noral |

Hello GM Wastrel,
I would be very interested in this campaign!
Kyron, the Kitsune bard, had a rough start in life … well first of all he did not even know that he was a Kitsune until … well … let us start at the beginning.
Kyron was found on the steps of the Silver Star shop, a music store and secret Sarenite shrine in Kintargo in Cheliax, wrapped in blankets, with no name or note of any kind. The only sign that slightly shocked the Sarenite’s was a golden mark resembling the holy symbol of the Dawnflower on Kyron’s arm – had a follower of Asmodeus found the child, his life could have ended right there.
The child was given to two secret Sarenite followers, a bard from Brevoy and a dervish swashbuckler from the River Kingdoms, Sharon and Kollin, who had coincidentally met and fell in love in Kintargo. Sharon and Kollin had received repeating visions that showed two foxes in an immoral union – and both foxes had a strange golden mark on their arms that were identical to the mark on the child they had heard about. Obliged to follow this mystical sign, the married couple that could not conceive any children of their own, volunteered to raise the child and cared for the kid in an environment not typical for a child: as followers of Sarenrae in Kintargo they had to keep their faith to themselves and also Kyron’s symbol on his arm a secret.
The life of Sharon and Kollina was centered mainly on their duties to music, their work in the opera house as well as the faith in their goddess. Thus, Kyron was raised in the faith of Sarenrae and loved music as much as his ‘parents’. It came as a shock to all of them when Kyron suddenly turned into the shape of a Kitsune on his seventh birthday and his parents obliged him to control himself and never take this form. It was hard for Kyron to resist the urge to see his other form but he complied with his parents request.
Though Kyron was like any child, the secret he had to keep because of his faith, because of his mark and because of his race took away parts of the innocence that life as a child usually embodies. But his high social aptitude led to a happy life in a house where warmth and love were the foundation of family life. But Kyron also saw the seduction, cruelty, vengeance and ruthless behavior of house Thrune in Cheliax and he began to think about the good that could potentially result from his faith, and he dreamt about a day where he could build a kingdom with his own hands – a kingdom where no evil was committed in the name of a god.
A child is framed by the environment that he lives in but Kyron was never comfortable with life in Cheliax, and it was clear after a while that although he was devoted to his parents, Kyron was willing to choose his path.
The rise of house Thrune in Kintargo and the attack on the Sarenite faith in Cheliax led to a disaster that Kyron could not have imagined. In a single night the majority of Sarenite followers in Kintargo were either killed, imprisoned or pushed into hiding. Although Kyron was already an adolescent at that time it was nonetheless a shock for him when his mother and father died in front of his eyes and only luck allowed him to escape the grasp of house Thrune.
Kyron’s survival was not a certainty but he embraced his Kitsune form to hide his identity and was successful to follow his goddess’ light and made a path through Cheliax that led him to the roots … the roots of his parents. He traveled to the homelands of Sharon and Kollin and with some luck he was admitted to the Pitax Academy of Grand Arts. Now Kyron has completed his studies and is ready to make his dream come true … to build a kingdom where no evil will be committed in the name of a god.
Kyron was raised as a follower of Sarenrae so that compassion is a central focal point of his personality. But he was also shaped by his parents who loved music and enjoyed life. Kyron wants nothing more and nothing less than the freedom to live in an environment where benevolence and caring for one’s environment are the foundation. He is against the way of the wicked, and distastes amoral behavior. He accepts that one’s actions have consequences, and knows that life can be good if evil is compelled to turn to the light. Kyron is thus determined to seize every moment together with companions and help others to experience the fruits that good deeds can offer.

noral |

In his human form Kyron is a scrawny but agile young man with auburn hair and amber eyes. He has a natural calm and his features seem Chelaxian but also have something else mixed in.
He wears light leather armor and carries a Scimitar at his hip that is attached to his wrist with a very fine chain.
To be honest I have not played Kingmaker before so I do not know what these choices influence. I would rather look for a good group harmony and play any role with this character if it allows him to shape the kingdom and to aim for a good community.
If you like the concept and believe that this could be viable character in your campaign I would also create the stats. ;-)

Wandering GM Wastrel |

OK, where had we got to?
@Nikolaus - OK, go for it
@Arythain - unknowing bastard might work, but as the campaign trait is written it's supposed to be a spur to prove yourself. Since your character has that already then that would probably be fine.
@The Chess - VMC is fine
@Marcus Tamarin - yes, it's possible to belong to a noble house without having the last name. If your mother - or grandmother, even - was a Medvyed then your family name would be from your father.
@The Unthinker - I'll be using the Ultimate Campaign kingdom rules. No to downtime, it's just too much paperwork!
@Noral - that could work, I look forward to seeing the crunch in due course.
From my PMs:
No to the Leadership feat
Yes to the Natural Ruler feat
No to Mythic rules
Hope that puts us up to date - if I've missed anything, please let me know.

Morgin Ironfold |

I've had this idea for a dwarf druid that I've been kicking around trying to get in to a Kingmaker campaign for a while now, but I've never been able to get him into any. I just need to adjust some of his stats to make him fit with the build rules of this game and I'd be set.
I think it would be interesting to have a character who would be more focused on preserving nature then just establishing a seat of rule. I also think that the interactions between NPCs who care about more traditional monarchy and a dwarf who speaks for the trees would be entertaining
As for a role he would take up, I have to say that he wouldn't really be interested in being a leader and would definitely do well with the nature aspects of the campaign. He be more interested in a advisory role so that way he could help guide to the kingdoms construction to help incorporate nature.
As Morgrin grew older and more estranged to everyone around him, due to his talk of plants and animals and bugs that nobody else really cared about, it was with only mild surprise that instead of taking on the family trades or leaving to fulfill some short-sighted ambition that he became the village's first and only herbalist.
From then on it was a modest and quiet life living in a shack and tending to his home grown plants. Receiving the occasional visit from the villager who got into a drunken fight or injured due to some random accident. It's was a life he would have been fine with if the nicknames and jabs hadn't started, "Always pay respect to Old Man Greenbeard or he'll put you in the ointment he'll use to heal your family." Or, "Old Man Greenbeer dyes his beard with the guts of bugs who mock him and braids his beard with the bones of the animals who laugh." None of the jokes were made with any malice but that didn't mean it hurt any less and eventually after trying and failing to get the villagers to stop he had had enough. He had packed his few things, told his parents he was leaving the village and left.
From then on Morgrin traveled from village to village acting as a healer because he had found little other practical use for his knowledge of herbs and remedies, and found he had enjoyed travel. He would eventually meet a druid of the green face and to become a follower as well. Soon after that he had heard of a charter of the Stolen Lands, the land South of his old home and he found the idea of visiting that land of untamed wilderness appealing.

theasl |

So many bards...and arcane casters in general.....
Anyways. I've never played Kingmaker before, nor have I ever used Ultimate Intrigue rules, but I gave the latter a quick read-through and they seem pretty interesting, if a bit complicated. I usually pick up rules and such fairly quickly though, so I'm not too worried about it.
I've always heard this AP is a good place for a mounted concept. With the changes you're making - additional kingdom-building and political intrigue - does that still hold? There's literally nothing in UI's new rules section about mounts or animal companions, after all.
Either way, I'm set on building some sort of martial/divine hybrid: inquisitor, warpriest, or divine hunter.

Wandering GM Wastrel |

@Boggbear - reflavouring a trait is generally ok so that should be fine.
@Malqazar - I didn't see any specific questions from your posts but I have looked through your concept and it looks fine. Let me know if you want me to check anything in particular.
@theasi - this is generally a good AP for mounted characters, although it won't always be possible to take your mount with you.

Arythain |

I'm currently considering a few different changes to Tristan's story, mostly to have him choose to become a part of the kingdom-building group rather than just being forced into it.
However, another change has to do with the Bastard trait. As it is, his story already supports the mechanics of the trait fairly well - he's pissed off a lot of the nobility with his antics, and has proven to be stubborn and strong-willed. If that's enough justification for you, GM, then I'll just reskin the trait with a new name and call it even. However, if you'd prefer I stick to the flavor of the original trait, I'll change the story to add in that angle.

