Brayden Green |
The next is the 3 balls that everyone else had to leap over, etc. As a small creature, you can actually hunch over and run right through them all without any other action happening. Now, I need a perception and a reflex.
Brayden Green |
Now you are approaching the spinning wheel that has rotating balls. Each ball is medium size.
The first one comes at about your chest level. Do you jump over it, or go lower?
Acrobatics, and a reflex.
The second goes well over your head (one of the perks of being a short dwarf :) - It will pass by without you doing anything.
You hurry under it, and gain a round.
The third one comes right at your head, do you duck slightly or go on your knees to avoid it entirely?
Acrobatics and a reflex.
Then I need a perception, and a reflex.
Iodem Toby |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Iodem removes his leather jerkin and cloak. He takes time to stretch and “get limber”. His leathery tan skin blends right into his bark like sleeve tattoos. He draws water from a nearby well and wets down his long hair and beard. Finally, he tightens his boot straps and tightly wraps the palms of his hands with a bit of leather. He gets down in stance and waits for the signal.
As soon as he gets the signal he is already on the wall quickly scurrying to the top using one arm to propel himself off the top and coming to a roll as he deftly lands on the other side kicking up only a small amount of dirt. Barely breaking stride he leaps towards the dangling ropeswing and uses his momentum to leave the rope on the upswing propelling him across. Iodem sprints towards the next obstacle.
At a full run he leaps unto the net and gets up and over with little trouble. Hoofing it over the bridge and both platforms. He can feel it, the smirk couldn’t have been stopped. The wall of wood appears in his way. “Best to get over it” he thinks. Placing his hands in between the boards he propels himself over the top. He is starting to breath a little heavy; the water in his beard has been replaced with sweat.
Iodem surges forward possessed by the volume of the cheering home crowd. It distracts him slightly as he comes upon the spinning wheels. He short hops the one coming low at the knees and almost takes a tumble landing in a squat while the second zooms over his head. He then propels himself in a dive under the third one, rolling forward to get back on his legs. At the last second he notices a pressure plate and shortens his stride just in time to let his momentum carry him forward in a short hop.
He maintains his speed as he enters the home stretch. Trying to dance on the floats he nearly bites it while making two quick hops on his right foot while trying to use his outstretched left arm to regain balance. He deftly launches himself from plank to plank. “I’ve got this” he screams to the crowd as he uses his jump to start well up the rope. His momentum bring the rope in a wild swing he strong arms his way up and rings the bell with his outstretched fingertips.
Iodem slowly returns to the ground while catching his breath. He looks to the crowd for the reaction. (Is the piece of pie there?) The scorer comes over and reveals his score. At hearing 108 seconds he lifts both arms in the air triumphantly.
Bugsby Featherfoot |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Bugsby takes the pile at a run, planting a hand at the peak of his jump and using the momentum to swing his legs over the top, landing lightly on the other side. Approaching the swinging balls, Bugsby had seen enough contestants attempt this, and an idea had been forming. Now presented with the swinging balls of bludgeoning, he smiles as the plan takes perfect shape. He simply leans over, until he's practically bent double at the waist, and continues to barrel ahead, head lowered like a tiny purple battering ram. The heavy balls whistle harmlessly past, high over his bent head. Laughing, he straightens up after the last ball is past and looks to the next section, a wild grin on his face as he dashes forward - full speed ahead.
Perceptive Reflexes
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Reflex: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Magnhlidr Whitescale |
Magnhildr chuckles at the gnome's compliments.
"I am far from skilled in the arts of healing and mending, but I thank you for the compliment all the same. Best speed with your run, and you'd better not let yourself get knocked out."
She gives the gnome a mock glower that doesn't seem to ever hide the laughter in her eyes.
Iodem's Run
Magnhildr had managed to get the last of the less fortunate contestants patched up and on the road to recover before the start of the next run. She saw the dark haired man take his mark at the start of the course. When the signal was given, he was almost over the wall before she could even take note of what was happening. She just watched as he seemed to dance around the hazards, even if he did have a close call or two. She found herself cheering the man on at the end despite herself.
Some cleric of a serious god I'm turning out to be.
