
Game Master Katt Z'Ress

The history of the world is lost. Celestryia cries out for those who can remember its' past and return all that is gone. If this does not come to pass soon, there shall not be world worth saving.

DM Letter to the Players:

The world of Celestryia is as complex as any other world that a person can imagine. There is life and death, cycles of seasons, magic, faith, and cultures with immense histories.

In the beginning the world of Celestryia was vast and filled with many races. Each of the races had their own ideas and beliefs. Some races were more magically inclined while others rather tinker with gadgets and gismos. They all had their opinions on the gods and what uses the gods played in their world. However, time passes as well time does, and certain events long forgotten, cause devastation to befall the world and all the life that roamed it. For how vast the world once was, and how much life that at one point breathed upon it, now seemed ever so tiny. More than this, but the survivors who have walked this small land for a few hundred years have little to no hope left. Resources are growing ever scarcer and corruption is running high amongst the people. As darkness is growing in power and the light is fading out upon the land. The world will fall into no more, if Heroes do not take up arms and seek to correct what is wrong.

The players which shall explore Celestryia must face the reality that things are not as they should be. Though time has seemed to erase the truth about the history of the world. It will be up to the Heroes to dig deep, find the courage, and stir the masses into believing there was once a better time than the one they currently live in.


Rules for character creation for this realm.
NOTE!-Race and Class are subject to change as the world changes. Future opportunities to play the Unplayable classes/races will eventually be present. Anyone wanting to make the change when the chance comes up, will be able to make those changes WITHOUT Penality to the character.
Basic Info: When Creating the character for this world, you will be able to Choose to use Traits, Background skills, you can choose to use the Background Character Creation System. The Crafting and Profession rules will also apply within the world as well. It will be possible Through Role-Play that your character can gain Traits/Skills. To balance this out, Understand this world Also has Drugs/Addictions/Sanity/Madness/Hazards/Haunts/ and other such things. In some situation Fear checks will be required as well.

Point By=20pts
Race=Human & Halfling only
Traits= Pick up to two
Class=Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue, Cavalier, Brawler, Hunter, Slayer and Swashbuckler
Restrictions: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard, Inquisitor, Oracle, Witch, Shaman, Skald, and Warpriest -- Can be played with Restrictions at the start of the game. All spells are at Half effect, and can not have higher than level 1 spells for a length of time.
Unplayable=Monk, Alchemist, Investigator, Gunslinger, Summoner, Magus, Vigilante, Ninja, Samurai, Arcanist, Bloodrager and Antipaladin
Starting Cash=125gp


Creation- 0-1022
Many thousands of years ago before the dawn of life the world was born within the great cosmos amongst the darkness surrounded by stars. Beings of tremendous powers saw the birth of a new world, a new realm, and desired to reign as supreme lord of what could be. They were greedy and proud, each believing they were the only one worthy of supremacy of this new born world. Thus they fought to prove who should rule. This war over the realm would last for a thousand years. During which pacts developed between the groups, drawing together over similar ideals, of how this world should be shaped. As the pacts solidified, the war raged more violent.

These beings of unimaginable power unleashed their fury, in the way the world unbeknownst to them, began to feel the aftershocks of each wave of energy, being that energy good or evil. Seeds began to plant themselves within and upon the world. Fire burned in the core, rock deposited upon the surface, blue pulsed along the rocky edges carving its way over the world, and the world began to take shape. Over time the world began to wail as teeth eroded away bits and pieces of the skin leaving its mark. It was now a living breathing world which could sustain life.

There was a moment during the fury of the gods, which a few took noticed of this. Rothgar being one of them, secretly deposited his sweat into the rocks to cause the fire to cool. Turning the fire into rich mountains, and the salt within his sweat took shape as the Dwarves. Harden stubborn, and of the earth, these beings took to the stone with heated passion.

But Rothgar was not the only one who realized the world was ready for life. Shelyn though one who was sided with Rothgar, was none to please at the idea of being second to deposit life, cut her long pure white locks and tossed it to the world. This coated the lands thrusting rich greenery into the world. And causing another life to be born anew, from the very trees that burst through the ground came the elves which took form in the shape of Shelyn herself.