Zond Ebonblade |

Ok, Trying again. :)
Zond Ebonblade
When he arrived in Brevoy it was to a luke warm reception. As consolation he was offered a chance to tame the greenbelt in the Stolen Lands. He's a follower of Sarenae and has enemies in Brevoy and Cheliax(his brothers and father)
Zond Starts the Game as a Sorceror(1st level) but is pursuing the course of a Fighter(Swordlord Archetype) from then on.
Zond is rather hardened by his experience as a child but still manages to be lighthearted most of the time. When he is under pressure or in a dangerous situation however, he will become deadly quiet and find the most efficient way to attain his goal. He detests slavery, a holdover from his youth, and will always attempt to assist slaves, sometimes at his own expense. He is also carrying a great deal of guilt with him and feels unworthy.
Zond is a tall, over 6', with shoulder length ragged blond hair he keeps that way to hide the evil tattoos he has upon his head and back of the neck. He has a well-muscled physique and although it is not grotesquely muscled he has the appearance of a strong young man. He has a long straight nose and fair skin that belies his Chelish background, but when he speaks he has a slight accent common to those from Cheliax. Zond has a scar on his left forearm that is a reminder of the time his brothers tried to feed him to an alligator.
Zond Ebonblade
Male Aasimar Celestial Bloodline Sorceror 1
NG Medium Humanoid
Feats (Amateur Swashbuckler(Dodging Panache) - From his time at sea travelling to his mother's home on Absolam)
Bloodline Power - Heavenly Fire
Spells Known 4(0), 2(1st): Detect Magic, Mending, Prestidigitation, Acid Spash, Magic Weapon, Icicle Dagger
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 16
Adventuring Skills: Bluff +8, Heal +5, Intimidate +7, Spellcraft +4, KS: Planes +2
Background Skills: Profession: Sailor +3, KS: Nobility +1
Languages: Common
Favored Class Bonus: Fighter, no bonus at this level.
Gear: MW Dueling Sword, explorer's outfit, boots, waterskin, backpack, rope, rations, Quarterstaff

Wandering GM Wastrel |

@Arythain - that works for me.
@Winwaar - look forward to seeing what you come up with
@Zond - the stat block needs to have a little more detail (attacks, defences, and so on), but will do for now to give me an idea of the character
@TheSilverDreamer - sounds interesting. I look forward to the details.

Wandering GM Wastrel |

@The Unthinker - I'll be using the Ultimate Campaign kingdom rules. No to downtime, it's just too much paperwork!
Just to expand on this point cos i wrote it in a hurry. There will be downtime (lots and lots of it!) in the campaign, so if you want to craft things like magic items then we can definitely accomodate that. Re-training feats will also be fine. I'm just not a fan of the UC downtime rules with capital/labor/stuff that has to be tracked.

noral |

@Noral - that could work, I look forward to seeing the crunch in due course.
Hi GM, based on the background I would like to play the following face / frontline character.
- Bard (Archetypes: Pitax Academy of Grand Arts, Dawnflower Dervish)
- Swashbuckler (Noble Fencer, Mysterious Avenger)
Stats 20 point buy: Str 7, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16
Traits: Blade of mercy (Sarenrae), others tbd
Feat: Tbd
How does that sound?

Wandering GM Wastrel |

@Wandering GM Wastrel just to confirm, that includes buying teams like Guards and Lackeys if you don't want to use them for downtime activities?
@Harakani - that's a good question. It's not something my tabletop group was really interested in, we tended to just handwave the fact that once you get into kingdom building then you have a few guards here and there to reflect the fact that you are rulers. Anything larger scale was sorted using mass combat (which I heavily revised to make it more dramatic/cinematic, basically giving armies a few more hit points so they don't just wipe each other out on the first dice roll).
Is there anything in particular you had in mind? I will do my best to acomodate EDIT use a word I can actually spell.
Also, to confirm from above - no Leadership or Part-Leadership abilities? Like Instructor Archetype Wizards?
Another good question! Ultimately, the point of the campaign is that trust is in reasonably short supply. Having a cohort gives me a slight headache as DM: either the PC has one NPC who they know will never, ever, betray them; or the DM is faced with screwing the PC over in the event that the cohort/class feature ends up being untrustworthy.
I don't really like either of those options. At the tabletop, I know my players and how they're likely to react if their apprentice turns on them. Here, a player might be more inclined to protest if their cohort (which - after all - they've invested a feat in) ends up betraying them to the BBEG.
Having said that, let me hasten to add that not everyone is out to screw the party over. There are NPCs out there who will be on your side. The trick is finding them - and keeping them!
So, with that horribly over-lengthy caveat out the way, if you want to take the Instructor Wizard archetype (or something similar) then let's discuss it.

![]() |

Wandering GM Wastrel wrote:@The Unthinker - I'll be using the Ultimate Campaign kingdom rules. No to downtime, it's just too much paperwork!Just to expand on this point cos i wrote it in a hurry. There will be downtime (lots and lots of it!) in the campaign, so if you want to craft things like magic items then we can definitely accomodate that. Re-training feats will also be fine. I'm just not a fan of the UC downtime rules with capital/labor/stuff that has to be tracked.
what about if we wanted to use downtime just to make a business that we as a character would run for money and not influence/labor/magic (in my character’s case, he’d want to directly own a bar/brewery and maybe indirectly manage a vineyard)
Edit: side note, finally got the crunch in this bio to match a 1st level character
Harakani |

