GM V's PFS The Green Market (Inactive)

Game Master Vahanian 89


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Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

Please dot in

The Exchange

Male Keleshite Cleric of Abadar 8 | AC 20 (t11) (ff 19) | F+9, R+5, W+12 | CMB +6 CMD 17 | Init +1, Per +5, SM +17 | speed 30 ft | Channel Positive Energy 8/8 | Acid Dart 8/8 | Agile Feet 8/8 Spells: 4th 4/4 3rd 5/5 2nd 5/5 1st 7/7 | HP 59/59


Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

The missive from Venture-Captain Amara Li was clear, and comes to mind as the skyline of Korvosa rises into view over the calm waters of Conqueror's Bay in southern Varisia. "Recently the Society acquired a new ally in Absalom named Sendeli Foxglove. Now she has made something of a personal request. Sendeli has a sister named Zeeva in Korvosa who owns a successful marketplace. A competing business interest is threatening Lady Foxglove, and her sister requests the Society investigate and intervene.
"If you consider the matter pedestrian and more suited toward the local constabulary, I wouldn't blame you. Even so, there are extenuating circumstances. First, the competing business interest is the Aspis Consortium. It makes little sense for them to harass a local greengrocer, so there must be a deeper layer to this. Maintaining close ties to Sendeli Foxglove is an agenda the Society feels is worth pursuing in and of itself, but if we can assist Zeeva while also hampering the Aspis Consortium's efforts to gain influence in Korvosa, all the better.
"There is smoke here, now find the fire. Extricate Zeeva Foxglove from this feud with the Consortium. If she's anything like her sister, she'll want to be an active part of this team-but you are not to let her put herself in danger. We've made that clear to her, and you're expected to abide by it and ensure she does as well. If this matter is simply crooked business, then just resolve it and continue on to Magnimar where Venture-Captain Heidmarch will surely have more in store for you."

Grand Lodge

HP 52/60 AC 27 TAC 14 FF 25 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | For +12 Ref +10 Vol +8 (+2 vs mind-affecting and poison, +4 vs fear aura 10'; immune fear and disease) | (Smite: 0/3 LH: 7/7 L1: 2+/2+ L2: 1/1) | Init +3 | Senses Low-light +0 (Eidi +10)
Acrobatics+7,Climb +8,Diplomacy+11(+13dayjob),HandleAnimal(others/reptiles/mount)+8/+10/+14,He al+2,Intimidate+4(+6goblin),K.nobility+1,K.religion+1,Ride+7,SenseMotives+2 ,Stealth+0,Concentrion+8
Male Nagaji Paladin 7 | -(Inactive)

Xien nods to Amara Li "Sure master"

The big green lizard man crunches his knuckles as he listens attentively to the Venture Captain "Always happy to give a lesson or two to those Aspis agents..."

"Any further information you can give us? What do you know about Zeeva?" he asks with a hissing accent.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (inactive)


Dark Archive

Tiefling Rogue 1 / Wizard 4 / Sleepless Detective 1 / Arcane Trickster 3 | HP 54/54 | AC 21; Tch 17; FF 14 | F +4; R +14; W +8 | CMB+3; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +13 | +1 Shortbow: +12 (1d6+1/x3) | Perc +21


The Exchange

F Half-elf Druid (Nature Fang)/8 (HP 59/59 | AC:23 [+3 Shield] | T:14 | FF:20 [+3 Shield] | CMB:10 | CMD:24 [+1 vs. Grapple] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+7 | Will:+10 [+2 vs. Enchant] | Init:+6 | Perc:+12 | Speed:20) PFS#: 115025-4

"I wonder what the reason is for the Aspis's involvement," Dylara mutters while slowly petting the head of Melon, her roc companion.

The Exchange

F Roc Animal Companion/8 (HP 60/60 | AC:35 | T:16 | FF:29 | CMB:12 | CMD:26 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+10 | Will:+3 [+4 vs. Enchant] | Init:+4 | Perc: +5 | Speed: 20 ft., fly 80 ft.)

