Bite Me! Wereblooded NPCs of SpirosBlaak (PFRPG) PDF

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Bite Me! Wereblooded NPCS of SpirosBlaak presents a dozen fleshed-out wereblooded NPCs for use in your SpirosBlaak campaign--or any Pathfinder campaign, really. These NPCs are built from the Bite Me! Wereblooded PDF by Ben McFarland. Although they lack their parent's lycanthropic gifts, wereblooded share an animalistic heritage while appearing mostly -- but not quite -- like their unchanging humanoid parent.

Truly windows to the soul, the eyes of a wereblooded reveal their bestial nature, though this subtle difference means many still manage to live hidden in larger communities or on the fringes of society. Denied this luxury, monstrous wereblooded bear the animal head of their lycanthropic parent's animal form.

Within the pages of Bite Me! Wereblooded of SpirosBlaak you'll find felis, lupis, rattus, and ursus wereblooded of the following classes/levels:

  • Aerik (CG male wereblooded lupis arcane archer2/magus (myrmidarch) 9)
  • Althar Ice-Eyes (LN male wereblooded lupis gunslinger (mysterious stranger) 4)
  • Andros Janner (CG male wereblooded felis wizard (conjurer) 9)
  • Benris Tamage (NG male wereblooded lupis ranger 6)
  • Hyeros, Son of Nehem Five-Named (LG male wereblooded ursus ranger (warden) 3/shaman (speaker for the past) 2)
  • Ines Smilodontini, Daughter of Clio Smilodontini (CN female wereblooded felis aristocrat 3/ranger 8)
  • Loujhai, Daughter of Maugr Twice-Named (CN female wereblooded lupis wizard (transmuter) 8)
  • Marguerite Rinaldo (N female wereblooded felis sorcerer (elemental air) 9)
  • Miya the Lost (CG female wereblooded felis alchemist (beastmorph) 6)
  • Oryzomys, the Water Rat (N male wereblooded rattus rogue 5)
  • Serai Valis, the Courtesan (N female wereblooded felis rogue (rake) 5)
  • Valashta, Daughter of Thylma Two-Named (NG female wereblooded ursus warpriest (sacred fist) 9)

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