to help."

At the school's office, they see three stunningly beautiful Chinese girls dressed in impeccable fashion that would instantly put them into Portia's good graces.

They all smile when they see Shayera. "Nihao, Xiu Ying!" they say in near unison.

Shayera smiles back. "Hello. 你在這裡做什麼?"

The one in the center holds up her hands, gesturing to the room. "我們來這裡上學。 當然你會知道的。"

Mrs. Wood looks stunned. "You know each other?"

Shayera nods. "Yeah, I met them while I was in China over break. This is Yin Ying, Shu Zi, and Yu Hiu."

Yu Hiu turns to the vice principal and speaks in mildly accented English, "Our guardians are here on extended business. So we are going to spend the semester here in Halcyon."

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

Cassie headed back to her place Sunday afternoon to continue her training with Gabrielle. The training began, as it always did, with the two of them sitting on the floor in the backroom of the magic shop, surrounded by objects representing each of the cardinal elements and with the scent of herbs from the shop heavy in the air. The two magic-users linked hands and closed their eyes, letting their senses free themselves and unify.

"Well done Cassiphone, Gabrielle's thoughts came into her consciousness. You are getting better at this very rapidly... Faster than I would've believed possible. It took me a full year to reach your level when I first started my training, and I was quicker than most."

"Thank you Gabrielle." Cassie responded, "I have been trying hard, but,.. it seems like after I held the Caduceus everything seems easier - like it unlocked something. Can I ask a question about the charm? It seems that some people aren't affected by it like they should be. I've met one person who could see through it and another who,... well I'm not sure how much it affects him.... Would a link with another spirit enable someone to see through the charm? How close would the bond have to be."

For several seconds Gabrielle was quiet. That is,.. well that shouldn't happen." she finally replied. "But yes,... perhaps a connection like that might disrupt the magic. The connection would have to be very close though, and at least one of the entities would have to be quite powerfully connected to the spirt world. I'll have to do some reading. For now though, I think you're ready for some intestesing magics. We''ll stay clear of morphic spells for the moment,.. I still think they're too strong a connection to your mother. Do you have any thoughts?"

"Perhaps,.. protection spells?" Cassie replied. "I think they could be useful,.. if the charm isn't as protective as you said?.."

Gabrielle nodded. "Yes. That might be a good idea. Now, there are several categories of protective magics,....... "


Cassie arrived at school wearing her charm, once again nothing more than another face in the crowd as far as those still affected by her charm are concerned. To the others, she is no different than when she's not wearing it. The effect is strange. People's eyes just seem to slide right past her. At lunchtime, she found Bron and took her aside, making a request for a smallish piece of metalwork (The precise nature of which I will reveal on Thursday if Bron can make it in time - its a simple piece of work so I think she could manage it.) After school, Cassie headed back to Gabrielle's place where she continued her magic craft lessons.


Taking Shaun's advice, Cassie turned up to school early, heading to the locker rooms to change and then to the track field where she began running circuits.

Cassie retreated to the music rooms during the lunch break to practice her bass guitar away from the people enjoying the warm day outside - a particularly annoying group of kids playing some kind of game with cards, though not playing cards, had set themselves up beneath the tree where she usually practiced.


After school Cassie headed to the school gym, changing into the same workout clothes she'd worn on Sunday to begin doing some light weight flexibility training. Not sure of how much Shaun is affected by the charm so I'll let him join in as appropriate if he wants.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill


Bronwyn and Shayera had been seen at the mall Saturday, so by practice on Monday, she was already getting a mix of inscrutable looks, surprise hugs, and a couple of obviously uncomfortable smiles.

Her outfit was a lot less symbolic, and a lot more 'I've got one t-shirt and one pair of leggings left before laundry,' but the smile on her face when she saw Shayera waiting for her showed it was a special occasion anyways.
She looked over at Ronnie and the rest of her teammates with a smile to hide her nervousness, then jogged on over to give Shayera a quick kiss hello. "Hey sweetie. Ready to face the day?"

