Founding a new virtual lodge close to the Emerald Spire - PFS unite

Local Play

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

Theodum was walking around in his small study - his mind seeming elsewhere. How could the Decemvirate be so blind, how could they not have acted yet - or did they act and he was out of the loop? It was a possibility - he had voiced his opinion and they knew of his motives. It wouldn't be the first time that the Decemvirate would send multiple competing groups without knowledge of each other.

He placed a map of the River Kingdoms on his table and took another look at it. There - the small cross indicated the town of Thornkeep. Town - well - from what he had learned it rather deserved the title of backwater village.

And to the South-West of it - Fort Inevitable. These Chelexians and their most avid followers the Hellknights - heavily armed, well equipped, following orders to the letter - a group which you better didn't cross.

And in-between - the red cross he had added himself - the Emerald Spire. Not much was known about it yet - but it was ancient, heavily warded - as no information of it's interior could be find in any of the Pathfinder Chronicles - and - if his information was right - then the warding had been breached or was about to fail any time now.

So where was the Pathfinder Society in all of this? Theodum himself had chronicled the exploits of Hyjg Drogh - his dwarven friend who went deep into the Realms of the Mammoth Lords to find a staging ground to explore the Sky Citadel of Jormurdun.

Half of all Pathfinders had been involved in one way or the other over a full year to fight the demons near the Worldwound and to ensure the Society would be first to explore Jormurdun. Theodum himself had contributed in his own way as Wizard and Chronicler to make it a success.

And the year before that - oh – they had ventured far away to Tian Xia and the Hao Jin tapestry. How much effort had the Decemvirate spend to ensure the win in the Ruby Phoenix tournament?

So why this inaction now? Why did they ignore the Emerald Spire - a place that might become more important to Golarion as the Tapestry or Jormurdun ever would be.

Oh yes - he still heard their response to him. That is a different parallel realm to ours, created by foul Goblin Magic, generating a rift in the world and splicing an entity of their own. All they were interested was the 'real' Golarion - not 'the other one'.

Wasn't this foolish - especially in regard to the Tapestry - hadn't this also been a parallel pocket dimension. Why was that dimension 'more real' and more important as the one opening up right now.

Theodum stood up again - he had just formed a decision. He walked over to the stack with scrolls on the cupboard and started rummaging through it. There it was - the wax seal of the Open Road and the Decemvirate still unbroken.

He took out a knife and carefully cut it open - trying to preserve as much of the seal as possibly. He chided himself for being sentimental - once broken it didn't matter - but he had worked so hard for it, several years in the field to earn the scroll - only to discard it between his magical scrolls which he tended to value so much more.
There it was - written: Theodum, you are honored by the Decemvirate with the promotion to venture-captain.

Oh yes - then came the small print. A lodge wasn't included in the promotion. But after spending years of his time in the library of the Grand Lodge to do research between he knew the rules of the Society well - he might not be given a lodge - but as Venture Captain he was allowed to found one of his own - provided he managed to organize the funds and could find like minded followers.

He wouldn't follow in the steps of Grandmaster Torch and cause a second rift in the society. The wounds of the Shadow war still hadn't fully healed. No second shadow lodge for sure. He would do this in the open - with full knowledge of the Decemvirate.

A lodge close to the Emerald Spire to ensure a foothold for the Pathfinder Society - and Theodum would claim his rights as Venture Captain to found this lodge.

Money shouldn't be the problem - he had a small fortune amassed during his time as field agent. But the most important part of a lodge was the rooster of field agents.

He would start with his fellow adventurers. Harsk, Jazz Strongblade and Cathlessra had been promoted together with him. They surely would have some protégés whom they could recommend and send to this endeavor.

Then there were other adventurers he had worked with together in the past. Maybe some of them could be convinced to join as well - and from there - if he got lucky - word would spread.

Please keep this thread as a PFS centric thread as it should stay here on the PFS boards. Ideally post in character.
For the PFO relevant questions and discussions go to Landrush - a PFS settlement close to the Emerald Spire (Thod's Friends) or contact me via PM.

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