I've two concepts I've been torn between for days now. One is a relatively simple historian mage who is desperately trying to set up a "perfect" kingdom because he believes having read enough history he knows how to do it best. That's the one that was looking at Leadership, or more accurately students.
The other one is where I'm tending. I might run that past you now, if that's okay?
Human (Silver Tongued) Druid (Feyspeaker, Herbalist) with Noble Scion and Conciliator
Subject to change around the edges...
I'd like to take Rich Parents and buy a "tribe" to go with her. Some Drovers, some guards (maybe soldiers), some goats etc. If Teams aren't allowed I'd have her have out run them and hope you'd bring them in as NPCs.
I reread Ultimate Intrigue, and ran into the Feytalker archetype (and the similar Nithveil archetype). This got me thinking about stories like rip van winkle. I'd been thinking about a "new Sarkoris" as a Kingmaker motivation for a while. The concept sort of worked, but was a bit weird (originally a crafter) so I challenged myself to try to tie it in to every level of the campaign I envisioned.
Wilderness: as a druid she'll be useful in the wilderness. Herbalism gives buff and healing. Not a great fighter, but I think she'll pull her weight, if only because of the fights she'll be able to shortcut through Animal Empathy and Call Truce.
Diplomacy with Fey: Feyspeaker and Medydev mean she'll be able to engage with local fey politics. After a few levels she won't be likely to be mind controlled, either. She has a hook for the Fey she dealt with, which'll hopefully be useful for the campaign. She can "remember" allies or enemies when needed for the plot.
Diplomacy with Locals: her weakest point, but Call Truce means she has a chance of being able to parley with locals (at least, once she gets some more languages).
Diplomacy with Brevoy: when it comes to dealing with low level nobility like the swordlords, she should be on a good footing. Medyved Scion means she has a bunch of enemies and allies baked in. Call Truce has a secondary effect to help with Verbal Duels and Influencing.
Kingdom Building: She can explain the sudden boost of the area as at least in part calling for Sarkorians. I also think it'll lead to a different flavour of Kingdom (Sarkorian druids loved druids, tolerated clerics, didn't like wizards)
Game of Thrones: at the highest level the Rogarvian tie means she can maybe try for a takeover of Brevoy. That's pretty high level though.
Loyalty: She has a reason to be loyal to Brevoy (blood ties, spent time there as a kid) but also not to just build Brevoy 2.0
Selka Widowknife was born in 4952, in the period where Golarion believed the prophesied Age of Humanity was nigh. The belief that wars among the human kingdoms would be stopped had led to a rash of inter-kingdom political marriages in the decades leading up to the incipient date.
Selka was born of one such marriage. Her mother was Kala Widowknife, fourth daughter of the Widowknife Clanliege and war-druid of Sarkoris. Her father was Svalk Medyved of Brevoy, himself the child of Ragnar Medyved and Yala Rogarvia, a talented draconic sorceror.
Selka's youth contained training in magic, diplomacy, and the Green Faith. She spent some time with her father visiting relatives in Brevoy each second year.
Canon notes that pre Choral the Houses were originally more tribal. I think that given the similar religion and political structure they would be much like the clans in the nearby country of Sarkoris. At this point only "recently" has things started to go more formal I believe?
In 4606 Aroden died, and Sarkoris was plunged into war. Selka's parents both made for the front line of the war. Selka's elementary training had her working as a Druidic Herbalist in the Widowknife Clanhold, desperately trying to stop the spread of demonic plagues, and treating those sent home from the front lines.
Canon: in 4610 the wards broke. The crusade would not be called for years.
In 4610 the witch Areelu Vorlesh assaulted Clanhold Widowknife with an army of winged fiends. Selka had enough military knowledge to realise that the populace of the city was doomed.
She commandeered a number of druidic items and made contact with a powerful local fey. This fey agreed to open a way through the First World from the doomed clanhold to the closest congruent point to her paternal relatives. Selka managed to strike a reasonable deal, but at the cost was that Selka would serve the fey for a hundred years, as well as turn over the vast majority of items and treasure she had saved. Sadly unnoticed was the "to the closest congruent point" clause.
A great many of the non-combatants of Widowhold were led through the First World to safety, but the closest congruent point to the Medyved lands was on the other side of the Icerime peaks in Iobaria.
Canon: Clanhold Widowknife fell in 4610.
Canon: the influx of refugees to Iobaria caused the collapse of the Iobarian kingdom during the period 4606-4626
Selka served her hundred years, aging despite the promise of the fae she'd "not be a day older at the end". Finally, after a century she was reunited with her tribe in 4710, just a few months ago. They fey fulfilled his bargain by killing and reincarnating her - wiping out almost all her memories of time among the fey but leaving her strangely changed. His promise to reunite her was fulfilled by simply summoning the tribes together.
Canon: the Vanishing happened while Selka was in the First World
All had not gone well for the refugees. There had been no warm welcome, and Iobaria collapsed. The Widowknife clan had scattered into disparate families only loosely affiliated. Over the next hundred years they recovered and became a thorn in house Medyved's side, raiding through and eventually colonising the icerime peaks. In the mountains the frequent plagues abated and populations boomed on stolen grain.
The tribal stories of Selka's deal (and leading to the 'promised and') meant they were poised for her to return. Stories grew in the telling until Selka stood off the demonic forces long enough for her people to flee. The Fey's summons were taken as proof of her power, and confirmed Selka's identity. If taken aback by her age, they quickly attributed it to "immortality". They expected her to lead them to war against their enemies the Medyved and claim the promised land for the Widowknife.
The Medyved realised a lot of the disparate Iobarian barbarians along the Icepeaks were coming together, and feared an offensive. To prevent this they launched their own assault. Hurried, and through poor terrain, this assault ran into a great deal of poor weather and consequent disease that the superstitious (which is to say the soldiers) chalked up to the return of the Widowknife witch the few barbarians they caught raved about. Now they camped just outside bowshot of the barbarian camp.
This was the situation Selka, a recently reincarnated teenager with the memory and power of a barely trained druid found herself in.
With the optimism of the young she took a small honorguard and approached the Medyved camp the night before the battle. She talked to the silver haired and injured Medyved general (somewhat startled to discover his great-great aunt looked younger than his granddaughter) and they talked into the night.
He wasn't sure how much power she had. The barbarians obviously thought a serious amount, but he knew enough to know that even without her (if he broke ettiquette and managed to kill her there and then under a flag of truce) injured and sick as it was his force was they would do badly the next day. That would in turn leave Medyved weak in the future, which largely ensured that when civil war came the Medyved would do badly. On the other hand retreat would simply cause the barbarians in front of him to taste blood, unite into a serious force, and Medyved would have to station the bulk of their forces at their rear during the civil war. She presented her (compelling) credentials as a Medyved, but this was strange enough to be largely unprovable without extensive genealogy and magic.
For her part Selka knew that her people had descended into barbarity. If they managed to wipe out the Medyved, there would simply be more Brevoy attacks. They needed a homeland, a homeland better than the icy wastes of the Iobarian peaks.
She reluctantly proposed a standard noble solution; a political marriage. The general (recently widowed and brother to Lord Gurev) would engage to marry Selka (a woman forty years younger and sixty years older than himself). The tribes would put their common cause away until after harvest, and the Medyved forces would return to Stoneclimb. A small force would accompany Selka and the General back to Lord Gurev for permission to marry.
Lord Gurev was pondering who to send to the Stolen Lands when his brother rocked up with Selka.
* A member by blood of his own Family, proven by magic and a knowledge of family secrets.
* Once heir, now last Clanliege of Sarkoria. A banner or the disaffected refugees that haunted the lands of Avistan.
* Defacto ruler of the barbarian raiders that plagued his land.
* An apparently powerful druid, the last scion of the Clan known for powerful casters, child of two other powerful casters, and apparently over a century old.
* Lastly - and this was the most dangerous - arguably with a claim to the throne of Rogarvia better than that of Surtova. Her father may have been 78th in line for the throne, but with the Vanishing that made her 1st. Assuming she was that Selka. Assuming that her father moving to Sarkoris hadn't invalidated his claim. Assuming that the Surtova didn't just kill her. Assuming the force behind the Vanishing didn't come back for her.
Lord Gurev had a big long thought, and then came up with an answer to everything.
He told her to keep her claims quiet, and sent her to the Stolen Lands. A show of support - If she was so powerful, she could use that power to pacify the lands. As a family member - and Lord Gurev was a family man - she had ties of blood on her loyalty. She could pull the barbarian raiders from his flank down to pacify the bandit kingdoms that didn't border Medyved anyway, hopefully turning enemies into allies. While there was little he could do about the force behind the Vanishing, it would be easier to keep the secret and harder for Surtova agents that far from civilisation.

Wandering GM Wastrel |

@Winwaar/Dale Firehair - looks good. No specific comments for the moment.
what about if we wanted to use downtime just to make a business that we as a character would run for money and not influence/labor/magic (in my character’s case, he’d want to directly own a bar/brewery and maybe indirectly manage a vineyard)
That's actually a bit small-scale. You will (once you get to the right bit of the AP) be building a nation, which will occupy most of the free time your characters have. I'm not inclined to add further book-keeping on to that. So that is a (reasonably) firm no.
I've two concepts I've been torn between for days now. One is a relatively simple historian mage who is desperately trying to set up a "perfect" kingdom because he believes having read enough history he knows how to do it best. That's the one that was looking at Leadership, or more accurately students.
Heh. A sort of Plato/Socrates type? I could get behind that :)
The other one is where I'm tending. I might run that past you now, if that's okay?
I like the background (although I think you have the birth date wrong, unless I've missed something?).
I'd like to take Rich Parents and buy a "tribe" to go with her. Some Drovers, some guards (maybe soldiers), some goats etc. If Teams aren't allowed I'd have her have out run them and hope you'd bring them in as NPCs.
Hmm - I don't know how familiar you are with the Kingmaker AP, but you don't start out as nation-builders. Without giving too much away, you start out as chartered explorers, sent to map the wilderness on Rostland's southern border. It's only at the end of Book 1/start of Book 2 of the AP that you settle into kingdom-building.
At the start of the AP, a bunch of noncombatants will just be a hindrance.

BoggBear |

Since we'll be playing as the movers and shakers of a kingdom (eventually), it's not unreasonable that we'll be able to rp taking special interest in the businesses we build during the course of the game.
Eventually, we might have one town each to more or less decide about on our own even.
But there are going to be mass combat I take it, with us buying and equipping units of various types, leading them and choosing tactics during battle?