Several times throughout Monday
"Hey Cassie/Ronnie/Kaoru/Kyle, I'm sorry I didn't get word to you, but I can't get texts right now. I'm having some... issues with my cell-plan right now. Just DM me on Insta or snap me if you need to message me, okay?"

Finally! Could not find this guy anywhere yesterday.

Simple metalwork could definitely be done by Thursday

She was in Sunday's cutoffs and Saturday's long tanktop, and really regretting an $87 equipment fee for track that had come due. If this goes on too long I'm gonna need to get a job. I could probably work a graveyard shift somewhere.

Wait, you have to get a parent to sign a work permit. Crap. Okay, whatever, that's not today's problem.

"Hey Shaun!" She smacked him lightly on the shoulder. "Were you cutting again yesterday, or could I just not find you? Anyways, why didn't you tell me you were Catholic? I ran into your dad at church, he gave me something for you - I've got it back in my locker, come on."


Wednesday brought with it Monday's leggings, Sunday's de facto crop top, and a medium-sized prickle of jealousy. They're so pretty. Shayera loves seeing me look nice, and I'm stuck in the same stuff she's seen me in a million times before.

The look of concentration on her face as they switched back and forth between English and Mandarin broke into a smile as they finished their explanations

"Hi, my name's Bronwyn, welcome to Halcyon High! Do you have your class schedules already? Sorry I'm not as prepared as I normally am for this - Do you all have the same guardians? Or did you all just happen to come over together?"

More gifts from her 'Father?'

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)


All was well. She got her hair cut short in what Tiffany called a 'pixie cut' that she really liked a lot. School was interesting. She even got called out to take some tests by herself by a friendly young teacher who was friendly to her. She seemed rather nice, though the tests seemed strange to Alexis. She figured that it was just something they did for new students to see what classes to offer them.


Patrol still felt dangerous without her armor. Alexis continued to pester Bronwyn asking for updates on it. She also went out of her way to avoid Kaoru. She didn't want to make him feel bad or upset anymore.

In the evening, Abacus took a voice mail from the school asking for a parent-teacher conference for Alexis' special needs as a student.


Shayera gets a text from Alexis. A teacher is asking who my guardian is. What do I tell them? They want to meet them.

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

Cassie, you add +1 to your roll towards Shaun because you have Influence over him. Roll still fails, but something to keep in mind for next time. ;)

After going over a few more exercise pointers with Cassie, Shaun heads back to the apartment, retrieves the worn book while no-one is watching, and moves his stuff to one of the couches. Having mulled over what Alexis has said about the sofas, he figures that if he does bleed on the furniture, Shayera would probably understand that it comes with the mission...probably. (I mean, she does heal. Has she ever bled on her own stuff? She must have...!)

- - -


...I wonder how many people notice I’ve been coming in fancy cars? He ponders idyll as he nonchalantly walks into school, only just catching Shayera and Bronwyn kissing as the door closes behind him. Oh thank God, don’t have to keep that secret anymore at least! I really hope Wing isn’t messing around. I mean, she seemed pretty devastated when Bron got mad at her, but still... He takes a deep breath. Give her a chance. Give her a chance to prove you’ve got Bron’s number if you need it.

He nearly misses his class, u-turning hard and half-tripping into the beige-colored room. Now, to actually try in school. Haven’t done that in a while. Here’s hoping this isn’t too painful...

- - -


The notepad

The gadget ideas range from phenomenally absurd (pterodactyl repellant, hand-sized expanding vehicles, lifelike robotic duplicates, etc.) to some actually clever ideas (taser-knives, collapsible combat barriers, hands-free smoke screens, etc.). All of them are written in handwriting that, while legible, is much bigger than it needs to be, each line of text occupying about three measured lines on the pad. Also, the “diagrams” are horrendous, displaying only a very basic understanding of mechanical systems.

