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The crumbling columns made from jagged pieces of bonewhite stone rise out of the hillside like broken teeth. Most believe that this ruined edifice is all that remains of the ruins of Bonekeep, a siege castle just twelve miles from the walls of Absalom, but the intrepid agents of the Pathfinder Society know better.
Two days ago, Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin sent word from the Grand Lodge of a private meeting of he and his best agents. The missive explained little, other than strongly suggesting all recipients come urgently and to speak to no one of their errand. As Valsin entered his office, cramped as it was with eager Pathfinders, he unfurled a map of the area around Absalom and laid it out on his desk, marking the location of all of the ruined siege castles around the metropolis. Built by would-be conquerors and petty tyrants, these ruined castles are a testament to the strength of Absalom, a reminder to the next invader of the fate of those that lay siege to the City at the Center of the World.
“This is the ruin of Bonekeep”, Valsin began, pointing at a newly marked spot on the map. “All too recently we learned of Tancred Desimire’s plan to use these ruins as a base for his nefarious plans. Fortunately, those plans have been ruined, but the greater question remains. Why would he select Bonekeep? The place is a total ruin, with little left standing aside from a few crumbling walls, or at least, that is what we thought. One week ago, I sent a pair of scouts, Wenton and Theodana, to investigate the ruins. Only poor Theodana returned. She says that they found a hidden staircase in the bottom of the ruins, the door to which looked like it had been opened only recently. Venturing into the darkness, they found some sort of vault deep beneath the ground, left untouched since the keep’s destruction over two centuries ago. That is unfortunately where things went terribly wrong. In just the first chamber, they sprung some sort of trap that took Wenton’s off head. Theodana fled before anything else could happen, returning to me to tell her tale.”
Pausing to look over the assembled Pathfinders, the venture-captain continues. “This is where you come in. The Decemvirate is very concerned about this matter. Siege castles are dangerous places and this one is no different. Built by a necromancer named Volzaras, there could be some terrible things lurking down there, things waiting to get loose. We want you to go to the ruins of Bonekeep, have a look around to determine what sort of threat it poses, and to report back. Anything you find is yours to keep, as long as we get a look at it first. Good luck!”
That was two days ago. It took nearly an hour of scrambling through the ruins to find the staircase leading down into the silent grave. The dungeon waits.

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Shen is a tall, bald Elven woman with crystal blue eyes who is standing with as few people around her as possible.
She is wearing an elegant purple dress that underlines her Elven physique and is watching you. Those seeing her notice immediately that her disinterested facial expression does not invite anybody to start a conversation.
From beneath her dress you sometimes see a timid, snow white albino rat appear and disappear.
She asks no questions.

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A chill wind in the night air whips a lock of Bella's shoulder length black hair across her face as she stands before her companions at the top of the steps leading into the dungeon below. Wearing simple traveling clothes, a gleaming starknife swings from a strap at her hip. The wind sputters the struggling torchlight and forces her to squint her eyes as she looks up to the heavens above. She grips the small butterfly pendant about her neck in a moment of silence to wish upon a star. She then turns to her companions with a somber expression as she pulls her cloak tighter around her to ward off the chill.
"I am a Pathfinder. We are all Pathfinders. We have traveled this far and there is much more to be seen. More knowledge to be gained. There are only the stairs down into the darkness below."
She points gravely to the gloomy staircase.
"It is my duty as a priestess of Desna to learn as I travel and to protect my friends to the best of my ability. If I die doing so, so be it. Desna has a place for me in her realm. I wish us all the best of luck, my friends."
She gives a nod of determination and hope as she turns to head down the stairs with the others.

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A large half-orc, clearly a primitive Mwangi tribesman. He has the furs and tattoos to make his origins clear. Though he does appear to have embraced modern equipment. Including, of all things, a wickedly sharp looking combat scythe.
I embrace the hunt.

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The brooding bald man steps forward to look at the remains of the keep. He was obviously strong, but did not present with any armor, and had only a few weapons at his side. ”The former home of a necromancer? Sounds like there will be plenty of undead to take on. I’m Pau, by the way.”

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"Greetings sister." Two Blades said, placing his right hand over his heart as he bowed. On the back of his hand, a birthmark in the shape of a butterfly was displayed. "I serve the Song of the Spheres for the Brethren of the Shadows."

