1.) GM Edwin's Jade Regent (Inactive)

Game Master Insnare

Sandpoint and its Sandpointlers cannot get any rest from their neighbors.

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Shot Putter Funkmeister

Going to help them?

Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

Yeah, I was waiting for some confirmation that Vermundr reaches them without setting off the ninjas in hiding.

"Neither of you look like an Ulf", he mutters quietly at the sight of the two prisoners. "Is there anyone else tied up on this ship?"

Figuring they'd be more likely to help if they were cut free, Vermundr pulls a knife and cuts their bindings.

hp 11/31 AC 15, 11, 14 (11, 11, 10), saves F 2 ref 4 will 6, bab 2, cmb 2, cmd 13, init 1, perc 10 wand 10/50 samsaran witch(hedge witch)/4
appraise 4, craft: carpentry 8, fly 5, heal 7, intimidate 5, know arcana 12, know history 9, know nature 8, know planes 12, perception 10, sense motive 2, spellcraft 11, UMD 7

sorry I was driving home to calif from Vegas yesterday and arrived hot and exhausted after 5 hours behind the wheel. I fell asleep early without checking the boards. However today is a new day...

Ahiko slips forward and checks the two beaten men as they are released. If they are actually hurt (ie down hit points), she touches each one in turn with a healing hex.

heal hex on Ikoma: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
heal hex on Ogrin: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

male Human (Xian-Min)
HP -4/36 Ac 19 FF 17 T 12 F7 R4 W2 Perc7
Samurai 4 (Order of the Dragon)

Feeling healing energys streaming through his body, lessening pain in abused limbs, Ikomas eyes radiate thankfulness. Rubbing his wrists he tries to sit up, just to nearly fall down again. Clearing his mouth spitting out the gag, he caughs twice and says."My name is Ikoma, and you saved me. For now I am honorbound to follow you!"

Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

"Vermundr", the young ulfen answers plainly. "You two see any other prisoners?"

male Human (Xian-Min)
HP -4/36 Ac 19 FF 17 T 12 F7 R4 W2 Perc7
Samurai 4 (Order of the Dragon)

No briefing yet.
"Sorry, I do not. I was out for some time."

Male Human Male Ulfen Cleric 4 - 27/32 hp Init +5, AC 19

The thinner man with the brown hair shakes his head as he tries to feel around for something once his ropes have been cut.

"Thank you, hooded woman." he says in a whisper after tossing away his gag.

The man gropes around for the symbol of his deity, a bow etched onto a wooden clasp, representing the god Erastil. He tries to piece his things together one by one.

hp 11/31 AC 15, 11, 14 (11, 11, 10), saves F 2 ref 4 will 6, bab 2, cmb 2, cmd 13, init 1, perc 10 wand 10/50 samsaran witch(hedge witch)/4
appraise 4, craft: carpentry 8, fly 5, heal 7, intimidate 5, know arcana 12, know history 9, know nature 8, know planes 12, perception 10, sense motive 2, spellcraft 11, UMD 7

"I am Ahiko. A pleasure to meet you Ikoma.. and you too, young human." says the blue skinned woman.

Male Human Male Ulfen Cleric 4 - 27/32 hp Init +5, AC 19

"Ogrin. A pleasure Ahiko." the young man replies said as he quickly tried to gather his things.

"We still might be in danger. Don't know why you're here or who you are looking for, but we should probably keep moving." he says breathlessly. He holds the symbol of his god close to his chest and contemplates letting out a surge of healing energy.

Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

Vermundr shakes his head stubbornly. ”No, we’re not going anywhere until we found the man we came here for. Maybe he’s below decks.”

Male Human Male Ulfen Cleric 4 - 27/32 hp Init +5, AC 19

"....which would mean moving. Won't get there standing still. Who is this man you seek? Ogrin asked as he clipped on a belt and picked up a bow, observing it closely for the inscription.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Vermundr, you are paranoid.