Beneath the tree

”...aaaaand I cast Fireball for lethal!” Sam smiles smugly as he crosses his arms.

Bert shoots Mordecai a glance as the taller student scratches his chin. ”Eh, Sam, you don’t have enough mana...”

”Wh-? Yes I do! I’ve got six mountains and four swamps! That’s more than enough!”

Mordecai leans in. ”...oh yeah, y’do. My bad. Guess that means Bert-“

”Casts Redirect at instant-speed, targeting Sam.” The portly teen smiles smugly as he lays the card onto the mat. The other two stare in disbelief.

”...son of a b*!&&...!” Mordecai smiles, slightly dumbstruck.

”...SON OF A B%%~!!” As Cassie walks away, the sounds of flying cardstock and dice can be heard as the short cape-watcher flips the mat.

With Bronwyn

Shaun jumps slightly when Bronwyn taps him, having been trying and failing to comprehend the math worksheet he’d been given yesterday. ”Oi! Nice ta’ see ya’! Yea’, I’ve been runnin’round like a madman, tryin’ta’ get school n’ other stuff ta’ co-exist.” He holds up the sheet to her, pointing to a mathematical symbol. ”Do ye’ know what ta’ f%~~ this little s#&@ is? I’ve got no idea...”

His posture immediately changes when she mentions church and his old man. His shoulders tighten, and his back stiffens as he growls ”I’m not Cath’lic...” He momentarily debates just telling her to throw away whatever it was he’d tricked her into smuggling for him, but he instead gloomily follows to the locker, planning on making a bit of a scene of tossing the gift. Maybe she’ll tell him and he’ll finally stop trying this s+@%...yeah, if only...

- - -


He can sort-of see through it whenever is best for the plot intermittently, usually when he’s got some adrenaline in his system. That being said, he can sub-consciously associate Charmed Cassie with normal Cassie pretty regularly, so I have an idea for this scene in particular.

As Shaun wanders into the school gym, his brain thoroughly broken from some subject in a science class, he catches a glimpse of a girl he doesn’t recognize. All the same, that all-too familiar tickle of deja-vu stirs in his mind, and he walks over as he starts to stretch. ”Hey bòidheach, ye’re not holdin’ enough on ta’ extension. Give it a count of at least three before ya’ release.” He smiles amicably as he grabs some weights and starts doing stretches next to her. ”I’m Shaun by ta’ way. Nice ta’ meet ya’...” His face screws up in thought. That’, that’s not right. Why is that not right? I know it’s not right but why isn’t it right?

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

Monday morning:
Kaoru got to school early like she normally did. Much more to get out of the house than because of any desire to actually be there on time. She was about to enter the building when she caught sight of Bronwyn. She had avoided texting her all weekend to apologize about the whole thing with Alexis on Friday and now that was catching up to her. It was no longer future Kaoru's problem but present Kaoru's problem. She held back, hoping to find something to delay the inevitable. Oddly enough, her silent prayers were answered as Wingblade approached her. Obviously, she couldn't apologize to Bronwyn with Wingblade standing right there.

So while she waited for Wingblade to finish whatever business she had with Bronwyn, she did her best to plan out her approach. If she timed it right, she could reach Bronwyn shortly before the bell, give her a quick apology, and then make her escape before she had a chance to be yelled at. After all, they both had to be in class on time and they weren't exactly in the same classes. So that would limit Bronwyn's window of opportunity for retribution, and then she could just avoid her the rest of the day or something.

Ok, now she just needed to figure out exactly what she was saying. 'Hey Bronwyn, sorry about Friday. Bye'? Probably too vague. 'Hey Bronwyn, sorry about being an ass on Friday and upsetting Alexis and making her run off so that then you had to go run off and-' Nope, way too long. Meant she could be interrupted. 'Hey, sorry you had to go make Alexis feel better after I upset her'? That might work. But did it sound too much like a 'I'm sorry your dog died' instead of a 'I'm sorry I punched you' apology? Possibly. But then, she also hadn't exactly forced Bronwyn to go comfort Alexis, so that wasn't entirely her fault. Eh, it was probably good enough.