Arythain |

This should be my finalized submission, excepting anything you would like to comment on/see adjusted, GM Wastrel. I envision Tristan starting as something of a fish out of water, but will take to the adventuring life rapidly.
Tristan Aislin
Male Human Bard(Court Bard) 1
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid
Init+2; Senses Perception -1
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 [+3 Dex, +3 Armor, +1 Shield]
hp 8
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Rapier +3 (1d6/18-20/x2)
Melee Dagger +3 (1d4/19-20/x2)
Ranged Shortbow +3 (1d6/x3)
Caster Level 1; Concentration +5
Spells Per Day
0th: n/a
1st: 2
Spells Known
0th (DC 14): Ghost Sound, Daze, Lullaby, Message
1st (DC 15): Cause Fear, Sleep
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 18
Base Atk+0;CMB+0;CMD13
Skills (with invested ranks):
Artistry (Musical Composition/Song writing): +5
Acrobatics (1 rank): +7
Bluff (1 ranks): +8
Diplomacy (1 ranks): +9
Know(Hist) (1 rank): +6
Know(Local) (1 rank): +6
Know(Noble) (1 rank): +6
Linguistics (1 ranks): +5
Perform(Sing) (1 ranks): +10
Perform(String) (1 rank): +8
Sense Motive (1 rank): +3
Weapon Finesse (use Dex mod for some weapons)
Spellsong: With a swift action, combine a use of Perform skill with casting a spell
Savant (+2 to Perform(Sing) checks)
Charming (+1 to Bluff, Dip and +1 to spell save DC v creatures that could find Tristan sexually attractive.
Lacks Deference (Reflavored Campaign Trait 'Bastard'): -1 to social interaction checks with Brevic Nobility, +1 to Will Save
Common, Elvish, Celestial
Gear Rapier, shortbow, quiver and 20 arrows, studded leather armor, fiddle, extra fiddle strings & other care equipment (oil, polish, linens, etc). Leather hair ties. 1 set of fine clothing. 1 set of trail clothing. 2 weeks trail rations. water skin.
Money: 24 gp
Special Abilities
Heraldric Expertise: A court bard gains a bonus equal to half his bard level on Diplomacy, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nobility) checks (minimum +1). Once per day, the court bard can also reroll a check against one of these skills, though he must take the result of the second roll even if it is worse. He can reroll one additional time per day at 5th level and every five levels thereafter.
Bardic Performance 8x/day: Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Satire
Tristan doesn't come from much, but he wasn't born on the street. The son of shopkeepers, he received some formal education in his youth and was found to have a knack for language. At the age of eight, his gift for music was discovered, and the arc of his life was seemingly decided. His singing mentors feared that upon reaching manhood his changing voice would no longer be as sweet - but it only grew more beautiful, expanding his range and his appeal. Combined with his physical beauty and natural charm, Tristan found there were very few doors he couldn't open with the right words. By his mid teens he'd already made a name for himself as a performer. For several years he lived in a room at a pricey tavern where he performed thrice a week, and was often hired by nobles for private performances. He spent money as easily as he made it, and life was a happy, effortless blur of wine, lovers, and song.
Eventually, jealousy complicated matters. A former partner of Tristan's, with whom he had often sung duets and put on joint performances, was driven by ambition to strike out on his own – but while an excellent musician himself, it was no secret that he was found to be the inferior of the two. The matter was made worse by competition over a lover – an excitingly mysterious and audacious young woman by the name of Audrey, whom was widely rumored to be a part of the city's criminal underground in some way. The rival enlisted the help of a pair of minor noble youths to spread slander and gossip about Tristan and ruin his reputation.
When Tristan found out, it brought his carefree life to a screeching halt. He was often the subject of gossip and rumor, but never before had it been spiteful (and usually it had been deserved). This concerted campaign against him aroused a fighting spirit within him that he'd never known existed. He used his superior charms and immensely superior connections to turn the tables on his detractors. He exposed their schemes and destroyed their credibility, and as an added bit of revenge spread a few artful rumors of his own. For a month or so, opponents vanquished, his life returned to normal.
Unable to match his skills at petty politics and constantly enraged by the gossip that held them in such mockery, both Tristan's rival and the two nobles marched into the inn one night to challenge him to duels. Outraged that they had brazenly interrupted his performance, Tristan accepted without a second thought - and furthermore, contemptuously offered to fight all three duels in a single day.
Like any decent Rostlander socialite, Tristan owned a blade and was tolerably well acquainted with its use, having hired himself a private dueling master for some years - but he had never expected to have need of the skills. Still, his pride would not let him back down, and so he resolved to follow through. For the week leading up to the duels he practiced constantly. When the day came, his opponents drew straws for the order in which their duels would be fought, and the rules were laid: to first blood or capitulation.
First he fought one of the nobles, a young man who had been training with a blade nearly his entire life - but had little aptitude for it. With experience and stamina he ground out a lengthy bout, but eventually Tristan was able to cut him upon the hand and so take a poor, but definite, victory. The second match was fought against the original instigator, the fellow singer. This man hated Tristan with a passion - but was useless with a blade. Tristan stabbed him in the shoulder on the second pass.
The third and final duel was fought against the most formidable opponent. The second noble was Tristan's elder by three years. Tristan knew little of him, but everything he knew he hated. The man was cruel, rash, arrogant, and poorly spoken. Tristan could not bear the thought of losing to him, and so he summoned up every bit of strength he had left - but after two duels, he was tired, and it was all he could do to fend off his foe's attacks. Then he remembered that he had another weapon which he had thus far left unused - his words. He began to taunt the noble, mercilessly and creatively. He joked. He insulted. He improvised mocking lyrics and poems even as he dodged attacks. The crowd - which was considerable - roared with laughter. After one particularly biting limerick that commented on the noble's taste for farm beasts as bed partners, the young man charged recklessly. Tristan countered with a thrust, hoping to take his opponent in the shoulder - but the nobleman stumbled in his haste, and spitted his head upon Tristan's blade. The cleric they'd had on duty for the duels declared that the man was dead.
The noble's family did everything they could to declare Tristan a murderer, but here, again, he proved able to defend himself against the allegations with his own words and the help of his allies in the nobility. He was absolved of wrongdoing - but now Tristan had earned himself more powerful enemies. He was forced to enter the realm of politics to prevent the dead noble's family and their allies from destroying his life. This he managed to do, and for several years his life was again joyful and downright hedonistic - but somewhat less carefree, especially as his newfound notoriety made Audrey vanish like the morning mist.
In the end, it was not this violent episode which undid Tristan - but rather his own amorousness. At twenty-two years of age he was more successful than ever, playing and singing for wealthy merchants and minor noble families for miles around. And one of those nobles turned out to have two very fetching daughters.
As well as an extremely charming wife.
On the final day of his month-long stay at the estate, Tristan's host, a powerful nobleman, discovered him in bed with the wife - and upon further questioning of the household staff, also discovered the dalliances with his daughters. And one of his kitchen maids. Not all of Tristan's words and allies could save him from consequences this time - though they did manage to save him from the headsman's axe. Instead, the magistrate ordered most of his possessions seized, and then offered him a choice of exiles – to Brevoy, to see how well a Rostlander bard would do in the arrogant courts of the northerners, or a chance to wipe clean his transgressions by serving Rostland on a mission to the Stolen Lands. Success might see his exile rescinded.
The judge's tone made it clear what she thought of Tristan – an upjumped wastrel who survived on looks and words, lacking any true mettle or worth. For the first time Tristan wondered if there was merit to the opinion.
The next morning saw Tristan depart the city with a charter in hand. He was officially an agent of the Swordlords, bidden to bring peace and prosperity to the Greenbelt. He had bid his tearful and fearful parents a farewell the night before. Despite their worry, Tristan felt excitement grow in him as he departed the city gates.
This would be an adventure worth singing about.
Appearance/Clothing/Accessories: Tristan is just a touch above average height and has a lean build. He has light brown hair he keeps to a length just past his neck, sharp facial features and deep blue eyes. He has a thin scar on his right temple and ear which is largely concealed by his hair, a remnant of an accident during fencing practice some years ago. In his youth he used to enjoy gaudy clothes but has lost much of his taste for tasteless ostentation, preferring clothing in simple styles but high-quality make and materials. He prefers muted colors embellished by one or two items of bold brightness. That being said, he knows how to dress for an audience. He enjoys jewelry, but most of his was seized as reparations for his transgressions. He was allowed to keep a necklace adorned with the butterfly symbol of Desna.
Personality/Quirks: Tristan is a good-natured, outgoing, unrepentant hedonist with a passion for song and wordplay that exceeds all else (even his other passions, which are many). He is of a generous bent and freely shares his wealth (well, the wealth he used to have) with friends and has also been known to donate to the poor from time to time. His major weaknesses are a tendency to live in the moment and pursue his desires while only rarely considering the consequences (a tendency that is directly responsible for his presence in the Stolen Lands). His pride and a streak of vanity (especially where his musical skills are concerned) have also been issues, as has his tendency to poke fun at people whom he thinks are 'taking themselves too seriously.'
Recently Tristan has taken to trying his hand at songwriting, wondering if he has what it takes to be a great composer. He'll often mumble couplets under his breath as he considers rhyming schemes.
Morality: Tristan is generally good-willed to all, and ready to treat others with friendship and respect under the assumption that they will approach him in the same way. While not having a great deal of experience with responsibility to anyone but himself, on the rare occasions when he makes promises or gives his word, he takes keeping it very seriously. He is generous with his money and resources, especially when he encounters real poverty and need. The one thing he can be selfish with is his time, as when the desire to sing, play, or compose comes over him he can think of little else. While not violent by nature and preferring other means to solve his problems, he is decently handy with a sword and bow and does not shy away from a fight – though he has no experience with killing outside of the accident in his youth.
Tristan would work best as a Councilor, helping to keep loyalty and goodwill widespread within the lands he's responsible for. He would also make a good Diplomat, especially as he matures and is more equipped to deal with adversarial relationships. His own preference is Councilor, as he likes to live and work amongst people who like and admire him.
Tristan could be press-ganged into the role of Ruler and would do his best with it, but does not tend to view himself as a leader (at least, not yet).