Melon closes her eyes while Dylara pets her, pushing her head into Dylara's hand.

The Exchange

Male Keleshite Cleric of Abadar 8 | AC 20 (t11) (ff 19) | F+9, R+5, W+12 | CMB +6 CMD 17 | Init +1, Per +5, SM +17 | speed 30 ft | Channel Positive Energy 8/8 | Acid Dart 8/8 | Agile Feet 8/8 Spells: 4th 4/4 3rd 5/5 2nd 5/5 1st 7/7 | HP 59/59

Vahid stands at the bow of the ship, the wind off the bay tussling his short grey hair. He says to no one in particular, Always, I love the site of a new port. Such promise, my friends, such opportunity!

After a few moments reflection, he adds, And to think, Venture-Captain Amara Li feared I might find this assignment to, what was the word, pedestrian. Ha! Nothing could be more important to the stability and prosperity of the Inner Sea than fair and free trade!

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Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

Everyone please fill out the info on the discussion tab. I will post later. Sorry about the silence the last 2 days. Its midterms and much crazier than I expected.

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

It was actually a missive so I'm guessing like a sending and you don't actually have time to talk to her.

The Green Market is a mostly wooden structure built like a massive barn. It stands on a flattened section of raised earth five feet higher than the surrounding street. The structure is only a single story, but the ceiling rises to twenty-five feet and has numerous glass skylights that can be opened and closed with extending poles and ladders for lighting and ventilation. To the south is the main entrance that has large iron gates which can be slid and chained shut. On the southeast and southwest sides are exterior docks with sliding bay doors, where farmers and merchants can unload the wares from their wagons directly into stalls or bring them into interior kiosks. Inside, the majority of the ground is hard-packed earth, except for the stalls, which have wood flooring. Only the four southeastern stalls carry goods other than produce. The southern-most stall has casks of wine, oils, and vinegar. The other stalls sell quality clothing, jewelry, and finished furniture. On the northeast side is an office that can be secured by another sliding iron gate. North of the office is the market’s back entrance. Finally, in the center north is a park-like area with a large tree and flowered bushes kept alive by an open skylight above.

Give me a knowledge local or diplomacy as you ask around the market.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (inactive)

During the meeting with Li, Gruugdúrz listens attentively.
"Just so long as I can get into a good fight or two, I'm happy."
"Fighting is what I do, see?"

(later on)

Gruugdúrz will follow the others and try getting information in the market.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

"Hmph! I'm just not cut out talking nice!"
"I can brow-beat much easier!"
"But there will be time for that later."

I was a bit slow posting myself.
I had trouble getting logged on yesterday.
But I'm still here!

The Exchange

Male Keleshite Cleric of Abadar 8 | AC 20 (t11) (ff 19) | F+9, R+5, W+12 | CMB +6 CMD 17 | Init +1, Per +5, SM +17 | speed 30 ft | Channel Positive Energy 8/8 | Acid Dart 8/8 | Agile Feet 8/8 Spells: 4th 4/4 3rd 5/5 2nd 5/5 1st 7/7 | HP 59/59

Vahid's happiness is palpable as he walks around the Green Market, his silver holy symbol of Abadar hanging around his neck.

What better evidence of the benefits of civilization is there than the prosperity brought by an open marketplace!

He walks around the space, energetically talking to merchants and patrons alike, asking them about their experiences at the market and about the proprietor, Zeeva Foxglove.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

Grand Lodge

HP 52/60 AC 27 TAC 14 FF 25 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | For +12 Ref +10 Vol +8 (+2 vs mind-affecting and poison, +4 vs fear aura 10'; immune fear and disease) | (Smite: 0/3 LH: 7/7 L1: 2+/2+ L2: 1/1) | Init +3 | Senses Low-light +0 (Eidi +10)
Acrobatics+7,Climb +8,Diplomacy+11(+13dayjob),HandleAnimal(others/reptiles/mount)+8/+10/+14,He al+2,Intimidate+4(+6goblin),K.nobility+1,K.religion+1,Ride+7,SenseMotives+2 ,Stealth+0,Concentrion+8
Male Nagaji Paladin 7 | -(Inactive)

Xien moves along the marketplace showing respect which returns in mutual respect for the most part.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

"Where is Zeeva? Have you seen her? Any news from the Aspis Consortium?" the nagaji seems merely to repeat the questions the group has been considering during their trip.