Wingblade and Bronwyn seemed to finally be done with whatever their business was, so it was time to enact her-- wait, what? Did...what just...huh? Her brain locked up as she tried to process what was going on. Instinct took over as the only functional part of her brain asserted that nope, she was definitely not going to go apologize right now and had her turn around to head immediately to her first class.

First period Monday:
Kaoru was safe inside her first class, definitely not paying any attention to what was going on. Luckily, it wasn't nearly as difficult for her brain to concentrate on processing two other people kissing than it was for it to process someone kissing her. That definitely wasn't just a friends-only kiss. Not that there were any friends-only kisses. Or at least, none of the lips, right? Kissing on the lips was 100% a sign of romantic intent. And neither of them seemed like they wanted to push the other away. So clearly it was consensual, which was good.

So were they, like, a couple then? But that didn't really make sense. Who was the guy in that relationship? Wingblade was clearly the protector out of the two, so she was the obvious choice. But she had long hair and while she hadn't been wearing a dress today, she had definitely worn one before. Overall, she dressed a lot more girly than Bronwyn typically did. So was Bronwyn the guy? She had short hair, and Kaoru had only ever seen her in a dress that once at the museum. But she was also pretty clearly a girl and didn't seem to be doing anything to disguise that. Not to mention it would be hard for her to be the guy if Wingblade was the one going out and fighting and protecting people while Bronwyn stayed home as support.

But Wingblade had also definitely not been wearing a dress today when she had in the past. Sure, the outfit was still too girly for a guy, but it wasn't as girly. Maybe her feminine outfits of the past had just been her trying to fit in with what people expected of her? Maybe she just wasn't out then and was slowly easing her way into transitioning. Today was a small step in that direction. Maybe tomorrow she'd have her hair cut. And the day after she'd be wearing proper guy's clothes. That was almost certainly it. She just needed to give her (him? Should she start transitioning her mental pronouns in preparation?) a couple of days, and then they could go be a normal couple, and it would all be ok.

Monday whenever Bronwyn approaches her:
Kaoru jumped slightly at Bronwyn's voice. She certainly hadn't expected the other girl to seek her out. This is...not a terrible sign, right? But you should probably apologize now. And then offer to help to blunt any lash back. "Oh, ummm, ok. Ummm, sorry about-" Crap, what had she planned to say? Quick, make up something new! "- making you go deal with Alexis after I upset her on Friday. Say, do you want me to take a look at your phone? Maybe I can help with the cell problems?" Nice. Smooth as...something really smooth.

Tuesday with Shayera:
Kaoru turns as Wingblade approaches her, eyes immediately flicking over their leader's appearance. A dress. Her stomach churned and she could feel the pinpricks on anxiety start to work their way up the sides of her neck. What was Wingblade thinking? Maybe he just needs time? These things are hard...

She silently followed Wingblade to a slightly more secluded area. Her eye twitched as the notepad was revealed to be Shaun's wishlist. Uggg...of all the people I have to be *his* gadget monkey? least it's not for Bran. I don't need him thinking he owns me or next thing I'll know I'll be sporting some dumb spear tattoo across my forehead.

She froze slightly when the homing beacon was mentioned, but Wingblade didn't actually seem mad. Or...maybe he was hiding it and this was her punishment for disabling it? But either way, he didn't seem to be trying to get the beacon re-enabled, which was a good thing. Unless he was really just planning on doing something similar in a sneakier way. He did seem to be a very sneaky person. It was kind of annoying really; why couldn't he be just some big, obvious brute to be easily out-maneuvered? Sure, a clever leader was probably better for her general longevity. But it made a much more challenging opponent to her privacy, and she was in no mood for such a high-stakes spy game on top of everything else.

