Crusty's Skull and Shackles Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Crustypeanut

Map of The Wormwood

NPC Attitude Sheet

List of Crew:

  • 'Ratline' Ratsberger - (Male Ratfolk, Rigger)
  • Jack Scrimshaw - (Male Human, Swab)
  • Shirtless Shag - (Male Human, Rigger)
  • Niffer Tobs - (Male Gnome, Swab)
  • J'Zarrgo - (Male Catfolk, Swab)
  • 'Ears' Ortov - (Male Hobgoblin, Swab)
  • Shiv - (Male Human, Swab)
  • Aretta 'Half-Elf' Bansion - (Female Elf, Swab)
  • Fipps Chumlette - (Male Human, Swab)
  • Jaundiced Jape - (Male Half-Orc, Swab)
  • Maheem - (Male Human, Rigger)
  • Tam 'Narwhal' Tate - (Male Dwarf, Rigger)
  • Grubgrub - (Male Monkey Goblin, Swab/Perpetual Rat-Catcher)
  • Krigger the Rigger - (Male Human, Rigger)
  • Rosie Cusswell - (Female Halfling, Swab)
  • 'Blackjack' Chak-Chak - (Male Tengu, Swab)


Map of Encounter "From the Jaws of Death"

Map of The Wormwood:

  • A1: Foredeck
  • A2: Poop Deck
  • A3: Main Deck
  • A4: Officer's Quarters
  • A4a: Unknown
  • A4b: Unknown
  • A5: Captain's Cabin
  • A5a: Unknown
  • A5b: Unknown
  • A6: Middle Hold
  • A7: Quartermaster and Cook's Cabin
  • A8: Galley
  • A9: Quartermaster's Store
  • A10: Lower Hold and Crew Berths
  • A11: The Bilges

Daily Jobs: Everyone on board the Wormwood are assigned daily jobs that they must do each day. Unless players are unable to take 10 due to skill modifiers or a specific condition, they are able to take 10 on all checks. If a player fails a check by 4 or less, they are given a severe reprimand and a rope bash; If they fail by 5 or more, they recieve three lashes, cumulative to each failure in a row. Depending on their Daytime Ship Action, they may get a bonus or penalty to their roll. Players unwilling or unable to work for whatever reason are severely punished by your nearest 'friendly' neighborhood Plugg and Co.

Rigger Jobs:

  • Rigging Repair: The ship’s rigging frequently gets
    damaged and must be repaired, requiring DC 10
    Climb checks to reach the rigging 30 feet up, followed
    by a DC 10 Profession (sailor) or Dexterity check.
  • Line Work: Hard work hoisting and lowering sails,
    requiring a DC 10 Profession (sailor) or Dexterity
    check. The PC must also make a DC 10 Constitution
    check to avoid being fatigued at the end of the shift.
  • Upper Rigging Work: Work in the upper rigging, 50
    feet up, requiring DC 10 Climb checks, followed by a
    DC 10 Profession (sailor) or Dexterity check.
  • Rope Work: Handling the ship’s ropes, including
    coiling them, stowing them, and securing them to
    cleats and single and double bollards, requiring a DC
    10 Profession (sailor) or Dexterity check.
  • Lookout: A climb to the crow’s nest 60 feet up,
    requiring DC 10 Climb checks followed by a DC 10
    Perception check.
  • Mainsail Duties: Tough work raising and lowering
    the mainsail, requiring a DC 10 Profession (sailor)
    or Strength check. The PC must also make a DC 10
    Constitution check to avoid being fatigued at the end
    of the shift.