Wandering GM Wastrel |

@BoggBear - honestly, I haven't thought that far ahead. It's different enough from how my tabletop group approached it that I haven't got a ready answer. Let's play it by ear when we get there :-)
@Arythain/Tristan - thanks, looks good. I particularly like the "Lacks Deference" trait! I notice you don't identify what houses the nobles he duelled/cuckolded come from - is it ok for me make that bit up, based on the eventual party composition?

Harakani |

Harakani wrote:I've two concepts I've been torn between for days now. One is a relatively simple historian mage who is desperately trying to set up a "perfect" kingdom because he believes having read enough history he knows how to do it best. That's the one that was looking at Leadership, or more accurately students.Heh. A sort of Plato/Socrates type? I could get behind that :)
Exactly! If its a better concept, please tell me! I sort of abandoned it mostly due to the number of Arcane Casters applying. Selka is... pretty full on, though. A sort of weaponised fairytale princess.
Harakani wrote:The other one is where I'm tending. I might run that past you now, if that's okay?I like the background (although I think you have the birth date wrong, unless I've missed something?).
I do. Transposed numbers. She's supposed to be 14 years older than the Worldwound, not 300 years older!
Harakani wrote:I'd like to take Rich Parents and buy a "tribe" to go with her. Some Drovers, some guards (maybe soldiers), some goats etc. If Teams aren't allowed I'd have her have out run them and hope you'd bring them in as NPCs.Hmm - I don't know how familiar you are with the Kingmaker AP, but you don't start out as nation-builders. Without giving too much away, you start out as chartered explorers, sent to map the wilderness on Rostland's southern border. It's only at the end of Book 1/start of Book 2 of the AP that you settle into kingdom-building.
At the start of the AP, a bunch of noncombatants will just be a hindrance.
Pretty familiar - relying on the fact you said you'd mix things up. I'm actually running a tabletop kingdom building game myself, and would love to see a way to get more politics and intrigue in.
I wasn't thinking just non-combatants. I was figuring they'd primarily run a "base camp" as we explored, meaning we could sleep a full 8 hours, not have to worry about some of the basics, have laborers to build and repair as we went and ensure that anything that attacked us at night really regretted it. We could potentially also deal with very small mass combat.I can abstract them out if it doesn't fit the vision though.
Selka's combat ability will fall off over time (poor BAB, limited Wild Shape, no Companion). I planned to get around it with minions (animals and people) that she then buffs. Is this a problem?

Zond Ebonblade |

Zond Ebonblade
Male Aasimar(Scion of Humanity/Angel Blooded) Celestial Bloodline Sorcerer 1
NG Medium(6’1” Tall) Humanoid
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft. Perception -1
AC 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex, +3 Dodge)
hp 7
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1
Defensive Abilities Amateur Swashbuckler(Dodging Panache 3/Day, +3 AC) Resistance 5(Acid/Cold/Lightning)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk Dueling Sword, +2 (1d8+5/19-20) or Quarterstaff +4 (1d6+5) or Dagger (1d4+5/19–20)
Ranged Dagger +5(+6 Icicle Dagger) (1d4+4/19–20) +1 Cold(Icicle Dagger)
Special Attacks Sword Scion +1, Axe to Grind +1 Damage, Icicle Dagger, Bloodline Power - Heavenly Fire 1d4 (Undead)
Before Combat Casts Icicle Dagger.
During Combat Uses his strength and the Icicle Dagger, If that expires or can’t be used, uses Dueling Sword.
Base Statistics
Without Dodging Panache AC 11, Touch 11, flat-footed 10.
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats (Amateur Swashbuckler(Dodging Panache) - From his time at sea travelling to his mother's home on Absolam)
SLA: Alter Self 1 minute/Level
Adventuring Skills: Bluff +8, Heal +5, Intimidate +7, Spellcraft +4, KS: Planes +2
Background Skills: Profession: Sailor +3, KS: Nobility +1
Languages: Common
Favored Class Bonus: Fighter, no bonus at this level.
Gear: MW Dueling Sword, explorer's outfit, boots, waterskin, backpack, rope, rations, Quarterstaff

Tevforshort |

I'm really interested in this! I've wanted to play in something like this forever. And to clarify, this is a play by post, yes? Because that's kind of all I can do with my work schedule lol. But, I've created a naive, but strong personality cavalier, delving into that royal blood and knowing that the best way to succeed is through helping others and they'll then help him. So there's the quick overview, and here's the rest!
Jarom Hethem is the second youngest child of nine, with a younger brother, three older sisters as four older brothers. One of his sisters and two of his older older brothers inherited the same traits from their father as Jarom did. Even though it was hard to tell, being the third generation, Jarom's father is a half orc. Jarom and, unfortunately, his sister somehow inherited a large portion of the orc genes, causing them to look more orc than human.
Luck happened to be on their side though. Being born in Brevoy they faced little discrimination, and being born into a noble family, a very minor noble family, but noble all the same, helped them get a head start in life.
Being the second youngest, Jarom was able to watch his brothers succeed and fail, learning with then perhaps before he should have, but also dreaming to become like them. He was taught how to act like a nobleman, how to speak, when to bow and to whom, the history of Brevoy, and such. The turors continuously told him that if he was lucky he could be a knights squire, maybe even a banner carrier. Something suitable for a minor nobleman, but they knew he couldn't achieve much more. It just wasn't the way things worked.
But, after seeing how dull and boring his other siblings lives were, he became determined to be more than just a minor noble. It was too boring with not enough to do.
His mother wasn't in favor of the idea, knowing that anything more could put him in harm's way or demote his standing in life.
But Jarom's father was very supportive of the idea, knowing that his father had come from nothing into nobility, so why not raise up?
So in secret, Jarom's father got him teachers to train him how to ride, joust, and how to care for a horse. Others taught him sword play, weapon repair, and how to get out of dire situations. As he continued his formal lessons with his other tutors, he also asked and learned about how high ranking nobles conversed with each other.
But, when the day came for him to choose a career he realized that his dreams were just that. So he became a bannerman to another nobleman. After a year in his service Jarom couldn't stand it anymore. He knew he was more useful than this menial task. Leaving service of a Lord wasn't easy however. So instead of going through the proper channels, Jarom planned to run away. He was well provisioned, having been outfitted for many things in his time with the lord. He stole away in the night, making his way towards Mivon. When he got there the guards immediately took him to the jail, assuming, that he was a brigand who had stolen those things. He was in jail for a few weeks while the checked his heritage and decided that he could in fact have had his belongings without stealing them. After releasing him though, he stored his belongings away, now aware of the attention the attracted. He instead started to learn how to become a merchant, waiting enough time that the other nobles would not be looking for him. He was only a merchants apprentice for a few months, learning how to use charm to sell more than the actual merchant skill, when he learned of some charters to help open trade routes and old forts in the stolen lands have been created he siezed his chance to run. Leading a charter into a land wanted so badly could be his key to glory.
Name: Jarom Hethem
Alias/Nickname: Volric Hegrath (the most half orc name he could think of)
Race: Half-orc
Age: 21
Alignment: LN
Weapons: Lance, longsword and javelins. Plus his trusty steed Stepper.
Armour: Half-plate and heavy wooden shield.
Combat-Related Skills: Knows the basics of combat. Jousting it's his go to, but he's 1/2 comfortable using a longsword.
Non-Combat Skills: Knowledge from tutoring, charming nature, confidence enough for 2 people.
Family/Relations: As far as he knows, both parents are alive, as well as his 8 siblings. He lost rich with then when he deserted.
Personality: Friendly and too confident. Thinking he can do anything, he tries everything. He doesn't boast that he's the best at things, but he's sure he can do it just as well as others. But he's also young and naive. He sees the best in people and can easily be taken advantage of.
Appearance: Green tinted skin, small barely noticeable tusks, tall but most of it's his torso, brown top knot with the rest of his head shaved, blue eyes, slightly muscular, good looking face, but no where near beautiful,
Job/Class: Cavalier of the Order of the Dragon, merchant in training, and noble in training.
Likes or Dislikes: Jarom likes people. He enjoys getting to knit everyone. But he gets upset when people dislike him because he doesn't understand why someone wouldn't like him. He hates it when people act like he isn't there. He likes animals and can get a little excited about them.
Quotes: "You need a gold to get your puppy out of the pound? Well, here's two, get him some dog food too."
"Fleeing a fight may be disgraceful, but at least we're still alive."
Hopes: Jarom wants to be someone who has an exciting life. He wants to accomplish something, not just sit and let life do whatever it wants to him. Ideally he hopes that winning land for Brevoy could help him get into the higher ranking nobles, maybe even to be able to be a commander or general.
Fears: That he'll never see his family again. Also, ghosts, shaman and wolves.
Jarom Hethem
Male Half Orc Courtly Knight Cavalier 1
LN Medium
Init 1; Senses Darkvision 90 ft; Perception -1
AC 21; Touch 11; Flat-Footed 20
HP 12
Fort 4 ; Ref 1 ; Will -1
DR —; Immune —; Resist —; SR —
Speed 30; With Armor 20;
Melee +3 Longsword (1d8+2, 19-20/×3); S;
Melee +4 Masterwork Lance (1d8+2, ×3); P; Deals double damage when charging on mount
Ranged +2 Javelin (range 30) (1d6+2, ×2); P; 4
Special Abilities
Challenge 1/day
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 17
Base Atk 1; CMB 3
Feats: Mounted Combat
Traits: Noble Born, Well provisioned adventurer (Questing knight package), Brevoy Bandit
Skills: Bluff 7 (1), Diplomacy 9 (1), Handle Animal 7, Knowledge History 2, Knowledge Nobility 2, Profession: Merchant 2, Ride 5, Survival 3; Conditional Modifiers + 1/2 Level To Survival When Helping Allies
Languages: Common, Orc, Dwarven
SQ: Skilled (Racial), Darkvision 90 ft (Racial), Orc blood (Racial), City Raised (Racial), Intimidating (Racial), Mount (Class), Challenge (Class), Order of the Dragon (Order), Social Presence (Class)
Gear: Sunrod (2), Backpack, Banner, Bedroll, Belt pouch, Flask, Flint and steel, Mess kit, Pole (10 ft), Sack, Signet Ring, Shovel, Silk rope (50 ft), Trail Rations (5), Waterskin, Whet stone; Money 8 gp
Jarom isn't looking to be a Ruler, but he wouldn't turn down the opportunity either. Being of noble blood and charismatic he would be a good choice for Ruler. He would also make a good general, although his tactics might be a little off the wall. Being a councilor work as well, but being so young he doesn't have a very strong grasp on the reality of things (low wisdom) so he would be more of a smooth things over with nice words guy.