From this action deep anger and jealousy grew amongst the various gods. The fury grew deeper and a violent storm that the world had never seen in its new birth, or ever sense that moment of time swept across it. Rothgar and Shelyn were forced to take a step back and protect the life they created. In this moment, the pact they had with a couple others was left with an opening for an attack. Thulien a being of nightmares reached out one of its many tentacles to bash Shelyn however, Eberune jumped forth to protect Shelyn taking the hit instead. Red rain fell upon the world flooding parts of the land. Not to be out done, Eberune returned the favor upon Thulien by rushing the dark nightmare piercing it with his great antlers. Thulien was gravely injured and to flee he squirted a cloud of hallucinate dust over the sky.

The elves of Shelyn, were so moved by Eberune’s sacrifice that they sang to the flowers to drink of the blood to heal the lands of the flood. In this single act, the great flowers of the time, took in the knowledge of Eberune, and sprang forth the life of all Fae. Yet even in this very act, the dust that took to the sky, also was forced to fall into the rich seas. The water absorbed this darkness and would over time, spread its way over all the world.

The war would continue in this manner, it had been a long and terrible battle and with each attack of power, something new within the world would be born from each act. Neither side was willing to yield yet, for they still held strong to the idea that only one should reside as supreme lord over all that would be. The tension grew strong, and the magic wavering between the groups exploded outwardly into the cosmos. This shook all the realms at once. It was in this single moment they realized that if they continued the world they were coveting would be destroyed. As they looked upon it considering what it is they should do, they realized, they had already spread life all over it of their own designs. All had flaws because of the war, but they each had a hand in all creations. They looked to each other and agreed, they would set the stage that the life here would choose who should be the True Lord over the domain. If one creations should find a way to rule all others, or all should pray to but one god, it would be that god who would rule everyone and everything.

Age of Growth-1125-1688 A.C.
So the gods took this to rest, they stepped back into their own realms for a time, allowing the new life to grow and select a true lord. However, things of course do not go as simply. Over the next thousand years, life upon the world of Celestryia would not unify under one banner. Instead, each god wanting their own to creations to rule, would lend magical abilities, spread seeds of religious doctrine, and sometimes even create new hidden life to expand their power.

First Great War- 1700 – 2050 A.C.
Magical power grew and grew upon Celestryia as each domain fought and spoke words of power. There was a moment, in the first great war of magic, a fissure split reality, and glimpses of the other Realms were opened. Life of these realms poured out into the world, it was frightening, it was terrible, elements, demons, angles, and many other things reached out into the world to rip off a piece. Some things thankfully were not able to fit through the crack that was created. The Gods realized then what they had caused. The gods of this realm knew that other realms existed, ones they did not desire to open up. A great wrong had occurred and something had to be done. Something far older they even they was woken by this act. This amount of raw energy, of power, called out to this great ancient evil. However, the gods did not take notice for they were more concerned with the present issue. The crack had to be sealed before it would destroy the world Celestryia and the realm that supported it.

Age of Dragons- 2100 – 3200 A.C.
It would be the creator of even the Gods, the Nameless, which would be woken for this single act. Working in unison the gods would draw upon their power to waken the Nameless and plea for assistance to sew together the rip in the fabric of space and time. The Nameless woke and saw what her children had done to the world that was part of Creation. There was love and anger within him for what she saw. Life and death, love and hate, and a playground of total destruction was left upon the world. His children created life without giving the gift of knowledge, wisdom, or curiosity.