She takes the notepad and nods slightly. "As you wish, jōshi." Should to Wingblade now? They were already talking, so she wouldn't have to go track him down later, but she could already feel her pulse starting to quicken at the prospect. She licked her lips nervously as her eyes flicked around. There were too many people here anyway. And maybe she should just give him time. So if he hadn't come out by Monday, she would talk to him. Bronwyn would be ok for a week, right? Not even a week. 4 days. Less than 4. She could do that, couldn't she?

You didn't last a week.

But this is different! Bronwyn's nice and people actually like her!

You were nice. People liked you.

You couldn't rush coming out though. Especially when it would undoubtedly already be harder for Wingblade since everybody already knew he was female. Bronwyn would definitely be 100% fine for a few days. And if not...well, then she could try talking to Wingblade sooner.

Sorry for long. Especially since I still have my actual Tuesday scene and a Wednesday scene. :x Will try to get those up after I get home.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Sometime after Sunday evening
Bronwyn finds three hundred dollar bills in a bag, purse, or pants pocket.

Shayera couldn't help but beam as their kiss and hug left no doubt to anyone observing. By lunchtime (which was also going to be fun), everyone in the school was likely to know. "With you? Absolutely.

Still with that formal attitude. I just don't get her. Him. Whoever they are. "Okay. Well, let me know. And you can ask me about anything, okay? I mean, no pressure or anything, but if you want someone to be your friend at school, I can. You know. Since we've got at least a little bit in common."

Just keep extending the offers. That's all I can do at this point.


Nearly as one, the trio turn to Bronwyn. "We did arrive together," Yin Ying says.

"But we certainly don't have the same guardian," Shu Zi says in a tone like that was a ridiculous concept.

"This is our schedule," Yu Hiu says while presenting a tablet to her. Shayera leans over and gulps as she sees it. Bronwyn picks up on it a brief moment later. It's exactly the same as Shayera's.

"Looks like we're going to the same classes," she ventures. "That'll be easy. Ah, follow me, and I'll show you where first period is." She turns to Bronwyn. "See you at lunch?"

* * *
At lunch, Shayera is followed by Yin Ying, Shu Zi and Yu Hiu, the four of them causing quite a stir as the well-dressed Chinese girls maneuver through the cafeteria. Bronwyn can see distress on Shayera's face, however, as she looks trapped between the choice of sitting with them and with leaving them to sit alone while she goes to fill her usual spot next to Bron.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0
Wingblade wrote:
Bronwyn finds three hundred dollar bills in a bag, purse, or pants pocket.

Ha! That was totally my plan B for those $300 (since I'm assuming it's the same $300). That is, assuming I found some way for Kaoru to find out Bronwyn was having financial issues.

Also, my flight got delayed, so I'm probably going to get home super later and pass out. So...instead you guys get this post now because my computer is also running out of battery.

Earlier on Tuesday/with Wingblade
Kaoru nodded her understanding before taking her leave.

Later on Tuesday:
Kaoru was walking towards her next class when she overheard someone mention Bronwyn's name. Normally she wouldn't have noticed (or cared), but she guessed her brain was a little primed right now. She slowed down, looking for the source.

"- totally hot."

"I dunno man, I was always more into the Chinese girl. What's her name again? Chun Li?"

"But now you don't need to pick! You could have both."

"I don't think that's how lesbians work..."

Her stomach dropped. There was a brief moment of sheer panic before she shoved it aside with a mouthful of cold rage. She pulled out her phone and quickly accessed the school's database. The three boys talking were Todd Williams, Bryce MacIntyre, and Daniel Thompson.

"But it's pretty hot to imagine, right?" Daniel responded.

"Imagine nothing, I'm going to get me a piece of that action!" Todd boasted.

"Isn't Bronwyn, like, super religious or something though?" Bryce pointed out.

