DM Tarfugal's Reign Of Winter

Game Master Humble Winners

Once upon a time....

The current cast of DM' Tarfugal's Reign Of Winter campaign!

Mirri Willowthir-A Elf Sorcerer who has wandered aimlessly into an unexpected adventure.

Doctor Gil-A Assimar Oracle that is out to spread his faith, despite his weakness.

Tiferet Odinsdottir- A Assimar Skald out to find more personal stories of adventure and greatness

Arthorion Aegas-A Elf Barbarian searching for his missing child.

EX Cast Of Part 1-(Snows Of Summer) :

Volaticus Tuefel-A Strix Magus focused on avoiding the chains of slavery.

Svartokche Black-Ice-A Human Ranger escapes his tragedy, but will soon be reminded.

No one is safe.