Oculus demon

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Is there anything out there regarding an official word on whether the oculus demon can use its eye bolts to heal itself? If yes, then that it gets free healing every round and with the DR, pretty hard to take down. If no, then I think when my party returns from to the tomb, they will find a demon who's bled to death. My party was getting their butts handed to them - they entered the tomb unprepared and low on spells. Nobody could make the DC 24 saves from the eyebolts in the first round, so I went a little easy on them. Early on in the battle, the demon suffered a critical fumble, and took 1 point of bleed damage. I remembered this post raising the question so I didn't have him heal himself right then and there. The party couldn't get past his DR (even though I use Monte Cook's equivalence chart), the thing is immune or resistant to nearly all forms of energy and the Mage was severely low on spells, so I gave them an opportunity to escape (yeah, I'm a softy). So they got away. And now I find I'm in a bit of a bind. If I allow the eyebolts to heal him, then I think he's pretty much unbeatable for my party. If I don't he'll be dead from the bleed damage when they get back, kinda anti-climactic. I guess the third option is to decide he had a cure potion stashed somewhere in the tomb, but that's bordering on a bit too deus ex machina for me.

Any thoughts?


I'm pretty sure the oculus demon could find some way to staunch the bleed damage while not engaged in combat. Your players are going to get prepared and go back in expecting a thrilling fight, so it would be a shame to disappoint them. It would also be a shame to slaughter them with an unwinnable challenge, so I vote no to the self-healing eyebolts.

The updated version of the oculus demon presented in "Expedition to the Demonweb Pits" explains its negative energy affinity ability thus:-

EttDP wrote:
Negative Energy Affinity (Ex) Any negative energy spell targeted at an oculus demon repairs damage taken by the demon at the rate of 1d10 hit points per level of the spell.

So I'd say the eyebolts don't qualify. Also note that no mention is made of such a tactic, and the demon is quite a tough opponent as it is.

Callum wrote:

I'm pretty sure the oculus demon could find some way to staunch the bleed damage while not engaged in combat. Your players are going to get prepared and go back in expecting a thrilling fight, so it would be a shame to disappoint them. It would also be a shame to slaughter them with an unwinnable challenge, so I vote no to the self-healing eyebolts.

The updated version of the oculus demon presented in "Expedition to the Demonweb Pits" explains its negative energy affinity ability thus:-

EttDP wrote:
Negative Energy Affinity (Ex) Any negative energy spell targeted at an oculus demon repairs damage taken by the demon at the rate of 1d10 hit points per level of the spell.
So I'd say the eyebolts don't qualify. Also note that no mention is made of such a tactic, and the demon is quite a tough opponent as it is.

Thanks for the response. Gah - I completely forgot about the DC 15 heal check to stop a bleed. He has 10 Wis, so I'll either have him take 20 or roll it out. Feeling kinda stupid.

It's still tough. I had to figure out the lore on him on the fly for a Knowledge roll, so they don't know exactly what they need to get over the DR. But this makes me feel better. I like to stay consistent with the rules when I can. I do hand wave every once in a blue moon, but I try my best not to.

Thanks again.


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