Swab Jobs:

  • Man the Bilges: Vile and sweaty work cleaning out the
    bilges (area A11), requiring a DC 12 Strength check.
    The PC must also make a DC 10 Constitution check to
    avoid being fatigued at the end of the shift.
  • Rat Catcher: Catching rats and other vermin belowdecks,
    requiring either a DC 10 Stealth check, Survival check,
    or Dexterity check to catch and kill enough rats,
    cockroaches, and beetles for a good day’s work.
  • Swab the Decks: Backbreaking work mopping the
    decks and scrubbing them with sandstone blocks
    called holystones, requiring a DC 10 Strength or
    Constitution check. Failing either check results in the
    PC being fatigued at the end of the shift.
  • Hauling Rope and Knot Work: Tying and untying
    knots in the ship’s ropes and moving heavy coils of
    rope from one part of the ship to another, requiring
    a DC 10 Profession (sailor) or Strength check. The PC
    must also make a DC 10 Constitution check to avoid
    being fatigued at the end of the shift.
  • Runner: Passing messages to the crew and officers
    of the Wormwood in all parts of the ship except
    officers’ cabins (areas A4 and A5), requiring a DC 10
    Acrobatics check and DC 10 Constitution check.
    Failing the Constitution check results in the PC being
    fatigued at the end of the shift. A PC with the Run feat
    automatically succeeds at this task.
  • Repairs: Things constantly tear or break aboard the
    ship and need repairs, whether sewing sails or splicing
    rope all day, requiring a DC 10 Profession (sailor) or
    Dexterity check.

Cook's Mate's Jobs:

  • Cooking: Assisting Ambrose Kroop in preparing
    the day’s meal. If Kroop is sober, no check is
    required. If Kroop is drunk, this requires a DC 10
    Profession (cook) or Intelligence check.
  • Fishing: Catching tonight’s supper using the ship’s
    nets. A DC 10 Profession (fisherman) or Survival
    check provides enough fish. A failed check results
    in a day in the bilges as punishment the following
  • Turtle Hunting: Hunting leatherback sea turtles
    with harpoons, treble hooks, and nets. A DC 10
    Profession (fisherman) or Survival check provides
    enough food. A failed check results in a day in the
    bilges as punishment the following day.
  • Bull Session: Drinking with Ambrose Kroop and
    listening to his stories. The cook’s mate must
    drink an additional rum ration, but is able to take
    an additional ship action during the day.
  • Special Occasion: Captain Harrigan is celebrating
    something today, and wants one of the ship’s
    pigs butchered and cooked for dinner. The PC
    must make a DC 10 Profession (cook) or Survival
    check to slaughter the animal, then help Kroop
    to clean, cut, and prepare the carcass. If Kroop is
    sober, no additional check is required. If Kroop is
    drunk, this requires a DC 15 Profession (cook) or
    Intelligence check.

Ship Actions: Each Day aboard the Wormwood, each player recieves a Daytime Ship Action and Night Time Ship Action, during which they may work hard, explore the ship, or speak to NPCs. Players may also choose to do two addition Night Time Ship Actions in the dead of night, at risk of becoming fatigued for the entire next day. Night Time Ship Actions available for late-night are marked with a '*'.

Daytime Ship Actions:

  • Work Diligently: Gain a +4 bonus on any one check for a
    job’s daily task
  • Influence: Make normal checks for a job’s daily task and
    attempt to influence a single NPC
  • Sneak: Make normal checks for a job’s daily task and
    briefly explore one area of the ship (the PC can make a
    single Perception check or other skill check with no chance
    of detection)
  • Shop: Take a –2 penalty on all checks for a job’s daily task
    and visit the quartermaster’s store (area A9)
  • Shirk: Take a –2 penalty on all checks for a job’s daily task
    and take time exploring one area of the ship. The PC can
    take 10 on a single Perception check or other skill check, but
    must make a check to avoid being discovered.

Night Time Ship Actions:

  • Sleep: Go to bed early and sleep through the night
    (automatically recover from fatigue, and get enough sleep for Arcane Spellcasters to recover their spells and to get up early enough for all Prepared Spellcasters to prepare their spells, if applicable.)
  • Gamble: Play or gamble on a game of chance or pirate
  • Entertain: Make one Perform check to entertain the crew
  • Influence*: Attempt to influence a single NPC
  • Sneak*: Take time exploring one area of the ship. The PC
    can take 20 on a single Perception check or other skill
    check, but must make a check to avoid being discovered
  • Steal*: Attempt to open a locked door or locker. The PC
    must make a check to avoid being discovered.


