Culling Of Rheelas: Black Crusade (Inactive)

Game Master brent brent

A Black Crusade game of heretics and Chaos

The warp holds a small warband of warriors poised to strike at the planet Rheelas. It is currently unstable, riots are numerous but small in number are the rioters.

You must use deception and manipulation if you are able to use this to your advantage.

"Your never-ending rage has never halted..Your hate has only grown.
Heavy footsteps crash around you as you are stride through a hallway. You come the blast doors of the command deck and are greeted by a hulking figure. As he turns to meet you, you realize standing there is Abaddon. He walks over to you, footsteps causing the floor to shake.
" I was told you were one of the best in your warband. Masterful of the skills I require. I need Rheelas, you see. The planet is a large production facility capable of producing billions of Materials, Weapons, and Ammunition. I plan to re-create another black crusade, but this time with 6 times resources than the last. All done with Rheelas. We cannot take the planet by direct force. It is too heavily defended and our resources are scarce. We need you to take it, like a disease you will infect the population and kill the planet from the inside out. Do this and the Gods will reward you, greatly