theasl |

So here's Verus Uritio, sacred huntsmaster inquisitor of Abadar, and his mount/animal companion, Choral. Naturally, his kingdom role would most likely be treasurer, though warden would work too.
Mythweaver sheets: Verus and Choral.
As Verus grew stronger and more capable, he was recommended by his teachers to train with the Taxmasters, a notorious group of Abadarian inquisitors whose job was to pursue tax evasion, black markets, and other such fraudulent behavior. Although Verus excelled at his new studies, especially when it came to the tasks of research and investigation, he was never particularly interested in the job. Worried at his lack of dedication, Verus's superiors sought an alternate outlet for the young inquisitor's talents. When news reached them of the impending expeditions to the Stolen Lands, they released Verus from his duties with the Taxmasters and assigned him to join the explorers. With Choral by his side, Verus's new task is to bring civilization, trade, and prosperity to the wilderness of the Stolen Lands in the name of Abadar.
Verus is a tall, lean Taldan man, dressed a bit too smartly for a normal adventurer, but still far below the opulent standards most Abadarans would strive to. At his neck hangs a gold-colored key (though it's made mostly of iron - Abadar hasn't quite graced his new endeavor with that much prosperity yet), and by his side is a similarly gold-plated wooden crossbow - the only outward signs of his faith. He's often accompanied by Choral, a strongly-built white stallion, who happily carries both rider and gear along.
Almost Verus's entire life has been spent at the temple of Abadar in New Stetven, so it's no surprise that he's not too skilled with his words. With little chance to socialize with others, he struggles at times to make his presence felt. However, this does let him better observe from the sidelines, and his often strange mannerisms at times make him unpredictable and inscrutable to more normal people. Around books and animals, though, Verus is much more comfortable, which is why he's brought along one of each.
Verus's dedication to Abadar has never been questioned, though he isn't as interested in the mundane day-to-day law enforcement that he had to deal with in New Stetven. Instead, the inquisitor had grander visions of conquering nature and expanding civilization, and the expedition has rekindled the excitement and fervor he had as a small child.
M Sacred Huntsmaster Inquisitor 1
LN Medium Humanoid (human)
Languages Common, Draconic
HP 9/9 Initiative +3 Speed walk 30 ft Senses perception +7
STR 12(+1) DEX 16(+3) CON 12(+1) INT 13(+1) WIS 16(+3) CHA 8(-1)
Bluff +3 Handle Animal +4 Intimidate +4 Knowledge (Local) +6 Knowledge (Nature) +5 Knowledge (Planes) +5 Knowledge (Religion) +5 Perception +7 Ride +8 Sense Motive +8 Stealth +7
BAB +0 Melee +1 Ranged +3 CMB +1
Light Crossbow (+3, 19-20/x2, 80/800 ft, 1d8 P)
Spear (+1, 20/x3, 20/100 ft, 1d8+1 P)
AC 13 (15 with armor) TAC 13 FFAC 10 (12 with armor)
Fort +3 Reflex +3 Will +5
Damage Resistance none
Energy Resistance none
Spell Resistance none
Leather Armor (+2 AC, 0 ACP, +6 max DEX)
===Feats and Traits===
Mounted Combat [Human]
Point-Blank Shot
Friend to Animals
===Special Abilities===
Bonus Feat
Weapon Proficiency (Simple/Inquisitor/Deity)
Armor Proficiency (Light/Medium)
Shield Proficiency (except Tower)
Law Domain
-Touch of Law (Sp)
Animal Companion (Ex)
Monster Lore (Ex)
Stern Gaze (Ex)
Favored ClassInquisitor: +1 skill point
Spells Known 0:4 1:2
Bonus Spells/Day 1:1 2:1 3:1
Spells/Day 1:1
Spell DC 13 + spell level
Concentration +4
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Cure Light Wounds
Protection from Chaos
pp 0 gp 1 sp 4 cp 0
Weight 38.5
Carrying Capacity 43/86/130
Traveler's Outfit
Leather Armor
Light Crossbow
Crossbow Bolt x40
Iron Holy Symbol
Spell Component Pouch
Belt Pouch
-Iron Holy Symbol
-Flint and Steel
M Animal Companion 1
TN Large Animal
Languages none
HP 13/13 Initiative +1 Speed walk 50 ft Senses perception +5
STR 16(+3) DEX 13(+1) CON 15(+2) INT 2(-4) WIS 12(+1) CHA 6(-2)
Acrobatics +5 Perception +5
BAB +1 Melee +3 Ranged +1 CMB +5
Bite (+3, 20/x2, 1d4+3 B/P/S)
2 Hooves (-2, 20/x2, 1d6+1 B)
AC 14 (16 with barding) TAC 10 FFAC 15 (13 with barding)
Fort +5 Reflex +4 Will +1
Damage Resistance none
Energy Resistance none
Spell Resistance none
Leather Barding (+2 AC, 0 ACP, +6 max DEX)
===Feats and Tricks===
Attack [Well-Trained]
Come [Well-Trained]
Defend [Well-Trained]
Down [Well-Trained]
Guard [Well-Trained]
Heel [Well-Trained]
Deliver [Bonus]
===Special Abilities===
Low-light Vision
Share Spells
Weight 83 (19/0 in saddlebags)
Carrying Capacity 228/459/690
Bit and Bridle
Riding Saddle
Leather Barding
--Trail Rations x5
--Holy Text (The Manual of City-Building)
--Grooming Kit
And one final question: does max HP apply to familiars/animal companions/mounts as well, or is it the normal half for them?
Let me know if you have any issues, thanks.

