Moment of Prescience—GM's Day is Coming!


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Double-hit of GM's Day Sales!

Did you spill your drink on the battlemat, lose their favorite d20, or wreck hours of careful planning with a lucky die roll? Say "sorry" with new gaming supplements for your game master this GM's Day!

For every hour of play, a game master can spend two, three, or more in preparation. Battlemats, miniatures, terrain, enemies, their minions, story, plot hooks, maybe even a friendly NPC or two—these are the pieces that have to be assembled before the dice ever hit the table in play! As a player, we're only seeing the tip of a huge gaming iceberg, and as a nod to all of the hard work that GMs do, both Tabletop Adventures and Rite Publishing have a great offer on their PDFs!

Until March 8th, you can get up to 30% off on a huge variety of PDFs from these two publishers! Need to add a den of scum and villainy to your game? No problem with Fantastic Maps: The Bandit's Lair or a copy of Evocative City Sites! Do you find yourself fumbling for a character or NPC name? Snag Deck o' Names for the faces in your game (or Japanese if you're playing in an Asian-inspired game), or give your kingdom a consistent feel with Anglo Saxon Places! Getting ready to sail the briny seas? You need to get 101 Pirate and Privateer Traits, or if you're feeling particularly lucky, try and convince the GM to let you play a monster race from In the Company of Monsters. If you need a break from fantasy, take a peek at the future-friendly supplements from Tabletop here, or give a creepier touch to your Call of Cthulhu games with Halls of Horror!

Don't forget, you can gift PDFs to other members on our forums, and be sure to check out all of our current sales right here!

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