Welcome to Crusty's Skull and Shackles Campaign!

For those unaware, this will be my first time running a Play by Post Campaign, although I've ran a few campaigns in the past in person and on Roll20. I'm particularly familiar with this Adventure Path, having already ran it partially in person and on Roll20. Not to mention the fact its the first AP I've ever ran and its also my favorite.

The campaign itself is set in the notorious archipelago of the Shackles on the western coast of the continent of Garund. Its a place of piracy, strife, scorching jungles, treacherous waters, and all of the booze, booty, and plunder in the world to make people actually want to live there.

For this campaign, we will be using a number of optional rules that I feel can be of great use to the campaign itself. They are as follows:

  • Optional Combat Maneuvers - As per the Advanced Player's Guide, the Steal, Reposition, Drag, and Dirty Trick Combat Maneuvers will be usable by both the NPCs and PCs.
  • Called Shots - As per Ultimate Combat, PCs and NPCs may perform called shots against certain portions of the body in order to score certain effects. In addition, the two feats Improved Called Shot and Greater Called Shot,also found in Ultimate combat, are available. However, they have a typo written into the feats saying that Called Shots are only standard actions. This is incorrect, as called actions are Full Round Actions, unless you're using one of those two feats.
  • Commonplace Firearms - Firearms are common in the Shackles, and thus are Martial Weapons in addition to only costing 25% of their usual price. Ammunition for these firearms, as well as Siege Firearms and their ammunition, are included in this price discount. However, Advanced Firearms will not be for sale or construction due to the trade monopolies of The Duchy of Alkenstar.
  • Piecemeal Armor - While not often seen, the optional rule for Piecemeal armor will be in use, as players may find partial sets of armor and may choose to incorporate higher-quality pieces of armor into their outfits. All suits of armor made or purchased will be full suits, however.
  • Words of Power - An optional choice for Spellcasters, any spellcaster may choose to use Words of Power instead of standard spells. The various feats allowing normal spellcasters to use Words of Power are also available. Due to its archaic nature, few NPCs will seen using it, but they will exist.
  • Traits - Traits will be used in this campaign, as per the Advanced Player's Guide. Players choosing regional, racial, or religion traits must fit those prereqs for choosing those traits, and no custom-made traits will be used.
  • Battle Scars & Massive Damage - Massive Damage will be in use against all non-PCs. PCs, however, will be subject to a variant to the Massive Damage Rule - Battle scars. This rule is described in the Skull and Shackles Player's Guide under Peg Legs and Eye Patches. Since this rule will only come into play later, as the player must still take 50+ damage and half their health, I will not be merciful with the results. Players of this level will be able to afford to regenerate lost limbs out of their own pockets.
  • Ship to Ship Combat - Ship to Ship combat rules, as per the Skull and Shackles Player's Guide, will be used when appropriate. Naval battles will be fought in detail until boarding occurs, which will allow the transition to standard combat. Statistics for ships under the players' control will be posted in the Campaign Thread, and the DM will keep track of the statistics for the players.
  • Hero Points - Hero Points will be used in this campaign, as per the Advanced Player's Guide. Players may instead choose to opt out of Hero Points and instead gain a bonus feat that they meet the prerequisites for if they so wish. Very, very few NPCs will be using Hero Points (And they must spend a feat on them), but they will exist. They, however, will not have hero points based on their level, and will generally only have one to two at best, though spells and items that relate to hero points will be available for both PCs and NPCs.