Bugsby Featherfoot |
Flex - Iodem's Run
Bugsby was a number of spots behind Iodem when the man began his run, but he was able to see quite of bit of the action from his vantage point in line. Moving his head left and right to see through the legs of the taller men around him, Bugsby noted as Iodem leaped and dodged and ran with speed, without getting a toe wet. Bugsby cheered loudly when the man finished with a flourish, and ignored the glowers of the other contestants; they did not seem so happy with the fighters success. Looking up at the men around him and gesturing towards the distant figure of Iodem, "I know that man, had lunch with him earlier in fact. Yup, first-name basis he and I." Bugsby turns back to look at the figure, thinking to himself, Nice work Iodem, now if I can finish half as well!
Brayden Green |
Off to town to get some gas and then to mow the lawns, before they start to swallow the house. Sucks living 20 mins from town when you run out of mower gas. Just in case I don't make it bak in time we will still resolve the obstacle courses.
Kerdin |
Kerdin sights with relieve with the advancing but growls little bit as a human man seems to be faster than him. Grinding and increasing his pace Kerdin intending to jump forward under the ball and the second one seemingly to be too short to affect him. The third ball seems to be at his head level so bending little bit could help him get past that.
Giving fast prayer to Torag, Kerdin bursts to motion
Acro 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Refl 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Acro 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Refl 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Perc 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Refl 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Zen Al'Shear |
Starting a few contestants behind Iodem. Zen watches with awe as he skillfully navigates the obstacles.
As the contestant before her is starting Zen begins to stretch out muscles that previously had been hidden behind the unflattering monks robes that she wore while traveling. Having discarded her quarterstaff and robes she now stands in a loose fitting sleeveless Gi.
The contestant before her finishes up so Zen steps up to the starting line. At the bell Zen takes off thinking to herself “I hope that I do half as well as everyone else. She’s up the climb like shot. Taking the jump off of the first platform she stumbles as she lands. Darn she thinks to herself that’s going to cost me. With a slight limp-hop she grabs the rope swing and makes the swing to the net where she lands squarely. Climbing the net with ease she sprints down the platforms to find a pile of wood. Vaulting up the pile she slips momentarily “darn more time lost”. Over the top of the wood Zen flies. Seeing 3 rotating balls in front of her. Zen uses all the training she as received as she dives over the first ball coming up in a crouch before the second ball as it swings over her head. Zen makes the quick decision to drop to her belly as the last ball swings overhead. Zen is up and sprinting towards the final obstacle. To late she hears the perceptive click as a trap is triggered. As she prepares to dodge the trap it brushes her slightly as she mostly dodges. Taking the hit gracefully but to no avail Zen is knocked unconscious and plummets to the water below.
Waking up in the medic tent. Zen sees a cleric watching the next race. Thinking to herself, Zen realizes that she needs much more training.
Bugsby Featherfoot |
Brayden Green |
(This ones a doozy, you take non-lethal trap damage, and non-lethal fall damage smacking on the water.)
trap damage 1d8 ⇒ 4
fall damage 1d6 ⇒ 2
So now you are in the water: You have 20 feet to go, so go ahead and give me 8 swim checks. The rules for "swimming" are you have 32 (16 CON x2) rounds you can hold your breath. For every movement you take beyond a move that costs as one round minused. If you fail, you can't move that turn. You are looking for a DC 10 to move, and you can only move 1/4 speed, or 1/2 speed if you double move.
Brayden Green |
You will be taking non-lethal damage from the trap, and non-lethal fall damage from smacking on the water from the fall (failing your relex save)
trap 1d8 ⇒ 1
fall 1d6 ⇒ 1
well that was worth waiting for, wasn't it!
If you are still conscious, you are 20 feet away from land.
EDIT: Min damage on both, LUCKY!
Brayden Green |
Obstacle course is just about wrapped up. PHEW that was an undertaking for me. Hope you all enjoyed it. Some of you that got bounced around maybe didn't, lol.
Go ahead and start doing intros while we wrap up the course. At this point, everyone but Iodem is in the medic tent, either for concussion related incidents, or simply with a big ol' winter blanket over you, because at some point you went *kersplash* .
And give some ups to Magn, that is missing out on the "fun" of setting off spring loaded sandbags so that she can take care of you all.
You also see a youngish lad there, with dark hair, that is only now realizing that there are other people in the tent.
For the past few minutes, all he has been saying is "Shinoda. Shinoda. Shinoda." but now he seems to have a little more clarity behind his eyes.
