DM Talomyr's Serpent's Skull (Inactive)

Game Master Talomyr

You are passengers on a cargo ship called the Jenivere, headed south to Sargava. The voyage promises not only to bring you and your fellow passengers together as you face adversity, but also to set you on a path into the very heart of one of Golarion’s most feared regions in search of wealth, fame, and ancient secrets.

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Grand Lodge

Okay, we're finally done with the salt mines and have moved on. Question is how many of you do I still have. I've seen fairly recent posts from Hana, Mum, and Lawdrak, but have not seen anything from Dereje in a while.

You still out there Dereje?


Yeah, still here!

Male Human Paladin 4/Gunslinger 1 | HP 43/43 | AC 18, T 14, FF 14 | Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +7 | CMD 18 | Init +5 | Perception +6 | Grit 3/3 | LoH 4/4

Sorry, I am definitely still alive!

Grand Lodge

Sorry for the radio silence. I've been swamped with work and when I haven't been I had been traveling.

Will update again later tonight.

Grand Lodge

Unfortunately, I think it's time to call time of death on this one.



Human (Kellid) Saurian Shaman Druid 5 ac (16/11/16) Init+0 Percep+10 fort+6,Rfx+2, Will+9 hp 33 of 33

Sorry to hear it, but understandable.

Folks, these are some great characters that have ben played very well. I've enjoyed making stories with you.

Tal, than you so much for running the game, and sticking with it as long as we did. Much appreciated.

Hopefully, we'll see you all around on the site.



Male Human Paladin 4/Gunslinger 1 | HP 43/43 | AC 18, T 14, FF 14 | Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +7 | CMD 18 | Init +5 | Perception +6 | Grit 3/3 | LoH 4/4

Sorry to hear that, Talomyr.

I enjoyed playing with you all both in this game and in the Kingmakers we were in, so this a bummer, but I understand completely. I haven't exactly been an outstanding player, and to be honest, I struggled even harder once pinvendor left the game. But even before that, it felt like I was losing an uphill battle.

I wish you all the best, and hope I get the chance to game with you all again sometime soon!

Grand Lodge

I could be persuaded to carry on, but it had seemed like everyone lost interest in the game. (IMO understandablly so. The travel portion is a rough slog-through.)

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