The Exchange

F Half-elf Druid (Nature Fang)/8 (HP 59/59 | AC:23 [+3 Shield] | T:14 | FF:20 [+3 Shield] | CMB:10 | CMD:24 [+1 vs. Grapple] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+7 | Will:+10 [+2 vs. Enchant] | Init:+6 | Perc:+12 | Speed:20) PFS#: 115025-4

Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

Dylara discovers that many citizens of Korvosa are a bit wary of Melon and casts angry glares at them.

"She's very nice! Never harms a soul that doesn't deserve it!"

Dark Archive

Tiefling Rogue 1 / Wizard 4 / Sleepless Detective 1 / Arcane Trickster 3 | HP 54/54 | AC 21; Tch 17; FF 14 | F +4; R +14; W +8 | CMB+3; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +13 | +1 Shortbow: +12 (1d6+1/x3) | Perc +21

An athletic and shapely tiefling slinks around the marketplace.

She already seems to know a lot about the local area and its idiosyncrasies.

knowledge local: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

Map and post to come later.

"She was back there last I saw her. Don' know notin about no Consortium tho." A vendor tells Xien. Dylara notices that a small pocket of space has formed around Melon.

Dark Archive

Tiefling Rogue 1 / Wizard 4 / Sleepless Detective 1 / Arcane Trickster 3 | HP 54/54 | AC 21; Tch 17; FF 14 | F +4; R +14; W +8 | CMB+3; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +13 | +1 Shortbow: +12 (1d6+1/x3) | Perc +21

Did I find anything with my knowledge local check?

Grand Lodge

HP 52/60 AC 27 TAC 14 FF 25 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | For +12 Ref +10 Vol +8 (+2 vs mind-affecting and poison, +4 vs fear aura 10'; immune fear and disease) | (Smite: 0/3 LH: 7/7 L1: 2+/2+ L2: 1/1) | Init +3 | Senses Low-light +0 (Eidi +10)
Acrobatics+7,Climb +8,Diplomacy+11(+13dayjob),HandleAnimal(others/reptiles/mount)+8/+10/+14,He al+2,Intimidate+4(+6goblin),K.nobility+1,K.religion+1,Ride+7,SenseMotives+2 ,Stealth+0,Concentrion+8
Male Nagaji Paladin 7 | -(Inactive)

I guess we are all waiting for the extra post pointed by GM V, but due to the days passing I will go with an action

Xien looks at the space pointed by the vendor. The nagaji slowly approaches it and looks around asking questions "Who is Zeeva?"

When he realizes Melon is being surrounded, he approaches with his shield "Sorry, what is the problem?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

You know.
The Green Market is located in a populated area of South
Shore. Locals who can provide information on its history
are easily found throughout the neighborhood or even the
market itself.
Zeeva Foxglove is the second owner of the Green Market. Both occasions it has been open, the business was always popular and successful.
The previous owner died, closing the doors roughly ten years ago. His death was unexpected and sudden. Oddly, at no time has any owner of the Green Market failed to show at least a fair profit.
The previous owner’s death was mysterious—a wasting disease struck quickly, without warning or discernable cause, and never spread. Local farmers and craftsmen believe the market is otherwise lucky, but they
don’t discuss its history openly.
The Green Market was built on or near a site of importance to the Shoanti. Not as significant as the Grand Mastaba, but nevertheless still considered sacred.