TheUnthinker |

Updated Iriador's Crunch to keep his Int 18 or under since it was 19 on the initial sheet. Also went ahead and just purchased some basics for him since I hadn't initially done so.
Male half-elf wizard (exploiter wizard) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 133, Ultimate Wilderness 213)
LN Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks arcane reservoir (1/4)
Wizard (Exploiter Wizard) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st—heightened awareness[ACG], mage armor
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Orator[ACG], Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Linguistics)
Traits elven reflexes, noble born - lebeda, spark of creation
Skills Appraise +8 (+10 on items valued by weight when using scales), Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +14, Perception +7, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Skald, Sylvan, Varisian
SQ able assistant, elf blood
Other Gear abacus[APG], backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, journal[UE], merchant's scale, mess kit[UE], pot, silk rope (50 ft.), soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wizard starting spellbook, 25 gp
Special Abilities
Able Assistant (Ex) Treat valet as it possesed Cooperative Crafting and all Craft skills and item creation feats you have.
Arcane Reservoir +1 DC or CL (4/day) (Su) Pool of points fuel exploits, or can expend to add +1 CL or DC while cast spell.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Familiar Bonus: +3 to Linguistics checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Orator Use Ling in place of Bluff to tell falsehood, Diplo to change attitude or Intim to for cooperation.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.

Valonia Nisassa |

Here is my submission, just breaking it down into chunks for readability. If I missed anything, feel free to let me know and I'll add it in asap.
Born Valonia Medvyed, had always been an aspirational child. Born to the House of Medvyed, she was a rather curious child, forever seeking out trouble and mischief. Her mother had died in child birth, which left her father heartbroken, but nevertheless raised his only child as best as he could. As a young girl, Volonia delighted in hearing those remarkable fantasy tales told to children as a means of entertainment, as she quickly devoured books filled with stories about brave knights, fearsome dragons, wise kings, thrilling sword fights, and the rest.
Unfortunately, Valonia’s rampant curiosity caused something of a headache for her father. She would often disappear, and be located eventually near, or around the ancient forests of her home. If pressed, Valonia would always insist that she had been “playing” but with what or whom it was never clear. Concerned about his daughter’s outgoing personality, her father began to teach Valonia about the art of politics, and how the nobility court functioned, as a way of keeping his daughter indoors, at least until she was a little older, and a little wiser. To his surprise, what had begun as a simple excuse to keep his daughter indoors, developed into a personal passion for Valonia, who was determined to live up to her noble bloodline and look to be a strong ruler. Valonia often listened to her father’s judgments (limited as they were) and asked constant questions about them, always seeking to learn and understand the value of a good leader, as well as learning about people as a whole, how they thought, and how and what motived them.
As Valonia matured, her father found less and less reason to keep her indoors. House Medvyed had a rich history of hunting and love of nature, it made no sense to deny this any longer. Still a little overprotective, her father insisted that Valonia learn how to defend herself, now that she was a little older and stronger. Privately, Valonia was utterly thrilled with this, she had longed to be a dashing knight like in the stories she had read and was happy to take up swordplay. After trialing several weapons, Valonia decided she like the idea of wielding a Greatsword, despite her father’s objections that the blade was too large and unwieldy for her to gracefully use it.
To her dismay though, Valonia discovered that she had no real natural talent for swordplay. She was only what you could regard as average, and this irritated her. Once, being forced onto her ass once to many times by her trainer, her frustration broke, channeling a deep seated rage that shocked and frightened her. She succeeded in winning her training bout, but since then Valonia kept a tight check on her emotions, worried that her temper could end up getting the better of her.
Disappointed and upset with herself, Valonia withdrew a little and stopped taking up swordplay as a result, worried about that uncontrollable rage. She took up other pursuits, and discovered that she had a real talent for music, quickly becoming an enthralling singer, while being equally skilled with the flute. The haunting melodies were a way for her to express herself and her emotions, without worrying about hurting anyone. Valonia won a great many admirers through her talent with music, and her father supported this, spending no small amount of money getting a tutor from Pitax to aid in her skill. It was through this, that Valonia developed a close connection with Shelyn, using her as a sort of muse and inspiration. Despite this, Valonia didn’t consider herself particularly devout – the clergy never interested her and while she used her gifts to honor the goddess, she only paid lip service to the religious rituals and doctrines.
Eventually, Valonia reached maturity, becoming an attractive young woman. Her father was keen to find a suitable match or husband, but was limited in options. House Medvyed needed a suitable match, but it also had to be political as well – which meant that not just anyone would do. Unfortunately, while Valonia had no shortage of interest from potential suitors, she disliked the prospect of being just some Lords wife. She wanted to indulge in the passion of ruling, spearheading change, more like those wonderful stories she had heard as a girl. Tending to the household was not her idea of fun, and the topic became a sticking point between her and her father. Worse still, the preferred political match was not someone Valonia was particularly thrilled with. Her potential husband was rude and arrogant, frequently belittling her achievements, and seeing himself and his house as superior.
After one particularly nasty argument with her father, Valonia took matters into her own hands. Alone, she left her home in secret, taking what possessions she could carry, and left to answer the charter requesting interest in the Stolen Lands. The opportunity was valuable, she could show everyone that she could rule just as well as anyone else, and bring glory and fame to her house that way. She might be able to choose a suitor of her own choice if she was successful, and avoid a distasteful political relationship. It was an opportunity to show everyone what she was capable of.
With all that said, Valonia knew she couldn’t particularly get anywhere with a surname like Medvyed. She was worried it would be particularly noticeable, it would let everyone know where she was, what she was doing, and that she could be found and brought back to her father. So, being practical, she changed her last name, becoming Valonia Nisassa, hoping the subterfuge wouldn’t draw any interest at least until she was in a position to make a success of herself, and then reveal her true surname. Her plan thus devised, she set out, hoping for success.
Valonia is an attractive human female, and used to being in high standing. As someone of a slightly social class than others, she would usually be seen in fashionable attire, at court or for formal visits, perhaps a dress with perfume and jewelry. As House Medvyed is known for its love of the outdoors, she also would have owned outdoor items, but still expensive and high in quality, less about function, more about appearance.
With that said, Valonia is far from home, and actually wants to keep a low profile. She while she misses the luxury items terribly and greatly desires to wear them once again, currently she wears practical, durable outdoor clothing such as leather, favoring green due to wanting to blend into the outdoors – the sort of typical items an adventurer might wear.
In terms of physical appearance, Valonia is rather attractive, with long dark hair, pale, but fair skin, green eyes, and a lithe build. Once again though, where previously she would want to play up her physical attributes and attractiveness, she again tries to downplay this, such as resorting to slightly bulkier attire, with the goal of disguising her frame
She would usually be seen in fashionable attire, such as a long flowing dress, maybe some perfume and jewelry to update the outfit, and so on. House Medvyed is known for its love of the outdoors, and Valonia also loved to spend time in the forests Current however, not only would this be totally impractical in the wilderness This is, however, her attempting to keep a low profile initially, so while she desperately wants and desires such luxury items and misses them terribly, she currently wears practical, durable outdoor clothing such as leather, favoring green due to wanting to blend into the outdoors. With pale skin, long dark hair, and a lithe body, she would usually stand out, or better reflect her beauty, but currently she plays down her appearance, such as adjusting her attire and clothing to make them look bulkier or bigger, with the goal of trying to hide her slender frame.
Valonia has a pretty detailed personality. First and foremost, she is both curious and reckless. She hasn’t really had to worry about her personal safety as much because she has previously had other people to do the worrying for her. She is also probably a little spoilt, - being an only child from a noble family might do this – but she comes from a typically grounded House and she wasn’t a shut in – she frequently roamed the area meeting people of a lower social class. She wants to be a good person, and a good ruler, so tries to embody kindness and to be respectful in what she does. She wants to help all - event the less fortunate. I would consider her a little vain – appearances do matter and she would have focused on it for part of her life, and therefore misses the little luxury items she would have had before. She is practical, knowledgeable, intelligent, well-educated and (thinks) that she can plan pretty well as evidenced by her idea to flee and make a name for herself.
Currently, (ie start of the campaign), Valonia is a little withdrawn, a little unsure / shy and perhaps a little paranoid. She thinks people are looking for her and so she doesn’t want to make a name for herself just yet, if this was no longer a factor (ie if she started experiencing success) Valonia would be far more outspoken and confident. She was well schooled in the art of politics and high society and really wants to be active in that particular arena to test her abilities and schooling, against others.
Lastly, Valonia does have a fiery temper that she is a little scared of and keeps well in check. She hasn’t really had much reason (so far) to use Inspired Rage or Intimidate (despite being rather good at it) but I think eventually she would learn to use it just as she would anything else she is good at.
In a nutshell, Valonia's morals and personalities (for better or worse) are shaped by the fairy tales / stories of her childhood. From a philosophical standpoint this would make her rather naive in a small sense, since she tried to model herself after childhood heroes. Despite this, she does have certain "truer" aspects to her personality. She tries to do good, because its an intrinsic part about who she wants to be, a kind generous ruler that doesn't just concern itself with high society, but whats required by peasants, farmers etc. That said, its a little ironic that she doesn't really have that much respect for authority, as emphasized by her disobeying her father as a girl in spending time in the forests, and later as a young adult by leaving rather than accepting the political relationship.
Just briefly, I think I mentioned most of her likes / interests in the backstory, but if anyone was purely seeking to skim read, some of them might be reading, singing / music, politics, the outdoors / nature, and so on.
Valonia is a bit of everything at this point. She is decent at knowledge skills, but is probably worse at it than a typical bard, due to taking the Battle Scion archetype to have a better focus in verbal duels in keeping with her personality and focus. I also took some of the background knowledges (such as Nobility and Geography) rather than the practical (and probably more useful Knowledge Planes and Religion), due to her probably getting more of a political or leadership style education rather than monsters. If this was a problem, I guess I could switch back and take more of the adventure knowledge skills but I wanted to keep things a realistic to her concept and design as I could.
Valonia is a good face as well, but really needs Level 2 for Versatile Performance to grant her Diplomacy and Handle Animal, and then Level 7 to be able to use Perform for Sense Motive and Bluff. In future, Valonia will look to pick up an animal companion via feats, but that is a strictly long term option, and more of a nod to her love and interest in nature
In combat, Valonia should function pretty well. I mentioned in her backstory she was only average at swordplay since she is ¾ BAB (so less useful than a fighter) but touched on the fact that her anger makes her a little better – but since Valonia is a little anxious of her temper she isn’t as good as a warrior as she could be. In future, she can pick up Teamwork Feats, and Rage Powers to give to everyone in the party, and will probably use magic as a bit of a toolbox of sorts. I skated over her arcane talents in her backstory because it was never going to be a primary focus or area of study for Valonia – just a hobby she probably cultivates as the campaign progresses.
In terms of Kingdom Roles, I consider Valonia looking towards being a Ruler. That said, (because I imagine that Ruler is a popular position and wouldn’t want to clash), I could also seeing her being a Grand Diplomat. She would probably make for a decent General, but Valonia would want a role more being in court, dueling with words rather than weapons, so in the end, a Kingdom Role (mechanically or flavorful) that would let her do this is something she could enjoy and get behind.
I kept these as mostly hints in her backstory, but they are there for people.
The obvious plot hook (for players I guess) is that she is hiding her identity a little. I don’t consider this much of a long term plot hook – merely as something to explain her reason’s for looking into the Charter. She does however, have an undesirable suitor (and possibly his House) actively hunting / searching for her whereabouts. I kept the house in question and the suitor deliberately vague incase a significant NPC wanted to be tailored to fit – but it’s something that could case Valonia problems personally (and even diplomatically) later on once her identity is known (which I don’t imagine to be a fiction that will last for a long time, there is a reason Valonia has no ranks in Disguise after all).
One hint I did want to mention though, is her deep ties to the Fey. The initial idea I had, was that she is the child of a Fey and her mother – her father being unaware (or possibly being aware and wanting to keep it hidden from his daughter. Since Valonia was going to take Eldritch Heritage (Sylvan) anyway, I tried to match the 3rd level feat to her backstory. There are nods to this in her Crunch, such as her knowing the Sylvan language, as well as her focus in Knowledge (Nature), and her trait selection. It’s also hinted a little more in her backstory (such as the time she spent in the forests as a very young child, her father’s attempts to keep her initially indoors). Whether the Fey is helpful or malicious, or whether this creates diplomatic or political problems, or aids / abets her leadership aspirations – I leave it up to you, but the link is there if you wanted to make use of it.
I was going to write in a few more, but didn’t want to overwhelm anyone reading this – this submission is already getting a little wordy. If you wanted me to add / adjust anything, feel free to flick me a PM and I'll get right onto it.
Valonia Nisassa
Female human skald (battle scion) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 49, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue 48)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +3
AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +1 (+3 vs. charm and compulsion)
Resist noble born - medvyed
Speed 30 ft.
Melee greatsword +4 (2d6+6/19-20)
Special Attacks raging song 5 rounds/day (inspired rage)
Skald (Battle Scion) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +3)
1st (2/day)—grease, vanish[APG] (DC 13)
0 (at will)—dancing lights, mage hand, prestidigitation, summon instrument
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Exotic Heritage (Knowledge [nature])[UW], Scribe Scroll, Skald's Vigor[ACG]
Traits intense artist, irrepressible, noble born - medvyed
Skills Intimidate +6, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (geography) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nature) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Perception +3, Perform (sing) +7, Perform (wind instruments) +7; Racial Modifiers noble born - medvyed
Languages Common, Sylvan
SQ bardic knowledge +1, courtly presence
Other Gear studded leather, greatsword, spell component pouch, 25 gp
Special Abilities
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Courtly Presence (Ex) Start verbal duels with extra edge for presence tactics
Raging Song (standard action, 5 rounds/day) (Su) Song can inspire allies in a variety of ways.
Skald's Vigor (Fast healing 2) While maintain raging song, gain Fast Healing 2.

