Theodronis |

Sorry for the late response. Theodronis would speak up that the unrepenting bandit should be put to death as their charter demands.
"We have been given orders to kill any bandits that wish not to repent. If we keep him alive, this man could very well become more of a hassle and danger to our new comrades then a benefit."
Theodronis will use the downtime to do what he can to help Svetlana. If she has no use for him, he will start to explore the immediate vicinity around the old fort looking for anything of use.
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Survival 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Black Fang |

Sorry, I forgot to include an IF in there. If you decide to wait for Annik and company to return, you have two days of downtime. Otherwise, you can ride off to the unknown, at less than full strength, seeking at least a dozen bandits in what sounds like a fortified location. It's up to the party what y'all do. ;)

Korren Blake |

Sorry, I forgot to include an IF in there. If you decide to wait for Annik and company to return, you have two days of downtime. Otherwise, you can ride off to the unknown, at less than full strength, seeking at least a dozen bandits in what sounds like a fortified location. It's up to the party what y'all do. ;)
When you put it like that, perhaps we should wait. ;)
Korren spends the two days doing what he can to help around Oleg's place, trying to build influence; most likely putting his alchemy knowledge or his wilderness skills to use.
Would craft(alchemy) or survival be most useful here to generate influence? and what rolls do you need from me?

Black Fang |

Downtime Rules: You can use these rules for a great many things. Magic Capital cannot be earned at the Trading Post, for now.
Hyglak Day 2 Ride check to earn Labor: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Korren: To gain Influence, you need to make an Appraise, Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Linguistics, Perform, Profession, or Ride check each day. Each point of Influence earned costs you 15 gp. Goods and Labor are only 10 gp per point earned.
What specifically are you wanting to do in the two days to help?
Midday of the same day as the fight with the bandits, a pair of hunters arrive at the Trading Post with a muledrawn cart containing a dozen pelts of various kinds, and three crates full of a mix of edibles found in the forest to the south. One of them says, "Sorry Mrs. Leveton, we couldn't find but a handful of them radishes you is wanting. Here's what we got." He hands her a sack which he had slung over a shoulder, which she dumps onto one of the tables. There are only five radishes.
The pair stay for a meal, during which Baelin puts on an excellent display of skill with his flute. The two say they'll return for an encore in a couple weeks, and settle up with Svetlana. They depart with a cart of fresh supplies before nightfall, heading back south towards the forest.
Hyglak spends the two days waiting for the return of Annik and company assisting Svetlana with the day to day operations around the trading post. Hyglak gains 2 Labor for later use.
Everyone: You can also engage in retraining activities, which includes learning new languages. Though by RAW, it is required that you have a training for most things, you can retrain without a train, it just takes twice as long as normal. Learning a language still requires a trainer, or some other equally good source.

