Making Friends: Green Faith - +2 with all Charisma checks with members of the Green Faith
Active Quests:
The Wizard's Estate: What did Hunclay have in his house? It is your job to catalog and estimate the values of the possessions inside.
Hero or Villain: There are powers that wish to guide Belhaim's future. Who do you ally yourself with or against?
Quests - Completed:
The Collapsed Tower: Hunclay and the Blood Vow kobolds had led to the tower's fall. But why?
Finding Hunclay: His corpse was found among the rubble; only a keychain with a pair of keys were found on him.
Making Friends or Enemies: Make yourself known in town, one way or another.
The Blood Vow Kobolds: Drive off or defeat the kobolds of the Bloodvow Tribe.
Missing: Bophre Malak: She's been missing for three months; is there anything left to find?
Quests - Failed:
First Kill - Just because it was a stinking bug doesn't mean it shouldn't be noted!
First Nat 20 - Always feels good, even if the check it was used on isn't the most important.
Didn't Have a Chance(1) - The best combat is the one where your target is finished before it can react.
Critical Hit! - Sure it was against a rat, but it did the trick.
Nori - 1 Jinx - 1 Kill Streak (3 max, (2)) - Felling foes one by one; boy that is so much fun! When a PC kills two enemies in one round or two consecutive rounds, that PC gets +1 to damage rolls for one round. Subsequent kills do not stack, but extend the duration another round.
Resistance, Shmasistance (1/3) - You've started working past an enemy's ability to ignore your attacks, but you'll need more practice to let your attacks sink in.
2x mithral keys (function as mithral daggers, one with Darb, other with Jinx)