Wooden Fences 28mm/30mm Paper Models PDF

Our Price: $1.95

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This is 28mm/30mm-scale terrain for wargaming, roleplaying games, miniature dioramas, skirmish games, model railroads, class projects or just for fun. It requires just a few sheets of cardstock (110# or 199gsm recommended), scissors, a sharp hobby knife and ordinary paper glue.

This set includes wood-textured fences in four styles:

  • Short flat-topped fences
  • Tall flat-topped fences
  • Short picket fences
  • Tall picket fences

These fences are offered in 7 different color schemes (natural wood, medium wood, dark wood, red, green, blue and white), and include optional layers for heavy weathering, planted flowers, grass, and more.

Also included:

  • Gate pieces that match each of the wooden fence types
  • Three-dimensional beams that you can use to give extra support and realism to your fences

And there's more! In this set you also get a full set of low wall and tall walls offering the following textures:

  • Red Bricks
  • Brown Bricks
  • Gray Bricks
  • Brown Stones
  • Gray Stones
  • Plaster
  • Concrete
  • Rough Concrete

There are optional overlays for these, including smoke damage, bullet damage, ruins, flowers, grass, tools and more!

MULTI-LAYERED FILES: The PDFs in this set are multi-layered and contain a variety of surface textures and external features that you can customize with the click of your mouse. These files are 200dpi, which will look great when printed at full size without requiring large file sizes. You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 or later in order to use them, and the multiple layers may take additional time to render, so please be patient while your images load onto the screen.

DIMENSIONS: The wall sections are each about 8" long. The short walls stand about 0.7" tall, and the tall walls stand about 1.2" inches.

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