DM oKOyA's Mummy's Mask: The Half-Dead City
Game Master
Lord oKOyA
Character Creation Rules
20 point buy
max starting wealth by class
max HP at 1st, Pathfinder Society style after that. (ie d6=4, d8=5, d10=6, d12=7)
all official Paizo Pathfinder sources are generally open with the caveat that I retain the right to ban troublesome things. :)
banned classes: Alchemist, Gunslinger, Magus, Summoner, Ninja & Samurai
no evil alignments
races allowed: Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Halflings, Half-Orcs, Humans, Dhampir, Aasimar, Tiefling, Orcs & Tengu. Other races allowed on approval.
traits are 1 AP specific and 1 general and flaws are also allowed.
We will be using Evil Lincoln's Strain-Injury Variant Hit Point Rule (LINK) for this campaign.
Detect Magic Changes-
1. You must make a will save against an illusions DC+2 to realise it is an illusion and have its magical aura register while using Detect Magic. The increase in DC is to represent that your not really interacting with it in any sensory way (close inspection, using hands/hearing) as well as balancing a cantrip against higher level spells. This will save will be made by me in secret.
2. You will no longer be able to detect magic auras that are part of a trap until the trap is triggered. In the process of making a magical trap, part of the creation includes a permanent Magic Aura spell masking the aura. Resetting such a trap includes a re-activation of the Magic Aura spell.
Player's Map of Osirion