Helgash |

Helgash spends his days getting acquainted with the daily activities of the Trading Post - he is not a nosy creature, and in spite of his fierce looks, his approach is inquisitive, but amenable and friendly.
Used to work hard for a living since a youngster, and recognizing that most folks tend to be shy in such matters, he offers his assistance in manual labor whenever he deems it necessary, his proigal strength probably useful in restoring the Trading Post after the recent storm.
Taking an interest on what is traded, how the post manages its survivability and protection, he moves actively within the small settlement in the hopes that his presence will offer its inhabitants a measure of safety, and the feeling that things will improve with his own, and his companions' presence in the region.
Whenever the opportunity presents itself, he will address Svetlana in private.
Approaching Svetlana as she goes on her daily activities, Helgash offers a smile and states - "I do not wish to pull you away from your duties Milady. I would like only to again reinforce our thanks for having taken us in at face value - it is both rare and brave around this part I am sure. I commend your husbands' will to brave the wilds and carve a place for himself" - his voice seems to wander off momentarily as his eyes flare up - "I expect to do the same for myself once day..."
Clearing his throat he adds - "I am truly honored that we have been of use for your family so far. Please rest assured that we will not let this matter trail off - we will deal with the brigands' menace until it is no more. I am sure you are aware that we have captured two of the brigands - we have taken the liberty to consider the possibility of having them pay for their misdeeds by assisting with labor here at the Post, but the decision is of course yours and Olegs' - we will carry out your bidding in this matter"
"I would also like to ask your permission, if you would allow me, to arrange for the safety of the Post in a more long term manner - If allowed I would like to start taking the necessary measures to arrange for a small, but permanent contingent of trained combatants to be stationed here for your comstant defense - I am not sure how long it would take me to make these arrangements, but then again I will not proceed unless this is agreed upon with your family. I will be waiting for your words on this matter, but it would please me immensely to be able to contribute to your safety in a more consistent way"
With a bow, Helgash finishes - "I have already taken up much of your time - I will leave you to your chores. If you require our assistance while we are here, we will be happy to repay your hospitality in any way possible"
Already formulating a plan in his head, Helgash proceeds in speaking further with those that can assist him in gathering the resources to carry out his ideain case it comes to be, trying to arrange for a small stock of construction materials, and starting to scout out the mettle of those of the Post, inquiring additionally regarding travellers and the nature of their more frequent visitors.
Using Diplomacy to address the merchants and agreeing upon access to a stock of materials to be promised to him in the future, in case of need = 2 Influence rolls
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19= 1 Influence (15gp)
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16= 1 Influence (15gp)
Spending additional money to gather 2xInfluence(60gp) and additionally 1xGoods(20gp)
4 Influence = 90gp
1 Goods = 20gp

Annik Birger |

Attacked him? That did not sound like her father. "They attacked you you say? Can you perhaps remember more of the situation master Bokken? Could you delight us by telling what exactly happened? Was there anything out of the ordinary about those men?" She had to know what was going on, as exact as she could. The more information she got the easier it would be to track him. "Do you know how long ago it was exactly Master Bokken?"
If the attack coincided with her father's vanishing she'd at least be closer to finding out what precisely had happened to him.

Connel Lebeda |
thats a lot of downtime material to read! Think I've got a high-level pass at it.......
Seeing that his cousin has already positioned himself to assist Svetlana with the daily operations, Connel spends the first day attending to the prisoners as well as any other members of the trading post including the animals.
Day 1: Heal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24 to gain influence, including the use of all CLWs and channels if needed. Im assuming there are enough people in the trading post to fill the 8hrs? If not, the remainder of Day 1 will look much the same as Day 2.......
The second day, Connel looks for ways to help out around the post, assisting the folk there with any and all manner of odd jobs. He uses both his magics and the sweat off his brow as he lends a hand and talks about the powerful influence the Master of the Vault can have on the success of a trading post. At some point during the day he finds time to talk to Svetlana about the possibility of building a shrine within the walls of the fort. He makes it clear that he is not talking about a large space that would take away from the functionality of their already efficient space, only improving the trading post's reputation and relationship with merchants and other travellers to the area with a show of Abadar's blessings.
Day 2: Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 includes the +1 domain ability, usable 7x per day, to gain influence. Will memorize Mending, Create Water, and Purefy Food & Drink. Will use them liberally throughtout the day. Also Ant Haul and Lighten Load for use with any of the larger jobs throughout the day.
Thinking ahead and hoping for a positive reaction from Oleg when he returns Connel also takes time to assess what he might need to make that shrine a reality and begins collecting things he might need.
Purchase Goods x1 (20gps). Together with the Influence x2 earned (30gps) for a total of 50gps spent.

