Five years ago, you were part of the Guardians of Golarion, a group of heroic adventurers that traveled the world. You were one of the best, the kind of team children dream of being a part of. Many battles were won by your hands, and others were postponed when invaders learned you were in the area. However, Sapphire's confidence and resistance against loss was ultimately her death.
When you were asked to drive a group of cultists out of a small town, she took the job without question. You all thought it would be a routine task. After clearing the cult of zealous followers, you were going to cut down the high priest and keep the religion from taking route again. However, you didn't look into the cults defenses and were unprepared when a rival adventure team, called the Iron Dragons, met you in the basement temple.
The battle was fierce, but futile. In a prideful refusal to retreat, Sapphire was killed by the Iron Dragons, leaving her team to run and ruin. Without her usual charismatic leadership, the Guardians fell apart and scattered to all the countries of the Golarion.
Now, you stand before a tavern, holding a letter you received. It is from a former teammate who never really left the adventuring life. The note says that the Guardians of Golarion are needed for one more job.