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"It is a pleasure to meet you, Two-Blades."
Bella says with a friendly smile as she offers her hand in greeting.
She pulls Two-Blade's hand closer to get a good look at the birthmark.
"My, oh, my. By the blessing of Desna, you surely are one of Desna's chosen."
She winks almost flirtatiously at the rogue.
"It will be nice adventuring with you. Let's try to keep each other alive, shall we?"

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Taking the hand in return, he gave it a kiss. "Thank you for the kind words. I hope that we can keep everyone alive." he said. "Your gifts will keep them alive more than I can. I am more use to giving them final prayers and seeing if they have any loose change for a coffin, when I am not trying to free slaves and fighting their oppressors."

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Shen just rolls her eyes.
“Let us get started. We don’t have much time!“

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A tall, slender, pale-haired elf looks quizzically at the wizard. "Why not? It's not like there's, ah, a party waiting to ambush us here. Slow and steady, that's the, the way to survive this." He draws a curve blade silently from its sheath over his shoulder. "Two Blades--good to see you. It's been a while since Azlant Ridge."

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The keep was razed to its foundation over 200 years ago and that a necromancer who intended to convert the people of Abaslom into his undead thralls built it.
The keep has been explored a number of times in the past 200 years, but no one has reported anything dangerous or come back with any significant treasure.
There are no rumors about any dungeons underneath the keep. In fact, most who have explored the place confirm that, aside from a ruined cellar, there does not appear to be anything under the keep.\
Before heading off, Venture Captain Valsin gives you each a final gift "To help you when you need it." You each receive a bonus potion of cure serious wounds.
Time for final prep/purchases. I'll wait until it is Monday GMT before posting the next boxed text.

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Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Bella relays knowledge about the ruined keep. (feel free to read Diplomacy spoilers above).

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"How has it been going there Tere? Always nice to see someone ready to work on cutting foes down to size." Two Blades said.
K:Local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Two Blades has nothing to offer about the place. As they entered, he pulled out a rapier and a light mace, ready for any foes.

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You head down into the well explored cellar, and then following the directions provided, find a secret passage that leads lower. Carefully following stairs you peer through the gloom into a dark room. You can feel the weight of stone, earth and collapsed tower above you, and the smell of death is in the air.
Put yourselves on the map, on the stairs
The crumbling stairs lead to a large square chamber, in the center of which stand four stone columns, carved to look like beautiful maidens. Their beauty is marred, however, by the fact that their faces are carved to resemble grinning skulls. Between them, resting in the middle of a rust-colored stain, is a rotting head, the body of which is nowhere to be seen.

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knowledge local: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
I have heard the keep was built by a necromancer that intended to turn all of Absalom into undead thralls. It didn't work out for him and the keep was razed 200+ years in the past.
perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Hadanka creeps down the stairs after Two Blades, looking and listening for trouble.

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Maybe I should take rear guard? If someone else prefers it, just place me anywhere. Could someone place Pau on the map and on the marching order, please? Thanks!

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For exploration, it looks like the lowest Perception check in the party is +11; Tere has +15 vs. traps, and Shen has +14 overall. Tere and Hádanka both have darkvision. Unless we know we're about to get into a fight, I recommend Tere and Hádanka take the lead. Tere will be moving slowly and checking for traps. I recommend that Shen spam detect magic, as well, since we're not going to be moving quickly. Once it comes to a fight, though, Pau and Hádanka are our melee specialists, with Two Blades, Tere, and Bella acting in a more opportunistic manner. Pau, do you have a way to run mage armor?

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Ive got a wand of mage armor with 40 charges if I can get someone to use it on me. And if I need to be closer to the front that’s fine as well.

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"Oh, dear!"
Bella cringes in disgust.
"That must be poor ol' Wenton's head on the floor."
She pulls out her wand of protection from evil.
"Before we go any further, I want to give all of us a tap with this wand. It will grant you a bit of protection from anything unholy."
6 charges spent from wand/prot. from evil.
Bella places the wand back in her pack and arms herself with her starknife.
"It looks like the poor guy must've set off a trap."
"Tere or Two Blades?"
She calls out quietly to the rogues.
"Feel like sneaking in there to search for traps?"
She says nervously, biting her lip.

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Belladonna gives everyone a small degree of protection.
Lasts for only one minute though.
I'm also happy to assume that Shen uses the wand on Pau given she is able. If she doesn't want to for some reason, let me know, and Pau can take his charge back.
The darkness hides nothing from Hádanka, but aside from the skull and the statues he notices that there appear to be two exits from the room, the right hand side one has bars blocking it.
Status: All party: protection from evil (1 min from entry)
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry)
Two Blades
Note, while you can take 20 outside of combat, that will reduce the duration of your buffs, as will searching each 5' area before you walk into it.