"Oh, if she's not, I'm sure Todd Jr could make her so. Maybe even cause a conversion."

Kaoru quickly shut out the rest of the conversation before she threw up in the middle of the hallway. Gotta make a plan. Gotta make a plan. The leader of the trio seemed to be Todd. According to his school record, he already had two strikes against him for fighting. His two cronies had a few citations on their records as well, but Todd was the one to take out. She did some more searching on him as her thoughts started to come together. She needed a button she could press... There!

Ok, she had the main parts. Just for the details. There was a camera over there she could just turn slightly. And not too far down the hallway was Mr. Michaels. Far enough that it would take him a bit to notice what was going on. Close enough that he'd be able to step in before things got out of hand. Now she just needed to approach the trio with the camera at her back (it was unlikely they'd try to employ a lip reader for any camera footage anyway, but you never knew). Say something insulting about his masculinity to get his attention. Continue to goad him while getting up in his face. Keeps hands held wide so the camera would make it look like she was pleading for peace.

As she saw Todds hand tighten into a fist, Kaoru almost smiled. It was scary how easy he had been to manipulate. As it slammed into her stomach, she managed to turn just enough that not all the air was expelled from her lungs. She used the opportunity to lean forward and whisper something in his ear, enjoying the strange shade of red Todd's face turned from the mix of embarassment and rage before he clasped his fists over his head and slammed them down on her back, knocking her to the floor. She did her best to cover her face and head as the trio started kicking. It hurt a lot more than she had expected, but she was oddly calm as she mentally counted down. Three. Two. One. Cue Mr. Michaels. The boys were quickly hauled off of her as the teacher stepped in to break up the fight.

After a very convincing lie (much to the protests of the other boys, but hey, she had video evidence sans audio that she was certain would back her up), she was sent on her way to the infirmary as the trio were sent to the principal's office. Todd probably wouldn't be expelled. But he'd definitely at least get suspended, meaning one less person Bronwyn would have to deal with. Her sense of triumph faded as she realized what this meant. She couldn't wait the rest of the week for Wingblade to come out. She needed to confront him. He needed to step up and protect his girlfriend or this would just keep happening. She needed to confront a dangerous person with superpowers who was also in a position of authority over her.

"Oh you poor dearie!" The nurse exclalimed. "Getting jumped like that must have been a terrible shock to your system; you're positively shaking. Here, let me get you a blanket. That should help."

Sometime during school on Wednesday Kaoru approaches Wingblade and asks to meet after school so they can discuss something in private.

If Wingblade agrees, then after school on Wednesday:
Kaoru was waiting outside by a tree a little ways away from school when Wingblade showed up. She has spent the past 10 minutes desperately attempting to psych herself up for this conversation with little success. The various minor cuts and bruises hadn't really done much to help her focus. It was really about all she could do to not to bolt for the hills immediately and instead let her leader set their conversational distance. Even if it was a lot closer than she would have liked by probably a mile or two.

She swallowed a few times as the silence dragged on before she finally forced some words out. "You need to come out. I know it's hard because everybody here already knows you're female, but it's the right thing to do. People are already talking about you and Bronwyn, so you can't wait to do it at your own pace. I change your records or something if you need it. The school's computer system isn't that advanced though really that's more useful if you were switching schools, so maybe that won't help. I...have a friend who could give you, like, tips on what kind of clothes would probably work for you or...I dunno...other things. But you have to let everyone know you're a guy, so you two can be a normal couple, and people will stop talking about you. Or, I guess people might still talk about you because some people are dumb and transphobic, but you'd at least be protecting Bronwyn, so if you love her, you would do that. How can I help with this?"

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

Wednesday, Lunch

A slightly distraught Alexis approaches Wingblade in her civilian guise, her worry on her face. "Did you get my message? I don't know what to do! This guidance counselor wants to talk to my guardian. She says that I have special needs. Why..."