Kerdin |
Cursing and swearing in a dwarven language in a imaginary way that would leave even most the world seen dwarves in awe Kerdin begin to swim furiously and dreaming of big ol´mug of beer. The image of big ol´mug of beer and the this whole water literally causes Kerdin release smoke and burst in rage making him look more like an angry badger than dwarf
(Raging and Double movement)
Swim 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Swim 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Swim 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Swim 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Swim 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
5 round used (2/7 left) 5min fatigued after this
Brayden Green |
Your first rage gets you all the way out of the water. I will let the other one serve to get you all the way up the rope.
- you are finished, you have only used 2 rage powers, and will be fatigued for 2 mins.
14 rounds! So close!
I'm tallying up your rounds, I will edit this post and give it to you in a second with your number. 84 seconds
You get a +4 diplomacy to anyone in the town for a week for a very good show, and absolute wonder anyone has at your swimming ability!
Bugsby Featherfoot |
Bubsby eyes the massive structure and the many contestants currently trying, failing, as well as the many robust men and women yet to make the attempt. Steeling his resolve, the gnome quietly repeats a variation of the mantra which has guided and sustained him for so long, "To know a thing... one should probably get pummeled by that thing!" He removes his shirt from over his head as he prepares to take his turn, turning towards the crowd and flexing his stringy tendons mightily, why not give the crowd a show? With that, he turns with a determined set of his jaw, and begins to climb, getting to the top with no problem, and hopping down the other side easily. Taking a hold of the rope-swing, the gnome swings heartily, but the timing of his release is off and instead of landing on top of the next platform, he careens hard into the net dangling below it. The impact is so strong his grip can't hold, and he slips, falling almost to the bottom but manages to cling to the last bit of netting, feet hanging over empty space.
Bugsby more closely resembles a rag doll than a sentient being as he struggles to climb, falls, and struggles some more, eventually losing his grip, his only saving grace is managing to turn an potentially painful belly flop into a quality dive. That 'quality dive' was marred by the fact that he required both hands to grip the hat on his head as he entered the water, but still managed to make the dive look good. He orients himself in the water and continues on, the thought flitting through his mind that 'drowning is probably quite the experience!... and hopefully that skilled healer was also a good fisherwoman!'
He can't seem to make the surface, but forges onward beneath the water, holding his breath with a will. As Bugsby breaks the surface with a great gasping breath and clambers onto the next platform, he hears the gasp of the crowd. Elated, he can't help but hold his hat with both hands and whip his head around several times, launching sparkling droplets through the air in a great halo around him. Turning to the crowd with a huge smile, he allows some of the joy of the experience to be expressed in a tired, but cheery shout, "Huzzah!" Looking ahead to the pile of wood, he considers his options, shrugs, and then gets a running start at the woodpile, clearly intending to vault over that wood!
Within a stride or two of the planks he leaps upward and forward, planting a hand at the peak of his jump and using the momentum to swing his legs around and over the top, landing lightly on the other side. Approaching the swinging balls, Bugsby had seen plenty of contestants attempt this, and an idea had been forming. Now face-to-face with the 'swinging balls of bludgeoning', he smiles as the plan takes perfect shape. He simply leans over, until he's practically bent double at the waist, and continues to barrel ahead, head lowered like a tiny purple battering ram. The heavy balls whistle harmlessly past, high over his bent head. Laughing, he straightens up after the last ball is past and looks to the next section, a wild grin on his face as he dashes forward - full speed ahead.
Unfortunately Bugsby was running too fast to notice the pressure plate. Some loud clicking sound erupts beneath his feet, and simultaneously, WHAM! The gnome was slammed by a large sandbag, sending him spinning crazily into the water. Landing hard, he dog paddles over to the side and reaches for waiting hands, allowing himself to be led to the medical station. Looking back over his shoulder at the course, a small grin can't help but tickle the side of his mouth, until the next jostle of the crowd brings the rapidly forming bruises back to the forefront of his mind. Well, he thinks, at least I'll get to see the healer in action!
Brayden Green |
So, i apparently I shouldn't do basic math early in the morning.
I believe I told Iodem that he finished in 108 seconds.
I counted it in rounds, (13) and 13 x 6 = 78 seconds.
I meant to tell him 1 minute and 18 seconds, but for some reason I said 108. So his OFFICIAL number is 78 seconds. My fault.
I guess I did the math right, I just shouldn't do math and REPORT the statistics at 3 in the morning.
