A1. Foredeck:
A2. Poop Deck:
A3. Main Deck:
A4a. Armory:
A4b. Magicians Laboratory:
A5. Captain’s Cabin:
A5a. Cabin Girl’s Quarters:
A5b. Storage Compartment:
A6. Middle Hold: EXPLORED.This is the ship’s main cargo hold. The hold is mostly empty at the start of the adventure, save for the 14 pigs; normally kept caged, they periodically escape and run loose within the hold. In the forward section, a flight of wooden stairs climbs up to (area A4), while a second set of stairs descends into the lower hold (area A10). Another flight of stairs in the aft section next to the galley leads up to (area A5) Stored near the mainmast are two light ballistas, a disassembled light catapult, and 12 barrels containing 20 gallons of oil each.
A7. Quartermaster and Cook’s Cabin: UNEXPLORED.
A9. Quartermaster’s Store: UNEXPLORED.
A10. Lower Hold and Crew Berths: EXPLORED. Sixteen pillars support the deck above this spacious hold. At night, the Wormwood’s common pirates tie their hammocks between the walls and pillars and sleep until dawn. Two of Mr. Plugg’s toadies, Kipper and Patch Patchsalt, have
claimed the far forward section of the hold as their own, and their hammocks are strung between the foremast and the stairs leading up to the middle hold (area A6). A trap door just behind the mainmast opens onto the bilges below (area A11), and requires a DC 10 Strength
check to lift.
A11. Bilges: EXPLORED.The lowest deck of the ship, the bilges are a foul, damp place with thick cobwebs above and 1–2 feet of dark, brackish water that stinks abominably below. A ladder leads up to a trap door that opens in the lower hold (area A10), and a single bilge pump rests near the stern. The bilges also double as the ship’s brig, and six sets of. manacles are fixed to the bulkheads in the forward portion of the deck.