Zeeva Foxglove
Zeeva Foxglove has lived most of her life in Korvosa, and
she is well known among locals.
Her reputation in the local community is solid. Her business dealings have always been fair, despite always being lucrative.
She was brought to Korvosa from Magnimar as a child. She is technically nobility in Magnimar, but she has no connection to it, and she lays no claim to a noble title in Korvosa.
Orphaned after her parents died tragically, Zeeva and her siblings were raised by a distant cousin in Korvosa. Her sister Sendeli now lives in Absalom, and her estranged brother Aldern returned to Magnimar. Zeeva sold her portion of her inheritance to buy the Green Market, and so far it has been a good investment.
Some suspect Zeeva is a witch, but a good one who is willing to use her powers to help her neighbors.

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

The woman on the map is Zeeva. Feel free to place your selves where you would be around her.

Dark Archive

Tiefling Rogue 1 / Wizard 4 / Sleepless Detective 1 / Arcane Trickster 3 | HP 54/54 | AC 21; Tch 17; FF 14 | F +4; R +14; W +8 | CMB+3; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +13 | +1 Shortbow: +12 (1d6+1/x3) | Perc +21

After spending a little time working some contacts in the area, Saarai returns to the others and shares what she has found.

"Let's go find Zeeva, then," the tielfling says, moving toward the place the vendor had indicated.

Grand Lodge

HP 52/60 AC 27 TAC 14 FF 25 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | For +12 Ref +10 Vol +8 (+2 vs mind-affecting and poison, +4 vs fear aura 10'; immune fear and disease) | (Smite: 0/3 LH: 7/7 L1: 2+/2+ L2: 1/1) | Init +3 | Senses Low-light +0 (Eidi +10)
Acrobatics+7,Climb +8,Diplomacy+11(+13dayjob),HandleAnimal(others/reptiles/mount)+8/+10/+14,He al+2,Intimidate+4(+6goblin),K.nobility+1,K.religion+1,Ride+7,SenseMotives+2 ,Stealth+0,Concentrion+8
Male Nagaji Paladin 7 | -(Inactive)

"Morning Zeeva" the approaches the woman "I am Xien. I am send with my companions of the Society to help you. What do you need from us?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Sense motives: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

The Exchange

Male Keleshite Cleric of Abadar 8 | AC 20 (t11) (ff 19) | F+9, R+5, W+12 | CMB +6 CMD 17 | Init +1, Per +5, SM +17 | speed 30 ft | Channel Positive Energy 8/8 | Acid Dart 8/8 | Agile Feet 8/8 Spells: 4th 4/4 3rd 5/5 2nd 5/5 1st 7/7 | HP 59/59

Vahid greets Zeeva warmly, Truly Abadar favors this place. As my friend Xien says we are here to assist you in any way we can. Vahid looks around to ensure there are no eavesdroppers close by. What can you tell us of the recent threats against you?

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20

The Exchange

F Half-elf Druid (Nature Fang)/8 (HP 59/59 | AC:23 [+3 Shield] | T:14 | FF:20 [+3 Shield] | CMB:10 | CMD:24 [+1 vs. Grapple] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+7 | Will:+10 [+2 vs. Enchant] | Init:+6 | Perc:+12 | Speed:20) PFS#: 115025-4

Dylara figures she's best of keeping her mouth shut, but while staying quiet tries to discern the truth behind what Zeeva's about to say.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

“Thank you so much for coming. I can’t tell you how much this means to me. I’ve complained to the city, but it’s as if the Aspis Consortium has bribed everyone or the authorities just don’t care. I’m happy to pay for your lodging while you’re helping me. If you like, I can show you around the market and answer any questions about anything you haven’t already been told.” She says. Zeeva gives the team a tour of the Green Market if they’re interested. She is quite friendly, and answers any questions to the best of her ability.

Has anyone played Pathfinder Society Scenario #3–24: The Golden Serpent, with this character?