She trailed off, staring a bit at Shayera's new entourage. And blushed a little, smoothing out her skirt.

"Um. Hi. I'm Alexis. Do you know each other?" She asked. She wasn't sure who they were or what their relationship to Shayera could be. She looked to her for some kind of hint.

Pierce The Mask (The Daughters): 2d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 5) - 2 = 5

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus


The other people in the gym hadn't paid any attention to her as she'd stretched and then begun exercising - the charm did have some positive effects and being able to exercise without the inevitable ogling had been one of the few, although she did secretly miss the occasional appreciative look. So, when Shaun's voice invaded her concentration, Cassie had looked up and smiled, though her thoughts were racing It really doesn't affect him properly, and there's that word again. Maybe it'd be safer to remove him fro the charm's affects? Tell him how important it is?,.. No, he's too much of a loose cannon - he'll probably tell everyone at school without even meaning to.

"Hi Shaun." she'd replied. "Yeah, we've met. First day?" As the 'scotsman' warmed up, Cassie couldn't help but sneak an appreciative look at his well-toned arms. He was pretty good looking, even if he could be an ass. "Thanks for the advice..... So, um, I don't suppose you'd be able to spot for me if I want to do a couple of floor exercises?" If she played things properly, he'd be there for her whenever she asked. That was definitely the only reason she asked for his help... Definitely.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5


Shayera had received the text, but was somewhat distracted with the trio following her everywhere she went. She only got one brief moment of respite in the stall of the bathrooms where she could put her entire focus on finding a guardian for Alexis. Whippoorwill? Too much. Whetstone? Just as bad. Dad? Might be an option but he's always so busy. Nick? Don't make me laugh. She was almost to the point of thinking of asking Bronwyn's parents, when she had a sudden epiphany.

During the next break between periods, Shayera finds Bronwyn and after a quick peck she asks, "Does Bran have any normal clothes?"


When Alexis comes up to her in a panic, Shayera puts her hand on her arm and gives her a comforting squeeze. "I think I've got it--"

She's cut off by the girl's sudden interest in her entourage from China. The three whisper to each other in Chinese and giggle. "Uh, yeah," Shayera says. "Remember I had just gotten back from China the day before we met? I made some, um, friends there. This is Yin Ying, Shu Zi, and Yu Hiu. They're visiting for a little while."

The three smile politely as they are introduced. "What are 'special needs'?" Shu Zi asks.

Wednesday after school

Shayera absolutely agrees to talk with Kaoru, and shakes her three shadows at the end of the school day as they head to wherever they're staying. She goes to where Kaoru is waiting for her.

She waits patiently as he works up the words to speak, trying not to speculate about what it might be about. When he finally spoke, never in a million years would she have guessed.

Shayera stares at Kaoru after he finishes, a look of incredulity on her face. Part of her hoped this was a ridiculous joke, so she wouldn't have to get pissed. She reminds herself that this was a teammate -- albeit a reluctant one -- and he seemed sincere in his offer to help. But come on!

"Umm," she begins coherently. "I, uh, appreciate you coming to me like this. But I'm not a guy. I have no intentions of, ah, transitioning? I love Bronwyn, and I'm pretty sure she loves me like this." she gestures to herself, wearing a high fashion pencil skirt and blouse. "And if she wished that I dressed like a guy, that'd be a little weird, her being a lesbian and all, I think she'd let me know, and I'd follow her lead."

She feels a little heat creep into her words despite her best efforts. "And I'm not going to pretend to be a guy just to keep people from talking about us. We knew that was going to happen when we came out. And we don't care. They talk. So what? Does it affect us? Does it stop us from being happy together? No. And if it bothers Bronwyn, she'll tell me, and we'll work it out somehow."

Shayera tries to calm herself and offer an olive branch. "Look, I'm not mad at you. You're trying to help, and I appreciate that. Dressing like a guy obviously works for you. But I'm going to stay a girl. So, uh, thanks. But no."

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