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I'm happy for you to roll your specific searches. You know your bonuses better than me. But if it comes to something like "I search each tile on a 50' passage" I'll probably mass roll, or just roll the relevant squares etc.
Two blades doesn't like the look of those statues. They look a little too good...Almost life like - apart from the skull faces of course.

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Shen tries to remain in the middle of the party and looks around to detect any traps.
"Well, we know that something killed our colleague here so let us be careful!"
perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21

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Shen casts detect magic to be sure.
"Let me see."
GM, can we make it a standard procedure that Shen casts detect magic and looks around to be sure she scanned everything?

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Sure we can, I assume you want to do it at the entrance to each room.
Shen concentrates, being slightly distracted by all the auras of magic that the team has with them. Still, after shoving her way to the front, a scan of the room shows no signs of magic.
That said, one of that columns... did it move, ever so slightly?

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"Get ready. Unless anyone has another idea, I'm going to put an arrow into that pillar." Tere readies his bow.

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Bella is suddenly startled when she notices movement from within the room out of the corner of her eye.
"Did you see that!?!"
She quickly grabs the arm of a nearby teammate.
"Pau! I saw something in the room move. The column, I think."
"Get ready. Unless anyone has another idea, I'm going to put an arrow into that pillar." Tere readies his bow.
"Do you think it's wise to shoot it, Tere? I'm very worried."

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”Nothing wrong with shooting it. What’s the worst that could happen? I’m ready if they hop into action and move toward us…”

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"That's my thought--it comes to us, and we're ready for it."
Tere looses an arrow at the pillar.
Attack roll: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
It doesn't really come near the stone, though.

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Bella stands speechless for a moment, then turns to Tere.
"What the heck was that? I thought you said you were going to shoot the pillar."

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What is the worst that could happen?
Well, the arrow slices out through the darkness. Speaking of which, who has what light source? and shatters on the stone statue. For a moment all is calm, and then all four statues rush toward the stairs.
init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Status, initiative, anyone beating a 3 may act. All party: protection from evil (1 min from entry). Bold may post.
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry)
Two Blades
Statues (init 3)
Please make sure your tag lines have correct AC in them for whatever buffs you have up. Don't include your protection from evil, but feel free to remind me if you think I forgot it.

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Shen uses her wand of magic missile to send two bolts into the red pillar!
cl 3 mm, 24 charges: 2d4 + 4 ⇒ (1, 3) + 4 = 8

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Getting out from the back of the group as the foes started to wake up, Two Blades sprinted down the stairs, making his way to a corner for protection as he swatted at the stone statue. A light "tink" was heard as the mace hit.
+1 Adamantine Light mace: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 241d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 33d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1) = 7
10 damage if it takes sneak attacks, 3 if not

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Shen sends a pair of magical missiles into the closest of the statues. They hit without apparent impact - their magic dissipating as the touch the statue. She shakes the wand, just to check it is working properly.
Two-blades in spite of his name draws a mace and takes a swing. It's a good swing, connecting. However as the mace hits the statue, there is a cracking sound..
damage: 3d6 - 7 ⇒ (6, 6, 5) - 7 = 10
The mace makes a horrid sound as a large crack runs down its haft.
Your magic mace is down to 2 hp
On the plus side, the statue did appear to take full damage. Subject to sneak attacks. Sadly even an adamantine light mace has a wooden handle and doesn't benefit from the extra hardness. FAQ
Status, initiative, anyone beating a 3 may act. All party: protection from evil (1 min from entry). Bold may post.
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry)
Statues (init 3)
blue - 10 damage;
Two Blades (mace -10hp)

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However, I would like to point out...
...(because it is assumed that you're aiming at the weakest parts when trying to destroy an object)....
Note that this "weak spot" of a hafted weapon doesn't affect the material properties of the weapon's head. A wooden-hafted adamantine-headed battleaxe still counts as adamantine for its attacks, is still of masterwork quality and has a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls, even if it is just as easy to sunder as a common steel battleaxe. The GM is also free to rule that damage to the weapon which only affected its head (such as dipping it into a shallow pool of acid) should use the head's hardness instead of the haft's hardness.
Two-Blades hit the statue using the head of the weapon, not the shaft, and, the statue isn't targeting him with a sunder attempt, T.B is attacking it.