The Nameless took the next five days to fix that which her children failed to do. Day one, Nameless fixed the rip of time and space by using one of her spikes as a needle and whisker as thread. Day two, he took a deep breath and sucked up as much raw energy that was left from the way of the Great War, and swallowed it in one mighty gulp. This did not set well within her, and she coughed it back up as a massive hard rock which would float around the world as a reminder to the gods showing the amount damage they had left behind. Day three, he reached down with his mighty talons and clawed the land to split it dividing into continents separating many of the races. Knowing that the races had to first learn of themselves before they could stand against others. Giving them Curiosity to explore so they learn sense. On day four, the Nameless hatched a great egg, and from that poured out her own children, the Dragons. It would be with them that knowledge and wisdom would be placed within the realm. For they were good, neutral, and evil; all things that the world requires to keep balance. They were the last to be place upon the world, they still held the mind of their creator and were not denied ancient wisdom of the cosmos. The Nameless was very pleased with her work, as she surveyed her accomplishments she sensed a deep darkness in the void of the outer most realm of the cosmos.

Approaching Darkness 3300 A.C.
His opposite, the Destroyer of All Things, The Void. The Nameless not wishing to see his beloved new world, which his children created disappear so young, she deposited a vast shield to circle the world in the hopes to hide it from The Void’s sight. She knew that this would only be temporary for The Void would slowly drift this way following the light and the scent of power that lingered. However, all this took its toll, to place the second moon and everything else The Nameless had done in the past four days. The Nameless required rest. She told her children of its coming, and that it would be up to them to work together to find a way to stop The Void or their world would be Lost forever. By the end of the Fifth day the Nameless was sleeping once more.

The gods then turned their gaze into the cosmos and began to plan for the coming of the Great Darkness.

The Deep Slumber – 4600-4650 A.C.
There was much deliberation between the gods on how they would prevent the destruction of their claimed world. It took many years before the gods settled on just what they should do to stop The Void from devouring the world whole. It would take a joint effort of power blended together in a single attack. But they considered their own powers, and knew that it would take more than they currently had to prevent something that was on equal footing as The Nameless. None of them were at full strength because of the thousand year war, also because of what they gave upon their creations in the next thousand years that had followed. In agreement they would be required to take back some of what they had bestowed upon the children they had planted into the world. To do this however, they would need to put the living creatures into a deep slumber.

Each of the gods spent time preparing each of their creations for the slumber to come. Reassuring their children that they would wake in a safer, better world when the time was right. There was much to prepare for and many quest the gods had to send their children on. Even the Gods could not foresee the future and so, they would not know what sort of life their children may have in the years to come. They had to store enough food, water, raw materials, to make sure that they would be able to survive. It took the better part of Fifty years to accomplish the task. Though how each of the gods took to accomplishing these task varied greatly. In the end, each race was put to a deep hidden slumber.

Once done the gods stood back and observed the world to check they had accomplished the deed. They saw movement of life which took them by surprise. There were two races that had not been put to sleep, Humans and Halflings. Each god pointed the finger to the other, for none could lay claim to these creatures who lives were so short. In fact, none could figure out when or how they came to be in the first place.

At first they cared not. These two small races had nothing that would give the Gods what they required to fight The Void. So the gods turned back to the overall dilemma, how to take down the darkness coming without dying themselves. It was many cycles of the moon and stars before the smartest of all the gods came to them all with an invention, Brigh, set down before them all around metallic object which clicked and buzzed. It was an item that could hold a massive amount of energy, the kind of energy that all of the gods possessed. This item could collect all of their powers, and then, in one mighty blow, release it into The Void. However, there was a flaw. Once all the power had been placed within the orb, there would be no one to deliver the device into The Void. This was realized because when a God loses a certain amount of power, the god will fade into their respective realms to regenerate. Thus another great debate was called.

Who would deliver the device? How would it be delivered? Each god considered a being of their own design, yet this too would not be ideal. Many of the gods did not Trust the others creation to do the act. Once more, how could they assure that with the only one left, it would not lay into contract the Supreme Ruler of the World?
It would be Apsu who would answer this riddle for he came with the greatest wisdom of the Dragonkin. Let it be the Humans and the Halflings who deliver the device into The Void. For they have no God of their own, and thus they could not elect any of us as the Supreme Ruler. Also, by the time we have recovered to waken our Children, these short lived beings will be no more. All the gods agreed to this idea for it suited them all the best. They did not like sharing this world with creatures they themselves had not placed. And it would be Besmara and Desna who would come to an agreement on how this device would be delivered into the heart of The Void. A special Javelin would be created using their abilities of Fae and Life.
Showing good face, the Gods would choose one human who stood out above all.

