Verio al'Morin |
Verio walked casually to the table and scooped up a gem, holding it up to the light and squinting slightly. Appraise1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 Frowning a little he tossed the gem in to the air and bounced it off his wrist before making it disappear with a flourish. Sleight of Hand1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 "Good. I will keep this gem to study. If it is needed for inventory or the like, simply ask me for it and I will return it!" He nodded softly before leaning on the table and calling up a large map.
He tapped his lip softly in thought before turning to Girianar. "The silver and the iron, can you mark them on this map for us? The iron will be the most useful for now but the silver is something we need to jump on straight away." He nodded and turned to Resnit. "Gems, ruins and apples if you please. We can see about maybe converting and rebuilding the ruins in to strong points. Also, I do not know about the rest of you but I need a stiff drink and those apples sound like a mighty fine base for some cider!" He grinned, turning towards the rest of the group.
"We are making ground here now. We need to keep this up!"
Fabricator |
Giri stands as Resnit sits down and grins before starting to speak
Well I feel that I should start slow for a bit of balance against Resnit's showmanship. We found two mountains and one hill whose natural terrain would lend to defensive fortifications. We found a natural hunting ground. Like Resnit we also found signs of earlier habitation in the form of 3 burial mounds. As per your desires Fabricator we located 3 iron veins oh and one other thing what was it a mass of silver veins enough to last quite a while.
The two mountains and hill are the ones with difficult terrain and what is a hunting ground, I checked the kingdom building and the third party rules you mentioned?
Fabricator says in a light voice, almost musical, "Yes, this is great news. I will make plans to start right away, unless there are issues. How can we get our miners there?"
Resnit Varn |
They would have to walk until a road could be stretched out to there location. As for your statement Heir the trees were in massive rows like an ancient abandoned orchard. I suggest that we leave the silver mine for now and focus on the gems since they can more easily be used for spell casting.
Fabricatior you need to actually say you are using the shovel to help build the Foundry or we aren't going to get that 8bp back. Are you guys going to do the 3 of the weekly things and one week were you are doing your job.
Upkeep Phase
Step 1 - Add Up Costs: 0
Step 2 - Pay Costs: 0
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: 0
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: 0
Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed:
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: 0
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity:
Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 0
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 0
Step 3 - Determine Other Income: 0
Step 4 - Abandon Assets: 0
Step 5 - Sell Assets: 0
Before the start of the new month otherwise you guys just sat around doing nothing Even if its just three weeks of trying to catch your xp up to the lvl 5's
Joel Grimtooth |
I spend the entire month focused and meditating upon and studying the orb that the Marshal activated before he left at the beginning of the month. All four weeks of April spend researching it and its effects.
Joel is unavailable, hes waves you off and tells you not to disturb him the entire month he spends literally sitting infront of the orb, not sleeping just staring at it and studying it.
Wolvyn Ansol |
I am living with the Stonescales that have remained in Haven, spending extra special time with Ssisal helping him learn to obey orders and such.
I am available if any in Haven have need of my services or wish to have me bear a message to one of the expeditions that are our this month of April.
Klokk |
I have been locked within the tower, the stairs up to the second floor of the Tower is Sealed and warded with walls of Force and Visible runes that a dc1 arcane check will reveal will explode for enough damage to basically vaporize anything that has less then a thousand hit points that comes within 10' of them. and they are located every single step so 2' from each other.. Needless to say you think it would be a vary bad, for you physically to attempt to disturb me this month. The Mechanical owl, my familiar does fly around town and spends atleast a few moments with every single person within Haven. The owl does not leave the palisade wall around Haven at all.
Resnit Varn |
Resnit's Private Exploration log
We have found several types of gems in this desert hex due to having 5 extra days remaining this month I have decided to spend a full day pulling samples to bring back to Haven.
1d100 ⇒ 39
1d100 ⇒ 14
1d100 ⇒ 80
1d100 ⇒ 12
1d6 ⇒ 61d6 ⇒ 1
1d6 ⇒ 5
1d6 ⇒ 31d6 ⇒ 61d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 41d6 ⇒ 4
I made a mistake when adding the extra dice with the bottom numbers the 4th roll was a 6 was six and then I messed up the roll and it changed to 4.
