GM Farmagnuðr PFS Online (Inactive)

Game Master Hayato Ken

Absalom Map.

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So i´m planning to run all season 5 scenarios online here.
Giving a chance to raise a character up, i´m gonna try to run them level by level and also taking a look at the different factions.
Play will be as fast as i can. Using for maps.
Please post your character Information under a PFS alias, list all your chronicles and your tracking sheet somewhere i can see it if necessary.
Gonna start sometime next week probably.

Approximate schedule:

#5–08: The Confirmation 1-2

#5–04: The Stolen Heir 1–5.

#5–01: The Glass River Rescue 1–5

#5–11: Library of the Lion 1–5 Cheliax, Grand Lodge, and Taldor

#5–12: Destiny of the Sands—Part 1: A Bitter Bargain 1–5 Osirion, Qadira, and Sczarni

#5–02: The Wardstone Patrol 3–7

#5–06: You Have What You Hold 3–7 Sczarni

#5–09: The Traitor’s Lodge 3–7 Grand Lodge

#5–03: The Hellknight's Feast 5–9

#5–13: Weapon in the Rift 5–9 Silver Crusade

#5–07: Port Godless 5–9 Cheliax, Osirion, and Qadira

#5–10: Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread 7–11

#5–05: The Elven Entanglement 7–11

Since there would be levels missing in between, i´m gonna put scenarios between as they come out and fit.

Grand Lodge

Leblanc reporting. he's only done first steps part one heh

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I'm interested, but I think I want to create a new PFS character first. Just gotta figure out what I want to play. Perhaps an Oradin battler-healer.

As long as it´s PFS legal and you own all sources, no problem!

Grand Lodge

Mia Rumsfeld applying for the endeavor.
Female halfling witch.

Would you allow a gravewalker? If not i'll make her a more general witch.

The Exchange

Brand new level 1 PC; I have read or GM'ed most of the season 5 scenarios, but I pledge on my VL name to be good about things :)

(I GM a lot more than I play, so I'd appreciate the opportunity!)

I´m afraid not. Since this is a Pathfinder Society Game and i´ll be runnning different scenarios from season 5, for which you will get credit in form of a chronicle sheet, there will be only things allowed that are legal for PFS play.

You can find the rules for the campaign in the free Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play as well as which Additional Resources are allowed on that list.
Also you need a registered character with a valid PFS number, what you can do here.
No exceptions from that.

Liberty's Edge

Here is my submission, a human fighter(Archer). He's brand new so no tracking sheet info yet and no chronicle to list!

I've done Pathfinder Society stuff before at a convention, but it was a long time ago and I'm looking forward to the opportunity to taking part again.

Nice, when Mia Rumsfeld adapts her character to society rules we have a table of 4 and can start soon. Will wait a bit for Mechapoet.

I trust you there Black Powder Chocobo^^ Have to do the same more often than not, but i tend to forget a lot of stuff. Anyway, most things run their way wether you know they are coming or not.

Ser Jac Leblanc: Your character looks fine, but i want to point out to you that PFS does not favor medium size characters with large mounts. You won´t be bale to use that often probably. Small characters with medium mounts have better chances there.

Shadow Lodge

I would like to join this if I can get one of my 1st lvl characters avaible in time. Will keep an eye out for how things play out.

PS: I have already played Stolen Heir and Library of the Lion.

I'd love to play in these games as well. I can bring a brand new PFS character that's very close to this one: Magus-Kensai 1.

Grand Lodge

I am aware of that. if it was a non pfs game I would petitioned the DM for mabye something like a hunting dog instead of a mount.... but rules are rules. mainly use it for traveling anyway lol

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Actually, I'm going to withdraw my interest. Have fun without me!

Allright. Let´s see:

- Mia Rumsfeld (Witch) - please adjust archetype etc so it´s PFS legal.
- Ser Jec Leblanc (Cavalier)
- Sritaro of the Thunder Tribes (Mad Dog barbarian)
- Jakim Valstov (Fighter Archer)
- unknown by Merck
- Magus Kensai by Branding Opportinity.

Makes 6 and full. If a lot more show up soon, i´d consider running a second table. If everyone has their character ready we can start with The Confirmation. I´ll be on train a lot for monday and tuesday, so those days might be slow, but rest should go fine. I´ll aim 3 posts a day, more if i can. Since i´m UTC+1 and often night active, don´t wonder about posting times^^

Hi there, just like to register my interest and hopefully make first alt!

I'm new to pfs, but have an arcane duellist bard ready to go.


If there happens to be some room, I wouldn't mind throwing my hat in as a newly created Arcanist.

Dark Archive

Fearanduil would like to join. He has minor experience (1 PFS game). Tracking sheet in profile

My other characters have run Glass River Rescue and Stolen Heir, so I will not join them.

Grand Lodge

Adjustments made GM.
Now a human general witch with accent on healing.
Bio & appearance will come later tonight, since an internet error screwed it up.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

After looking at our very martial lineup, I think I will switch my kensai magus for an investigator. That should be of more long-term use to the party, me thinks.

Scarab Sages

So here's my new investigator, Rani of the Pure Legion. As his name indicates, he is a former member of Rahadoum's Pure Legion, but was thrown out when his philosophy became corrupted. Leaving Garund, he traveled to Absalom and volunteered his skills to the Pathfinder Society. More info will follow.