Solicitor |

I'm putting together a human unchained rogue. A Rostlander through and through, he'll be a bit of a jack-of-all-trades. I hope to post his crunch, fluff and all that on Monday or Tuesday.
I got no clue if the AP features any traps whatsoever, but just in case there are, I've decided to forego an archetype to keep his core skillset intact :)

Wandering GM Wastrel |

@Winwaar/Dale - looks fine, although I can't see that you've listed a kingdom role you're interested in.
@Zilybar - looks like your alias has 1 background/crunch for a ROTR halfling and another background/crunch for a gnome. Which am I supposed to be looking at?
@Harakani - I'm sure the rest of your post is fine, but to be honest you had me at "weaponised fairytale princess" and I got distracted after that :-)
@Zond - can't see your traits in the stat-block
@Tevforshort/Jarom - looks good. No specific comments right now
@theasl/Verus - Hit points are max for companions and familiars
@Valonia - looks good, thanks. No comments at present.
@solicitor - good to know. Traps are about as present in this AP as in other APs.
I'll put together a list of applicants so we know where we are.

Wandering GM Wastrel |

COMPLETED (more or less)
KingHotTrash – Nicolas Ragar, Human Investigator (Empiricist) (Kingdom role: Spymaster)
Brainiac - Raquel Cailean, Human Cleric (Kingdom role: Councilor/High Priest)
Keante - Gwenallt Cadogan, Human Cavalier (Gendarme) (Kingdom role: unknown)
Boggbear – Bregor Rowan, Human Skald (Kingdom role: Ruler/General)
MadHiro – Tiber Macero, Human Wizard (divination) (Kingdom role: Magister/Spymaster)
Simeon – Malqazar the Magnificent, Half-Elf Mesmerist (Kingdom role: Ruler)
Arythain – Tristan Aislin, Human Bard (Court Bard) (Kingdom role: Councilor)
Lord Foul II – Marcus Tamarin, Kitsune Bard (Kingdom role: Spymaster/Magister)
Ashe – Desmond Winters, Human Fighter (Weapon Master) (Kingdom role: Marshal)
CrankyCow – Zeelo Wildspark, Gnome Alchemist (Grenadier) (Kingdom role: unknown)
TheUnthinker – Iriador Solladas, Half-Elf Wizard (exploiter) (Kingdom role: Treasurer)
Winwaar – Dale Firehair, Half-Elf Cleric (Kingdom role: unknown)
noral – Kyron, Kitsune Bard (Kingdom role: unknown)
Kobulum – Morgin Ironfold, Dwarf Druid (Kingdom role: unknown)
theasl – Verus Uritio, Human Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsmaster) (Kingdom role: Treasurer/Warden)
Stormspace – Zond Ebonblade, Aasimar Sorceror (Kingdom role: unknown)
Tevforshort – Jarom Hethem, Half-Orc Cavalier (Courtly Knight) (Kingdom role: Ruler/General)
ginganinja – Valonia Nisassa, Human Skald (Battle Scion) (Kingdom role: Ruler/Grand Diplomat)
Nikolaus de’Shade – aasimar shifter/vigilante
Ammon Knight of Ragathiel – possible unchained summoner
Wolfmane – fighter/swordlord
Jovich – Zilybar Gnaz
Solicitor – human unchained rogue
rdknight – possible ranger (dandy archetype)
Harakani - weaponised fairytale princess OR druid
TheChess – some sort of VMC