Birth of a Hero -4650-4676 A.C.
They decided that in the length of time it would take the Javelin to be made, they would need to find one who would be strong enough to wield it, someone true of mind, pure of heart, and determined to save everything above even their own life. As they observed the youthful races, they agreed at this time there was none who could fill the idea that they wanted. So they decided to pick one that had not yet made it into the world, an unborn child. Gifts would need to be bestowed while the child was within the womb to make sure this being would be capable of fulfilling the desires of the Gods.

As a woman in Asmerade slept, the gods came to her one at a time in her dreams. The first announced to her that she was with child, and that this child would be given several gifts of the Gods. This child would be set upon the world with a special mission that would have to be carried out without fail. For if the child does not take upon this mantle, the world would cease to exist before the next fifty cycles. And thus over the next several months a child grew within the womb, each god would come to the woman in a dream, giving not only instructions, but touching the child within. The child would come with grace, beauty, as if it were an elf though it was human. The child would come with wisdom, intelligence, to speak and call all those around to believe in the actions and words the child spoke. The child would come with strength, reflexes, and endurance so that its body could survive the difficult task placed upon it. And on a day when The Red Star came into view for all of Celestryia could see, The Child was Born and her name was Ceana.

Over the next twenty years, the girl would grow into a woman, and the faith of all man rested with her. She was tested many times of her virtues, and though often she struggled she would not fail to impresses those around her and renew their hopes and faith that they would survive The Red Star which only grew larger and brighter in the heavens.

Upon her twentieth birthday she was summoned far north to the mountains, so that she could speak with the gods. Where she would learn of her task, of the Javelin having been completed, and what she would be required to do if she wish to Save all of her people. But there was a side task that the Gods demanded her to complete before they would give her the Javelin. It was to bury a set of magical artifacts and a tiny seedling into the earth beyond the mountains. She knew not why this was important, but she did as she was told. She believed it was a test of her willingness to complete the task ahead. It was not easy and she did become lost a few times but she found the location they deemed worthy and planted the objects thus.

When she was done she returned back across the mountain, this time alone away from all of man gave her much time to reflect on her life. She knew what was coming and came to realize that the odds were not in her favor. Having seen what the gods had seen, the truth behind the Red Star, and the might it will take to deliver the Javelin to the heart. She understood that her life was set to be short lived. Once more the gods came to her, they were gracious with her, appealing in their thanks for her accomplishments and her willingness to do what must be done.

It was at this time they asked her if there was anything that she herself would want for this task, anything at all. She thought it over and decided that there was something above all she wanted for, she knew that her life would be forfeited and that nothing could stay this, however, she requested a child. She asked if she could return home to Asmerade once more and be allowed the little time she had left to birth a child to live in the world after she is gone. Knowing she would never see her child reach adulthood. Upon her child’s fifth birthday, she would leave the city of Asmerade to complete the destined task set before her.

The Rise and Fall of Gods- 4676 A.C.
Ceana traveled to the middle of the land, and there stood facing what would come, ready with all that she was. With her, a longtime friend came with, he was small and friendly, and he knew her burden was great and terrible. But he refused to allow this burden to fall upon Ceana alone for no one should die alone. Tykren the Halfling stood with her all the way through even though he believed his fate would be no different than hers. The Red Star was bigger than the moon as it hung in the dark sky blocking out the warmth of the sun’s rays. Mortal fear shook both Ceana and Tykren as they looked at the endless pool of fresh blood hovered over them. It was the thought of Ceana’s child which steadied her heart, mind, and legs. She leaned back with Javelin in hand speaking the words the gods, she gave all that she had within. The words spread through her body giving her godly strength, and has she released the javelin into the heavens, the javelin absorbed all that she willed into it. It sored like a shooting star to pierce the Blood Red Rock known as The Void. The power shined across the heavens, blinding all that would look up into it. The super nova that went off, exploded parts of the smaller moon, and shattered the Red Star sending what pieces remained spiraling back across the Cosmos. (Parts of the Moon Imbedded itself into the broken moon, the very moon that The Nameless had spit out from the excess Magic that had been left in the land. This is what causes the Darkness to Waken Up!)

