Hajoth Hakados "The Velvet Caress of the North"
N Small City
Corruption -1; Crime +1; Economy +4; Law +1; Lore +6; Society +0;
Qualities Broad Minded, Prosperous, Strategic Location, Tourist Attraction
Danger +5
Government Magical (Benevolent Alien Overlord)
Population 6,780 (5,083 Humans, 644 Dwarves, 346 Half-Elves, 305 Halflings, 254 Gnomes, 154 Other)
Notable NPCs Cythrul, Skymetal Merchant (LN Female Witchwyrd Alchemist 12)
Dronkar the Speaker, Master of the Syntheriad (N Male Dwarf Aristocrat 3/Fighter 9)
Lady Altouna, Ruler of Hajoth Hakados (NG Female Lashunta Wizard 13)
Base Value 6,400 gp; Purchase Limit 37,500 gp; Spellcasting 7th
Minor Items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major Items 1d6
N Large Town
Corruption +0; Crime -1; Economy +0; Law -1; Lore +0; Society +4;
Qualities Insular, Strategic Location, Tourist Attraction
Disadvantages Heavily Taxed
Danger +5
Government Council
Population 4,320 (3,167 Humans, 498 Dwarves, 392 Half-Orcs, 168 Gnomes, 32 Half-Elves, 28 Halflings, 25 Elves, 10 Androids)
Notable NPCs Captain Aaronlu Langer (LN Female Human Fighter 4)
Councilor Bazlundi Otterbie (N Female Human Aristocrat 3/Expert 2)
Councilor Dolgar Feddert (LN Old Female Dwarf Aristocraft 2/Fighter 3)
Councilor Joram Kyte (N Old Male Human Cleric of Brigh 6)
Councilor Khonnir Baine (NG Middle-Aged Male Human Rogue 1/Wizard [Arcane Bomber] 5)
Councilor Serantha Olandir (CG Female Human Expert 3)
Garmen Ulreth (NE Male Human Rogue 5)
Jhestine Imierin (N Female Half-Elf Witch 4)
Junkmaster Garrit Burrwaddle (N Middle-Aged Male Gnome Rogue 3)
Mylan Radli (N Male Human Cleric of Pharasma 3)
Smeltrunner Oskah Unteret (NE Female Half-Orc Barbarian 2/Expert 3)
Base Value 2,400 gp; Purchase Limit 5,000 gp; Spellcasting 3rd
Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 1d6 (Plus see areas 2, 13, 17, and 21 for more specific Items)
Torch Disadvantages:
Heavily Taxed Torch is very heavily taxed by the Technic League, and has fewer resources available than a town of its size normally has. (Economy -2, Reduce final base value by 10%, reduce purchase limit by 50%, spellcasting -2, available magic items as per settlement 1 category smaller)
Torch Locations:
1. Iven's Livery Stable
2. General Store
3. Silverdisk Hall [Gambling House]
4. The Marrymaid [Bordello]
5. The Copper Coin [Tavern]
6. Garrison and Armory
7. Olandir Estate
8. Otterbie Manor
9. Weeping Pond [Tainted Water Source]
10. Crowfeather Palace [Water Purifier]
11. Market Square
12. Foundry Tavern [Foundry & Tavern, Home of Khonnir Baine]
13. Tempting Tonics [Apothecary]
14. Seven Tears Farms
15. Town Hall
16. Chapel of the Wanderer [Chapel of Pharasma]
17. Temple of Brigh
18. Evercandle Inn
19. Boarding House
20. Warehouse District
21. Torch Guildhouse [Armorer, Weaponsmith, Blacksmith]
22. Dolga's Foundry [Dwarven Foundry]
23. Junkyard
24. Black Hill
Torch Specific Items for Sale at various Vendors:
2. General Store:Cloak of the Hedge Wizard(Abjuration), 5 Trauma Packs, Wand of Technomancy[44 Charges], +1 Flaming Warhammer, and a Filter Mask
13. Tempting Tonics:6 Medlances, 2 does of Cardioamp, 1d3 doses of Cureall, and 1d3 doses of each grade of Hemochem
17. Temple of Brigh:Flare Gun, Scroll of Find Traps[CL 10th], 3 Scrolls of Restoration, Scroll of Raise Dead, Wand of Rebuke Technology[11 Charges]
21. Torch Guildhouse:+1 Cold Siccatite Longsword, Mwk Mithral-Inlaid Heavy Crossbow with metal-tension string[Worth 500 gp], a large supply of Adamantine Crossbow Bolts[60 gp each], +1 Construct Bane Adamantine Dagger, +2 Breastplate, +1 Mithral Chain Shirt, +2 Spiked Light Steel Shield
Character Creation 2.0
Starting Level: PCs will start at 4th level.
Alignment: Any
Ability Scores:15 point buy.
HP: Max HP rolls at 1st level. Players will roll or take average for HP from level 2 onward.
Traits: 2 traits, one of which MAY be a campaign trait. You may take a Drawback for a 3rd trait if you wish.
Base Starting Money: 3000 gp
Races: Any Core, plus Android, Ratfolk, Orc, Tiefling, Aasimar, Dhampir, Ghoran*. If you really want to be a race not listed, ask me first and we'll talk about it.
Classes: All classes from Paizo products, including Occult Adventures classes and archetypes. Archetypes from the Technology Guide are allowed.
Firearms: Firearms operate under the "Emerging Guns" rule
(see Ultimate Combat for more details).
Coinage: Coins have weight! Many games do not worry about this, but considering this campaign is a dungeon crawl, your loot matters! As a result, 50 coins of any combination = 1 pound.
A note:You may NOT start out with any technological items, even if you could afford to. I'd highly recommend NOT reading anything beyond the Archetypes, skills, and feats in the Technologist's guide, with the possible exception of the Technomancer PrC (Which I'm allowing). I need to make some minor changes to this - more to come soon.
*: If you play a Ghoran, you must be named Groot, and can only speak the words "I am Groot" for the entire adventure. ;) (This does not interfere with spellcasting)