Horrors Of The Past -London d20-

Game Master Kwen

Horrors of London is a D20 modern game set in the past, using the OGL books of d20 modern, d20 past, and elements of Urban Arcania. What answers lie in the shadows and do we wish to know them

Players are set in the year 1752 all the way to 1900, elements of horror, magic, sanity loss and gain. the 'hero's' will be tested, the paranormal will be found and what could go bump in the night. What will you do? Run? Stay and Fight? Or perhaps make a pact with the otherworldly forces that live in those shadows?
What might be at first a case with a crazy man, might end up with you meeting a scourge of vampires, or members of the fey court might be out and about and have you in their sights for some 'fun'.