Farasha Aeval |


Conri Warin |

Yay discussions can be had. So am I to assume that none of us know each other? And did I miss it or have you not decided on what country/city we are in?

Rana Kastilios |

Lounging around the barracks, shuffling an old deck of cards, playing a few games while waiting for the shift to begin. "Anything new happening on the streets?"
The usual watchmen gossip doing the rounds. The clink of armor and weapons begin maintained, the rustles as reports are gone over, messages being read or written.
A quiet murmur as people talk, catching up or just passing time.

Axton Lorgenberger |

(Hey Rana, you posted that in the Discussion thread instead of Gameplay, FYI.)
Hey guys, so are the seven of us actually standing around in that room staring at the witness, while only one or two of us are actually talking to him? It seems unlikely, and unless there's an adjoining room with a one-way mirror on the wall, we've effectively split the party. I think that this is good since we also have to interview the suspect and inspect the victim. I think we could do all of that before going out to inspect the crime scene (which does make sense to do en masse).
With that in mind, I sort of evaluated each character for their strengths and skills that will obviously benefit an investigation. Here's my summary:
Oracle of the Streets
High CHA
Strong Diplomacy, Knowledge skills, and Climb
Scent tracking, Disguise Self spell
Floss Arriel
High CHA
Strong Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate and Perception
Disguise Self spell
Barnibus Eko
Ranger (Urban)
High WIS
Strong Perception*, Disable Device, Stealth, Diplomacy/Intimidate, and Sense Motive*, Survival (for tracking)*
* +2 vs. Humans
Rana Kastilios
High WIS
Strong Perception (other skills?)
Character sheet isn't done, yet.
Axton Lorgenberger
Wizard (Diviner)
High INT
Strong Knowledge skills
Detect Charm, Detect Secret Doors spells, crazy good organizational skills in the Discussion thread
Bard (Archivist)
High INT and CHA
Strong Knowledge skills, Perception, Stealth
Conri Warin
Cavalier (Castellan)
High INT and CHA
Strong Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate, Sense Motive, Stealth
(also has good infiltration-related skills/ability mix)
- Farasha, Floss, Barnibus, and Conri seem like good face-to-face players, where we'll have to interact with NPCs (hostile or not).
- Farasha, Axton, and Vinca have skills/abilities that are good for gathering and analyzing clues and information.
- Barnibus, Vinca, and Conri would be good for stealthy infiltration operations (although those with Disguise Self spells can be situationally useful for this purpose).
- Finally, Floss, Barnibus, Rana, and Vinca have good Perception skills, which can nearly always be beneficial, especially at a crime scene.
So, since Farasha, Conri, Floss are pertty invested in interviewing the witness, what do you say we pull Barnibus and maybe Rana out to intimidate, er, question the suspect, and Axton and Vinca can examine the victim? Or would splitting up three ways complicate things too much?
Any other thoughts?

Conri Warin |

Just gonna leave this here.

Axton Lorgenberger |

Just one: Don't split the party.
That's a great rule for an adventuring party, and it will definitely come into play (such as when we go to investigate the crime scene), but we're not a typical party. We are salaried professionals doing our job in a watchtower or watch building of some sort probably filled with dozens of other watchmen. Our characters have no reason to be that concerned with a safety in numbers mentality.
Right now, I'm envisioning two scenarios: That all seven of us are in the same questioning room surrounding a friendly witness; or some of us are inside questioning the witness, and the rest of us are just outside loitering not getting anything done. Neither scenario seems realistic to me, and that's what I think splitting up will address.
But if I'm the only one who feels this way, I'll drop it.

Farasha Aeval |

I do agree with you Axton actually, the major issue with splitting the party in a RL game (GM having to spend time with different players so some always have to twiddle their thumbs) doesn't exist here in PbP land :)
Also as you've said, investigators work in pairs for a reason, and teams investigating crimes often cover more ground by splitting up, meeting back up to compare notes etc whilst only some interrogate the suspect etc.
So I'm for doing that unless anyone has an objection!

Conri Warin |

I agree as well with the above points. PbP is the ideal format for party splitting, yeah combat would suck but time is equally shared and story wise it fits. Besides we have a good sized group. Nit to mention the hopefully fun role play in meeting back up and sharing info

Vinca |

Vinca is waiting on an answer but will join the exodus unless something shocking happens. It seems we have three areas to investigate. Crime scene, victim, and suspect. Are we splitting into three groups or just two?
Farasha, Barnibus and Axton(? waiting on his consent) are heading to the crime scene.
Flos and Rana want to look at the body
Conri if your suggestion was to go talk to the suspect, Vinca will join you to play some BIG COP/little cop. If you wanted to join one of the other groups, Vinca will go with the other to space things out, she flexible in her interests (which are everything)

Conri Warin |

That would be find with me. I cannot think of any questions that have not been asked.

Conri Warin |

Axton it is a fair point.

Conri Warin |

Farasha that is fine with me. You made it seem like you were going to hang back but I wanted to check. It just feels weird is all. thematically it makes sense just weird to have people wait. I have a very impatient live group and this would never fly there. Mostly I do not want to step on any toes or cause anyone to not have a turn. Other people's fun is not something I want to mess with.
I can totally be the good/nice cop. I am not so skilled with Bad cop

Vinca |

I am traveling for a family emergency. I should be able to chime in as needed once Vinca and the autopsy group settles in if I can avoid spotty Internet connections. I should likely be unsettled for a week

Conri Warin |

Somehow i missed that bit of info. Also GM did you decide on what country we are in?

Conri Warin |

ThePuppyTurtle could you add a little bit more description in he behavior? So much of an interrogation is actually found in body language.

![]() |

Where on the neck are the claw marks and choke hold bruises? I'm trying to determine how the choker was holding the victim. If the choker was in front of the victim, the bruising would be on the front of the neck, but the claw marks (and knife cut) would be wrapped around to be on the sides or maybe towards the back of the neck.
The bruises cover the front and sides. The claw marks would be on the sides near the back.
I sort of did f+*# up in describing it. Take a +1 to the future roll of your choice for catching me.
I will say that the precise location will not matter beyond them being on the neck.