Anyways, Kerdin finished just after at (14) rounds, but I'll let him tell you that story.
Brayden Green |
Bugsby Featherfoot |
Bugsby enters the tent under his own power, but clearly in pain as he hobbles to one of the rare empty tables, and climbs gingerly onto it, perched on the edge. At some point he catches Magnhildr's eye and ducks his head a little, feeling a little sheepish. "I tried to heed your advice as best I could!, he calls quietly over the din of the tent and surrounding festivities. He gets a faraway look in his eyes, clearly recalling something, "But you should have seen it, what an incredible thing it was, the danger, the rush of it!" His eyes return to the tent, and he stretches his shoulder slightly before the pain halts his movements, a small gasp escaping his throat. "Never saw the sandbag coming though, the pressure plate was genius! Bugsby is all smiles, recalling each twist and jump and splash with obvious glee.
The repetitive nature of the boy's words finally penetrate Bugsby's reminiscing, and he turns to the lad just as he starts to trail off. Looking sadly at the boy, "It's alright Shinoda, you're alright lad. Is he simple then?", he asks Magnhildr.
Kerdin |
Stretching his hands and enjoying good fashioned test of skills Kerdin was excited by this. Some good stuff at last for dwarf to try out with his body.
The time started and Kerdin run towards the rope and swinged himself all the way to the net. For a dwarf he managed to land somehow scrappily but recovered fast enough and begun climbing towards the top deck. Reaching the deck Kerdin rushes down two platforms and come in front of spinning wheels with balls hanging from them. Approaching and evading it by crouching while advancing, the second ball harmlessly goes above his head. Laughing at this Har har har, good to be short once in a while and soon the third ball coming towards him. Bending little bit his knees he is able to avoid the third steel ball and press forward
Suddenly a plate loaded on the platform feels strange. Kerdin hears clicking noises and a loaded sandbag hits him, knocking Kerdin well off
the platform into the water. Now Cursing and swearing in a dwarven language in an imaginary way that would leave even most the world seen dwarves in awe Kerdin begin to swim furiously and dreaming of big ol´mug of beer. The image of big ol´mug of beer and the this whole water literally causes Kerdin release smoke and burst in rage making him look more like an angry badger than dwarf, Reaching to the rope with burst of speed and climbing the rope Kerdin is able to ring the bell. Smiling and clearly fatigued by this event, waiting anxiously for his result... and soon he hears 84 seconds for the dwarf. Sighing and little bit grumpy because of loosing but soon recovering when thinking of the beer he would be drinking in just a while and relaxing to get that fatigue out of his body he could not prevent smile appearing on his face. Ya, best day a dawrf could have in a day
Iodem Toby |
Elated with his corrected score Iodem suits back up and passively scans for people coming up to congratulate him on his run. It is about this time that he notices Bugsby hobbling wet and shirtless into the medical tent. He follows to check up on him. Posting his shoulder on the tent support, trying to look more concerned than smug.
Bugsby Featherfoot |
Bugsby sits looking towards a dazed youth, a overly large blanket over his bare shoulders, and shudders slightly as an overwhelming feeling of smugness overshadows the tent. Looking around, the thoughtful smile he was wearing grows larger as he spots the fighter. Raising his voice high, "Hail the conquering hero!" He starts to raise an arm in salute, but winces and carefully settles in back down. "I got to watch your entire run Iodem, it was quite magnificent! The way you handled the hidden plate was masterful, from afar I assumed you'd stumbled, but in retrospect the depth of your perceptiveness is clear. I'm honored I got to watch. Judging from the emotion exuding from you, I already know, but how do you feel?"
Waiting for a moment before remembering himself, Bugsby turns toward the nearby woman caring for the less fortunate, "How rude of me. Iodem, this is my new friend and recent caregiver Magnhildr, newly arrived in Sandpoint for the unveiling of the Cathedral." Stretching sore body parts slightly, "And I am very grateful that she did, having already seen her skills in action."
No idea how to RP this smoothly... :)
As Zen speaks up, Bugsby gives a start, "Oh Zen! I'm terribly sorry! I failed to see you there, I must have been too distracted when I entered." He notes her position in one of the beds, "Did the pressure plate get you too?" Bugsby is sure to include Zen in the introductions to Magnhildr. How would one say Magnhildr, phonetically?