Black Fang |

Y'know, I realized while playing my game today, that I jumped right over one very important option for y'all....EXPLORING!
The hex you are in is plains, which only takes one day to explore, and there are additional plains hexes adjacent to the one containing Oleg's, including the one containing Bokken's place!
So, instead of spending the days waiting for them to return, you could ride out and explore the hex containing Oleg's AND the hex containing Bokken's, finding the group as they're returning to the Trading Post, or just skip the hex with the Trading Post for the time being, and go directly to exploring Bokken's hex, allowing you to find them by midday tomorrow, which would give you some time to head towards where you think the bandits may be.
....I forgot about exploring...some GM I am... ;)

Black Fang |

Okay, looks like exploration is what the majority of folks wish to do. Since y'all have plenty of folks, I'll only require a minimum of 4 of you to go exploring, with the rest staying at the Trading Post to provide protection.
Check for Random Encounter in Bokken's Hut hex: 1d100 ⇒ 70 = no encounter
Connel Survival (aid another): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Hyglak Survival (primary): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Korren Survival (aid another): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
Theodronis Survival (aid another): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
No encounters, so just two boring days of riding around and making notes of nothing of importance....
After securing the two living bandits, Connel, Hyglak, Korren, and Theodronis mount up and spend the remainder of the day exploring the area around Oleg's Trading Post, finding nothing of note, except for discovering what appears to be the tracks of the bandits as they rode towards Oleg's.
During the first day, Insert information about the two hunters stopping in, and Baelin's first performance for Influence.
With this knowledge, you return to the Trading Post well after darkness, but the doors are open, as Helgash was keeping watch on the wall. With the knowledge of the trail found, the decision is quickly made for Hyglak to remain at the Trading Post while the rest ride out to explore the area to the east southeast, where Bokken is supposed to live.
Meanwhile, at Bokken's...
The old man continues, "Yes miss, they attacked me, though they didn't prove to be a challenge. Bobbles alone could have probably handled him. Most folks find him unnerving, though I've never figured out why.." He pauses and smiles for a moment. Seeing no response, he continues, "They attacked....two weeks ago, maybe three. They rode up on pathetic looking horses, with themselves looking only slightly less worse for the wear. The only one who spoke was that Theo fella, and he had a very odd accent. I've been around the world a few times, and the closest thing I've heard to it was the time I stopped in at Irrere and talked to this strange fellow wearing a mask."
He sees the pained, grasping look in Annik's eyes, and his demeanor visibly softens. "I only know what I know, but I'm sorry I don't know more. Please, stay the night as my guests."
At the offer of staying inside, Elanna speaks up, "Master Bokken, I thank you for the offer of shelter, but I shall spend the night in my own tent." She nods and dismounts, taking a bundle from her backpack and begins to set up her tent.
Everyone: If there are any particular conversations you want to have, go ahead.
Annik: Bokken isn't able to provide any more information about your father.
3 Pharast, 4707 AR
The next day arrives, the crisp air showing everyone that winter still hasn't left.
Baelin, Connel, Helgash, Korren, and Theodronis all mount up for a day of exploring, and hopefully finding Annik and company. Hyglak closes and bars the doors behind them.
Around midday, the five of you crest a hill to see a trio of riders in the distance.

Annik Birger |

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Like Elanna Annik didn't spend the night in Bokken's abode but instead laid down on the grass outside in order to gaze at the sky. She had a lot of thinking to do. The man Bokken described just didn't sound like her father. Sure, he had an accent but it was a Brevoyan one and it wasn't strange. The man's general behaviour just didn't line up.
The next morning the thoughts still spun through her mind when she saw several familiar shapes show up on the horizon. [b]"It looks like some of the others from the outpost are coming to pick us up."
I do have a question though: Any idea when I can get to grabbing animal companion? If needed I'll have her prepare Call Animal for it today.

Connel Lebeda |
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Connel squints toward the horizon, not seeing what his companions see but trusting their judgment and not preparing his weapon. "Agree. Will be good to be all back together again. Hopefully her journey was as successful as our ambush of the bandits and she found the answers she is seeking."
Lets hope the ride home is uneventful also - Im in 4 pbp campaigns and that's my highest roll in the last 24hrs