The spear broken, fell back to the world of which it was born, and Ceana lay upon the earth where an honored friend watched her breath her last. Yet it was not over, for the Void would not go down without giving something back. It reached out in that last second to take with it, the body of the one who dared defy it. It was then that Tykren leapt in front of Ceana’s dying body. Perhaps it was her pure of heart, maybe her will, perhaps it was the ironic joke played upon the now sleeping Gods. For what happened next none would have foreseen. Ceana rose then, better than ever before, surrounded in a holy blessed light which shined brighter than any star. She was not able to prevent the damage done to her friend, but she knew she could save his life. She turned him to stone, whispering unto him that a time would come where he would wake and would be required to share this story. For the world would need to heal now, and something told her that this battle was not yet over.

The Age of Man- 4677 – 5220 A.C.
In the five hundred years that man has roamed freely, they have spread across the island. Built cities, towns, and monuments; and have forgotten the time of dragons, elves, and gods. They have but only one holy being, that of their savior Ceana. Legends of her short life were written in great tomes, and laws were struck based upon her virtues. She had become the Supreme Lord of the Realm. But the land that is, has begun to change and the peaceful life of Man and Halfling are coming to a close. There is very little magic left, and the seed of Darkness is growing more powerful by the day. The darkness is growing deep within the land to the point it has begun stretch its fingers to the surface. The Prophecy of Ceana is about to become True.

Thus, New Heroes are on the move and they will have to solve the riddle of the Prophecy.


Celestryia is an earthlike planet amongst the stars. It has but one Sun—Metharia, which rises in the east and falls into the west. It is a planet with two moons, H’evria (the whole) and T’evia (the broken). H’evria is the larger of the two which is farther away into the sky. It will appear closer and more immense in the winter season and smaller in the summer seasons. While T’evia appears always the same as it circles closer to the world. T’evia is nearly whole minus a portion which is broken into a larger piece with smaller pieces hovering nearby.

There are four seasons spring, summer, fall, and winter. Spring begins on the first day of Lenzme and continues for three months, summer begins on the first day of Waldma and goes for three months, Fall begins on the first day of Todma, and continues until the first day of Ashma or until the first signs of snow falls which could happen within Vellama.

There are thirteen months in all: Dawsma ( Storm’s End), Ostaren (Hare’s Hide), Lenzme (The Seeding), Shudmu (First Green), Undmid (Under Wake), Waldma (Spring’s End), Leichru (First Heat), Siebhi (High Heat), Todma (Death’s End), Vaterma (Growth’s End), Vellama (Last Harvest), Ashmu (First Snow), and Festfir (Festival’s Fire).
Each month is four weeks long, and each week is seven days. The year is 364 days. The seven days are known as Firstday, Myhrday, Thulsday, Weansday, Thornsday, Ashday, and Restday. The days are shorter in the winter months and longer in the summer months. And the people tend to work a various amount of time depending on their station during each of these days.

The first day of each month is greeted by both moons being full within the sky and aligned and throughout the rest of the month H’evria will slowly disappear from sight and begin to reappear until it is full once again for the new month. Depending on the time of year, the moon can take on different hues from bright white to yellowish to even blue.

Stars fill the night of Celestryia and there are several constellations that appear during the different seasons. The Kings Crown hovers in the northern sky holding seven stars five of which are points on the crown, David’s Boar is a set of stars which rest within the eastern sky and takes up twelve stars in total, Second Tear of Asmerade ((Event to happen))is a blue star that is the largest and brightest which holds to the true north. (more stars are to be set into motion as the Heroes set events to occur)


Currently in this world only Human and Halfling can be played at the start. However, through various events depending on the Heroes (Players) other races shall appear in the world. When this occurs there will opportunities for the players to change race WITHOUT penalties. Meaning, should a player choose to change race they shall do so without loosing racial bonuses.

