Ulfen Politics.

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

So Ulfen are similar to Norse Vikings in many aspects. One aspect that escapes me is their system of government. I understand the Lands of the Linnorm Kings is more of a conglomeration of smaller states that (sorta kinda) pay hommage to kings (kingship only being earned through great deed), however, what exists below the kings? Is it similar to Viking culture? Where a king is often in charge of the most powerful or prosperous town in a region, and all the other leaders (Jarls, Thanes etc.) Pay tribute in to form of taxes/goods. Or is a king fully in control of all aspects of his province and only the kingless provinces have sub-rulers?

I am trying to write an adventure path and this is an important question so input from someone from Paizo would be wonderful. I want to keep as in line with cannon as possible.

Thankyou for your time.

Silver Crusade Contributor

I recommend checking out the Campaign Setting book Lands of the Linnorm Kings, as well as Pathfinder Adventure Path #50: Night of Frozen Shadows. These should give you a pretty good idea of how the culture works in this respect.

I made a new post that asks my question a little better. In the Lands of the Linnorm Kings campaign setting there isn't much information on government in the provinces. I don't own Adventure path #50 Night of Frozen shadow so I will have to look into that later.

From what I've seen, the Linnorm Kings operate similar to "Viking" culture in that the king controls the most prosperous slice of land and the rest of it is ruled over by his or her thanes (Jarl seems to be an exclusive term for ice giants in Golarion), who provide tribute and military service in exchange for the land.

The land of a thane, in turn, is sectioned out to sharecroppers, who provide tribute and service to the thane in exchange for land.

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