Illiam Taal's private thoughts

Campaign Journals

The Exchange

Day one, Falcon's Hollow.

Arrived in town today. This place is a dump, not where I was hoping to land. The pancakes at the Jak'a'napes are amazing, though. Everybody and his brother from the ship was there too, though, and asking a lot of questions. I had to get out of there. Gonna need to come up with a plausible story about how I got here. Something about the road, or maybe fudge my arrival time so nobody suspicious about not seeing me on the boat.

The gnome who runs the general store is friendly, and more magical than he lets on. Brickasnurd Hildrinsocks. Gonna have to keep an eye on him. Other than him and the local magistrate, I've gotta be the only adult under 4 feet tall in this gods-forsaken town. So much for blending into a crowd. I'm definitely in the wrong place.

A bit later...

Everybody's sick here. And I keep screwing up. Curse the luck. I tried to get the healer's book so I can figure out what's going on, but I the do-gooders from the boat showed up, and she kicked me out. I managed to sneak inside and eavesdrop, but some local bumpkin spotted me. I'm really off my game. Nothing I couldn't talk my way out of, but getting spotted was sloppy.

Don't know why I'm screwing up so much today. Maybe I ate too much?


Later still...

Necromancy?! Well, at least things are getting interesting. Sounds like the crazy guy in the tower on the hill, Sharvaros Vade, is behind the sickness, but the people around here are too blind to see it. I got a look at the book and found a recipe for a cure. The do-gooders are gonna need my help to get the ingredients, though. I might be immune, but don't want to take the chance. Well, I said I wanted to go adventuring, I guess this counts. There better be a reward...

Finally got that drill, on loan from the local blacksmith. Cursed guards wouldn't let me though, so I couldn't get a look at Vade's tower, but the redheaded pyromaniac turns out to be the blacksmith's apprentice. I suppose there are worse jobs for someone like him.

They dug up a body, and now everybody wants to rush off to the logging camp. Right-damn-now. I wanted to try to get some more information out of Brickasnurd over drinks--I mean getting him drunk to loosen his lips, obviously--but now I'm going to have to settle for the abridged version.

End of the day...

Wow, whirlwind day. Brickasnurd gave the a magic item! We barely made it to the camp before dark. Found one of the rangers, and got some more intel. Doesn't sound like it will be too tough. Lots of walking punctuated by dealing with a snake or a wolf. He says the woods play tricks, but it sounds like stories. Could be fey stuff, but nobody said anything about running into them, which surprised me.

Still can't believe I ended up out here with ALL THREE of those guys from the boat, but at least they have more important things on their mind than how I got here, now.

The Exchange

Day two, Darkmoon Wood.

Well, no snakes or wolves today. The woods are so thick that at this rate, everybody in town will be dead by the time we get back.

We ran into a hobgoblin. Spotted him and had time to make a plan, but the guy in the mask decided to run in and blow the element of surprise. If the hobgoblin had been paying more attention, he could have put 30 arrows in the half orc before he reached the tree, then the hobgoblin was still out of reach. That one's going to be a liability.

It took most of my tricks just to deal with the hobgoblin. I greased the tree, but he still held on somehow! Shook off my color spray too, though at least it took his birds out of the fight. He surrendered pretty quickly after that.

He says his name is Grung, but that sounds made-up. I still don't trust him, but he took us to the witch's hut. What used to be the witch's hut, anyway. It's cleaned out now. Gonna keep a close eye on him during watch.

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