Magma Iron Clan |

Dalamus Othreleth wrote:Concern of a friend
"Jenya of course we will help in any way that we can. As Magma has already asked, what can you tell us of him? The more details the better, and if we do happen to find him, how would you like us to proceed?"
You can count on us Jenya. Nowazi, have you seen Tercival recently? Would you be able to spot him?
Dalamus Othreleth wrote:Perhaps we should go in disguise, or have some type of deniability? I could certainly see a group like this getting rounded up or attacked by whoever is behind this whole scheme.The Assembly
Dalamus studies the parchment for a moment. "This seems rather bold for someone to be holding within the city limits. I suggest that we go, but I would caution any of you about speaking your mind. Let's just observe and maybe we can see some that are in the audience for the nefarious purposes. Perhaps the people behind the corruption themselves. If they do show their ugly heads, then we can do something about the ills of the city."
Really? And how can you disguise me? Not to mention everyone know 's us

Nowzai al'Nazari |

Concern for a Friend
Nowzai nods hesitantly. "I would recognize him, unless he's changed significantly. It has been a few years since we last crossed paths. Irregardless, I will be happy to track him down. Let us go to the guard together and see if we can pick up his trail."
The Assembly
"Perhaps discretion is best. Although I would like to attend this meeting, I can easily imagine some of our rivals would stage a meeting of insurgent outrage to label us negatively. On the other hand, such a meeting is not a far-fetched concept, given Cauldron's ever-expanding taxation."

Dalamus Othreleth |

Before we head over to the event at with the taxation issues, Dalamus would like to stop by Weer's Elixir's. I just realized that I lack poisons to fill my dagger with.
Poisons that I would be interested in, if they have them;
-Blue Whinnis
-Black Adder Venom
-Drow Poison
-Oil of Taggit
Let me know what is available, and I will decide from what he has....

Magma Iron Clan |

Before we head over to the event at with the taxation issues, Dalamus would like to stop by Weer's Elixir's. I just realized that I lack poisons to fill my dagger with.
Poisons that I would be interested in, if they have them;
-Blue Whinnis
-Black Adder Venom
-Drow Poison
-Oil of TaggitLet me know what is available, and I will decide from what he has....
we have the black adder venom

Sama'el Val'varen |

The Assembly
"I agree that this is worth attending, bad things seem to happen in this town when there are large gatherings."
Sam pauses to think, "I do not feel the need to disguise myself, I am very used to hiding my features and blending in as much as is possible, and I am also not as well known as all of you are so I should be able to go unnoticed. We should decide if we are going to stay together in the crowd of spread out a bit, I will have a fly spell prepared and ready to cast at a moments noticed to allow us to have air support"
Concern for a Friend
"You have saved my life Jenya, of course I will help you look for your friend. I met a member of the town guard recently, I will go speak with him after the assembly if we don't find your friend in attendance."

Epik |

The Assembly
Epik nods at Sam, "I agree, we should go the Assembly. I also don't feel any need to disguise myself. If there are those whom are hostile to us, then let them confront us. I would recommend that we stay together."
Concern for a Friend
"I too will help you Jenya."

Dalamus Othreleth |

The Assembly
"I appreciate all of your candor and your rights to be there as you are, but I will not. I will go in disguise and distance myself from the rest of you. Not because I don't trust any of you, but as a security measure in case something does happen. I will be able to handle it from outside of the situation. I will leave first and arrive before all of you, this will give me an opportunity to observe the crowds reaction to your arrival."