- Mia Rumsfeld (Witch) ready
- Ser Jec Leblanc (Cavalier) ready
- Sritaro of the Thunder Tribes (Mad Dog barbarian)
- Jakim Valstov (Fighter Archer) ready
- Rani of the Pure Legion (Investigator) ready
- Faeranduil (Wizard)ready

- unknown by Merck
- Fiendish Zen Arcane Duelist
- TobiasBlues Arcanist

9 people could make two tables, room for three more.
Games start on wednesday, will post introductions early when i can.

Grand Lodge

so we are mostly ready to get our game on?

On monday and tuesday i´ll be a lot outside though and won´t have much opportunity for internet probably, that´s why i´ll start it on wednesday.
Also i would like to prepare maps and pictures etc for beforehand. Makes for a better experience.

Scarab Sages

Zarzuket reporting for assignment. Just need to finish up a little back story for him but he's all done.

The Exchange

Ready to start tomorrow morning (UTC +8); thanks :)

Grand Lodge

Interested. Yugatta has completed only First Steps Part 1 so far in her career. I can PM you the Chronicle Sheet if desired.

I may need to do some minor updating (purchase supplies, etc.) if she is chosen.

Thanks for considering me.

Dark Archive

Fearanduil is browsing his spellbook, readying himself for briefing by the Venture Captain

Scarab Sages

Zarzuket is busy in the kitchen waiting for a new adventure to start.

Jec is waiting in a tavern watching as a brawl starts to unfold wondering if he should atop it

Scarab Sages

Rani is spending the day in the God's Market, marveling at the countless religious artifacts for sale.

Who knew that Iomedae had so many toenails?

I´ll do two tables and mix martials/casters a bit.
Also will start in the course of the day today.

Table 1:
- Mia Rumsfeld (Witch) ready
- Ser Jec Leblanc (Cavalier) ready
- Jakim Valstov (Fighter Archer) ready
- Zarzuket Endiwahd Arcanist

Table 2:
- Rani of the Pure Legion (Investigator) ready
- Faeranduil (Wizard)ready
- Sritaro of the Thunder Tribes (Mad Dog barbarian)
- Yugatta Sakittumi

@Yugatta Sakittumi: outlander is a campaign trait, which are not legal for PFS play. Please change to a normal trait. If you want knowledge arcana, that is accesible by Mathematical Prodigy.

Waiting for:
- unknown by Merck
- Fiendish Zen Arcane Duelist

The Exchange

Looks at Rani. Looks at the toenails. Looks at his clawed feat. Shrugs.

GM Farmagnuðr wrote:

I´ll do two tables and mix martials/casters a bit.

Also will start in the course of the day today.

Waiting for:
- Fiendish Zen Arcane Duelist

Apologies, I completely forgot to post my char! Is it too late to switch to a (vanilla, front line melee) pally?

All good either way and can post either pally or duelist as soon as you approve or not!


No still ok.

Sovereign Court

GM Farmagnuðr wrote:
No still ok.

Thanks GM Farmagnuðr :)

Here you go!

Scarab Sages

This is Merck. All my PFS characters are still locked in pbps but I made a new fresh one. May change him at a later scenario.

Grand Lodge

woot we have teams

The Exchange

In case you are looking to fill another slot Farg is looking for work. He's a level 2 Archaeologist Bard who uses natural weapons and has an attitude!

Farg could do the charsheet on the charsite please?

If i manange to do so i´ll post the introduction today. If not it´s gonna be tomorrow we start.

Scarab Sages

Farmagnudr, would it be possible to make a craft (alchemy) check before the start of the adventure? I'd like to try and craft some alchemist's fire (I have the alchemy class ability).

So, please move to the respective thread!

Table A:
- Mia Rumsfeld (Witch) ready
- Ser Jec Leblanc (Cavalier) ready
- Jakim Valstov (Fighter Archer) ready
- Zarzuket Endiwahd Arcanist
- Yugatta Sakittumi Monk
- Farg Archeologist Bard

Please post in this Discussion Thread.

Table B:
- Rani of the Pure Legion (Investigator) ready
- Faeranduil (Wizard)ready
- Sritaro of the Thunder Tribes (Mad Dog barbarian)
- Valya Sunrider Paladin
- Sam Drakenfel Sorcerer

Please post in this Discussion Thread.

The Exchange

Sorry GM Farg is already occupied otherwise. I will however fill in his online alias just for you :).

Grand Lodge

GM Farmagnuðr wrote:
outlander is a campaign trait, which are not legal for PFS play. Please change to a normal trait. If you want knowledge arcana, that is accesible by Mathematical Prodigy.

Okay, I didn't understand that before. Thanks. My traits are generally driven by the backstory, so I've changed that trait to Observant. Hope this is better.

Observant is a good choice as a member of the grand lodge, if you don´t have perception as a class skill.
Monks do have perception as a class skill as well as sense motive, so it´s not as great a choice for you.

You can still change that later though, it´s not that important probably.

Also Jakim and Yugatta please move to the gameplay thread.

Still openings in this?

Yes we just started and someone dropped out.
Please post your adequate PFS legal character, you could go in on table A.

hey are you running these straight through with the same groups? and did you ever replace that person that dropped out on table A?

1. Yes
2. No

But you would have missed already 1/3 of the adventure.

well, i've actually already done the confirmation on the character i have free, so i'd just be filling a space for no credit. it's all he's done though and i haven't done any other season 5 scenarios.

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