Brayden Green |
While you are getting to know each other, you watch the last few people make a run at Iodem's time, and then the crowd heads home to eat. Word is spreading that the dance is starting to get set up, and they are making a call for the musicians that are in the band.
Ups to Bugsby for pointing out this was in the wrong thread.
shinoda |
Shinoda shakes his head to awaken himself from his mental frustration, and appears to notice the small figure that is staring at him. He begins to mutter under his breath, partly to himself and partly to the words that were overheard from the dwarf:
"Simple indeed... If only things in my life right now were but simple... If only I could just focus on my tasks at hand!"
Noticing that his quiet murmurings had morphed into a near shout at nobody in particular, his cheeks flushed slightly red in embarrassment and returned his gaze to the ground.
I hope I'm doing this right, gang. Sorry for the n00bishness. Here's to hoping I at least got the formatting correct lol.
Brayden Green |
Man, for a rookie post, I'd say that's very well done.
Magnhlidr Whitescale |
I have been keeping up, but unable to post until now. Magnhildr is pronounced like it's spelled. ;)
Magnhildr is busy treating the rest of patients, so unfortunately can't do much more than ask, "Too busy impressing the gnomish girls?" when Bugsby comes walking in. She had just woken Zen up when Iodem walks in and leans against one of the posts holding the tent up.
"I think the damned plate got most of the people who tried to the course."
Magnhildr gives a huff of a sigh before moving over to the table to put things away.
"Fortunately, everyone who took a swim or a snooze should be steady enough to dance by the time it gets going. No one here got hit too bad."
Then she turns her attention the fighter standing in the door way. She has a grin that looks like it came off a wolf on her face.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. And you as well Zen. Now, if you got time to be standing there acting like you aren't all smug at getting on of the best times, then you got time to help me get everything put up. The sooner we get done the sooner we can get ready for that dance I keep hearing about."
Kerdin |
Looking for a quiet place Kerdin decides to go inside temporary field-hospital tent. Fatigued by his raging and just looking a place to relax, a moment of peace, to be able to continue again and starting heavy drinking... oh he had heard good thing about ale here.
Noticing people inside, the small gnome, the winner of obstacle race and some black female human, another human and the healer. Sitting little bit further from them and listening their speaking Kerdin learned quite fast their names.
He felt little bit unrestlesness... it was not at all dwarf like and impolite to listen other people or to be silent at all but seemed like they had fun or knew each other Kerdin just came inside when everyone else was talking. Feeling a bit better after a while, coughing and asking them to look like a some sneaky rogue behind their back
Ar... ye lads, may ae ask ya whats the festival about? Some daes been spending here and still a bit out of stuff. asking curiously and trying to be polite but but coming out as uncomfortable and rude question
Magnhlidr Whitescale |
"I believe it's for the opening of the cathedral, but if I'm not not mistaken, the Swallowtail Festival should be going on tomorrow or the next day. Some of the clan members back home are followers of Desna, and they'd be celebrating about this time of year. No butterflies though, far too cold for the little things to survive."
Iodem Toby |
Answering Bugsby "I feel very well, and hope the time holds up. I must have missed the majority of your run, but from what I understand I was very lucky to notice the pressure plate." Following the gesture from Bugsby. Well met Magnhildr, I'd take no issue in giving you a hand." Iodem stands up straight and makes for the table putting his hands on a couple boxes and looking for some direction as to what to do.
Bugsby Featherfoot |
"Simple indeed... If only things in my life right now were but simple... If only I could just focus on my tasks at hand!"
I thought it was a great first post, keep it up!
Bugsby's face took on a more concerned look, "What's wrong lad? I meant no offense earlier, honestly thought you might've been addled in the brain. Clearly something more than the obstacle course ails you. What tasks are you talking about?" Looking towards Magnhildr, "Did you examine this young man Magnhildr?"
A movement near the door shows a dwarf entering and standing nearby the back, and through the open tent flaps Bugsby can see townspeople starting to congregate towards the upcoming dance. Returning his attention to the dwarf, he catches the tail end of the fearsome looking? Can you post an appearance/description somewhere Kerdin? dwarf's question. Adding to Magnhildr's explanation, "Yes, the original Church burnt down a number of years ago, this Cathedral is being built to truly stand the test of time." He looks at his audience, one of the dwarven race, who's massive stone halls have stood for hundred if not thousands of years - in some cases, and adds an addendum with a grin, "Well, for humans I should say."