In addition, a number of other things need to be clarified now, rather than later:

  • Leadership - The Leadership Feat will be fully allowed. However, if players seek a cohort beyond a current NPC, they will let me know what they are searching for and I, as the DM, will make the Cohort, representing that you can't always find the perfect cohort. Followers will generally be of NPC classes and will be rather generic.
  • Normal Exp Progression - Fairly self-explainatory, we will be using the normal Exp Progression for this campaign.
  • Death - Players who see their characters die will be allowed to make a new Character, whom I will try to reincorporate to the party as soon as possible. Their new characters will be at the average party level, and have average party wealth, rather than WBL.
  • Companions - Familiars, Eidolons, Summons, Animal Companions, Mindless Minions, and Dominated NPCs will be under the relative control of the player who has them. However, player characters who fail to Handle their Animal Companions will see their animal companion act under the control of the DM as the DM sees fit. Player characters unable to communicate with their summoned creatures will also be unable to control them, and the DM will control them. With the exception of Familiars and Eidolons, players must still give either verbal or telepathic commands, depending on the companion, in order for their companion to do anything or to do something specific. Eidolons and Familiars are basically extendions of the player character, and do not need to be given commands, unless the player sees fit to do so. Cohorts and Followers will be under the complete control of the DM, but will nearly always act favorably to the players' commands.
  • Bandoliers & Containers - Potions and Alchemical items must be placed in bandoliers in order for players to retrieve them with a Move Action. Otherwise, they are considered to be stored in a safe place and require a Full Round Action to retrieve. Wands are considered to have their own 'holsters' and are not subject to this. Scrolls must be specifically placed in a scroll case or scroll box in order to be retrieved like this. Other mundane items may be retrieved quickly if they are placed in a convienent location on the person. All other items not specified as to being easy to reach are considered stored, and require a Full Round Action (That provoked AoO) to retrieve. The reason this is important is due to the Steal Combat Maneuver and the fact that certain AoE effects may affect items worn in easy to reach locations. Stored items are more protected against these. *Edit*: You may also place a small number of potions and alchemical items (Four) on your belt for easy access.
  • Effects of Fire, Acid, Etc on Gear - As briefly mentioned above, AoE effects, among other things, might have an effect on gear. Being drenched in water might ruin scrolls and books. If caught on fire, gear might be damaged. A character carrying explosives or alchemical items requiring them to be lit might see them accidently lit. Low-level healing might not able to regrow hair burnt off, either. I will post more on the exact rules on this when I can.

A few more things that were added later:

  • Like Lucent's campaign, 1 post per 2 days minimum. More is preferable, however!
  • If a player hasn't posted in the gameplay thread or discussion thread by the third day, The DM will temporarily DMPC them to help keep the game going, and will continue DMPCing them for one post per day maximum until the player posts.
  • While DMPCing a player's character, the DM will try to use as few of the PC's resources as possible and do his best not to kill the PC. He will not take risky actions!

Character Creation:

Starting Level: The PCs will start at level 1.
Alignment: Any Alignment is allowed, although lawful characters will have a harder time.
Ability Scores: 20 Point Buy
Hp: Max Hp for 1st level; Players will roll for HP on every level onward, or take what would be Average + 1 for your Hit Dice. (I.E., 7 Hp for a d12, 4 Hp for a d6, 6 Hp for a d10, etc)
Traits: 2 Traits, one of which must be a Skull and Shackles campaign trait.
Base Starting Money: Average for your class.
Races: Any race from the Core Rulebook, and most races from the Advanced Race Guide. Exceptions include races that are large, non-humanoid in shape, or have a natural fly or swim speed. If the race you seek is not in the ARG or CRB, ask me.
Classes: All classes from Paizo Products, although Paladins are highly unrecommended.

Crafted Items: Any character able to craft items through a feat may do so at the reduced prices. Characters with craft skills may craft items ahead of time at the reduced price if they can craft the item by taking a 10 and succeed.

When you create a submission, please create a character alias and include your character information in the form of a bestiary stat block like Okrin Ashweaver. A copy of Okrin's profile will be posted below so you may copy/paste for ease of creation. I will bug you to no end if you don't do it.

Also, include the following information in your profile:

1) Appearance
2) Personality
3) Background

Okrin's Beastiary Block: