GM Red Box |
Please make an initial post here and have any discussion that needs to take place. I plan to start the game on Monday if there are not outstanding issues.
GM Red Box |
Well now that is an interesting point isn't it.
Not one application by a true healer so I am guessing you will want wands and what not. With the world jumping the whole thing will be interesting won't it.
Page 2 of the maps is probably a little different then most GM's. If you have looked at my current games you may have seen some of it. To boil it down there are a few things I will copy and paste from that page and it is on you the players to keep your lines up to date. [u] If it is not update the roll I make will count. [/u] Basically it is very basic bookkeeping that you need to do now and when you level.
The yellow box I will keep update after you put in your starting HP and AC. You will see this at the bottom of a lot of my posts. The Enemy details will fill in as you make the proper knowledge rolls to see what is going on or have hit the enemy enough times.
That said welcome to this new adventure that, if you stick with it, will finish this AP.
Maja Tasker |
Thanks for the invite!
Unfortunately, the sleuth archetype removes alchemy from the investigator class, so I won't be healing anybody. =/
GM Red Box, I have a conditional bonus on my Will save vs. fear. How would I add that to the book keeping section?
Kleora |
Yikes! That's a little disturbing. At least Frjya will have some healing magic. If you find the place for it the healing hex could be very helpful as well. If we have the time someone could take the appropriate crafting feats and if Frjya has the right spells we could craft our own healing potions/scrolls/wands later on.
I can start putting ranks into UMD to help use the things as well but it will be a long time before I could do so reliably given it isn't a class skill.
Did anybody put ranks in heal? there are ways to use that to alleviate the lack of a dedicated healer as well.
Tayanalla |
It is rough at early levels without someone who channels positive energy, but I have confidence we can do it.
@GM Red Box: would you have any issues if I rearrange my starting equipment to include a potion of CLW?
GM Red Box |
I am fine to rearrangement of equipment and even skill points based on the group make-up.
If this were an in person game that would certainly happen.
@Tayanalla: This one will keep going, I have two that have made it that far already.
Aramant Drakkuskail |
Our group is quite Human-looking too if you think about it. We have an Elf and a Halfling, but everybody else is Human - two Jadwiga, one Ulfen and I'm guessing Kleora is Taldan. Well, in my case although Human I'm quite weird in terms of racial heritage (descendant of frost giants, and, having Shifter as the class... And being a weretiger of sorts... Probably not too Human-looking within some levels) but hey, I bet everybody has their quirks that make us all interesting.
As mentioned, we just have to manage to survive the first levels without a "full healer" (or someone with channels and enhanced cures). Frjya's off-healing will be very welcome, and hopefully we will get to the point where we can have some wands and more potions going around.
I have a good feeling about it, to be sincere. I think I'll finally get to see a lot more of Reign of Winter than the beginning of the first book :)
EDIT: I might begin fighting more with the sickle and holding the shield than using the claws. I know we will manage anyway on the damage side, so maybe it's a good strategy to start more defensive.
Kleora |
Well, Taldan heading towards Feyhood but yes. I don't know of many options that will give me more healing ability. I'll look into it though. I'll certainly try for a potion or two.
GM Red Box |
It is quite a human group, I debated not making it such but at the end of the day I liked these characters the best.
Your backstories do not tie you all together. If any of you would like to establish other connections now is the time. I will start the AP on Monday and work off of what you do or do not do.
GM Red Box |
I did not. Just put it as text after the dice roll.
GM Red Box |
It looks like several of you have not filled in your bonuses on page 2 of the maps. Please remember to do so.
I have also added a map of the town on page 3. Generally the 1st page will be current tactical maps and page 3+ will be overarching areas or other things that might be important.
GM Red Box |
@Kleora - Yes AC/FF/T - I probably should have put that.
Kleora |
Yeah, it seems like a no brainer given the way typical stat blocks read. Until you see mine where, for some reason I always put touch before FF. Not sure why I do that.
GM Red Box |
I will do a pretty open ended open tomorrow AM. It may take a moment to get everyone together which is fine.
Freyr Elvanna |
Freyr and Fryja would have arrived from Irrisen within the last few days through magical means. They could have met her on the road into town, but I don't think they'd know her very well other than that.
Maja Tasker |
Maja is new to Heldren as well, although she's lived in Taldor for years, studying law in Oppara. Rumors of the strange, localized winter has piqued her interest, so that would explain why she's in town.
She could have met Aramant and Kleora on the road, since they share a similar destination.
She might have hired Tayanalla as a guard for the journey.
Not sure what to make of Freyr and Fryja. :) It sounds like they might have an interesting introduction to the game.
Kleora |
Yeah, in that case I wouldn't likely have met either of you two.
Maja, on the other hand, I may have met on the way. We'd have been coming from roughly the same direction and would potentially run into each other between Oppara and Haldrin.
GM Red Box |
First official game post is up.
GM Red Box |
It made it all the better imo.
GM Red Box |
I will pick up the pace as we get rolling. Right now I am giving people time to establish themselves and wrapping up a real life lawsuit. The second thing is a surprise and taking time.
Maja Tasker |
GM, I've updated my profile to include the bonus I get to initiative when I have at least one Luck Point. I forgot to include it earlier. :)
More info on how the sleuth archetypes work can be found here.
GM Red Box |
Good to know. One of my favorite things about this group, and part of why I picked it, is I get to learn about some new classes.
GM Red Box |
Going to be a slow posting weekend for me. I live in Saratoga Springs and today is the start of racing season.
Aramant Drakkuskail |
Hey guys! Sorry I’m a little slow this week. I have intense activities at work until Thursday so it’s affecting my posting capabilities. I’ll normalize soon! Thanks for the understanding ;)
GM Red Box |
No worries we all have them.
Kleora |
I will be out of town at Gencon this Wednesday through Sunday so my posting will be very sparse/non-existent until possibly next Monday. Please bot me as needed.