The gnome runs a hand briskly back and forth through the purple hair protruding from the hole in his hat, a few remaining droplets sailing through the air. Stopping suddenly, Bugsby looks around in all directions, "Has anybody seen my shirt?"
Kerdin |
hm.. now I wonder where did that describing of him disappear... :| odd.. ah well
Kerdin grunts and nods for the answers Aye, thanks for the answers lad. The young dwarven had some rough images more fitting to stone than normal. Some hits at his head and scars on his face - although not so bad - did not make him the most handsome dwarf in the town. Brown and black hair mixed together, nose looked like it had been shattered long time ago and fixed but leaving it in a strange shape. The upper body was sturdy and muscular which could be seen through wet shirt. Few years had passed since he had reached his adulthood and mind of that young harsh dwarven but body was like those of veteran fighter full of "battlemarks".
Kerdin looks was intimidating and bulky but his expressions and acting was more of inexperience with social acting with others. Ay... well ya, forgot ta mention but name is Kerdin. No surname for me since in my family its earned first. If ya do not mind... could I join with ya and others for the dance?
Brayden Green |
You all grab some boxes, (maybe some of you grab larger boxes than others) and you carry them to "Hanna's" place (Hanna Velerin, an elf that runs a small business dedicated to health and herbal healing).
After placing the things to the side of her locked house (she clearly has left for the dance) you all head back to your homes/rooms, get ready (if you feel so inclined), and head to the dance.
The dance is being held in the plaza right outside of the cathedral. There is supposed to be some speeches, and maybe even a "lights show" (firework display)
We will be doing the dance now, and conversations that you wish to resolve may be done in flex time.
Magnhlidr Whitescale |
Okay here comes a (not so) big post. Sorry I missed ya Shinoda. I'll try and keep better track in the future.
Magnhildr looks at Bugsby, obviously puzzled. Her gaze quickly shifts to the young man on the cot.
"I did and he seemed fine except for a few bruises."
She decides to take a closer look when she has a moment.
Though she was concerned with the young lad who had apparently lost his mind a bit, she was still not out of it enough to let Zen help.
After dropping the group drops the boxes off at Hanna's, Magnhildr thanks them all and heads off to her room at the inn, She tries to tame her hair, but it proved too wild for her to even try.
Skald: "They say that every Whitescale has something a little wild about them. For me, I guess it's my fiery locks."
She dusts off her outfit and takes one last look in the mirror before heading out. Her stomach growls, a not very subtle reminder that she had skipped lunch to help get the tent set up.
"I sure hope they have some food there. I'm starving."
Brayden Green |
As you reach the square, you place each other in the crowd. Some of you might gravitate towards each other, being new and these people being some of the only people you know.
There is a makeshift "stage" set up right under the base of the cathedral, and as you watch you see Mayor Deverin approach. Her friendly attitude and excitement are tangible as she welcomes
visitors to town and remarks at how wonderful the games and festivities has been. She never imagined that the cathedral would turn out this beautiful, and she says "just as this Cathedral is built on the very same foundation of our old chapel, but bigger, better and indestructible, so too can that empty place in our hearts that the "late unpleasantness" tore out of us be filled with a better love and compassion."
Sheriff Hemlock asks for a moment of silence for those that had fallen in the fire, and for each one of the lives that were taken from us "too soon, by a madman that we loved, that tore our hearts out". He asks that they be remembered as they were: innocent, and that they are with the gods now, and that we should only be so lucky.
This kind of puts a damper on things after Kendra's big speech.
But, certainly not to be outdone when there is a stage present, Cyrdak Drokkus is more than up to the challenge of bringing the crowd’s mood back up with his rousing anecdotes as he delivers a not-completely-irreverent recap of the long process the town went through to finance
and construct the new cathedral. He thanks the many people that visited "The Pixies Kitten" (the local brothel) and that they must have financed half of it, and he has the names of some of the "donators" for any wives that may want to find them out. He also threw out there that he knows that "Sheriff Hemlock spent a fair bit of time there, but he's not sure that Kaye (Kaye Tessarani, the owner - rumored to be in a relationship with the Sherrif) makes him pay, or not. This leads to him being drug of stage in s somewhat joking - but definitely not - fashion by Hemlock. As he is being drug away, he shouts out a shameless bit of self-promotion inviting everyone to stop by the Sandpoint Theater to check out his upcoming production of “The Harpy’s Curse,” revealing that the lead role of Avisera the harpy queen will be played by none other than the famous Magnimarian diva Allishanda!