HUMAN -Ambitious, sometimes heroic, and always confident, humans have an ability to work together toward common goals that makes them a force to be reckoned with. Though short-lived compared to other races, their boundless energy and drive allow them to accomplish much in their brief lifetimes.

Humans come in all shape and sizes. Those who live near the mountains tend to be paler in skin while those who live nearest the sea have a darker tone. The maximum life span of a human is 80 years, though the average life span is around 65-70 years. Humans reside in every city and they are the majority race all over Celestryia.

HALFLING -Members of this diminutive race find strength in family, community, and their own innate and seemingly inexhaustible luck. While their fierce curiosity is sometimes at odds with their intrinsic common sense, halflings are eternal optimists and cunning opportunists with an incredible knack for getting out the worst situations.

Halflings stand no more than 3 feet tall, vary in weight. They tend to be of tan skin, light to dark hair color, and green, brown, or blue eye color. The maximum life span of the Halflings is 90 years, though the average life span is around 75 years. Halflings can be found in every city though the majority tend to reside in Tykren and Baybren.


To be noted that at the time of creation, a character need not pick any Religion as it is most likely their character doesn’t even understand the concept of Religion.

This section is very important to this world as Religions and Realms are tied together. Each divine being (Angelic or Demonic) shall be discussed with the realm that it is tied to. Including how each realm and divine being relates to the other realms, their alignments, domains, and other such information.

It is important to know that at the beginning of the campaign there is very little to be known about either aspect but more shall become known and possible later. Once the Heroes have caused a series of Events to occur the Realms and their respected deity will become accessible.

However, even though they become accessible it isn’t without significant risk. There are many realms of which to explore, and each more dangerous than the next. And each of the Realms portals are hidden separately within the world with their own guardians of which must be defeated, and none shall be defeated the same way as the previous.

Homeworld- The here and now of the time and space which flows. This is the bases plane from where all others attached themselves to. And it is the easiest Realm of which all others can survive in. All races were born within as were most creatures. Events that occur here can echo out to affect all other Realms of existence. And should it fall all other Realms would also find itself falling into the unknown.

Divinity-The Gods of Man rest here, those who are of various alignments but govern the world of Man.
**More information shall be posted as the game progresses.**

Goddess of Valor, Justice, Honor, and Law.
Alignment LG
Domain-Good, Law,
Favored Weapon-Long Sword
Centers of Worship-Tykren & Asmerade
Nationality- Human
Symbol- Kite Shield with a Sword in front, holy golden light shining behind.

It is said that Ceanna was born to human parents who resided in Asmerade. During a time when humans had yet to create other cities. She was born to a beautiful faithful mother, and a handsome strong father. Neither of which had great wealth but, they served the young city of Asmerade with hope. They educated Ceanna in politics, law, and in the sword. She saw things with a pure heart and sought to drive out wickedness from the people. A Prophecy was placed upon her at birth. It was foretold to her that she would be of strong spirit, delicate tongue, fierce eyes, quick of the hand, sure of the foot, and courageous heart. It would be these features that would aid her in the future.

She would be a Leader of the people. She lead people through times of war between men, aided in building the city, encourage them through rough times, and gave hope when there was no one to pray to. She founded the Order of the Star, of which most now serve her churches. Most servants of the churches are Clerics, Paladins, Cavaliers, and a few warriors. More info to be placed soon.


Order of the Star- Order of the Star Protector of the Churches of Ceanna.
Commandments & Symbol

Order of the Serpent- Order of the Serpent Protector of Bastion City and its' Elite Class
Commandments & Symbol


The world at the moment sets with very little magic in the world. For some reason magic has become extremely weak in comparison to what it once was long ago. Humans and Halflings have spent their entire existence with very little experience with magic in the first place. The very few individuals who have ever had the talent for magic, have all been born closer to the mountain range. In fact, even those who can use magic find that when they travel farther from the mountain range they feel their magic begin to vanish. This has been a puzzling riddle among the spellweavers that seems impossible to solve. Many have approached the mountains in the attempts to see why, but none have found answers.
So currently, magic is not seen as powerful, just elusive.
Magic-All magic is at Half Power. Spells are Half Damage, last Half as Long, half their range, ect.