The Table within Haven |
"The gems you have found are a unknown type of blue quartz. The samples you brought back with you are all very good samples in all considered. Their value is will be worth more then the even that nest of silver veins."
Resnit Varn |
Smiling at the fact that his discovery was valuable Resnit begins thinking out his actions next month.
Well, well these are nice little gems aren't they. I will be heading out this month with war forged rangers to search the two ruins we found this month with the Stonescale tribe. We won't be claiming any hexes so this won't cost more than their usual upkeep this month.
Feorina the Archpsion |
I will have spent part of my time doing the required diplomat duties, and the rest earning experience. The scribes that were working with me can come with me and I can teach them when I'm walking around and not doing something.
I don't need to sleep, so I will use the 8 hours that I would be sleeping, instead teaching the warforged. And I will use my regular downtime to do the above.
"Perhaps we can use some of this quartz and silver to craft some royal regalia for our prince...the two colors match well together. A simple, yet elegant, crown...a band of silver embedded with the most dazzling blue quartz in the mine. An adequate symbol of our nation, for presentation to the world, I should think."
"Have we considered building a herbalists (building, but the name of the building is just herbalists)? Perhaps as you explore, you should collect samples of plants. We can catalogue them, test them for medicinal properties, and keep some of each type of useful plant growing in the herbalist greenhouse. As a keeper of lore, I would be more than content to oversee the collection."
The Table within Haven |
"Welcome Council of Haven to your May Council Meeting." Greets the Table. Please reference the following documents for ease of translations. Haven Spreadsheets
"Phase One: UpKeep Phase"
I.Barony of Haven Stability Check: 1d20 + 35 ⇒ (8) + 35 = 43 =>>43-22haven size=21
II. Barony of Haven Consumption = -11.5(round down all fractions)
III. Vacant Magic Items (Tower is in use by Klokk, no new items allowed atm)
IV. Unrest within the Barony of Haven = -15 Unrest
v: Add it all together 21+11+15= +48 BP
"Phase Two: Monthly Focus and expansion Phase"
I. Do you wish to claim or abandon any Squares? If so costs 1 BP per square claimed.
II. Do you with to upgrade any of the lands outside the palisade walls around Haven City?
III. Do you wish to build anything new within Haven City?
IV. Do you wish to recruit any more army units?
v. Do any of you with the authority to issue an edict wish to do so?
"Phase Three: Treasurer pays for everything Phase"
I. Withdraw BP for Gold (current rate 1BP = 500 GP)
II. Deposit Goods/items into warehouse summory of BP: 10BP April Remainder of BP, +2BP Blue 'quartz' found, +48 BP from Phase one = 60 Krowns.
III. Sell expensive Items (requires a market)
IV. Apply Taxes (Tax rate zero)
Resnit Varn |
Resnit takes the 10 warforged rangers out to examine the two ruins he found first the ones in the nearby plains and then going to the one in the lake waiting for his wayfinder to give him the ability to not need air. I.e. the 50-50 chance. When he is preparing to leave he takes a few mining tools like a pickaxe and such.
Well my friends I will be off with the rangers to explore the ruins I found. I will be back within three weeks and a month.
If there is any time left over from exploring the ruins he will leave a single week for traveling back to Haven and mine the gems he can with his equipment.
Girianar Odrian |
Well I plan to inspect the troops and the roads this month.
Upkeep Phase
Step 1 - Add Up Costs: 0
Step 2 - Pay Costs: 0
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: 0
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: 0
Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: inspect the troops and the roads
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: 0
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity:
Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 0
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 0
Step 3 - Determine Other Income: 0
Step 4 - Abandon Assets: 0
Step 5 - Sell Assets: 0
Which is all he can do this month.
The Table within Haven |
A blank scroll appears to be hovering over the Table's Surface.
"I have compiled the following orders.
Based upon the size of the Baronry of Haven you may claim three square. Haven will be a Kingdom after this month, a small but it will be a true Kingdom.
Each of the following three choices will cost 3 BP, you can however only choose one of them this month.
Iron Mine (H11) Three Squares East to reach this, Will be able to build a mine this month.
Silver Mine (F11) Three Squares East to reach, this Will be able to build a mine this month.