Dark Archive

Tiefling Rogue 1 / Wizard 4 / Sleepless Detective 1 / Arcane Trickster 3 | HP 54/54 | AC 21; Tch 17; FF 14 | F +4; R +14; W +8 | CMB+3; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +13 | +1 Shortbow: +12 (1d6+1/x3) | Perc +21

Saarai listens to the woman's response while gauging her character.

sense motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

"Solving devious plots is our specialty," she says. "Tell us, are there any leads we might pursue? Can you think of any reason anyone might want to sabotage your business here? Or have you seen any people coming around that seemed suspicious?"

The Exchange

Male Keleshite Cleric of Abadar 8 | AC 20 (t11) (ff 19) | F+9, R+5, W+12 | CMB +6 CMD 17 | Init +1, Per +5, SM +17 | speed 30 ft | Channel Positive Energy 8/8 | Acid Dart 8/8 | Agile Feet 8/8 Spells: 4th 4/4 3rd 5/5 2nd 5/5 1st 7/7 | HP 59/59

Vahid seems genuinely interested in touring the market.

I would very much enjoy a tour of the market. While you show us around, perhaps you could describe the nature of the threats you have received.

Though interested in the tour, Vahid is a shrewd merchant, and he pays close attention to Zeeva's words.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18

BTW, Vahid did NOT play The Golden Serpent

Grand Lodge

HP 52/60 AC 27 TAC 14 FF 25 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | For +12 Ref +10 Vol +8 (+2 vs mind-affecting and poison, +4 vs fear aura 10'; immune fear and disease) | (Smite: 0/3 LH: 7/7 L1: 2+/2+ L2: 1/1) | Init +3 | Senses Low-light +0 (Eidi +10)
Acrobatics+7,Climb +8,Diplomacy+11(+13dayjob),HandleAnimal(others/reptiles/mount)+8/+10/+14,He al+2,Intimidate+4(+6goblin),K.nobility+1,K.religion+1,Ride+7,SenseMotives+2 ,Stealth+0,Concentrion+8
Male Nagaji Paladin 7 | -(Inactive)

"What has the Aspis Consortium exactly done to you?" asks calmly the nagaji.

Never played Golden Serpent

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

What did the Aspis Consortium want? “Initially they wanted to buy the Green Market, but I wasn’t interested. It’s been very successful and, though I never thought I’d find myself saying this, I love what I do. Then they wanted to lease space inside of it, but when I found out what they wanted to sell I declined. That’s when they started to harass me.”
What is the current situation with the Aspis Consortium? “Initially they just sent over pompous businessmen to convince me an alliance would benefit us both. I repeatedly declined their advances, so they started sending around thugs to “persuade” me. Till now, I’ve run to the city guard or otherwise eluded the Aspis thugs, but it’s only a matter of time before their methods of intimidation get too dangerous for me to refuse.” She explains as she shows you around.

The Exchange

Male Keleshite Cleric of Abadar 8 | AC 20 (t11) (ff 19) | F+9, R+5, W+12 | CMB +6 CMD 17 | Init +1, Per +5, SM +17 | speed 30 ft | Channel Positive Energy 8/8 | Acid Dart 8/8 | Agile Feet 8/8 Spells: 4th 4/4 3rd 5/5 2nd 5/5 1st 7/7 | HP 59/59

Vahid nods is head in sympathy to Zeeva's plight.

Do you know who exactly is doing this? Do you have any names?

Grand Lodge

HP 52/60 AC 27 TAC 14 FF 25 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | For +12 Ref +10 Vol +8 (+2 vs mind-affecting and poison, +4 vs fear aura 10'; immune fear and disease) | (Smite: 0/3 LH: 7/7 L1: 2+/2+ L2: 1/1) | Init +3 | Senses Low-light +0 (Eidi +10)
Acrobatics+7,Climb +8,Diplomacy+11(+13dayjob),HandleAnimal(others/reptiles/mount)+8/+10/+14,He al+2,Intimidate+4(+6goblin),K.nobility+1,K.religion+1,Ride+7,SenseMotives+2 ,Stealth+0,Concentrion+8
Male Nagaji Paladin 7 | -(Inactive)

"How do you feel about it Zeeva? What can we do to help you?" adds Xien supportive "What did they want to sell here?"