As it stands now, there is very basic equipment. Bronze, Iron, Steel is being used but in its basic form. Sword, Shields, Bows, Arrows, and other similar tools of the trade. Higher forms of technology have not even been a thought.
Technology will change as new inventions will come into play as the world develops.


ASMERADE -is the second largest human city holding roughly 1500 population of these about 250 are Halfling. The city is run by a Monarchy with a Queen (Alda Highbrew) on the throne at this time. There is a Council who also assist with many aspects of the decisions that pass along the Monarchies day to day duties. City has a host of Guilds which give a variety of trade and mercantile control of the towns industry and trade. They are highly specialized and usually semi-hereditary. They are known to be a Holy Site, with the great Church of Ceanna, also several historical landmarks about Ceanna. Most Clerics of Ceanna come to this city for their training at some point in their careers.

There are a few things the city is known for when it comes to farming. One of which is their Sheep and sell of wool. They also have some of the best carpenters and loggers across the lands. The farmers here also grow wheat, apple trees, cabbages, lettuce, and tomatoes.

Resting near the mountains and not far from the sea. They also have a Two Churches of Ceanna, a small one in the poor section ran by (Jalop Tabum), and the largest church of Ceanna in the world ran by (Ralus Upsi) rest in the wealthy district. Most casters come from Asmerade and a rare few come from the two other cities near the mountain range. The Tower of Magi, ran by (Tangir Frostmane) rest against the edge of the city closest to the mountain range, and it holds a rather large library. The city is divided into three parts; outside is farmers, loggers, and miners, inside the city wall is poor to lower mid class, inside the High wall is your upper mid to high class society.

OSMERED a smaller settlement of 800ish people, ran by a Monarchy (Bladmire HighBrew and Melinda Highbrew) Cousins of Alda Highbrew. This settlement rest between Asmerade and Fayben and near the mountains. This city is relatively new, and has only stood for the last three generations of people. They do have a very small church which was founded only in the last 60 years. Though they have a similar foundation as Asmerade, they are much smaller and things within the city currently are at an unrest.

The people are currently unpleased by the state of things as they are not as prosperous as Asmerade; even though their number one source of money comes from their horses. Osmered breeds some of the finest stock of horses throughout the entire land. The soil around the city is fair and hearty, so they tend to grow potatoes, carrots, and corn. Aside from horses and crops, the people also have two guilds one for mining and the other for smithing. The city does have access to roads and rivers, though they are a bit of a detour in comparison to the other cities of Celestryia.

TYKREN -is a Majority Halfling City (some humans) on the Lake of Zale with a population of 1200 and of these about 120 are Human. The city is run by a Theocracy, and the order of the star governs the city and keeps the people safe. The second largest church of Ceanna resides in this city. The head of the church is ran by a female Halfling (Melfa Cloudsword).

This city farms Tobacco, Barley, Hops, Fresh Water Fish, Rice, and raises small ponies and goats. They host the Transportation network across the lands from the byways of the river, and the crossroads that rest within the city. Thanks to these networks of
transportation, the city host a yearly Trade Festival which aids in economy for the city, a trade of goods over the lands, and increase moral to all the people.

Every year they Order of the Star opens the gates for those who seek to join the order. A large Festival is held, and they Order takes request from the locals that they hand out to the new recruits to test their abilities. The area then donates funds to the Church of Ceanna which gives assistance to the people.

There is a Legend that resides within Tykren, The Legend of Zale. A Halfling who gave its life to protect the fair Lady Ceanna. Zale statue rest nearest the lake near the Church of Ceanna and the Order of the Star.