DM Fflash |

The Assembly
After discussion over breakfast and some regular business throughout the day, the party gathers together to head out with the exception of Dalamus who departed 30 minutes prior.
The fliers and the gathering were the talk of the town and all the rumors and discontent from the past few months were brought back to the front. The squads of tax collectors and half-orcs maintain a low profile throughout the day, but their presence is still there. Others talk of special squads of the Town Guard breaking into private homes and workshops looking for hidden goods and valuables that they feel citizens are "holding out."
This last rumor causes one of the more informed town criers reminds the party of Terseon Skellerang's proclamation a couple weeks ago that special security measures were being put in place against a sect of dangerous anarchists believed to be plotting to overthrow the city government.
The only thing not in the news is the Lord Mayor. As the staunchest proponent of the tax hikes, his absence from the limelight is a declaration of guilt for most.
With that in hand, the party heads to City Hall shortly after an early dinner.
The streets around City Hall are packed tight with loud citizens rallying against the recent tax increases in Cauldron. Several guards stand in a ring around the Hall itself and use the hafts of their halberds to keep people out. Presently, a small group of dignitaries, easily recognizable as the town tax collectors, make their way to the entrance. The citizens boo and scream insults at the tax collectors as they scuttle inside the building.
Nearby, a temporary dais has been constructed in the street. An older man with long hair and a moustache climbs a ladder to the dais and raises a hand. Many of the demonstrators calm down a bit and after a moment of silence, the man begins to speak.

Maavu Arlintal *NPC* |

"Fellow citizens, hear me! Hear my voice, and repeat my words tenfold so that those who have turned their backs on us are forced to hear! Hear me, for I speak for all of us!
"My name is Maavu Arlintal, and I am one of you! I call Cauldron my home! I live and I do business here, and have for many years! Many of you know me, and I know you… We are all hard-working, trustworthy people!"
"Hard times have fallen upon this land! The roads grow more dangerous, and threatens to cut us off from our neighbors and partners in trade! An inn full of people – one of them the high priest of one of our own temples – were all senselessly murdered not a days ride from here! In recent days, dragons – yes, dragons – have threatened the skies and the passes! Stories of creatures unthinkable lurk in the fringes of the wild."
"But we are a tough people, and have weathered tough times before! Heroes and brave citizens like yourself have answered the challenges of protecting us and our lands, though others have been charged with that duty."
"But the troubles have also found us at home… We have suffered in recent months, as our sons and daughters were stolen away from us by evil lurking beneath our streets! We have suffered as the rains came and flooded our dear city, and threatened to erode the very foundations of our livelihoods! A vile umber hulk from the darkened tunnels of the Abyss itself have torn through our homes and businesses in broad daylight – I know, for I suffered a great loss that day, though I came away with my life, and consider myself fortunate, and mourn those who perished."
"But again we have not lain down, for we know how to get through hard times. Again, we have been blessed by the actions of brave citizens who have put their lives on the line to defend the defenseless. And again, others who should have answered that call have done nothing!"
"Alas, I misspeak, for actions have been taken. The leaders of Cauldron have spoken through the voice of the tax collectors! They offer promises with each outstretched palm, with each cut they take! For the good of Cauldron, they say! To repair the damage, they claim! To help those in need, they promise."
"But what have they done with your hard earned coin? Nothing! Where are the repairs to the buildings damaged by the flood? They haven’t done any! Warehouses stand abandoned, about to fall into the lake! Where are the repairs to the street and the structures attacked by the hulk? They have not been done! And I was not the only one to lose business and property that day… There are many who have received nothing but empty words for their suffering!"
"As I said, many of you know me, and you know me as a man of action. I am not one to complain without a plan of recourse! I am here to say that Cauldron needs new leadership, a new protector who is not corrupt on power or gold. I am here to tell you that a challenge has been issued for the removal of Terseon Skellerang as Captain of the Town Guard."
"I have here in my hand the formal written challenge, which has been presented to Skellerang and the Lord Mayor. This challenge invokes one of Cauldron’s oldest laws, the Law of Peers. Under this law, the five founding families of Cauldron have the right to challenge the office of the Captain of the Town Guard if one of them should feel that he unworthy, immoral, or incapable of seeing to his duties, which is the protection of the people. This law, laid down with the founding stones of our city, has never been needed – until now."
"By the Law of Peers, only one of the five founding noble families has the right to challenge the Captain of the Guard. This does not leave much hope that one with the interests of the common citizen – of you and I – will be represented. But I am here to tell you that the one who has issued the challenge is such a person. They herald from one of the founding lineages, but their life has not been one of pampered luxury. They know what it means to suffer, as you do, and to rise above it, as you have before. The challenger is indeed one of the brave, heroic citizens who I have spoken of, who is willing to risk death to protect and help our city."
"I am speaking of Alek Tercival."
"Sir Tercival, Cauldron's only homegrown paladin of Iomedae has issued this challenge in accordance with the old ways, and the Laws of our city. But so far no response has been made. By law, the issued challenge should be made public by the Lord Mayor, but Fatty Navalant hopes to protect his puppet Skellerang by keeping the challenge secret! No doubt that he hopes to send his new army of half-orc thugs – an army feeding off of your bread! – to deal with the upstart challenger with a crossbow bolt in the back! By the Law."