The nagaji looks around suspiciously "Aspis are treacherous. Ears can be around. Perhaps we should move to a more private place"
Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (20) + 0 = 20

The Exchange

F Half-elf Druid (Nature Fang)/8 (HP 59/59 | AC:23 [+3 Shield] | T:14 | FF:20 [+3 Shield] | CMB:10 | CMD:24 [+1 vs. Grapple] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+7 | Will:+10 [+2 vs. Enchant] | Init:+6 | Perc:+12 | Speed:20) PFS#: 115025-4

I haven't played The Golden Serpent. Does it tie in with this mission?

Dylara's very interested in the market and in the tour.

While walking she nods in agreement to Xien's suggestion, "I think it's indeed wise we move inside."

Dark Archive

Tiefling Rogue 1 / Wizard 4 / Sleepless Detective 1 / Arcane Trickster 3 | HP 54/54 | AC 21; Tch 17; FF 14 | F +4; R +14; W +8 | CMB+3; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +13 | +1 Shortbow: +12 (1d6+1/x3) | Perc +21

As the others talk, Saarai looks around for anyone who might be taking unusual interest in them.

perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

sense motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

She is telling the truth

"Narris Devane. That's what he said his name was. They want to sell Weapons, armor, and magic goods. Those things have their place, but my customers are not adventurers. They are people looking for food and goods they need to survive. The Green Market is a community-based business.” She says.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Orc Bloodrager (inactive)

At the mention of weapons Gruugdúrz's eyes light up briefly.
"Shame. I've already got weapons aplenty."

"Do you know where we can find this Narris and his thugs?"
… Gruugdúrz then rubs his hands together with a smile …
"I specialize in persuading those sorts of people to behave!"

Dark Archive

Tiefling Rogue 1 / Wizard 4 / Sleepless Detective 1 / Arcane Trickster 3 | HP 54/54 | AC 21; Tch 17; FF 14 | F +4; R +14; W +8 | CMB+3; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +13 | +1 Shortbow: +12 (1d6+1/x3) | Perc +21

"I wonder why they would insist on selling these goods here, rather than somewhere else?" Saarai wonders.

"Yes, where can we find this Narris fellow?" she asks.

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

Do you have any other questions before we move on?

Grand Lodge

HP 52/60 AC 27 TAC 14 FF 25 | CMD 26 (27 vs grapple) | For +12 Ref +10 Vol +8 (+2 vs mind-affecting and poison, +4 vs fear aura 10'; immune fear and disease) | (Smite: 0/3 LH: 7/7 L1: 2+/2+ L2: 1/1) | Init +3 | Senses Low-light +0 (Eidi +10)
Acrobatics+7,Climb +8,Diplomacy+11(+13dayjob),HandleAnimal(others/reptiles/mount)+8/+10/+14,He al+2,Intimidate+4(+6goblin),K.nobility+1,K.religion+1,Ride+7,SenseMotives+2 ,Stealth+0,Concentrion+8
Male Nagaji Paladin 7 | -(Inactive)

"We will help you. Is there anything else you can provide us with to help? " says Xien preparing himself to move on.

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

"Just help me keep an eye out for trouble." She says.

She goes back to her rounds please place yourselves where you would be, if you stay close or spread across the market.

The Exchange

F Half-elf Druid (Nature Fang)/8 (HP 59/59 | AC:23 [+3 Shield] | T:14 | FF:20 [+3 Shield] | CMB:10 | CMD:24 [+1 vs. Grapple] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+7 | Will:+10 [+2 vs. Enchant] | Init:+6 | Perc:+12 | Speed:20) PFS#: 115025-4

Dylara and Melon stick together, taking a position from where they can see most of the market's southern section.