BAYBREN -another city of Halflings, with a population of about 200, maybe 20 of which are human. This city is rather similar to Tykren and often called the “Sister City” Developed and founded after Tykren and mostly out of necessity. Originally there was a simple Inn and a dock of which people would stay and take passage across the lake to Tykren. Over time, people decided to expand the village to include farms, housing, fishing, and further travel. They do not have much but the people are peaceful, humble, and enjoy the quite life. One thing about Baybren that sticks out however is a small group of witches that have recently come about amongst the people there. It is the farthest place away from the mountains that has tapped into magic.

FAYBEN -A hamlet of a town roughly 600 people. Of these there are no Halflings. Currently the town is governed by a single man, (Justan Darkfall), a Smithy by trade, the people trust his judgement and tend to come to him for advice. This town is a Mill town as it host rougher terrain and colder weather. They rest close to a vast forest of which they cannot touch. Stories of Giant Boar Lords dwell close to the edges which become angered if you attempt any ill will towards the trees. Along with that, belief that when the sun sets, all should be within their homes because there are things that shall take children away in the night. The people here are rather superstitious. They have no church to speak of even though the people do know of Ceanna. They are hard workers and prefer to make things with their hands of which they use to barter for things they need. Most of the people raise cattle, goats, and a few farm Wheat and Hay.

It is a difficult place to live, for they do have a history of ruffians attacking the town, pillaging them, kidnapping people. Those that come from the Darkmyst Isle. Being they are so far out of the way, it is difficult for any sort of authority to lend aid, also because they hold a territory all of their own. The town is very poor so they are often unable to pay any sort of fee that could give them the resources they need to keep the people Safe.

BASTION -Is the largest city of the land, hosting around 4000+ people, around 800 of these are Halflings. The town is governed by a City Council, all of whom are elected into their positions by the people. A Center of Commerce the city has no equal in goods and services throughout the land. The largest and most prosperous when it comes to land fertility, fishing, and skilled craftsmen. And though some people have the belief of Ceanna there is no grand church of her.

The city is protected by its own militia, the Order of the Serpent which is ran by a man known as (Stalg Hrovengar) also people call him “The Killing Fist”. There is Local Military as well, however they tend to deal with issues outside the city and into the neighboring villages of Quariel and Valiene.

There is a large stone wall that surrounds the city, and large reinforced gates at each of the three entrances to the city. A vast library resides within the city, likely the largest known to man. They produce the highest quality of boats compared to anywhere else. However, they have failed to create one that can survive the seas outside their Cove. Over all the people are seeming content. There is crime within the city, as it would be for any such city of this size. People have gone missing from time to time. There is underground sections as well.

QUARIEL -A small town of 300 people all are human, rest south of Bastion. This is no more or less than a large farming village with a rest stop for people who are leaving the city or coming to the city. The Inn here is large and offers a humble sort of amenities. It is a great place to stop to freshen up before entering the city, hear a bit of gossip, or double check your supplies before you head out.

The city is run by a Magistrate (Jaqualine Maribell) posted his position by the Bastion Council. He collects taxes, and is protected by the militia. A small nearby fort is left to protect the Bastion’s boarders from any possible hostiles.

VALIENE -This city resides north of Bastion, and similar to Quariel it too is a full human farming town of roughly 500. This city however host near it a much Larger fort which on its own holds 100-150 armed soldiers at any given time. The city has been plagued by small raids coming from the north of it along the Lonely Road. The city does not receive many visitors because of the suspicious untrusting people who reside within. Over all the people here are not currently happy with the Bastion Council or their Magistrate (Radcliff Welton). Their anger grows but the Militia often keeps the people in check.

BADRUN -Resides along the Deadman’s Pass Road, on the northern side of the Wynderlands. There is not much known about this place as it is very much secluded to the rest of the lands. It is known that you can acquire small boats that transport to Doeryn. Very few people travel the northern roads.

DOERYN -Unknown-It is rumored that a town rest in the Darkmyst Islands, but where exactly, how many people, what they do, and all other information no one knows about. Unless you are from there you know nothing of it.