DC 20 Perception

check detects
the faint rattle of chains coming from below

Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Vermundr cocks his head. "I hear something below decks alright."

Do the new guys have their gear?

Shot Putter Funkmeister

No, they do not

Ikono and Ogrin

You know that your equipment is belowdecks.

A hatch at the bow of the ship leads to the hold beneath
the deck. It is nailed shut, but can be pried open with a
DC 15 Strength check.

Ikomo and Ogrin, please PM and tell me what backstory you have chosen and then I can brief you in full

Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

Vermundr looks to the exotic warrior. "Give me a hand with this."

Strength to Aid: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

hp 11/31 AC 15, 11, 14 (11, 11, 10), saves F 2 ref 4 will 6, bab 2, cmb 2, cmd 13, init 1, perc 10 wand 10/50 samsaran witch(hedge witch)/4
appraise 4, craft: carpentry 8, fly 5, heal 7, intimidate 5, know arcana 12, know history 9, know nature 8, know planes 12, perception 10, sense motive 2, spellcraft 11, UMD 7

Ahiko has little strength to add, but does her best to assist the strongest among them, laying a hand to the prybar (or whatever is being used) to giving her all in a furious effort.

strength to aid: 1d20 ⇒ 11

male Human (Xian-Min)
HP -4/36 Ac 19 FF 17 T 12 F7 R4 W2 Perc7
Samurai 4 (Order of the Dragon)

Grabbing the hatch the muscled man strains his abused body.
str: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

male Human (Xian-Min)
HP -4/36 Ac 19 FF 17 T 12 F7 R4 W2 Perc7
Samurai 4 (Order of the Dragon)

With a mighty heavy nails come loose and the way down is free. " anyone a spare weapon? "

hp 11/31 AC 15, 11, 14 (11, 11, 10), saves F 2 ref 4 will 6, bab 2, cmb 2, cmd 13, init 1, perc 10 wand 10/50 samsaran witch(hedge witch)/4
appraise 4, craft: carpentry 8, fly 5, heal 7, intimidate 5, know arcana 12, know history 9, know nature 8, know planes 12, perception 10, sense motive 2, spellcraft 11, UMD 7

"You are welcome to use my staff if you wish, good Ikoma, but somehow I think you are wishing for a better weapon than this. However, the offer remains yours if no better one comes your way." Ahiko holds forth her quarterstaff if Ikoma wishes to use it.

not sure who has what available, who knows, the qs might be the best you can get til we get to your stuff.. we'll see who else offers.

male Human (Xian-Min)
HP -4/36 Ac 19 FF 17 T 12 F7 R4 W2 Perc7
Samurai 4 (Order of the Dragon)

With a nod accepting the staff Ikoma leads the others down.

hp 11/31 AC 15, 11, 14 (11, 11, 10), saves F 2 ref 4 will 6, bab 2, cmb 2, cmd 13, init 1, perc 10 wand 10/50 samsaran witch(hedge witch)/4
appraise 4, craft: carpentry 8, fly 5, heal 7, intimidate 5, know arcana 12, know history 9, know nature 8, know planes 12, perception 10, sense motive 2, spellcraft 11, UMD 7

Ahiko follows Ikoma and the others down, ready for a fight or ambush, watchful of what is behind them as well as that in front.

perc: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

obviously not too perceptive right now

Shot Putter Funkmeister

You descend the steps and march into a layer of fog. You continue on because your equipment is down there and maybe Ulf and Suishen.

The hold below the main deck is a cramped space with a
low, 4-foot-high ceiling, occupied by rowing benches and
stacked funerary treasures. Medium and larger creatures
are considered to be squeezing inside the hold.

You know you also need to be quick because the ship set to go ablaze at any moment so you need to hurry up.