Finally, Father Zantus steps up give a short speech thanking everyone for coming before to the Swallowtail Festival. He then walks over to a large covered wagon on the stage, and after recounting the short parable of how Desna first fell to earth and was nursed back to health by a blind child who she transformed into an immortal butterfly as a reward for her aid, they pull aside the wagon’s cover, releasing the thousand children of Desna (a furious storm of a thousand swallowtail butterflies that swarm into the air in a spiraling riot of color to a great cheer from the crowd.)
At this, the band has obviously been instructed to start on cue, and they start playing an upbeat song that gets most everyone's feet pumping.
Bugsby Featherfoot |
Flex in medics tent
Kerdin looks was intimidating and bulky but his expressions and acting was more of inexperience with social acting with others. Ay... well ya, forgot ta mention but name is Kerdin. No surname for me since in my family its earned first. If ya do not mind... could I join with ya and others for the dance?
Well it wasn't the first time things have been lost to the void, and it won't be the last, thanks for re-posting that description.
Bugsby shrugs when his shirt doesn't immediately come into view, "Ah well, never really liked that shirt anyways."
Looking to Kerdin, "Well I think that'd be dandy if you joined us! Iodem have you already invited Magnhlidr to come to the dance with us? Shinoda, if you don't already have plans I'd like to extend the invitation to you as well. I don't know how much dancing I'll do but I wouldn't miss the light show for anything." Bugsby looks down and his bare torso, "I need to stop at home and get another shirt, but perhaps those of us without plans," This is said with a meaningful glance towards Iodem, "could meet up near the small statue of Desna in the southwest corner of the dancing square." GM - Sorry to make up some landmarks, feel free to put in something more appropriate if needed please.
EDIT: I've been ninja'd! I guess it doesn't matter cause it's flex time, but take note of the offered meeting place to those who'd like to meet back up.
Brayden Green |
This is a social event, you are welcome to be where you want, talking to whom you want. Just let me know where you are at and what you are doing.
Those of you looking Iodem's way see him being approached by a good looking young woman, she puts her hand on his shoulder and leans up and whispers in his ear.
You are approached by Shayliss. Maybe it's just the way she did her hair, but you can't remember her being this pretty before.
She says to you, I watched you through the obstacle course, that was really impressive! saying that she grabs your biceps and squeezes a little. "Well, should we be off?"
It's pretty clear what she is referring to. It's up to you.
Bugsby Featherfoot |
Bugsby hustles off to his room, provided at one of the local inns in exchange for his entertaining services, putting on a clean shirt and a leather jerkin stained to an almost black color and taking a few moments to adjust the purple strands of hair poking through his hat. He whisks himself clean using a prestidigitation spell or two, until he's certain he's presentable.
He shows up at the statue about ten minutes later, and cheers, jeers, laughs and claps along with the rest of the crowd as the various speeches are given. Finally the music starts up after the beautiful whirlwind of butterflies heralds the celebration of the Swallowtail Festival, and leans back against the statues base. He's always enjoyed observing the social interactions of his fellow Sandpoint citizens. It was a dance within a dance, the glances, the whispers, the flirting, the cursing, the waves and the flares of temper, and it was glorious to behold. So interesting!
Bugsby kept an eye out for any of his new acquaintances and his old friends, tapping his toe in time with the rousing music.
Magnhlidr Whitescale |
Flextime: Medic's tent
"I don't believe he has, but I was planning on attending anyway. Who knows, I may even find myself dancing!"
She chuckles at the thought.
"I'll meet you there."
Present! Mind if I do a retcon? She doesn't currently have any cleric's vestments on her, so I guess really shiny armor might make up for that.
As she heads out the door she takes another look at her outfit. It's serviceable enough normally, but it wasn't something one would likely wear to such a grand event. She shuts the door and pulls out her well cared for scale mail. The metal gleams in the waning as she put it on. Over that goes a tabard bearing the holy symbol of Torag on its front. A wooden shield, painted white with a black stripe running across its face, is strapped to her back. The last bit is a warhammer bearing her clan's seal on the side. It's peace-bound to a ring on her belt. She looks on the mirror and sighs again as there is not a thing she can do with her hair.
This time she does leave to meet with the others.