Blue Quartz Mines (M19) To reach the Gemstones would take four squares, but you would claim one of the Apple Orchards, and next moth be able to claim the Blue Quartz and lake within the desert. Can build clean up the orchard (M9) this month.
Construction Order
Market, Magistrates Tower, Mill(Paper), Foundry(Tied to Copper Mine), Palace, Diplomat's Academy, Dock, Shipyards, Bookbinders, Foundry(Tied to Silver Mine), Foundry(Tied to Iron Mine), Foundry(Tied to Iron Mine), Foundry(Tied to Blue Quartz), Mill(Apple cider/vinegar)
"Please confirm building order, Associated houses will be placed adjacent to current houses.
Once these choices are made I will update the maps you can view.
Joel Grimtooth |
"I have authority to issue any edit that the Heir can. So we can get by for the now. Nothing will be vacant until next month anyway."
"It seems it is just the three of your at the moment. Which of the three choices of squares should we claim this month? Joel's Choice: 1d3 ⇒ 2 I suggest we go to the Iron veins this month."
As far as buildings I suggest this month a Market, Foundry(Tied to whichever new Mine you decide on), Foundry(Tied to Copper Mine) and whatever associated houses are required.
I also suggest we build 2 more quarries on the path to the new iron mine, build roads to connect everything. On Force River I suggest we plant some reeds so we can at least make papyrus.
We have ten squares worth of those lightning rails, perhaps a decision where to place them, or atleast remembering that we have them at least.
Magistrates Tower
Diplomat's Academy
Scroll Makers
Foundry(Tied to Silver Mine)
Foundry(Tied to Blue Quartz)
Mill(Apple cider/vinegar)
Mill(Apple cider/Vinegar)
Brewery(hard cider)
Brewery(Wine red)
Fabricator |
"I must concur with those suggestions, as they further my goal of expanding our treasury and wealth of materials. As far as the lightning rail goes, it depends on what we want to use it for. If we are using it for transport of unfinished goods, then that tells us where we want the route to follow. If we are trying to use it to connect to a civilization we might find, then we should wait."
Joel Grimtooth |
"So be it, then we three concur and so order the table to order construction."
"The lightning rails allow what it called unoriginally a Lighting Rail, the House that owned the copyright was very big on capitalization in all forms and lame puns."
"We could create one with the Air Elemental that is bound within the Khyber Shard we have in the Warehouse. It will require gold though, and a working silver mine. So its more of a future thing, I simply wanted to bring you attention to it. This ahh Will call it Rail Rider, This machine is limited in that it can only travel a path of the lighting rails."
"We have enough of the rails to make a straight path 100 miles long, or 10 time a 10 mile, 1 square stretch of it. Their magic is such that they will hover over water or the very air if you were to start them at mountain tops for whatever reason.
The Rail rider travels MUCH faster then the fastest horse can ride. it moves at the elemental that was willingly bound into the shard would normally fly, at perfect flight but only over the lighting rails, its magic's would fail if it was ever off the track. But it takes near a wish or miracle to move one, as they are Permanently locked into place. It is a very valuable resourse."
"The other three shards and elementals likewise bound within willingly, can be used as a power source for an machines like the earth burrower, a ship that sails under or above the waters, or a skyfire ship like that one you were shown on the table earlier."
"Or they could be used to create mighty arms or armor or other items of power, like the shovel."
"Feorina, I have been told that the psi-forged ones that you spoke with last month have requested your presence, and that of both the treasurer and magister on the marrow."
"If you don't mind id like to send wolvyn and some of the stone scales with you as well as the warden, and resnit's rangers. As the location is outside of the city near the thirty miles of burial grounds or old crypts that the marshal found last month."
"I will stay here, now that the explorer and marshal are back, I think that I may be able to puzzle out the riddle of the of the Orb and Compas. I should have an answer when you return."
Verio al'Morin |
Looking harassed and slightly ill, Verio moves out from the back of the Inn, taking a seat at the table and sighing slightly. "Feorina I believe that it is the morrow you are to visit the mine, as in tomorrow. Accents can be hard to work through at times!" Verio sighed and lent forward, grabbing a pitcher of water off the middle of the table and quaffing it in one long swallow. Gasping slightly he set the pitcher down on the table and yawned softly. "Forgive my absence friends. I was quite unwell. A stomach bug only, I am sure!"