Can everyone give me a Perception check and tell me where you want to go

hp 11/31 AC 15, 11, 14 (11, 11, 10), saves F 2 ref 4 will 6, bab 2, cmb 2, cmd 13, init 1, perc 10 wand 10/50 samsaran witch(hedge witch)/4
appraise 4, craft: carpentry 8, fly 5, heal 7, intimidate 5, know arcana 12, know history 9, know nature 8, know planes 12, perception 10, sense motive 2, spellcraft 11, UMD 7

perc: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

Ahiko looks around the hold, casts detect magic, and scans the area for a katana, magical or not.

male Human (Xian-Min)
HP -4/36 Ac 19 FF 17 T 12 F7 R4 W2 Perc7
Samurai 4 (Order of the Dragon)

Searching for his belongings Ikoma checks for his Katana. perc: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Male Human Male Ulfen Cleric 4 - 27/32 hp Init +5, AC 19

Ogrin does a search for his belongings.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

Vermundr follows Ahiko with his bow drawn.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Shot Putter Funkmeister


You can tell that the mist within the hold isn't from the fog outside but an obscuring mist spell.

Ikoma has found his belongings and Ogrin has not

GM rolls

Stealth 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (7) + 25 = 32 1=Lothi, 2 Ahiko, 3 Ogrin, 4 Vermundr, 5 Ikoma 1d5 ⇒ 4

Attack at Vermundr 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26 hit 1d12 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14 energy drain DC 15 Fortitude 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 fail Vermundr has energy drain

For each negative level a creature has, it takes a cumulative –1 penalty on all ability checks, attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, Combat Maneuver Defense, saving throws, and skill checks. In addition, the creature reduces its current and total hit points by 5 for each negative level it possesses. The creature is also treated as one level lower for the purpose of level-dependent variables (such as spellcasting) for each negative level possessed.

Initiative: Vermundr 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14, Ogrin 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13, Ahiko 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16, Lothi 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17, Ikoma 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19, Enemy 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Round 1

Attack at Vermundr 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 crit 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 no hit 1d12 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 energy drain DC 15 Fortitude 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 pass.

Ikoma, Lothi, Ahiko, Vermundr, Ogrin

hp 11/31 AC 15, 11, 14 (11, 11, 10), saves F 2 ref 4 will 6, bab 2, cmb 2, cmd 13, init 1, perc 10 wand 10/50 samsaran witch(hedge witch)/4
appraise 4, craft: carpentry 8, fly 5, heal 7, intimidate 5, know arcana 12, know history 9, know nature 8, know planes 12, perception 10, sense motive 2, spellcraft 11, UMD 7

"This mist is a magical one... created with a spell... beware!" Ahiko warns, a moment too late to put Vermundr on his guard...

Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

Vermundr cries out in pain and backs away from the mysterious fog-monster.

Withdrawing back toward the surface.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Just a reminder, donning armor will take at least 5 rounds if done hastily

male Human (Xian-Min)
HP -4/36 Ac 19 FF 17 T 12 F7 R4 W2 Perc7
Samurai 4 (Order of the Dragon)

Grabbing his belongings Ikoma puts as much of them into a bundle. Drawing his katana he is ready to give the others some time. Looking around he searches their attacker.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Pale Lothi starts to sing inspire conpetence +2


hp 11/31 AC 15, 11, 14 (11, 11, 10), saves F 2 ref 4 will 6, bab 2, cmb 2, cmd 13, init 1, perc 10 wand 10/50 samsaran witch(hedge witch)/4
appraise 4, craft: carpentry 8, fly 5, heal 7, intimidate 5, know arcana 12, know history 9, know nature 8, know planes 12, perception 10, sense motive 2, spellcraft 11, UMD 7

Ahiko reaches out and touches Vermundr as he heads for the top deck.

healing hex: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Shot Putter Funkmeister


Male Human Male Ulfen Cleric 4 - 27/32 hp Init +5, AC 19

"Erastil blesses you." Ogrin says as he channels divine energy through himself. "If you can get me his holy symbol, if it is still here, that would be appreciated."

