Spell Changes
Time Stop - It's a classic of the genre, and I'm as sad to say it doesn't exist as any of you are to hear it. But it's simply too powerful to balance around.
Foresight - We're all going to pretend this one doesn't exist. It's for the best.
Astral Projection - Nope.
Polymorph Any Object - Gone.
Simulacra - They don't exist in this setting, nor do greater or lesser simulacra.
Deathless - Removed for PC and NPCs alike. You're welcome.
Emergency Force Sphere - Gone!
Wish - Wish can no longer be used to increase ability scores. You won't find NPCs with boosted scores from this either. When using wish to make a wish, rather than to cast a spell, you're limited to one clause; that's just how the magic works. No contracts or legalize. You can make a Spellcraft check (DC 45) before spending the material component to determine whether the effect is too powerful and the wish will fail or go wonky.
Mage's Sword - Reduced to fifth level. Now maybe someone will cast it!
Geas - You can only geas someone with one clause, no contracts or legalize. "Make no attempts to get this geas removed" is taken for granted, and doesn't need to be stated.
Cone of Cold - Is now a fourth level spell. Otherwise unchanged.
Blood Crow Strike - Duration changed to minutes per level. ,':\
Class Changes
Fighters get Combat Stamina as a bonus feat.
Everyone with 2 skill ranks per level who doesn't cast with INT goes up to four skill ranks per level.
Flesheater: The "whose flesh they ate most recently" restriction in One Flesh limits the ability's tactical versatility. Guthruc argued, and I'm of like mind, that the Flesheater is a terrible, terrible archetype. It seems to balanced around the assumption that the last thing you ate was large sized and had all the abilities listed in Beast Shape. It'd be a little better in a more dungeon-crawly campaign, since you could eat something in the first encounter and then fight something else, but Kingmaker is not such a campaign. Therefore! I am removing the "whose flesh they ate most recently" limitation on the power (though it's still limited by what you ate in the past 24 hours), and changing the fourteenth level ability Feast to apply to all creatures devoured by the flesheater, ever. That should make up for the loss of three rage powers and Greater Rage, prolly.
Type and Subtype
Native outsiders with human ancestry count as humanoid (human)s as well as everything else, and can be affected by spells such as charm person.