Black Fang |

Okay, since Connel, Hyglak, Korren, and Theodronis did two days of exploring, no downtime activities for them.
Baelin: You did one day of performing, spending only 15 gp, but earning 2 Influence. I'm giving a cost discount because there's only the two hunters and Svetlana there.
Connel: You didn't spend any money to earn Influence, so you still have that money, but not the Influence.
Helgash: As you remained behind, you got a single day of gaining capital. You spent only 55 gp, and gained 1 Goods and 3 Influence.
Korren: Correct, you didn't craft anymore ammunition, yet.
Theodronis: If you factored out any money for gaining capital, you gain it back, as you explored both days.
Everyone: Now that the Capital gaining system exists, I'm going to give the group 1 Goods, Influence, and Labor for group use.
The two groups ride up to each other. Oleg asks, "Did they show up? I see the five of you, but about that Hyglak fella? He die?"

Helgash |

Helgash greets the group as they meet - "They did show up indeed friend Oleg, and were put down like he dogs they are. It is not finished yet, and we will need your ruling on two of the bandits we have captured, but the remaining ones will be brought to answer for their misdeeds soon"
Turning to Annik with a short bow he adds: "I hope you have found the answers and the peace of mind you were looking for Lady Annik... If not, we shall continue the search, until they are uncovered"

Annik Birger |

"I'm afraid this trip only gave me more questions. From what I gathered from our gracious host here there was a man claiming to be my father yet the way he describes him does not fit, not in the slightest. I'm not sure what is going on, but he chased the man off to the south. That was weeks ago though." She let out a heavy sigh, "I think we should figure out the bandit case and keep our eyes open. Maybe, before anything else happens with them, they could answer some questions. If they have been in this area for some time they might know something."

Black Fang |

Oleg gets a bent look to his face at Baelin's subtle accusation. "Of course I care about 'Lana! She my wife! I was skipping over what appeared obvious to me. The five of you are okay, so she should be well as well." He fumes for another few moments, then continues. "Lady Elanna, I have more important things to do than sit around in the wild talking with a group of children. Shall be return to the Post and see to my 'guests'?"
She nods, and says to the group. "Be careful, there are worse things than lowly bandits in this world, and though this region is known as the Stolen Lands, it would be better named the Stubborn Lands. It doesn't like civilization." With that, she turns and sets her horse to walking in the general direction of Oleg's Trading Post.
Before following, Oleg says to Annik, "You be careful miss. I don't know her, be I know she's right about these lands. They are harsh and don't like folk such as us stomping around them."
He rides off, catching up with Elanna, the two of them heading for the Post.
What do you do?

Helgash |

It is around midday correct? Do we have any approximate idea how long it would take us to get to the bandits' spot?"
Helgash seems to ponder for a few moments, then comments - "Perhaps we should ride with them, making sure they arrive safely, though his protection seems to be more than enough from what we have seen of her combat skills. Still, there are matters to be solved back at the Post, and I would like to see them resolved as quickly as possible, as well as making sure that no retaliation takes place while we are about and exploring"

Annik Birger |

"Yes, I wish to question those captured bandits, maybe they know more about my father's whereabouts. I will say goodbye to our host first though."
With that she moved to Bokken's hovel, talking to the outside of it if he wsn't present, "Thank you for your aid and your hospitality Master Bokken. I will depart and leave you to your home. Thanks again." After that she moved back to the others. "Anyone has a room for me on their horse? I rode here on Oleg's wagon but he seems to have departed without me."

Black Fang |

Annik: The three of you each had your own mounts when you left the Trading Post.
Everyone: The two groups met up midday, AFTER Annik, Elana, and Oleg had been riding for a few hours after leaving Bokken's.
The six of you ride to catch up with Elana and Oleg, the later somehow giving the feeling of being colder than the former.
The rest of the day goes by without incident, with you all arriving safely back at Oleg's Trading Post. As expected, Hyglak is visible on the wall as y'all are riding closer, but he disappears eventually. By the time you reach the doors, they are open, with both Hyglak and Svetlana waiting there to meet y'all.
Oleg dismounts with surprising grace next to Svetlana and covers her in a bear hug and a scorching kiss.
Hyglak asks, "Find anything interesting out there?"