Casting Bless all allies get +1 to attack & fear saves

5ft back

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Round 2 Init 1d20 ⇒ 13

Enemy moves to attack Ahiko 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 hit 1d12 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 energy drain DC 15 Fortitude 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20 pass

Ikoma Lothi, Ahiko, Vermundr, Ogrin, Something

male Human (Xian-Min)
HP -4/36 Ac 19 FF 17 T 12 F7 R4 W2 Perc7
Samurai 4 (Order of the Dragon)

Dropping his stuff and attacking the enemy
Attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 261d8 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
As this is the first attack I will list attack and damage bonus:
Attack: Bab+4+4str+1magicweapon+1bless Damage +4 Strength x 1,5=6 PA +6 Damage, no reducement of Attack roll thanks to furious focus

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Ikoma 20% miss chance due to Obscuring mist1d100 ⇒ 41 Ikoma is able to in spite of the mist hit his mark. On the open the hatch roll, your math was way off... but this looks legit. ;)

Lothi continues to sing Inspire competence +2


Shot Putter Funkmeister

Everyone is squeezed, so take that into effect when making your rolls.

male Human (Xian-Min)
HP -4/36 Ac 19 FF 17 T 12 F7 R4 W2 Perc7
Samurai 4 (Order of the Dragon)

Open hatch. +4str +2 aid ahiko +2 aid Vermundr=8. If I made a mistake I apologize!!!!

Shot Putter Funkmeister

You don't add the +s, I do... your character doesn't have 26 or 27 strength, so in the future only use your modifiers especially on Aid Anothers, however, if you get a bonus due to Lothi's or Ahiko's stuff, please include it so I know what to add and subtract, sometimes depending on the enemy those pluses are not applicable. Thanks

male Human (Xian-Min)
HP -4/36 Ac 19 FF 17 T 12 F7 R4 W2 Perc7
Samurai 4 (Order of the Dragon)

Will do!

hp 11/31 AC 15, 11, 14 (11, 11, 10), saves F 2 ref 4 will 6, bab 2, cmb 2, cmd 13, init 1, perc 10 wand 10/50 samsaran witch(hedge witch)/4
appraise 4, craft: carpentry 8, fly 5, heal 7, intimidate 5, know arcana 12, know history 9, know nature 8, know planes 12, perception 10, sense motive 2, spellcraft 11, UMD 7

Ahiko yelps in surprise at the attack and withdraws a step, extends her hair and attacks the creature...

to hit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
dmg if hits: 1d3 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
miss chance 20%: 1d100 ⇒ 56

Shot Putter Funkmeister

What kind of damage is it? B,S,or P or something else?

hp 11/31 AC 15, 11, 14 (11, 11, 10), saves F 2 ref 4 will 6, bab 2, cmb 2, cmd 13, init 1, perc 10 wand 10/50 samsaran witch(hedge witch)/4
appraise 4, craft: carpentry 8, fly 5, heal 7, intimidate 5, know arcana 12, know history 9, know nature 8, know planes 12, perception 10, sense motive 2, spellcraft 11, UMD 7

the ogc doesn't say, so I'd say it would be the same kind of damage as a whip, wouldn't you? of course that's just a guess... all it says in the ogc is "Her hair has reach 10 feet, and she can use it as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d3 points of damage (1d2 for a Small witch)."

Shot Putter Funkmeister

I read the whip description and well I don't think they meant the hair to be that weak. I will rule it to be bludgeoning damage because it makes the most sense to me

Ahiko's hair hit the enemy.


Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

Is there a map up? Vermundr might want to move again.

Groaning in pain, Vermundr ejects his wand and enchants his bow.

Gravity Bow

Shot Putter Funkmeister

I am traveling. I am trying my darnedest to keep this game going... I do not have a map up. I generally do not use maps for JR, anyway.

Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21

That's fine. I just want to make sure Vermundr is out of harms way.

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