Dalamus Othreleth |

Does Dalamus notice anything in the crowds during the speech? He is looking for abnormal behavior.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Sama'el Val'varen |

Anyway to tell if Maavu is telling the truth?
Sense Motive - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Anyway to sense if the crowd is getting fired up and going to do something stupid?
Sense Motive - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
And like Dalamus is doing, anyone looking out of place in the crowd?
Sense Motive - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
I will also take this time to cast fly and see if I can get above the crowd and see more of the situation, including if Sir Alek is here

Magma Iron Clan |

perception check walking thur the crowd.
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20
perception check walking thur the crowd.
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29
perception check walking thur the crowd.
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
perception check walking thur the crowd.
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26

Epik |

Epik nods at the wisdom of Maavu's words, "Yes, this makes sense. Alek is a honorable man. This is a reasonable course of action."
Epik looks around for any sign of the paladin.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

DM Fflash |

Picking up from the end of the meeting with the Chisel. See discussion for the game session
The Foreman ends the meeting in worry, "Please, friends ... find Alek. I fear he may be our only hope of stopping Terseon from marshalling an army to march upon us and who knows what damage that will do to the community at large. Our resources are tapped, and I have no reward to offer you other than the continuing friendship of our organizaton," he finishes apologetically before he puts his head together with Honest Minstrel to discuss some accounting figures.

Maavu Arlintal *NPC* |

Maavu escorts you up to the Inn and invites you out for an evening walk along the Basalt Bastions.
As you stroll along he points out various points and nodes along the massive black walls indicating areas where they believe Surobar stood to erect the walls and where he placed powerful enchantments on them.
After a complete circuit of the city, he stops and stares intently west towards the crater that is Demonskar, jutting out of the jungle like a crude gesture. He sighs and then says philosophically, "Surabar's spells raised this wall in seven days, but his guidance failed to build a righteous society in as many centuries."
Anything for Maavu or the Foreman? You can make purchases before you depart and I assume you'll be resting for the evening so prep spells as necessary
Maavu points out 3 row boats available in the river or shows you a game trail that will start taking you into the jungle, but warns that it winds and twists back on itself, so if you take the overland route along the river bank, you'll need need to forget through the canopy at some point to keep sight of the river.
"Wish I could tell you where Alek stopped all those days past, but I just know he'd head out for 2-3 days at the most."

Dalamus Othreleth |

"I think we are best off, going by land. If there are clues on the trail, we will miss them if we choose a water passage."
We will do our best to find Alek, we need to get moving first thing in the morning, so let us get some rest for the rest of the evening.
We may have another option to prevent the onslaught of this town. We could try to get an audience with Terseon and speak to him. It is always an option, not sure it will go well, but it is an option."
Do they have magical rings in this town? I am in the market for a ring of invisibility.

Sama'el Val'varen |

"The map we have shows Alek went down the river, I have been in jungles before, we risk a greater chance of just getting lost then on picking up any small clues, if he even went in the jungle."
"I would vote for using the boats, the map shows us where he goes, so I say we start there, and if we don't find him then we can back track back to town through the jungle looking for clues."
I say none of this in front of anyone not in the party