When she finds the statue that Bugsby was talking about she makes a bee-line for it and the gnome, she hopes anyway. About twenty feet from the statue, Magnhildr spots the short little gnome tapping his foot.
"Bugsby! Enjoying yourself so far?"
Bugsby Featherfoot |
Bugsby is lost in the dance, not the kind where he actually dances, but the intricacies of the relationships and social groups, is as if the whole area is one gargantuan violin and each interaction a delicate stroke of the wand, and it's truly mesmerizing. He doesn't notice the approach of the gleaming figure until he hears his name, and for a moment he can't recognize the new arrival. Recognition dawns as he looks up to her red tresses, "Mag... Magnhildr!? Why you look magnificent! I almost didn't recognize you in that armor, but luckily your hair gave the needed spark to my mind. He looks her up and down slowly, not intending to be lewd, but impressed at her attire. "I've not seen armor like that very often here in Sandpoint, and it's also not the traditional healers garb, is it? Seems more suited to a warrior like that Kerdin we met, or Iodem even." He tilts his head back and thinks for a moment, "It occurs to me that what I just said could be construed as incredibly rude, and I hope you know that wasn't my intention, trust me when I say you wear that armor extremely well. What is that symbol there on your warhammer?" Bugby remembers himself somewhat and glances back to the crowd now and again, so as not to stare at his new friend and make her uncomfortable.
Brayden Green |
I am guessing that everyone meets at the statue, and is having fun observing the festivities, and talking.
(We will catch up with Iodem and decide what he wants to do, as far as whether or not he let himself get dragged away by raging hormones :) )
Suddenly, a woman’s piercing scream slices through the air. A few moments later, another scream rises, then another. Beyond them, a sudden surge of strange new voices rises—high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human.
The crowd parts and something low to the ground and green races by, chasing a wounded dog. It laughs with disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and then collapses, its throat cut open. It runs off laughing with glee, and poking anyone it can reach with what looks like a butchers knife.
The raucous sound of a strange song begins, chanted from
shrill, scratchy voices.
It's that time of the game.
Perception rolls. spoiler form please til we know where Iodem is
Magnhlidr Whitescale |
Magnhildr blushes, obviously not used to such compliments while wearing her armor.
"T-thank you for the kind words. Yes, it's not healer's garb, but I did not think to bring my vestments with me, although those are more suited to smithing than healing. I thought this might do in place. As for the mark on the hammer, that is the mark of my clan. The dragon is Veturskjöldur, a mighty silver wyrm that has protected our clan thrice since he helped found it. The shield he sits atop of is Whitescale, a gift from Veturskjöldur to Einarr our first patriarch. It is also where our clan's name comes from."
Since the hammer is tied to her belt with a leather cord, she has to turn awkwardly for Bugsby to see it well. Explaining the meaning of the seal seemed to erase most of her earlier embarrassment though.
"If you'd like I can tell you the whole tale later. I think you'd enjoy it."
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Magnhildr hears the screams right as she finishes. She spins around to see, What is that thing? She sees it slit a dog's throat and then flit off to parts unknown.
"Not friendly. Bugsby, looks like you get to see another of my skills." She looks down and begins untying the cord keeping her from drawing her hammer. After several seconds, she pulls the hammer free of it's ring on her belt. She then reaches behind her and pulls the heavy wooden shield around to her front.
"Torag skjerme meg og lede meg hammer."
Zen Al'Shear |
im guessing that was supposed to be in a spoiler
flex time tent
Aye I will join you by the statue of Desna. Seeing as I have no other pressing matters at hand. I just need to retrieve my gear and robe form the starting area
back to normal time
As I arrive at the statue previously described by Bugsby I wave at him.
Good Evening Bugsby.
Brayden Green |
We aren't in initiative, I'm waiting for others to hit the check to see who is in the "surprise round."
Bugsby Featherfoot |
Bugsby listens with interest as Magnhlidr describes the various items and their meaning, and notices Zue approaching, responding to her greeting with a friendly wave, still attentive to the healer before him. Before he can put his desire to learn more into words, the sounds of laughter and gaiety are drowned out by piercing shrieks from among the crowd, and he turns in time to see a dog collapse with a gaping wound in its throat. "What the devil..."
Brayden Green |
You will then continue that into the standard of your next turn to comlete the full round, leaving you with a movement or move equivalent the next round.