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Pau takes a 5’ step forward and swings his fists twice at the blue statue.
Power attack with Flurry 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Damage 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Power attack with flurry 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Damage 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Could someone scoot me forward 5’ please? Thanks!

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A little disturbed by the way Two Blades' mace rings when it hits, Tere steps up behind Pau and looses an arrow at the red-tinged statue.
Arrow vs. flat-footed AC: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Arrow damage, if applicable, including sneak attack damage: 1d8 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 2 + (2, 3) = 8

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Pau steps up and lands a solid blow on the blue skull-headed column. His follow up is a bit off target, but that first blow was a good one.
Upon examination, Two-blades mace appears in better condition than he first thought.
Tere wisely aims for the statue that her allies are not providing cover to, damaging it as her arrow shatters on contact.
Status, initiative, anyone beating a 3 may act. All party: protection from evil (1 min from entry). Bold may post.
Statues (init 3)
blue - 25 damage;
red - 8 damage
Two Blades (mace -10hp)
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry)

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protection from evil
AC=21 (includes pro evil and rage)
HP: 60 of 60
With a furious roar, Hadanka drops his scythe grabs his hammer with both hands, rushes around the statue the others have engaged, and crashes it into the statue. Rage and flank. If they have combat reflexes, that will generate 2 AoO's.
silver warhammer attack: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 11 + 2 = 16, if hits, hammer damage: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

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Hádanka strikes, but his hammer deflects off the column without impact. miss
Status, round 1 All party: protection from evil (1 min from entry). Bold may post.
Statues (init 3)
blue - 25 damage;
red - 8 damage
Two Blades (mace -10hp)
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry)
@All, looks like most of you were forgetting to roll for initiative. However given there very poor initial roll and that you knew something was up, I'm not really minding. But please do pay attention, later on things like that may be more important.

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Whoops! Sorry. I've never rolled my own initiative in a PbP game before. Usually, the GM has all the PC's initiatives in a dice expression and rolls behind a GM Screen spoiler. I was wondering where your "GM Screen" spoiler was, GM.
Bella activates the wayfinder about her neck to cast light to illuminate the room. She takes a step down the stairs to get next to Shen. Now having a better view into the room, she tries to identify the stone statue creatures.
"My goodness! Those statues sure look deadly. Be careful, everyone!”
Know: Arcana?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Know: Planes?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Know: Religion?: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
She relays any information to her companions.

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Belladonna recognises these a Caryatid columns. A special type of construct. Like most constructs they are all but immune to magic, but some specific spells can affect them. Transmute rock to mud can be very damaging. They are very hard to hurt (DR) and can damage weapons.
And I really need to wake up, totally forgot to apply their DR
You still can have a normal turn, in PF1 identifying a creature doesn't take an action.
Status, round 1 All party: protection from evil (1 min from entry). Bold may post.
Statues (init 3)
blue - 15 damage;
red - 3 damage
Two Blades (mace -10hp)
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry)

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Had to use a standard action to cast light from the wayfinder & took 5' step down stairs. I suppose I do still have a move action left.
Noticing the damaging effect the statues have on weapons, Bella doesn't want to risk damaging her precious starknife. She hangs it back onto her belt hook.
"Crossbow bolts are cheap."
She says to herself.

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@Belladonna. You will have had a light spell going before combat if you wanted, so no need to waste a standard action on it. I'll move on, but if you want to take two actions next turn, feel free.
@all Again, please leave a trail on the map for where you walk. Sometimes this will be important.
The Caryatid columns move forward, and Hádanka finds himself in a difficult target rich environment.
The red statue stabs out at Tere, who had the audacity to fire at it.
attack vs AC25: 1d20 ⇒ 11
But Tere twists away from it.
The yellow and green columns double team Hádanka. However even enraged the barbarian gives few openings to the flanking statues. Not that they need it, two big slashes cut into the big man.
two attacks vs AC 19 (PFE gives no bonus vs them): 2d20 ⇒ (12, 15) = 27
damage: 2d8 + 12 ⇒ (5, 6) + 12 = 23
Finally the blue statue attacks..
1=Pau, 2=Two blades: 1d2 ⇒ 2
attack vs AC 21: 1d20 ⇒ 12
damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Two blades takes a bit of a nasty cut in return for the blow he dealt the column.
Status, round 2 All party: protection from evil (1 min from entry). Bold may post.
Belladonna (can post two rounds of actions if you wish)
Two Blades -10 damage
Pau - mage armor (1 hour from entry)
Hádanka -23 damage
blue - 15 damage;
red - 3 damage