PRD pages no longer showing up in Google searches

Website Feedback

Does anyone else have this problem? I am on my desktop computer and my searches for "Pathfinder goblin" and "Pathfinder cleric" don't bring up their entries in the PRD anymore. Instead, my first results from the Ultimate Magic playtest.

I get this same problem when I switch browsers on my desktop.

This makes me have to go to the PRD main page and find my result under the relevant headings, instead of jumping straight to my desired destination with a Google search...

Windows 7, home professional. Firefox (latest production level).

Works for me. Type "pathfinder goblin" and it comes up as the first 4 links.

-- david

Strange! Why am I getting different results?

Was it my Google Account settings? Well, I just logged out of my Google Account, and I still get the same skewed results.

I thought maybe it was my browser's cookies, so I switched browsers, logged out of my Google Account, and I still have the same problem...

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Strangely enough, almost all PRD pages are currently listed as "Ultimate Magic Playtest—Round 1" on Google search result, but the links take me to the correct page.

I usually google for "PRD" instead of "Pathfinder", incidentally.

If you're using Google and you want results from the PRD, you should tell Google that by using the site operator. Try copy/pasting this into the Google search box: goblin

If your browser supports custom searches, you can add one with a site operator. In Opera I have "pf whatever" defined to search Google for "whatever", letting me search easily from the address bar.

As far as the Ultimate Magic Playtest thing goes, it looks like it was a bug the last time Google crawled the PRD. Google shows every page's title as that, but when you get to the actual site the titles seem correct. ::shrug::

Hope this helps.

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