KS2 Update 7 - Can I play the game Solo? (video transcript)

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

KS2 Update 7 - Can I play the game Solo?

Lee Hammock: Hi, I'm Lee Hammock. I'm the Lead Game Designer at Goblinworks.

Stephen Cheney: And I'm Stephen Cheney. I'm also a Game Designer at Goblinworks.

Can I play the game Solo

LH: [laughing] That is a fantastic - I love that question.

SC: [laughing] You shouldn't do that, you're going to die.

Too much honest for the Holidays, gentlemen. Let's try it again!

Offscreen: So, let's say I come into Pathfinder Online and I want to do a little bit of solo PvE, I want to be a roaming do-gooder who goes around and looks for ways to help out Settlements. What sorts of things would I do in this game?

SC: Well, the first thing to get conveyed is that I'm also a big solo player in a lot of MMOs, but I think that a lot of it has to do with it not being easy to get into a group and being sort of reliant on other people who can ruin your fun and having to gather all the stuff and our goal on the whole for Pathfinder Online is to make it as painless as possible to become part of a group for both PvE and PvP. We want Settlements to actively recruit people, we want groups to be a really good idea and make it really easy to join up, and we'll have some other ideas on how that will happen later on in development. But in general, solo play is not going to be the thing that you have to do because you just can't stand anybody else. But as a solo player, you can still help out a lot if you're willing to take on a greater risk vs. reward because if you're going to be out alone in the wilderness, you're going to be threatened by bandits, and that's something you can do. But you can also craft locally in town, and that will be almost completely safe in most locations. That can be both refining resources and producing finished goods. Additionally, you could go out in the wilderness and identify locations, scout, report back and if you realize the location is safe, you can harvest there, you can fight stuff there and there'll be a lot of things you can do in the wilderness as long as you've basically covered your own back.

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