Curse of Strahd, Land of Horror
Game Master
Undead, Werewolves, Dark entities, etc.
Map is up
Fang -1
Agotaras -1
Cherry 2
Fhern 3
Orsik 0
Rag 1
Talsazzar 3
Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 6; Medium humanoid, neutral good; Armor Class 16; Hit Points 44/44; Speed 30 ft.; Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +5, Cha +7; Skills Arcana +3, Deception +7, Insight +3, Investigation +3, Perception +3, Persuasion +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12; Spells per day 1st - 4/4; 2nd - 3/3; 3rd - 3/3; Sorcery Points 6/6;
I shall not be making any changes. I didn't need anything for sorc cause they pretty much all are different themes than what I'm going for.
That said. I pretty much only got some more hit points and a new spell known. Took Daylight, though I dunno how useful it will be.
Also I finally get elemental affinity, so my fire spells do my charisma modifier in extra damage.
8 Paladin | AC 20 | 68/68 HP | Init -1 | Proficiency +3 | Passive Percep 11 | +10 Sunsword 1d8+7 | +8 Silver Longsword 1d8+5 | +8 Lt Hammer 1d5+4 Range 20ft 1/1 Channel Divinity | 3/3 Divine Sense | 1/1 Inspiration | 3/3 Relentless Avenger | 30/30 Lay on Hands 9/10 Rations Spell Attack +5 | Spell Save DC13 | 4/4 1st Level Slots 4/4 2nd Level | [
I don't think Agotaras is capable of changing.
Allies within 10ft get a +2 on saving throws.
CG Orc Fighter 8 Max HP: 76 | AC: 22 | Initiative: -1 | Saves: STR: +8; DEX: 0; CON: +7; INT: +2; WIS: +2; CHA: +2
Fang can't change anything because he's an orc from Volo's.
CG Orc Fighter 8 Max HP: 76 | AC: 22 | Initiative: -1 | Saves: STR: +8; DEX: 0; CON: +7; INT: +2; WIS: +2; CHA: +2
I have Fang levelled up and I took +2 con for my ability adjustment, which seriously boosted my hp and increased by con save.
I also purchased plate armor and silvered my battleaxe.
Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 6; Medium humanoid, neutral good; Armor Class 16; Hit Points 44/44; Speed 30 ft.; Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +5, Cha +7; Skills Arcana +3, Deception +7, Insight +3, Investigation +3, Perception +3, Persuasion +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12; Spells per day 1st - 4/4; 2nd - 3/3; 3rd - 3/3; Sorcery Points 6/6;
why are you getting an ability adjustment at level 6? I thought it was at 4...? Then again I'm new to 5th ed so if I'm missing something let me know please?
Druid 8 | HP: 59/59 | Speed:35 | AC: 17 | Passive Perception: 17 | Init: +3 | Wildshapes (3hr) 2/2 | Spells: 1st: 4/4 2nd 3/3 3rd 3/3 4th 0/2 Saves: STR-1, DEX+3, CON+2, INT+3, WIS+8, CHA+0 | Skills: Insight, Perception, Slight of Hand, Stealth, Survival | kits: Thieves tools, disguise kit, herbalism kit)
I wondered this too. I figured it was just applying the one from lvl 4 that he didn't get around to when he jumped two levels.
8-07 Map DungeonMaster
He is a fighter, just like in 3.5, he gets feats/asi's more often than other classes. He gets one a 4th level and one at 6th level. While everyone will have 5 Asi's at level 20, fighters will have 7.
CG Orc Fighter 8 Max HP: 76 | AC: 22 | Initiative: -1 | Saves: STR: +8; DEX: 0; CON: +7; INT: +2; WIS: +2; CHA: +2
Ya, ability adjustments are tied to your class levels in 5E, not your character level (which means a character who multiclasses seven times will not have any ability score adjustments at all).
8-07 Map DungeonMaster
Consenses is fight the Deva, there will be a map for this, he does have 2 of those Mongrefolk helping him and 2 zombies.
8 Paladin | AC 20 | 68/68 HP | Init -1 | Proficiency +3 | Passive Percep 11 | +10 Sunsword 1d8+7 | +8 Silver Longsword 1d8+5 | +8 Lt Hammer 1d5+4 Range 20ft 1/1 Channel Divinity | 3/3 Divine Sense | 1/1 Inspiration | 3/3 Relentless Avenger | 30/30 Lay on Hands 9/10 Rations Spell Attack +5 | Spell Save DC13 | 4/4 1st Level Slots 4/4 2nd Level | [
Sorry folks. Work has been crazy. I will get leveled up and pick back up tomorrow.
Fang wants to throw down.
HP 136/136 | AC 36 | T 19 | FF 31| CMD 26 | Fort +13 | Ref +20 | Will +15 | Init +11 | Perc +20
Done leveling.. Just a question but what can we actually do with downtime around here?
Also I have 2300 gold and nothing to spend it on :(.. Still using level 1 starting gear.
Level wise gained a few hps and some spells.. Can cast Fireball now so she can really help with some aoe's..
