Astonishing Races: Samsaran (PFRPG) PDFFat Goblin GamesAstonishing Races: Samsaran gives the race a full-racial review and expansion, emulating the style of the "Core Races" as detailed in books like the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Race Guide and others. Astonishing Races: Samsaran aims to give players of the reincarnating, scholarly Samsaran immersive, world-neutral materials and support for almost any kind of play. Included are new and expanded options for alternate racial traits and subtypes, favored class options for all the base, core, hybrid, and occult classes, and 6 racial archetypes. The book also has new racial rules for samsaran equipment, feats, traits, magic items, spells and more! So if you've ever wanted to play a Warring Soul Unliving Master, an Oni-Slayer with a Seasonal Staff, or just drink some Pink Lotus Flower Tea, Astonishing Races: Samsaran is the book for you! Product Availability
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