Dark Archive

Tiefling Rogue 1 / Wizard 4 / Sleepless Detective 1 / Arcane Trickster 3 | HP 54/54 | AC 21; Tch 17; FF 14 | F +4; R +14; W +8 | CMB+3; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +13 | +1 Shortbow: +12 (1d6+1/x3) | Perc +21

Saarai finds a carefully chosen hiding spot toward the center of the market, where she can both observe the customers and remain hidden herself. The rogue has a lot of experience with this type of operation.

stealth: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (17) + 20 = 37

perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

The Exchange

Male Keleshite Cleric of Abadar 8 | AC 20 (t11) (ff 19) | F+9, R+5, W+12 | CMB +6 CMD 17 | Init +1, Per +5, SM +17 | speed 30 ft | Channel Positive Energy 8/8 | Acid Dart 8/8 | Agile Feet 8/8 Spells: 4th 4/4 3rd 5/5 2nd 5/5 1st 7/7 | HP 59/59

Vahid will move over to the center of the market, by the well. He will then begin to detect magic, moving slowly in a circle and taking note of any noteworthy or strong auras,

Basically, each round he will scan an adjacent 60' cone, taking note of any strong auras. If he finds a strong aura, he will focus in that direction for two more rounds and try to determine more about the aura. He'll be doing this for the next several rounds or until something unexpected happens.

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

As she makes her rounds and you watch from around the market, a mand approaches her. The man suggests that Zeeva come with him so they can “discuss business” in private so as not to “cause a scene in such a serene setting as the Green Market.” Zeeva looks to you to help defuse the situation.

What do you do?

The Exchange

Male Keleshite Cleric of Abadar 8 | AC 20 (t11) (ff 19) | F+9, R+5, W+12 | CMB +6 CMD 17 | Init +1, Per +5, SM +17 | speed 30 ft | Channel Positive Energy 8/8 | Acid Dart 8/8 | Agile Feet 8/8 Spells: 4th 4/4 3rd 5/5 2nd 5/5 1st 7/7 | HP 59/59

Vahid walks around the north display case and approaches Zeeva and the new man. As he moves, he notes the several other new arrivals.

With his palms open in a non-threatening manner, and in his best merchant voice, Vahid says, Welcome friend. Are you a friend of Zeeva. So are we! Perhaps we can all talk together.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32

sense motive: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20

The Exchange

F Half-elf Druid (Nature Fang)/8 (HP 59/59 | AC:23 [+3 Shield] | T:14 | FF:20 [+3 Shield] | CMB:10 | CMD:24 [+1 vs. Grapple] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+7 | Will:+10 [+2 vs. Enchant] | Init:+6 | Perc:+12 | Speed:20) PFS#: 115025-4

Dylara circles the men with Melon and stops behind them.

"Yes, we'd like to be part of the business discussion."

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

"Hey buddy this is a private discussion. Get lost." He tells you starting to lead her away.

The Exchange

F Half-elf Druid (Nature Fang)/8 (HP 59/59 | AC:23 [+3 Shield] | T:14 | FF:20 [+3 Shield] | CMB:10 | CMD:24 [+1 vs. Grapple] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+7 | Will:+10 [+2 vs. Enchant] | Init:+6 | Perc:+12 | Speed:20) PFS#: 115025-4

"I think you misunderstood. The conversation's not private, because we're already a part of it."

Dylara flicks her wrist while mumbling a spell. Barbed nettles erupt from the spaces between the pavement, grabbing around them and injuring both the rude man and two of the suspicious figures nearby.

Damage: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 4) = 12
Poison damage on next round: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Burst of Nettles: DC 16 Ref for half damage and no poison damage next round. (See map for area.)

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

Before you do that keep in mind that this whole area is FULL of people shopping and just milling around. Any AoE spell will hit random people as well.

Dark Archive

Tiefling Rogue 1 / Wizard 4 / Sleepless Detective 1 / Arcane Trickster 3 | HP 54/54 | AC 21; Tch 17; FF 14 | F +4; R +14; W +8 | CMB+3; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +13 | +1 Shortbow: +12 (1d6+1/x3) | Perc +21

While the conversation seems to escalate, Saarai watches for any other people that might the thug's allies.

perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
sense motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

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