GM Nani's Slumbering Tsar

Game Master Nani Z. Obringer

Nani's Gestalt Slumbering Tsar Campaign, set in Golarion.

Nani's Gestalt Slumbering Tsar Campaign, set in Golarion.

Faction Missives

Sakura Sakamoto:

Sister Sakura,

It is both the greatest honor and a terrible misfortune that you have been chosen for this illustrious mission. I must admit I was shocked when the illustrious young Venture-Captain approached me about sending you. I fear that a months long venture into the abyss infested heart of darkness seems a terrible waste of your talents. I would have protested if your mentor herself had not intervened and insisted on your presence.

However, the heavens still smile upon us, and call on us to make the most of your post. Many ancestors ago, there was a lucrative trade route through the lands of Sarkoris, though which silk and gold flowed from the Crown of the World. If the terrible blight known as the Desolation were to be tamed, then the fabulous trade route would be reopened. A lofty task indeed, but if anyone could accomplish it it would be you.

Tsar was a great and terrible city indeed, and pilgrims from both sides of the world thrived there. Likewise, though often the Mendevian knights forget it, the forces of good came also from our people. If you come across ancestral heirlooms that belong in tombs of Tian Xia, then you know it would bring their descendants great peace to have them returned.

May the ancestors and spirits always watch over you,
Venture-Captain Amara Li

Momir Vig:

Pathfinder Momir Vig,

Good to see you got the job. Charlotte and Jarina are thick as thieves...if you'll pardon the slight to her ladyship. I wanted another man loyal to the Ten on a mission of this kind of importance, to say nothing of your formidable talents. I cannot stress the incredible scope of this adventure enough. It's going to be deadly, deadlier than any other mission you've been on.

Remember that you're entering a millennia-old complex that's been abandoned for a century. The Desolation itself is a vast landscape where two great armies smashed themselves to pieces. Be smart about your collecting. A book or a legendary scrap is worth much more to us than piles of gold. There's artifacts of incredible power, both good and evil in there. Be careful, but bring as much of it back as you can. I've arranged with Charlotte to have an agent at the lodge in Nerosyan who will help you transport your just have to get them the 400miles from Tsar.

Keep an eye out always for magic items of unknown make. Anything you can bring back intact, or especially with formula or methods of creation would be of great importance. And keep good records!

Good luck, you'll need it,
Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin

Crusader V:

Silver Crusader Venator,

I believe this was the mission that you have been waiting for your entire life. I do not believe that it could be more perfect for your talents and your personal goals. I wish you all the blessings that the good gods can bestow upon you.

The fall of Tsar happens at an important crux in our history...the start of the Age of Lost Omens, the rise of the Mendevian Crusade. All of the forces of the first crusade were thought lost, drowned in their final stand. However, it has recently been discovered that in the wake of Tsar's abandonment, Paladin-Lord Bishu and his company of Fifty and One were tasked with exploring Tsar, and holding it until they could be reinforced. Tragically, of course, that never was the case. When you enter the temple, look for any trace of their noble company, and bring back news of their fates. The churches of Sarenrae and Iomedae will rejoice at news of their long lost champions.

May the light be with you always,
Ollystra Zadrian