Nemoris |

"The map we have shows Alek went down the river, I have been in jungles before, we risk a greater chance of just getting lost then on picking up any small clues, if he even went in the jungle."
"I would vote for using the boats, the map shows us where he goes, so I say we start there, and if we don't find him then we can back track back to town through the jungle looking for clues."
I say none of this in front of anyone not in the party
If the map shows him using the boats that may be the best way to go, unless we have had contact with someone who knows where he went into the jungle. Do we know for sure he's been taking this boat path, or is this just based on a map we overpaid for :)
The updates were great, but I feel like we're really coming in on the tail end of things. Tike, do you have some specifics about what's happened in day two and three (or at least more about what's been going on while we've been in Redgorge)?
I can guarantee you we won't get lost in the jungle, at least if you follow me. I also may be able to track Alek through the jungle, which I won't even be able to try until we leave the boats. Granted if that's how Alek has been leaving, there won't be tracks in the jungle for me to find at all.
I also need to find out how frequently these routes are traveled. Anything we can gather about Alek, what he takes with him, mounts, porters, will also help make this much easier. How long has it been since he left, and how much has it rained since?
Survival Check: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25 What's the weather going to be like for the next few days?
I'd like more information about the map as well, did Alek tell the guy he followed the map, or that he created the map, etc.?

DM Fflash |

Easier for me to answer individual questions, but I'll try and interpret what you're looking for.
The Hegemonic Plate (available on Roll20 in your character journals) has some information on the front that is in an as yet unrecognizable language (Knowledge/Linguistics checks too low). The designs are exactly as depicted. The back has the "map."
The river information came from the members of the Chisel, a secretive organization originally dedicated to the protection of the region and the promotion of craftsmen and trade. Alek was one of their some time members and would often take a rowboat out down the river and back for 2-3 days at a time by himself with just his backpack, armor, weapons and a week's worth of food.
The routes aren't travelled frequently as it's a wild and hostile place, and no one really wants to get closer to the Demonskar.
Alek didn't say any of those things to Tygot. He simply sold him the plate and the map was scrawled on the back.

Epik |

Epik will purchase rations and other mundane supplies while in town.
"If Alek went by river, so should we."

Sama'el Val'varen |

Sam doesn't care which boat he ends up in, but he's a wuss and probs shouldn't row :)
Also if anything happens he will cast fly and leave the boat so having him in a 3 man boat is probs best, or the 2 man boat with Nemoris who will just stay in the boat and fire arrows

Nemoris |

Yeah, Sam and I in the last boat should be fine. I'll row. We can take Jenya or put her in the front, whatever is easiest!
Not sure if we can track, but I'll make some survival rolls just in case (this is assuming that Alek is human):
Survival: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33
Survival: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (6) + 17 = 23
Survival: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30
Survival: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33
Survival: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30
Survival: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30

Nemoris |

So my logic puzzle has the following:
Lead boat: Dalamus* and Epik
Middle boat: Magma* and Nowzai
Trail boat: Sam, Nemoris* and JenyaEveryone wearing armor?
Works for me unless we want Jenya in another boat, which I'm ok with.
Total OOC, I've never really done any combat or anything with swimming. Is the swim penalty double the armor check penalty? Maybe that's a weird hold over rule from 3.5?
If my check is only -2 which is what my armor check penalty is, then I'll still be wearing armor in the boats!

Sama'el Val'varen |

I am keeping my armor on
I agree with Nowzai, any more information we can get from the Chisel on the surrounding area and what we may be walking into would be great.
Any bandits in the jungle, areas to avoid? Huge army of kobolds? Anything like that?

Epik |

Epik will use diplomacy to gather information from the locals on the Demonskar.
diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34
Epik will take off his armor in the boat.

DM Fflash |

Nowzai, having studied up at the Academy on history recently regales his recent findings on the area and the Demonskar.
The Demonskar was both the portal to the Abyss and the Golarion home of the demon horde that Surobar Spellmason fought off centuries ago. The mystical energies of the place have even drawn wayward demons from as far off as the Worldwound. After Surobar slew the demon general, the place has been the home of minor evil but in some small numbers. Enough so, that the Mwangi have left the land and the only intelligent indigent species left in the area are the dinosaur-herding lizard-folk and the various simian creatures ... charau-ka, girralon, and even rumors of anghazani (demon-worshipping girallon) and flying apes.