CG Orc Fighter 8 Max HP: 76 | AC: 22 | Initiative: -1 | Saves: STR: +8; DEX: 0; CON: +7; INT: +2; WIS: +2; CHA: +2
I have levelled Fang as well
8 Paladin | AC 20 | 68/68 HP | Init -1 | Proficiency +3 | Passive Percep 11 | +10 Sunsword 1d8+7 | +8 Silver Longsword 1d8+5 | +8 Lt Hammer 1d5+4 Range 20ft 1/1 Channel Divinity | 3/3 Divine Sense | 1/1 Inspiration | 3/3 Relentless Avenger | 30/30 Lay on Hands 9/10 Rations Spell Attack +5 | Spell Save DC13 | 4/4 1st Level Slots 4/4 2nd Level | [
Druid 8 | HP: 59/59 | Speed:35 | AC: 17 | Passive Perception: 17 | Init: +3 | Wildshapes (3hr) 2/2 | Spells: 1st: 4/4 2nd 3/3 3rd 3/3 4th 0/2 Saves: STR-1, DEX+3, CON+2, INT+3, WIS+8, CHA+0 | Skills: Insight, Perception, Slight of Hand, Stealth, Survival | kits: Thieves tools, disguise kit, herbalism kit)
8-07 Map DungeonMaster
Oh, yeah, you are all in town, if you want to purchase anything, do so. You can write it in as if you had purchased it before you left town.
Druid 8 | HP: 59/59 | Speed:35 | AC: 17 | Passive Perception: 17 | Init: +3 | Wildshapes (3hr) 2/2 | Spells: 1st: 4/4 2nd 3/3 3rd 3/3 4th 0/2 Saves: STR-1, DEX+3, CON+2, INT+3, WIS+8, CHA+0 | Skills: Insight, Perception, Slight of Hand, Stealth, Survival | kits: Thieves tools, disguise kit, herbalism kit)
Can magic items be purchased?
HP 136/136 | AC 36 | T 19 | FF 31| CMD 26 | Fort +13 | Ref +20 | Will +15 | Init +11 | Perc +20
Yea another set of non-magical leather doesn't help me.. My current magical equipment consists of a 2d4+2 healing pot at 8th level. Although I don't think anyone has much else than that. Perhaps it is a low magic campaign.
CG Orc Fighter 8 Max HP: 76 | AC: 22 | Initiative: -1 | Saves: STR: +8; DEX: 0; CON: +7; INT: +2; WIS: +2; CHA: +2
You have to be a member of a faction and spend some downtime to purchase a magic item. you can do a websearch for Adventurer's League Faction Guide (they're on version 7.0 or 7.1 I believe).
8-07 Map DungeonMaster
Most magic items are in the amber temple and Strauds Castle, but you'll want to be at least level 9 first.
8 Paladin | AC 20 | 68/68 HP | Init -1 | Proficiency +3 | Passive Percep 11 | +10 Sunsword 1d8+7 | +8 Silver Longsword 1d8+5 | +8 Lt Hammer 1d5+4 Range 20ft 1/1 Channel Divinity | 3/3 Divine Sense | 1/1 Inspiration | 3/3 Relentless Avenger | 30/30 Lay on Hands 9/10 Rations Spell Attack +5 | Spell Save DC13 | 4/4 1st Level Slots 4/4 2nd Level | [
I think Agotaras is going to remove himself form this game. It is more of a combat simulator and I am having trouble keeping track of things.
Good luck killing the leech guys.
Druid 8 | HP: 59/59 | Speed:35 | AC: 17 | Passive Perception: 17 | Init: +3 | Wildshapes (3hr) 2/2 | Spells: 1st: 4/4 2nd 3/3 3rd 3/3 4th 0/2 Saves: STR-1, DEX+3, CON+2, INT+3, WIS+8, CHA+0 | Skills: Insight, Perception, Slight of Hand, Stealth, Survival | kits: Thieves tools, disguise kit, herbalism kit)
I'm afraid I'm going to need to bow out for similar reasons. The pace of this has slowed substantially, and I'm not sure why we're doing any of these encounters. It's been a fun ride, but I think it's time to get off.
Catch you all on the forums.
Yeah, I'm not all that eager to continue this either. It's becoming quite tedious to be honest.
Good luck for the rest of you guys.
HP 136/136 | AC 36 | T 19 | FF 31| CMD 26 | Fort +13 | Ref +20 | Will +15 | Init +11 | Perc +20
Since its just me and Fang left I guess this is done. If I may make a suggestion for your future endeavors GM. Try to put some storyline into your games and not just one combat to the next with nothing in between. Like the others stated we are just wandering murder hobos with no knowledge of what we are doing and why.. Just a few thoughts of mine.
Fun game for a bit though. Good luck!
8-07 Map DungeonMaster
I did say I wanted nothing more than to speed this up, thing is Curse of Strahd is a roam free game, so there is little storyline to it as opposed to a straight through game. There is an introduction to characters and storylines to them and stuff that is it. It was a good run, and honestly I was hoping to finish this over a month ago.
I'll leave this open for another day or two in case someone still has something to do or needs a number to copy.
Oh, and if you ever get the chance, ask a DM to run Amber temple and Straud's Castle for you. At the very least you need to defeat Straud to get your AL character out of Baravoia
Could you please close the game, so it doesn't clutter the campaign tab?
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